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from fifteen to twenty years of age, was detailed to serve as a telegrapher, and put in charge of the office at Cairo, and called my brother from home, he was too young for a soldier; we sent him to Trenton, Tennessee, and from there to Columbus. There he was captured at his post of duty while he was on guard and sent to Libby Prison, and kept there three months, and then they discovered him to be a Union military telegrapher and they sent him to Andersonville, where he stayed seven months, and was brought home naked and a wreck and died in that way. I belonged to this telegraph corps; and because they are poor and only a few in number, they cannot obtain the right to receive a pension like other soldiers. I think this Society of the Army of the Tennessee can honor itself and honor these men by asking Congress to grant this right, that they be made a part of the established Union army.

General Hickenlooper:-There is a good deal to be said on both sides of this question. I have no disposition to oppose that resolution, but I am free to say that personally I am not in favor of this line of action. I do not wish to oppose the spirit of the resolution, but I would ask that that portion of the resolution which makes it incumbent upon the officers of this Society to transmit copies of these resolutions to persons in authority, be stricken out of this resolution, and that the Society, if they so desire, give expression to their judgment and leaving it with the parties in interest to carry it out according to their wishes.

Colonel Dayton:-I would call the attention of the Society to the second article of the Constitution. I am very much in the position of my friend, General Hickenlooper; I want to do any thing we can consistently do, but the question arises, we have got to draw the line somewhere, and this resolution takes the Society into an action outside of the provisions of its Constitution. The second article of the Constitution, as most of you will remember, reads this way: "The object of the Society shall be to keep alive and preserve that kindly and cordial feeling which has been one of the characteristics of this army during its career in the service, and which has given it such harmony of action, and contributed in no small degree to its glorious achievements in our country's cause." The other two clauses of this article are substantially following in the same line; therefore, I say, Mr. Chairman and gen tlemen of the Society, if we pass this resolution, which looks

well enough on its face and probably is according to the sentiment of the gentlemen here present, we go outside of the limits of our Constitution.

General Dodge:-I think I can suggest a way out of the difficulty. It seems to me that if these gentlemen will embody in a petition what they ask, there is not a single officer of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee but what will sign it, and it will have the same effect as if it were a positive resolution.

The President:-The amendment I will first consider. General Hickenlooper proposes to amend the paper which has been read by striking out the words which I read: “That a copy of this resolution, signed by the officers of this Society, be furnished to the United States Military Telegraph Staff.”

General Hickenlooper:-I must plead guilty to a misapprehension of the resolution; I thought it was the transmission of copies of the resolutions to some of the legislative authorities. If that is all the action desired on our part, I cannot see how the Society can consistently refuse to furnish them.

General Belknap:-There is a way out of this trouble. I would suggest to the comrade who offered that resolution that he withdraw it and prepare a paper for us individually to sign, and there is not a man of us who will not sign it.

General Jones:-I reckon this is one of "the flowers that hang over the garden wall." I hope that this resolution will be adopted. I can't see any reason why it should not be, and I think that Colonel Fuller, who offers it, and who is at the head of this business, ought to be complimented by passing it in a whole-hearted way. I know a man now in our town--whom I saw at Corinth and in the Atlanta campaign, who was in the front all the time, and who was disabled and who ought to be relieved. We know the value of these men; General Sherman knows more about their value than all of us put together; just in proportion to our rank, we understand it; and I hope this resolution will be adopted, and adopted in a whole-hearted way.

General Fuller:-I hope the resolution will obtain. I think we can afford officially to say what we think individually. If we are to draw the line, as Colonel Dayton says properly, we want to draw it outside of these intelligent and valuable men who stood

with us and suffered with us in the defense of our country. I move for the adoption of the resolution.

The President:-The question is upon the adoption of the resolution of Colonel Fuller, as it was read. All those in favor of the Society adopting the resolution will say "aye."

The motion was carried.

General Belknap:-I believe current business is in order. The Society of Crocker's Iowa Brigade, an organization composed of the Eleventh, Thirteenth, Fifteenth and Sixteenth Iowa, and a most thorough organization in its detail, of which I have the honor to be President, met at Council Bluffs last week. Nearly seven hundred members were present; one hundred and fifty from Nebraska and Kansas who had never been present before. I am directed by that Society to say to the Society of the Army of the Tennessee that their next meeting will be held in the city of Des Moines, Iowa, in the third week of September, 1891, and to invite to that meeting the attendance of every member of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee. It is hoped that they will be present, and their expenses will be paid from the day they arrive in Des Moines to the time they leave. [Applause.]

The President:-They invite us two years hence. [Laughter.] I think it will be well to put that on record and leave it for future consideration.

General Hickenlooper:—I move that the invitation be received and placed upon record. It would be premature to act upon it


Motion adopted.

General Fisk:-I move that the thanks of the Society be tendered to Crocker's Brigade for the invitation.

The motion was carried.

General Hickenlooper:-The chairman of the banquet committee have to announce that the time has come when they must ascertain who will be in attendance; and if there are any gentlemen present who have not obtained their tickets, and who desire to do so, the Secretary of the Committee will be here at the close of the meeting and will furnish them. They desire to ascertain at the earliest possible moment, so that proper arrangements may be made.

The President:-Gentlemen, we are drawing to a conclusion; Colonel Dayton has a statement he wishes to make in reference to our badge.

Colonel Dayton:-You will remember that at our meeting last year, I spoke of the question of the badge of the Society; in reference to how it was being furnished; that there is no stated place to get it, and I was appointed a committee of one to select that place. I have investigated, and I find that there are almost as many different styles as there are separate badges made. The original design of the Society, which was made by a committee of General Force, General Yorke and General Hickenlooper, was carried out and made by Tiffany & Co., of New York. I have seen them; they have got dies from which that badge was made, and I would suggest-it does not require a resolution-that the badges be procured there. They will be as cheap as they can be had anywhere else, and when a member wants a badge he can write to the Corresponding Secretary or Treasurer, and he will get his badge, and get it correctly; and if anybody desires to offer a resolution to that effect it will be in order.

General Hickenlooper:-This same subject was up for consideration at the previous meeting. I said nothing then, because I did not then exactly understand the purport of it. Now that it is presented to the Society for official action I deem it proper for me to express my opinion on it, and which I feel more at liberty to do, from the fact that I was the designer of the badge which was adopted by the Society, and which has been continuously used since then. I don't know what the object or purpose is in passing a resolution that Tiffany & Co. should be the exclusive controllers of the badge in manufacturing, and I would ask if there is any object or purpose in that. The badges have been for years and years continuously made for this Society in a satisfactory manner, according to the original design; the members have been supplied, and I can see no object in changing now.

Colonel Dayton:-The object is this: I have had many inquiries where the badge could be had, which was the standard badge of the Society.

General Hickenlooper:-The standard badge can be had and has been manufactured and sold by Oskamp, of this city.

Colonel Dayton:-I have been myself to Oskamp & Co., and I find that they make four or five styles of badges.

General Hickenlooper: - They have silver, gold and composition, which was authorized by the Society fifteen years ago.

Colonel Dayton:-I didn't know that anything had been authorized except the standard badge of gold.

General Hickenlooper:-It was authorized and the circulars which were sent out to the members so stated, ten years ago. Colonel Dayton:-Not for any silver badges.

General Hickenlooper:-Silver, gold and composition.
Colonel Dayton:-That is news to me.

General Hickenlooper:-There may be things which are news, but these are facts.

The President:-Now, gentlemen, any other business in order. Captain Andreas:-To prevent any misunderstanding, I want to announce that those who came in special cars from Chicago will start back at 8:20, Pan-handle,—all those who have transportation that way.

General Raum:-With your permission, I wish to inform the members of the Society that the book for subscription to the Logan monument is here on this desk, and after the adjournment of the meeting, any one who wishes to subscribe to this fund can do so, and we would be very glad to receive his subscription.

The President:-Any further business is in order; when we adjourn this morning we adjourn until we meet again in Chicago, at the call of your President. To-night the banquet will be held, but that is simply an informal affair. Now is the time to transact any business, to make any statement, or do anything that will interest the Society to go upon record with our annual proceedings. If there is no such business pending, we will adjourn. Adjourned.

Members registered at the meeting:

Lieutenant-Colonel Jos. Stockton, Chicago, Ill.

Lieutenant William Bain, St. Louis, Mo.

Captain Isaac B. Potts, Columbus, O.

Major Chas. Hipp, St. Marys, O.

Captain A. T. Andreas, Chicago, Ill.

Major J. H. Stanton, U. S. A., Chicago, Ill.

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