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Would my God that I were able, with neverceasing tears, and the last drop of my blood, to atone for so much guilt and ingratitude! But, since no created being can make due satisfaction to thy offended majesty, I here offer thee the divine ardours of the Heart of thy Son Jesus Christ, to satisfy for the ingratitude of mine; and I present to thee the blood that flowed from his wounded Heart at his last gasp on the cross, in satisfaction for my own sins, and for those of my fellow creatures; earnestly beseeching thee, my God, rather to take me out of the world at the present moment, than let me live to offend thee grievously any more. Amen.


IN HONOUR OF THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS. (300 days. Plenary once a month.)

V. Incline unto my aid, O God.
R. O Lord, make haste to help me.

I. O most amiable Jesus! in beholding the compassion and mercy thou entertainest for sinners, which shines forth in thy divine Heart, I feel mine bounding with joy, and filled with the hope of being well received by thee. Alas! how many sins have I committed: but as, like repentant Peter and peni

tent Magdalen, I deplore and detest them, because they offend thee, O Sovereign Good! grant unto me a general pardon, and by thy tender Heart ordain that I may rather die than offend thee, and that I may live only to love thee.

One Pater and five Gloria's.

In honour of the five wounds and the divine Heart of Jesus, and then the following aspiration:

O amiable Heart of Jesus! grant that I may ever love thee more and more!

II. I bless, O Jesus! thy most humble Heart, and return thee thanks for having given it as a model to mine. Not only hast thou strongly incited me to imitate it, but by it thou hast shewn me and levelled for me the paths of thy great humiliations. I have been both ungrateful and insensible. Pardon my wanderings. I will no longer be the slave of pride or vanity, but follow thee in the midst of humiliations, with a humble heart, that I may obtain peace and salvation; support me, and I will bless thy Heart for all eternity.

One Pater, five Gloria's-O amiable Heart, &c.

III. I admire, O Jesus! thy most patient Heart, and thank thee for the wonderful examples of an invincible' meekness which

thou hast left us. I am afflicted at the sight of my extreme delicacy, which cannot suffer the least pain. Ah, Jesus! pour into my heart a fervent and constant love of tribulations, crosses, mortification and penance, to the end that, following thee to Calvary, I may deserve to be united to thee in the delights and the glory of Paradise..


One Pater, five Gloria's-O amiable Heart,

IV. In beholding the infinite meekness of thy Heart, O my Jesus! I have a horror of mine, which is so different to thine. Alas! a shadow, a gesture, a word which is contrary to mine, suffices to afflict and to trouble me. Pardon these transports, I beseech thee, aud grant me the grace to imitate thy unalterable meekness, in whatever situation I may be placed, and thence to enjoy eternal peace.

One Pater, five Gloria's-O amiable Heart, &c.

V. May thy generous heart, victorious over death and hell, be honoured with every praise; it merits them all, O my Jesus! As for me, I am more than ever confounded at beholding mine so pusillanimous, that a vain expression or the smallest object alarms it; but it shall be so no more. Grant me

strength to combat and to conquer upon earth, to the end that, triumphing over all, I may, with thee, be replenished with joy in heaven.

One Pater, five Gloria's-O amiable Heart, &c.

Let us turn towards Mary, in consecrating ourselves to the Heart of her Son, and full of confidence in her maternal tenderness, say to her:

By the fervent prayers of your most meek Heart, obtain for me, O Mary! Mother of God and my Mother, a true and constant devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, your Son to the end that, uniting with you in thoughts and affections, I may think only of fulfilling my duties, and of maintaining myself in an interior peace, until that moment when I shall appear before him.


V. Heart of Jesus! glowing with love for

R. Grant that our hearts may be inflamed with the love of thee.

Let us pray.

We beseech thee, O Lord! that the Holy Ghost may enkindle in us that fire which Jesus Christ has drawn from the profundity of his Heart to extend over the earth, and which he desires to see enkindled. He who liveth and reigneth for ever and ever.




A prayer for the Benediction of the Most Holy Sacrament. O DIVINE Redeemer of our souls, who of thy great goodness hast been pleased to leave us thy precious body and blood in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, I adore thee with the most profound reverence. I humbly thank thee for all the favours thou hast bestowed upon us, especially for the institution of this Most Holy Sacrament. And as thou art the source of every blessing, I entreat thee to pour down thy benediction this day upon us, and upon all those for whom we offer up our prayers. And that nothing may interrupt the course of thy blessing, I beseech thee to banish from my heart all that displeases thee: pardon me my sins, O my God, since I sincerely detest them for love of thee; purify my heart, sanctify my soul, bestow on me a blessing like that which thou didst grant to thy disciples at thy ascension into heaven; grant me a lessing that may change, consecrate, and unite me perfectly to thee, and may fill me with thy Spirit, and be to me in this life a foretaste of those blessings which thou reservest

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