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CHAP. 70.

An Act respecting the Canada Central Railway


[Assented to 22nd March, 1907.]

HEREAS the Canada Central Railway Company has by Preamble. its petition prayed that it be enacted as hereinafter set 1902, c. 45; forth, and it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition: 1903, c. 91; Therefore His Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:

1. Chapter 68 of the statutes of 1905 is repealed.

1905, c. 68.

1905, c. 68 repealed.

of railways

2. The Canada Central Railway Company may commence Time for the construction of its railways, and expend fifteen per cent of construction its capital stock thereon, within two years after the passing of extended. this Act, and may complete the railways and put them in operation within five years after the passing of this Act; and if the railways are not so commenced and such expenditure is not so made, or if the railways are not completed and put in operation within the said respective periods, the powers granted to the said Company by Parliament shall cease and be null and void as respects so much of the railways as then remains uncompleted.

with other

3. Subject to the provisions of sections 361, 362 and 363 of Agreements The Railway Act, the said Company may enter into agreements companies. with all or any of the companies hereinafter named for any of the purposes specified in the said section 361, such companies. being the Manitoulin and North Shore Railway Company, the Pacific and Atlantic Railway Company, the Algoma Central and Hudson Bay Railway Company, the International Transit Company, the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the Canadian Northern Railway Company, the Canadian Northern Ontario Railway Company, the Grand Trunk Railway Com

pany of Canada, the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company, the Vancouver, Victoria and Eastern Railway and Navigation Company, the Victoria Terminal Railway and Ferry Company, the Vancouver, Westminster and Yukon Railway Company, the Crow's Nest Southern Railway Company, the Bedlington and Nelson Railway Company, the Kootenay Valley Railway Company, the Brandon, Saskatchewan and Hudson's Bay Railway Company, and the Midland Railway of Canada.

OTTAWA: Printed by SAMUEL EDWARD DAWSON, Law Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty.

CHAP. 71.

An Act respecting the Canadian Northern Railway



[Assented to 27th April, 1907.]

HEREAS the Canadian Northern Railway Company has Preamble. by its petition prayed that it be enacted as hereinafter

set forth, and it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition: Therefore His Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as The Canadian Northern Railway Short title. Act, 1906-7.


2. The amounts of bonds which the Canadian Northern Bond issue Railway Company, hereinafter called "the Company," may increased, except in under existing legislation now or hereafter issue is hereby certain increased by five thousand dollars per mile of railway from time to time constructed or under contract to be constructed: Provided that the proceeds of such additional bonds shall be used for the betterments of the railway: Provided, however, that with respect to the lines from Edmonton to the Pacific coast and the lines in British Columbia the present limit of thirty-five thousand dollars per mile shall not be exceeded.

may be issued terminals

3. In addition to the amounts of bonds, debentures, per- Additional petual or terminal debenture stock or other securities which securities the Company may, under existing legislation, now or hereafter for Winnipeg issue, the Company may from time to time issue such securities under or any of them for such amounts as the directors think neces- agreement sary to raise the moneys required from time to time to meet G. T. R. Co. the expenditures called for under a certain agreement made between the Canadian Northern Railway Company and the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company and His Majesty the


King and the Commissioners of the Transcontinental Railway, respecting terminals at the city of Winnipeg, and the securities to be given therefor may include mortgages, pledges or charges upon the whole or part of the rights and interests of the Company under the said agreement and in the lands and premises covered thereby and in moneys payable to the Company thereunder.

OTTAWA: Printed by SAMUEL EDWARD DAWSON, Law Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty.

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