Loifa to Abelard
E by Mr. Pope
Quotation from it 71, 74 Who they were ibid Enemies of Mr. Pope who 91 Epiftle from a Nobleman to a Doctor of Divinity 333 Epitaph of the Duke of Buckingham, wrote by him- felf 155 By the Bishop of Rochester, intended for Dryden 196 Mr. Rowe's by Mr. Pope 218 Effay on Criticism wrote by Mr. Pope Effay on Man the two firft E- piftles opposed without Re- turn from Mr. Pope 270 Excife objected against by the
Able of Dryope tranfla-
ted from Ovid's Meta-
morphofis by Mr. Pope 79 Of a Pantomime
Fame, Temple of, a Poem by Mr. Pope.
Quotation from it Who appear'd against it 63 Sir Richard Steele writes Mr. Pope a Letter about it ibid Father, Mr. Pope's, Verses on his Death 3 Feaft Alexander's, Mr. Dry- den's Fame by it A Defect in it, where Fermor, Mrs. Arabella, Rape of the Lock dedicated to her
Foxton Mr. abufes Mr. Pope
Barl of Mulgrave in King Gming under what Pre-
Charles the Second's Time
tence supported 258 Garter, Blue, the Duke of Buckingham receives the Promile of it at Yarmouth
What he fays of the Duke of Henley Orator mention'd in
Mentioned in the Dunciad to
his Praise Author of the Dispensary
Some Account of him 304 When dyed, and where bu- ried
305 Mr. Pope addrefs'd his Second Paftoral to him Manner of his Death Gazetteers mentioned in the Dunciad, who they were
Strikes Medals
His ludicrous Oratory ibid Holland, Philemon Doctor in Phyfick 252 Homer the Iliad undertook to be tranflated by Mr. Pope
Homer, Difpute in France a bout it
J Acobites, one of 'em talke
to Mr. Pope 176 Jarvis, Mr. Poem to him, with Frefney's Art of Paint-
ing Occafion of Conference be- tween Mr. Pope and Mr. Addifon James, Royal, a Man of War burnt 125 What she had on Board ibid Ingram, Mrs. who she is 285 Journals, Mift's belies Mr Pope about Mr Addison 97 Journal, British, abufes Mr. Pope Journal, Daily, abufes Mr Pope Ireland has received great Benefit from Dean Swift's Writings
Mr Steele to Mr Pope on the Temple of Fame 63 Mr Pope to 7. C. Efq; on Mr Dennis's Remarks on the Effay on Criticiím 8z Mr Pope to General ****** on his Tranflation of the Effay on Criticism into French 87 The Duke of Buckingham to Mr Pope affifting him in his Tranflation of Homer 102 Mr Pope's Answer to the foregoing Mr Addifon to Mr. Pope after he had begun to tranflate Homer Another on the fame Subject 113 Duke of Buckingham to the Duke of Chandos about
Marlborough, Duke of, re- flected on at the fame Time with Mr Pope Marlborough, Dutchefs of, re- commends Mrs Maham to Queen Anne 177 Ts fupplanted by her ibid Is refus'd fpeaking to the Queen ibid What Friendship she had for- merly with her ibid Merchants Tale altered from Chaucer by Mr Pope 79 Meffiah, a facred Eclogue by Mr Pope Quotation from it A Line altered in it by Sir Richard Steele Milbourne Luke, his Character of Priests from Thomas a Kempis Monmouth, Duke of, when fet up for a Soldier All Things concur with his Ambition
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