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by the architect. The AIA document, General Conditions of the Contract for

Construction, states that, "[t]he Contractor shall be solely responsible for and have control over construction means, methods, techniques, sequences and

procedures... [of construction]."

The AIA supports the H.R. 2962 definition of architectural works, which does not

include the artistic criterion.

Under the scope of exclusive rights provisions in H.R. 1623 and H.R. 2962, the copyright is not infringed by the making of a photograph or pictorial representation of the work. The definition of architectural work, however, includes plans, blueprints, designs, and models (H.R. 2962 also includes sketches, drawings, and diagrams). The literal conclusion, then, is that

We are

copying the drawings is not an infringement under these bills, which leaves architects without the only protection available under current law. confident that this conclusion was not intended. The statement in S. 1301 is

somewhat clearer. It states that the copyright in an architectural work does not include the right to prevent the making of photographs, etc., "when the work is erected in a location accessible to the public." We urge that the language be changed to make it clear that the copying of drawings is an infringement of the copyright.

Further, the provision that a copyright in an architectural work is not infringed by photographs or pictorial representations implies that the copyright is infringed by the unauthorized building from the plans or an architectural reproduction of the work. We believe that the very significant benefits of the implications

should be made explicit. If the legislative intent is clear, some future litigation may be avoided.

Similarly, all these bills state that, "[t]he owner of copyright in an architectural work shall not be entitled to obtain an injunction...restraining the construction of an infringing building or structure if construction has substantially begun (emphasis added)..." This provision implies that an injunction is available if construction is not "substantially begun." A problem, however, is that there is no definition of "substantially begun." AIA believes that these implications should be made explicit and "substantially begun" defined.


American architects have enjoyed substantially less copyright protection than their counterparts in other countries. Recognition of architects' contributions

to the arts and society in our copyright laws is long overdue. The legislation proposed to implement the Berne Convention represents a welcome statement of the value of architectural works in all their forms of expression. With the amendments we have suggested, the American Institute of Architects is happy to endorse this legislation.

This concludes my testimony. I will try to answer any questions Subcommittee

members may have.

Mr. KASTENMEIER. Mr. Lawson, we quite candidly have not had a great deal of interest expressed in this particular aspect of adherence to the Berne Convention, that is to say anything relating to our architectural works. I am not clear on whether architects generally care very deeply about this, among others.

Let me ask you, can the United States adhere to the Berne Convention without modifying current laws for protection of architectural works in your view? Have you studied that aspect?

Mr. LAWSON. I am not an attorney, but it is my understanding that the implementation of the provisions of the Berne Act would not change current law, and we would support that position. Mr. KASTENMEIER. You said what?

Mr. LAWSON. It is my understanding the implementation of the provisions of the Berne Act would not change current law. In fact, the main procedure, as I again understand it, and I am certainly not an attorney, is that the fact of a building being constructed would fall under rights of the copyright with provisions of the Berne Act which are not the condition with current copyright law, only the drawings which are instruments of the service are copyrightable.

Mr. KASTENMEIER. You are saying there would be under these statutory provisions a difference?

Mr. LAWSON. Yes.

Mr. KASTENMEIER. A different impact, but you are not saying whether or not we must have such provisions in order to adhere to Berne. Do you happen to have a view about that?

Mr. LAWSON. I really don't, because I am not assured on that sort of legislation.

Mr. KASTENMEIER. If we had an extensive provision on architectural works and if we had also some reference to moral rights in that connection, it would be my first reaction it would apply substantially to architectural works. That is to say, there is very likely to be an alteration, let's say, in a building, if it refers to the building or in designs of building in the future, and whether the original architectural design was so modified in contradiction to what the original architect had in mind that might be a fairly frequent subject of implementation of moral rights.

Mr. LAWSON. I just, Mr. Chairman, do not feel that it is a practical concern as it relates to architecture. It is traditional in this country a man's home is his castle, a person's building is something that is their building. And they ultimately have control over it. A recent example we would have in our practice is we put a substantial addition onto a major existing office building, and in the process we re-faced a whole series of span drill panels which changed the character of that building, but it was done for the purpose the gold tiles, which were falling off this building, could no longer be obtained from Italy, from the seven families that created them 15 years ago. So I see that as a practical problem as it relates to architecture.

Materials change, things evolve that are perhaps better for buildings 10 or 15 years from now, and I see the owners updating their buildings at that time.

Mr. KASTENMEIER. Thank you.

Dean Walch, I take it one of your concerns is not perhaps so much for every library but certainly for the National Library, the Library of Congress, in terms of depositing works. If there were no requirement for registration or deposit of works, as a librarian you would feel deeply we would be missing the deposit of artistic, literary and other works in the National Library. That would be of concern to you, is that correct?

Mr. WALCH. That is correct.

Mr. KASTENMEIER. Is there anything that we might do, even if we did change these requirements, to still induce the deposit of these works short of making it a condition of copyright protection in some form or another, some other method of continuing to acquire the broad range of creative works in this country in the National Library?

Mr. WALCH. It would be difficult to respond to that. There is nothing that jumps into my mind as comprehensive as the present procedure which now stands for including those items, getting them into the Library of Congress. I don't know of anything that would be as comprehensive as that. If you left it to a voluntary basis, I am sure there would be a shortfall.

Mr. KASTENMEIER. One other question. Although you have limited your statement here this morning to formalities, is there anything else about Berne adherence in implementing legislation that might injure in some respect the American library that you see?

Mr. WALCH. No. I believe that the position of librarians is thatwell, as I have noted, many librarians are not conversant with the Berne Convention. I think that those of us that have studied the matter to a degree have taken the position we wish to be cooperative, we don't see anything that is particularly so negative we strongly oppose. There is concern if the Berne Convention were embraced what might happen to certain procedures and laws that are now in place. Would some things come in which we are just not sensitive to now?

Mr. KASTENMEIER. You indicate a widespread concern about the new technology and resultant difficulties, for example, computer software, digital software, electronic transfer of information. But those are contemporary problems for the library irrespective of whether we have Berne or not. Berne presumably will not either complicate or solve any of those problems. Is that not basically correct?

Mr. WALCH. I think that is correct. They are really on the leading edge of problems that libraries are facing now in trying to accommodate the utilization of those materials on a fair basis for both libraries and those who produce them.

Mr. KASTENMEIER. Thank you. The gentleman from North Carolina, Mr. Coble.

Mr. COBLE. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Mr. Lawson, I believe you touched on this in response to one of the chairman's questions, but let me put it to you again. It seems to me it is clear. Do you agree it is clear in the legislation that the owner of the building, as distinguished from the owner of the copyright, would have the final word as to what could be done with the building once it is constructed?

Mr. LAWSON. That is the general case. Our documents state that the architect is the owner of the documents in that no substantial alterations can be made without proper compensation to the architects. In many instances, that is a negotiable item with owners, particularly public owners who are sure they are going to be putting on additions at a later date.

The problem in our area has really been exacerbated by the professional liability crisis that has hit our industry quite severely or our profession, and if there is an unauthorized construction using our documents or parts of our documents, we can be held liable, even though we knew nothing about the construction. That is why there is a completely renewed interest in this area which prior to a couple years ago architects were not terribly concerned about. Does that answer your question?

Mr. COBLE. Yes. Do you want to be heard on that, Dean Walch? Mr. WALCH. No.

Mr. COBLE. Gentlemen, what problems do you anticipate, if any, might develop if we use the "artistic character" concept contained in H.R. 1623? Let me read that: "The exclusive rights of a copyright owner in an architectural work shall apply only to the work's artistic character and artistic design and shall not extend to processes or methods of construction.'

Now, I guess what I am saying in another way is do you fear that that might be leaving the door too wide ajar?

Mr. LAWSON. As it relates to architecture, the protection of idea-

Mr. COBLE. I am not suggesting that it does. I just wanted to hear what you all had to say in response.

Mr. LAWSON. As it relates to architecture, the protection of an idea is not one that is extended by copyrighting. However, the design of the originality and the assembly of these ideas into a structure would be copyrightable in our understanding of this.

To try and legislate or have a court determine what is artistic and what is not artistic is a very, very difficult process. I, personally, was involved in a group that we wrote an urban design ordinance for the City of Madison, and there has been some implementation of that, but it is one judged by a series of professionals that are in the design profession. How this could translate to a court would be difficult for me to understand. I think just simply using the word "original" or "original expression" would be adequate. Mr. COBLE. So I guess what you are saying, Mr. Lawson, is that maybe it might open the door too widely.

Mr. LAWSON. Yes.

Mr. COBLE. Dean, do you want to be heard on that?

Mr. WALCH. No comment.

Mr. COBLE. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Mr. KASTENMEIER. The gentleman from California, Mr. Lungren. Mr. LUNGREN. No questions, Mr. Chairman.

Mr. KASTENMEIER. The gentleman from Maryland.

Mr. CARDIN. I have just one question of Mr. Walch.

Can you think of any incentive that Congress could give in order to get voluntary filings with the Library of Congress on works other than as a precondition to protection under copyright law or a precondition to a lawsuit?

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