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SCHMIDT, I. J.: Ueber den Ursprung der Tibetischen Schrift. Mém. de l'Acad. St. Pétersb., Vol. I., p. 41.

Ueber einige Grundlehren des Buddhismus. Mém. &c., Vol. I., p. 93.

Ueber die sogenannte dritte Welt der Buddhaisten. Mém. &c., Vol. II., p. 1.

Ueber die tausend Buddhas einer Weltperiode der Einwohnung, oder gleichmässigen Dauer. Mém. &c., Vol. II.,

p. 41.

Grammatik der Tibetischen Sprache. 1839.

Tibetisch-deutsches Wörterbuch nebst deutschem Wortregister. 1841.

Dsanglun, der Weise und der Thor; aus dem Tibetischen übersetzt und mit dem Originaltexte herausgegeben. 1843. For Addenda and corrections see Schiefner.

Der Index des Kanjur. St. Petersb., 1845.

and BOEHTLINGK, O.: Verzeichniss der tibetischen Handschriften und Holzdrucke im Asiatischen Museum der K. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Bull. hist.-phil. St. Petersb., Vol. IV., Nos. 6, 7, 8.

SCHÖNBERG, E. VON: Blick auf die buddhistischen Felsentempel Indiens. Zeitschr. d. deutsch. Morg. Ges., Vol. VII. (1853), pp. 101-3.

SCHOTT, W.: Ueber den Doppelsinn des Wortes Schamane, und über den tungusischen Schamanencultus am Hofe der Mandshu Kaiser. Abh. Berl. Acad. 1842.



SCHOTT, W.: Ueber den Buddhaismus in Hoch-Asien und in China. Abh. Berl. Acad. 1844.

SELKIRK Recollections of Ceylon, after a residence of nearly thirteen years; with an account of the church Missionary Society's operations. 1844.

SIEBOLD, PH. FR. V.: Nippon, Archiv zur Beschreibung von Japan und dessen Neben- und Schutzländer &c. 5 Vols. Leyden, 1837.

SIRR: China and the Chinese, their religion, character, customs, and manufactures, &c. 2 Vols. 1849.

SMITH, J. Specimen of a Burmese drama. Journ. As. Soc. Beng., Vol. VIII., p. 535.

SPIEGEL, FR.: Kammavakya, Liber de officiis sacerdotum Buddhicorum. Palice et Latine primus edidit, atque adnotationes adjecit. 1841.

Anecdota Palica. Nach den Handschriften der kgl. Bibliothek in Copenhagen im Grundtexte herausgegeben, übersetzt und erklärt. Leipzig, 1845.

STEVENSON: Analysis of the Ganesa Purana, with special reference to the history of Buddhism. Journ. R. As. Soc., Vol. VIII. (1846), p. 319.

On the intermixture of Buddhism with Brahmanism in the religion of the Hindus of the Dekhan. Journ. R. As. Soc., Vol. VII. (1843), pp. 1-8.

An account of the Buddho-Vaishnavas, or Vitthal-Bhaktas of the Dakhan. Journ. R. As. Soc., Vol. VII. (1843), p. 64.

STRACHEY, H. Captain: Narrative of a Journey to Cho Lagan and Cho Mapan. Journ. As. Soc. Beng., Vol. XVII., Part. II., pp. 98, 128, 327.

STUHR: Die Religionssysteme der heidnischen Völker des Orients. Berlin, 1836.

SYKES, H. W.: On a Catalogue of Chinese Buddhistical Works. Journ. R. As. Soc., Vol. IX. (1848), p. 199.

An Account of the Caves of Ellora. Trans. Lit. Soc. Bombay, Vol. III., p. 265.

See also on these caves: Grindley, Tod.

On the Miniature Chaityas and Inscriptions of the Buddhist religious dogma, found in the ruins of the Temple of Sárnáth, near Benares. Journ. R. As. Soc., Vol. XVI., p. 37.

See also on the fundamental dogma of the Buddhist faith: Hodgson's paper on Sarnath.

Specimens of Buddhist inscriptions, with symbols, from the West of India. Journ. As. Soc. Beng., Vol. VI., Part. II., p. 1038.

SYLVESTRE DE SACY: A critic is noticed under Klaproth.

TAYLOR, COOKE: Ancient and modern India. Revised and continued to the present time by Mackenna. 1857.

TENNENT, SIR, EMERSON: Christianity in Ceylon, its Introduction and Progress under the Portuguese, the Dutch, the British, and American Mission; with an historical Sketch of the Bramanical and Buddhist Superstitions. London, 1850.



TENNENT, SIR, EMERSON: Ceylon, an account of the island, physical, historical, and topographical; with notices of its natural history, antiquities, and productions. London, 1859.

THOMAS, E.: Note on the present state of the excavations of Sarnath. Journ. As. Soc. Beng., Vol. XXIII., p. 469. (For further notices see Vol. XXV., p. 395.)

For his edition of J. Prinsep's Useful Tables see Prinsep. THOMSON, T. D.: Western Himálaya and Tíbet. London, 1852. TIMKOWSKI: Travels of the Russian mission through Mongolia

China, and residence in Peking in years 1820-21. With corrections and notes by Klaproth. 2 Vols. London, 1827.

TOD, J.: Remarks on certain sculptures in the Cave Temples of Ellora. Trans. R. As. Soc., Vol. II., p. 328.

See also about these caves: Grindley, Sykes.

TORRENS, L.: Travels in Ladâk, Tartary and Kashmir. London,


TROYER, A.: Announcement of the work: Histoire du Bouddha Sakya-Mouni, par Ph. Ed. Foucaux. Nouv. Journ. As. 4° série, Vol. XIV., pp. 252-4.

Remarks upon the second inscription of the Allahabad pillar. Journ. As. Soc. Beng., Vol. III., p. 118.

In reference to these pillars see also: Burt, Hodgson, Mill, Prinsep, Turnour.

TURNER, S.: An account of an embassy to the Court of the Teshoo Lama in Tibet; containing a narrative of a journey through Bootan, and part of Tibet. London, 1800.

TURNOUR, G.: Account of the Tooth relic of Ceylon, supposed to be alluded to in the opening passage of the Ferog lat inscription. Journ. As. Soc. Beng., Vol. VI., p. 963.

Further Notes on the Inscriptions on the columns at Dehli,
Allahabad, Betiah, &c. Journ. &c., Vol. VI., p. 1049.

See also in reference to these columns: Burt, Hodgson, Mill,
Prinsep, Troyer.

Examination of the Pali Buddhistical Annals. Journ. As. Soc. Beng, Vol. VI., pp. 501 and 713; and Vol. VII., Part. II., pp. 686, 789, 919, 991.

Critical diss.: Zeitschr. f. d. K. d. Morg., Vol. III., p. 157, and Vol. IV.

The first Twenty Chapters of the Mahawanso: and a prefatory essay on Päli Buddhistical literature, originally published as an introduction to the above-mentioned portion of the Mahawanso and to the epitome of the history of Ceylon, and the historical inscriptions, printed in the Ceylon Almanac of 1833 and 1834. Ceylon, 1836.

The Mahawanso in Roman characters, with the translation subjoined, and an Introductory Essay on Pali Buddhistical Literature.

Examination of some points of Buddhist Chronology. Journ.
As. Soc. Beng., Vol. V., p. 521.

Critical diss.: Lassen, Chr.: Zeitschr. f. d. K. d. Morg., Vol. I., pp. 235-9.

UPHAM, E.: The history and doctrine of Buddhism, popularly illustrated; with notices of the Kappoism, or Demon worship, and of the Bali, or planetary incantations of Ceylon. London, 1829.

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