yourself to the evident danger of mortal sin? How often? and of what sin? Have you been negligent in the worship of God? seldom or never adoring and praising him, or giving him thanks; praying but little, or with little attention; and neglecting to make acts of faith, hope, or love of God? How long has this negligence continued? Have you made a sacrilegious confession or communion, by concealing some mortal sin in confession, or what you doubted might be mortal; or for want of a hearty sorrow for your sins, and a firm purpose of amendment; or by being grossly negligent in the examination of your conscience? How often? Have you received any other sacrament, for example, confirmation or matrimony, in mortal sin? Have you neglected to perform the penance enjoined in confession? or said it with wilful distractions? How often? Have you presumed to receive the Blessed Sacrament after having broken your fast? Have you been guilty of idolatry, or of giving divine honours to any thing created, or used any witchcraft, or charms, or spells, or such like other diabolical inventions? How often? and with what scandal or ill example to others? Have you employed prayers or sacred names to superstitious uses? How often? Have you consulted fortune-tellers, or made use of any superstitious practices, to find out things to come, recover things lost, &c.? How often? Have you given credit to dreams, taken notice of omens, or made any other superstitious observations? How often? Have you blasphemed God or his saints? How often? Have you abused the holy Scriptures, or scoffed at holy things? How often? The Second Commandment. "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain." Have you taken God's name in vain, or used it without respect in common discourse? Have you taken a false oath, or sworn to what you did not certainly know whether it was true or false? Have you taken a rash oath, or without a sufficient reason? Have you taken an oath to do anything that was wicked or unlawful? or broken your lawful oaths? How often? Have you had a custom of swearing rashly and inconsiderately by the name of God, by your soul, or by the way of imprecation upon yourself? How long have you had this custom? How many times a day have you sworn in this manner? Have you sworn by the blood or wounds of God, or any other blasphemous oath? How often? Have you cursed yourself or others, or any thing else? and if so, was it from your heart? How often? Have you been accessary to others swearing, cursing, or blaspheming? How often? Have you made a rash vow, without sufficient knowledge or deliberation? Have you broken any vow or solemn promise made to God? How often? The Third Commandment. "Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath Day." Have you neglected to keep holy the Sunday? Have you, when prevented from hearing mass on Sundays and Holydays, supplied the omission by prayers at home, and taken care that those under your charge did the same? Have you done any servile work without necessity upon those days? or been accessary to others so doing? How often? Have you spent those days in idleness or sin? or been accessary to others spending them so? How often? The Fourth Commandment. "Honour thy father and thy mother." If a Child.-Have you been wanting in your duty to your parents, by not loving them, or not shewing them due respect; or by disobeying them? and was it in any matter of moment! Or have you been disobedient or disrespectful to any other lawful superiors? How often? Have you desired your parents' death, or cursed them? Or given them injurious language? Qr lifted up your hand against them? Or threatened them? Or provoked them to swear, or otherwise to offend God? Or caused them any considerable trouble or uneasiness? How often? Have you stolen from your parents, or otherwise wronged them? Or squandered away their substance? How much, and how often? Have you neglected to succour your parents in their necessities, either corporal or spiritual? If a Parent.-Have you been negligent in procuring that your children should be speedily oaptised? Or that they should be timely instructed in their prayers and the Christian doctrine? Or have you been wanting in giving them early impressions of the fear and love of God? Or in taking care of their discharging their duty with regard to the sacraments? Have you neglected to correct them; or been excessive in your correction? Have you neglected to remove from them the occasions of sin, such as wicked companions, bad books, romances, &c.; or suffered them to lie in the same bed with one another, with danger to their chastity? Have you flattered them in their passions, or indulged them in their evil inclinations? Have you given them bad example? How often, and in what kind? If a Servant.-Have you disobeyed your master or mistress? Have you been wanting in diligence or industry? Have you injured or destroyed their property through carelessness or neglect ? or suffered others to injure them? Have you stolen from them, or given any thing away without their knowledge? Have you betrayed their confidence by revealing their secrets, by tale-bearing, by lies, &c.? Have you obeyed or flattered them in any thing sinful? If a Master or Mistress.--Have you neglected to watch over the conduct of your servants? Have you refused, without necessity, to allow them time to hear Mass on Sundays and Holydays, or to frequent the sacraments? Have you overburdened them with work, or treated them injuriously? The Fifth Commandment. "Thou shalt not kill." Have you been guilty of anger or violent passion? And if so, what scandal was given? Have you desired any one's death, through hatred or malice? or for your temporal interest? How often? Have you revenged yourself of any one by word or action, or desired revenge, or taken pleasure in the thoughts of it? How often? Have you provoked, challenged, or struck others, or been guilty of quarrelling or fighting with them? How often? And what mischief have you done them? Have you borne malice to others, or refused to be reconciled to them? For how long a time? And what sort of evil had you in your heart against them? Have you procured, or thought to procure, a miscarriage? or given any counsel, aid, or assistance thereunto? How often? Have you done anything to shorten your own or any other's life, or to hasten death? or rashly exposed yourself or others to danger? How often? Have you desired your own death, through passion or impatience? or entertained any thoughts of making away with yourself? or attempted or designed any such thing? How often? Have you neglected to give alms according to your condition and ability? Or to reclaim sinners when it lay in your power? How often? Have you been guilty of any spiritual murder, by drawing others into mortal sin? Or have you been accessary to the sins of others, by counsel or command, or provocation, or any other way? How often? And what sins? Have you given scandal or occasion of sin to others, by lewd or irreligious discourse; by drunkenness or swearing; by immodesty of dress or behaviour, &c.? N B.-The circumstance of scandal is generally found in all sins that are known to others, by reason of the force of ill example, which encourages others to sin.. |