WORKS OF Alexander Pope Efq. In Nine Volumes, Complete. WITH HIS LAST CORRECTIONS, ADDITIONS, AND IMPROVEMENTS; As they were delivered to the EDITOR a little before his Death: TOGETHER WITH THE COMMENTARY and NOTES OF Mr. WARBURTON. LONDON: Printed for A. MILLAR, J. and R. TONSON, C. BATHURST, M. DCC. LX. Alte spectare si voles, neque fermonibus VULGI dederis te, nec in Præmiis humanis spem posueris rerum tuarum : fuis te illecebris oportet ipsa Virtus trahat ad verum decus. QUID DE TE ALII LOQUANTUR IPSI VIDEANT, SED LOQUENTUR TAMEN. TAYLOR INSTITU UNIVERSITY 21 JUL 1955 OF OXFORD LIBRAR TION Cic. |