worthiness, and for my innumerable sins, which I detest for the love of thee. Thou seest, O Searcher of hearts, all my maladies, and all the wounds of my soul. Thou knowest how prone I am to evil, and how backward and sluggish to good. Who can heal all these my evils but thou, the true physician of my soul, who givest me thy body and blood in this blessed sacrament, as a sovereign medicine for all my infirmities? Dispel the darkness of ignorance from my understanding by thy heavenly light; drive away the corruption and malice of my will by the fire of divine love and charity; strengthen my weakness with heavenly fortitude; subdue in me all evil passions, particularly that which is most deeply rooted in me; stand by me henceforward in all my temptations, that I may never more be overcome; and grant me that I may rather die a thousand deaths, than live to offend thee mortally. O my Jesus, thou art infinitely rich, and all the treasures of divine grace are locked up in thee! These treasures thou bringest with thee when thou dost visit us in this blessed sacrament, and thou takest an infinite pleasure in opening them to us, to enrich our poverty. This it is that gives me con fidence to present thee now with my petitions, and to beg of thee those graces and virtues which I stand so much in need of. Oh, increase and strengthen my belief of thy heavenly truths; and grant that henceforward I may ever live by faith, and be guided by the maxims of thy Gospel. Teach me to be poor in spirit, and take off my heart from the love of these transitory things, and fix it upon eternity: teach me, by thy divine example, and by thy most efficacious grace, to be meek and humble of heart, and in my patience to possess my soul. Grant that I may ever keep my body and soul chaste and pure; that I may ever bewail my past sins, and by a daily mortification, restrain all irregular inclinations and passions for the future. Teach me to love thee, to be ever recollected in thee, and to walk always in thy presence; teach me to love my friends in thee, and my enemies for thee; grant me grace to presevere to the end in this love, and so to come one day to that blessed place where I may love and enjoy thee for ever. Have mercy also on my parents, friends, and benefactors, and on all those for whom I am bound to pray, that we may all love thee and faithfully serve thee. Have mercy on thy whole Church, especially on the clergy and religious men and women, that all may live up to their callings and sanctify thy name. Give thy grace and blessing to all princes and magistrates, and to all Christian people; convert all unbelievers and sinners, and bring all strayed sheep back to thy fold; particularly have mercy on N. and Ñ., &c. O blessed Virgin, Mother of my God and Saviour, recommend all these my petitions to your Son. O all ye angels and saints, citizens of heaven, unite your prayers with mine; you ever stand before the throne, and see him face to face whom I here receive hidden under the sacramental veil; be ever mindful of me, and obtain from him, and through him, that with you I may bless him and love him for ever. Amen. INVOCATIONS TO BE SAID AFTER HOLY (300 days; plenary each month if said every day.) Water of Christ's side, wash out my stains; Guard me, should the foe assail me ; World without end. Amen. A plenary indulgence when said before a figure of Christ crucified after Communion. Behold, O kind and most sweet Jesus, I cast myself upon my knees in thy sight, and with the most fervent desire of my soul I pray and beseech thee that thou wouldst impress upon my heart lively sentiments of faith, hope, and charity, with true repentance for my sins, and a firm desire of amendment, whilst with deep affection and grief of soul I ponder within myself, and mentally contemplate thy five most precious wounds; having before my eyes that which David spake in prophecy: "They pierced my hands and my feet; they have numbered all my bones." PRAYER TO THE MOST HOLY SACRAMENT. (100 days.) Behold, my most loving Jesus, to what an excess thy boundless love has carried thee. Of thine own Flesh and Precious Blood thou hast made ready for me a banquet, in order to give me all thyself. What was it that impelled thee to this transport of love for me? It was thy heart, thy loving heart! 0 Adorable Heart of my Jesus! burning furnace of Divine Love! within thy most sacred wound receive thou my soul, that in this school of Charity I may learn to requite the love of that God who has given me such wondrous proofs of his love. Amen. EJACULATIONS. (100 days.) I adore thee every moment, O living Bread of Heaven, great Sacrament. Jesus, Heart of Mary, I pray thee send thy blessing on my soul. Holiest Jesus! loving Saviour! I give thee my heart. May all know, adore, and praise every moment, always the most holy and divine Sacrament. |