The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Passed in the ... [1807-69]., 79. köide;1225. köideHis Majesty's statute and law Printers, 1839 |
Common terms and phrases
Act passed aforesaid amend appointed Assessment awarded Bank of England Bankrupt Board Borough British Museum Button-board Calendar Months Certificate charged Clerk Commissioners Committee Constable County Court Court of Session Creditors Debt deemed directed Duties Election entitled Estate Exchequer Bills Execution Expences further enacted Governor Hereditaments herein-after herein-before House Interim Factor intituled An Act Ireland Lands late Majesty King lawful levied liable Lord Ordinary Lords Spiritual Magistrate Majesty King George Majesty's Majesty's Treasury Manner ment Metropolitan Police District Mill-board Monies Number Oath Offence Officer of Excise Order Owner paid Parish Party Paste-board payable Payment Peace Penalty Person or Persons Petition Place Pounds Powers Prison Provided Purchase Purposes Quarter Sessions Queen's most Excellent Rate receive recited Act Recognizance Reign repealed respectively River Shannon Scale-board Sequestration Session of Parliament Sheriff Tenements therein thereof thereto thousand eight hundred tion Tithes Treasurer Trustee United Kingdom Vict virtue Warrant whereas William the Fourth
Popular passages
Page 310 - augmented by the Governors of the Bounty of Queen Anne for the Augmentation of the Maintenance of the poor Clergy shall be situate, or his or their Successors, should by virtue of that Act be divested or discharged from the same, but that the Cure of Souls, with all other Parochial Rights and Duties (such
Page 45 - to order the Money so agreed or awarded as aforesaid to be paid into the Bank of England in the Name and with • the Privity of the Accountant General of the said Court of Exchequer, to be placed to his Account to the Credit of the Parties interested in the said
Page 448 - and be applied to several Persons or Things as well as to One Person or Thing; and every Word importing the Masculine Gender only shall extend and be applied to a Female as well as a Male; unless there be something in the Subject or Context repugnant to such Construction respectively.
Page 394 - Ireland, on the Application of the said Commissioners by Motion or Petition, to direct any Person whom such Court may think fit to appoint for such Purpose to execute to the said Commissioners a Conveyance in the Form aforesaid, or as near thereto as the Circumstances of the Case will admit, of the Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments the
Page 105 - That it shall be lawful for the Governors of the Bounty of Queen Anne for the Augmentation of the Maintenance of the Poor Clergy to advance and lend, at One or more Time or Times, out of the Money which has arisen or shall from Time to Time
Page 88 - as before or often We have commanded you], That within Eight Days after the Service of this Writ on you, inclusive of the Day of such Service, you do cause an Appearance to be entered for you in Our Court of Pleas at Durham in an Action on Promises
Page vi - 39. An Act to amend an Act passed in the last Session of Parliament, for abolishing Arrest on Mesne Process in Civil Actions except in certain Cases, for extending the Remedies of Creditors against the Property of Debtors, and for amending the Laws for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors in England.
Page 163 - in like Manner as if the same had been made payable until that Time by the said first-recited Act CAP. XXXIII. An Act to indemnify such Persons in the United Kingdom as have omitted to qualify themselves for Offices and Employments, and for extending the Time limited for those Purposes respectively until the Twenty-fifth Day of March One thousand eight
Page 310 - and Eighth Years of the Reign of His late Majesty, intituled ' An Act to amend the Acts for building and promoting the building of additional Churches in populous Parishes :' And whereas another Act was passed in the Second and Third Years of the Reign of His said late Majesty, to render more effectual the aforesaid Act passed
Page 158 - William the Fourth, intituled An Act to provide for the Regulation of Municipal Corporations in England and Wales, and by an Act passed in the Session holden in the Sixth and Seventh Years of the same Reign, intituled An Act