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the enemy or by my own self-love, so as to mistake vice for virtue, to hide myself from myself, or in any way to flatter myself in my sins.

I beg of you, most gracious Virgin Mary, beloved Mother of Jesus Christ my Redeemer, intercede for me with him. Obtain for me the full knowledge of all my sins, with the grace of a sincere sorrow and a firm determination to amend my life, to the salvation of my soul and the glory of his name.

I implore the same grace of thee, my Angel Guardian, who wast present, with me when I sinned, and watched over me when I offended God; of you my holy patrons N. and N.; of you, holy St. Peter and holy Magdalen, the true models of a repentant sinner, and of all the saints of God; intercede for me, a sinner, repenting of my sins, and resolving to confess and amend them.

II.--The Examination of Conscience.

In examining your conscience, remember you have to find out what sins you have committed, and how many times you have committed them. You are obliged to confess all mortal sins, and one mortal sin omitted either wilfully or through a careless examination of your conscience, renders your confession of no avail, and makes you guilty of the sin of sacrilege. Examine your conscience, therefore, with great care; often during your examination make a little aspiration, "Jesus, give me your grace," or, "Mary, my Mother, help me."

If you confess often, every week or month, you may use the following examination of conscience. N B. Always confess, in addition to your present sins, some sin of your past life; one you feel most sorrow for.

An Examination of Conscience for those who confess their Sins regularly and frequently, according to the threefold duty we owe to God, to our Neighbour, and to ourselves.*


1. Have I omitted morning or evening prayer, or neglected to make my daily examination of conscience? Have I prayed negligently, and with wilful distractions?

2. Have I been negligent in the discharge of any of my religious duties? Have I taken care that those under my charge have not wanted the instructions necessary for their condition, nor time for prayer, or to prepare for the sacraments?

3. Have I spoken irreverently of God and holy things? Have I taken his name in vain, or told untruths?

4. Have I omitted my duty through human respect or interest? &c.

5. Have I been zealous for God's honour, for justice, virtue, and truth, and reproved such as act otherwise?

6. Have I resigned my will to God in troubles, necessities, sickness?

7. Have I carefully avoided all kinds of impurity, and faithfully resisted thoughts of infidelity, distrust, presumption?

* For a larger form, see p. 162.


1. Have I disobeyed my superiors, murmured against their commands, or spoken of them contemptuously?

2. Have I been troubled, peevish, or impatient, when told of my faults, and not corrected them? Have I scorned the good advice of others, or censured their proceedings? 3. Have I offended any one by injurious words or actions, or given way to hatred, jealousy, or revenge?

4. Or lessened their reputation by any sort of detraction, or in any matter of importance?

5. Have I formed rash judgments, or spread any report, true or false, that exposed my neighbour to contempt, or made him undervalued?

6. Have I, by carrying stories backward and forward, or otherwise, created discord and misunderstanding between neighbours?

7. Have I been forward or peevish towards any one in my carriage, speech, or conversation?

8. Or taken pleasure to vex, mortify, or provoke them?

9. Have I mocked or reproached them for their corporal or spiritual imperfections?

10. Have I been excessive in reprehending those under my care, or been wanting in giving them just reproof?

11. Have I borne with their oversights and imperfections, and given them good counsel ?

12. Have I been solicitous for such as are under my charge; and provided for their souls and bodies?


1. Have I been obstinate in following my own will, or in defending my own opinion in things either indifferent, dangerous, or scandalous?

2. Have I taken pleasure in hearing myself praised, or acted from motives of vanity or human respect?

3. Have I indulged myself in too much ease and sloth, or any ways yielded to sensuality or impurity?

4. Has my conversation been edifying and moderate; or have I been froward, proud, or troublesome to others?

5. Have I spent over much time in recreation or useless employments, and thereby omitted or put off my devotions to unseasonable times?

6. Have I yielded to intemperance, rage, impatience, or jealousy?

Should it unfortunately happen you have been a long time away from confession, or if you are preparing for a general confession, you can use the following Examination of Conscience:

Examination of Conscience upon the Ten Commandments.

The First Commandment.

"I am the Lord thy God," &c.-EXODUS XX.

HAVE you been guilty of heresy or disbelief, or wilful doubting of any article of faith? How often? and for how long a time? Or have you rashly exposed yourself to the danger of infidelity, by reading bad books, or keeping wicked company? How often?

Have you, by word or deed, denied your religion, or gone to places of false worship, so as to join in any way in the worship, or to give scandal? How often?

Have you been ignorant of the articles of your creed, of the commandments, or of any of those things which Christians in your station are bound to know For how long a time?

Have you despaired of salvation, or of the forgiveness of your sins? Or have you rashly presumed upon finding mercy; going on in your sins, without any thoughts of amendment; or depending upon a death-bed repentance? How long have you been in this way?

Have you, after falling into mortal sin, neglected for a long time to turn to God by repentance? and for how long a time?

Have you committed any thing that you judged or doubted to be a mortal sin, though perhaps it was not so? How often? Or have you exposed

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