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sympathy with us as they were within a few years after the close of the war. That is evident in every movement that you make everywhere, at your meetings, on your parades, everywhere you will see that sentiment expressed, not in words, but in feeling. I therefore feel, gentlemen, that it would be imposing upon the local committee an extraordinary burden, now at this time to ask them to raise the funds that are necessary upon such occasions, so that I am in sympathy with the appropriation of a certain portion of the funds of this Society, wisely graded so that when the last member of the Society meets alone he will not be burdened with this surplus, and be called upon to dispose of it.

Another idea, if you continue to leave this large sum in the treasury of the Society, I fear that at some time there may be a meeting when this money may be appropriated for some purpose not in harmony with the original creation of the fund, which was broadly announced to be the accumulation of a fund which might at this time, or at a time when you saw you were not in touch and sympathy with the people, be used to maintain and support the Society.

Colonel Loomis:-I want to suggest a solution that would, I think, meet the views of the members upon this subject. I do not like to see the principal go away until we can fairly see over the gap. It is so easy to increase the appropriation. Let us spend the income, and stand ready at any time to encroach upon the principal if you think proper.

Captain Pullen:-I rise for information.

I did not understand

exactly the amount that would come from our investment?

Colonel Loomis: -Twelve thousand dollars at four per cent. General Hickenlooper;—I move as an amendment that the sum be fixed at five hundred dollars.

Captain Andreas:-I aecept that.

The President:-The question is still on the amendment offered by General Force.

Genoral Force:-I withdraw that.

Colonel Smith:-I hope Geueral Force will not withdraw his proposition. It seeme to me that the funds accumulated through the years should be sacredly guarded, and no consideration whatever should induce us to trench upon that principal. Let us spend the income. If you break down the old time guard of that fund the Society will in my opinion finish in a few years.

Colonel Wilcox: - There is a principle involved in the motion made by General Force, which I recognize. The other proposition which is made simply increases it twenty dollars, I am willing to withdraw my motion to adopt the original resolution and accept the proposition based upon the principle of spending the income alone this year.

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The President:-General Force's amendment is still before the body to decide, members objecting to its withdrawal.

Captain Andreas: -How will we know just exactly what the income will be? How will the local committec know? When this five thousand dollars of Colonel Dayton is added to the fund that will bear interest, and the whole thing will amount to about seventeen thousand dollars, and four per cent on that will be six hundred and eighty dollars. It is only that that fund has not yet been reached. General Force says it will be reached this year, and that will bring an income. The local committee should know what they can calculate upon.

According to the rules of the Society this must go over until next year unless it can be passed by a two-thirds vote here.

Colonel Dawes:-I request Captain Andreas to amend his motion in this way, that the treasurer be instructed to pay from the income arising from the permanent investment, an amount not to exceed five hundred dollars.

General Hickenlooper:-Let us thoroughly understand this business before voting upon it. You then have appropriated substantially, we will assume, the income, for the purpose of paying that amount over to the local committee. Now from what fund will you take your running expenses, amounting certainly to the same


A Member:- From the dues.

General Hickenlooper:-A large part of the members have ceased to pay dues because of their life membership, and the others are but one dollar a year, which would not exceed probably four hundred dollars.

Colonel Dawes:-The resolution, I understand, says that the Treasurer may do it, not that he must. If he has no funds in his hands he won't pay them.

General Hickenlooper:-The Recording Secretary informs me that in three years we will all be life members, and there will be

no dues. Captain Andreas suggests another item, and that is the local committee ought to know, in advance, what they can depend upon from this Society, in the way of contributions towards defraying these annual expenses. Of course there is another solution of the problem, and that is that you cease to have your reunions as elaborate as they are, and make them less expensive.

The President:-The question is on the amendment of General Force, that the income of our invested fund be appropriated to the local committee.

General Hickenlooper:-So under that resolution the running expenses of the Society are not provided for?

The President:-They are not figured in at all. They will be taken care of as heretofore.

The amendment was lost.

The President:-Now the question is on an appropriation of not to exceed five hundred dollars annually to the local committee. The motion prevailed by a two-thirds vote.

Major Hoyt Sherman:-I offer the following resolution:

Resolved, That the oration of General Gresham at the unveiling of the Grant monument be printed as part of the proceedings of this reunion.

My idea has been that all the proceedings out there were a part of an arrangement by the city of Chicago and the Park Commissioners and that they are not properly a part of the proceedings of our Society. I therefore offer this resolution.

General Pearson:-I move to amend by including all the speeches at the monument

Major Sherman:-I accept the amendment.

The motion as amended prevailed.

Captain Rumsey:-I offer the following resolution:

Resolved, That a vote of the heartfelt and sincere thanks of this Society be given to our comrade, General Hickenlooper, the ora tor of the occasion, for his splendid oration at this our regular meeting.

The motion prevailed by a rising vote.

Captain Tuthill:-We have a very pleasant and enjoyable reunion, but there are two members who have almost always been


with us who are not here. They are lying upon their last beds of illness, probably, and very low. Probably neither of them will survive very long. Both of them have made it a rule to be present at these meetings. I am sure some word of sympathy from this meeting conveyed to those brothers would be very gratefully accepted. I, therefore, move you that a resolution of sympathy to Captain George W. Colby, lying on his bed at Englewood, and Major O. C. Towne, be adopted and sent them.

General Leggett:-I ask Captain Tuthill to include General R. P. Buckland.

Captain Tuthill:-I also include General Buckland.

General Hickenlooper:-I would suggest that the Secretaries be instructed to telegraph, in order that it may be at once communicated, before the adjournment of the Society.

Captain Tuthill:-I accept that.

The motion prevailed and the telegrams were sent immediately. Colonel Jacobson:-Mr. President, there has been a tear in the eye of every member of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee as we have thought of our old friend and comrade, Colonel L. M. Dayton. I want to offer the following resolution:

Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed by the Chair to furnish a suitable memorial of the life and services of Colonel L. M. Dayton, to be printed as a part of the proceedings of the re


The motion prevailed, and the President appointed Colonel Jaeobson, Colonel Dawes, and Colonel Cadle as the committee. Colonel How offered the following:

Resolved, That the members of this Society extend their most sincere thanks to the comrades of this city and the members of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the state of Illinois and the citizens of Chicago for the glorious reception extended to them, so characteristic of this great city.

The President:-I would suggest that we occupy these rooms by the courtesy of Post No. 5, which furnished the flowers, and I suggest that they be especially mentioned, also Company C of the 1st Regiment.

Colonel How:-Also George H. Thomas Post.

The resolution as amended was adopted.

The Acting Recording Secretary:-I have received applications for membership under the third amendment to our constitution, from sons and widows of deceased members. These applications have, in accordance with our rules, been approved by the President, and now are ready for the action of the Society. They are as follows:

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On motion, the persons named were duly elected members. General Bane:-Mr. President, "When asked what state he hails from, our sole reply shall be, he hails from Appomattox and its famous apple tree."

Resolved, That it is the sense of this Society, that the next Congress be requested to provide means to remove the remains of General U. S. Grant to Arlington Heights at Washington.

General Chetlain:-That question has been before the country a long time, and I for one think that our Society had better keep out of it.

General Leggett:-The remark that I was going to make, has been substantially made by General Chetlain. I think if the resolution should pass there should be added to it, with the consent of the family.

General Bane:- I accept that and intended to include it.

The President:-You make that as a part of your original


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