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shall we have therefore? And Je-[and as in former years. And I will sus said unto them, Verily I say come near to you to judgment; and unto you, that ye which have fol- I will be a swift witness against the lowed me, in the regeneration, sorcerers, and against the adulterwhen the Son of man shall sit in ers, and against false swearers, and the throne of his glory, ye also shall against those that oppress the hiresit upon twelve thrones, judging ling in his wages, the widow, and the twelve tribes of Israel. And eve- the fatherless, and that turn aside ry one that hath forsaken houses, the stranger from his right, and or brethren, or sisters, or father, fear not me, saith the Lord of hosts. or mother, or wife, or children, or The Gospel. St. Luke ii. 22. lands, for my name's sake, shall Arification, according to the pow inherit everlasting life. But many of Moses, were accomplished, they that are first shall be last, and the brought him to Jerusalem to prelast shall be first. sent him to the Lord, (as it is written in the law of the Lord, Every The Presentation of Christ in the male that openeth the womb shall Temple, commonly called The be called holy to the Lord,) and to Purification of Saint Mary the offer a sacrifice, according to that Virgin. which is said in the law of the Lord, The Collect. A pair of turtle-doves, or two young LMIGHTY and everliving pigeons. And behold, there was a God, we humbly beseech thy man in Jerusalem, whose name was was a Majesty, that as thy only begotten Simeon; and the same man was Son was this day presented in the just and devout, waiting for the conTemple in substance of our flesh; solation of Israel: and the Holy so we may be presented unto thee Ghost was upon him. And it was with pure and clean hearts, by the revealed unto him by the Holy same thy Son Jesus Christ our Ghost, that he should not see Lord. Amen. death, before he had seen the For the Epistle. Mal. iii. 1. Lord's Christ. And he came by EHOLD, I will send my mes- the Spirit into the temple; and senger, and he shall prepare when the parents brought in the the way before me: and the Lord, child Jesus, to do for him after the whom ye seek, shall suddenly come custom of the law, then took he to his temple; even the messenger him up in his arms, and blessed of the covenant, whom ye delight God, and said, Lord, now lettest in behold, he shall come, saith thou thy servant depart in peace, the Lord of hosts. But who may according to thy word: For mine abide the day of his coming? and eyes have seen thy salvation; who shall stand when he appear- which thou hast prepared before eth? for he is like a refiner's fire, the face of all people; a light to and like fuller's soap. And he lighten the Gentiles, and the glory shall sit as a refiner and purifier of of thy people Israel. And Joseph silver: and he shall purify the sons and his mother marvelled at those of Levi, and purge them as gold things which were spoken of him. and silver, that they may offer un-And Simeon blessed them, and to the Lord an offering in righteous- said unto Mary his mother, Beness. Then shall the offerings of hold, this child is set for the fall and Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant rising again of many in Israel; and unto the Lord, as in the days of old, for a sign which shall be spoken


was upon him.

against, (yea, a sword shall pierce ward of iniquity; and falling headthrough thy own soul also,) that long, he burst asunder in the midst, the thoughts of many hearts may and all his bowels gushed out. And be revealed. And there was one it was known to all the dwellers at Anna, a prophetess, the daughter Jerusalem; insomuch as that field of Phanuel, of the tribe of Aser; is called in their proper tongue, she was of a great age, and had liv-Aceldama, that is to say, The field ed with an husband seven years of blood. For it is written in the from her virginity; and she was a book of Psalms, Let his habitation widow of about fourscore and four be desolate, and let no man dwell years, which departed not from the therein: and his Bishoprick let antemple, but served God with fast- other take. Wherefore of these ings and prayers night and day. men, which have companied with And she, coming in that instant, us all the time that the Lord Jesus gave thanks likewise unto the Lord, went in and out among us, beginand spake of him to all them that ning from the baptism of John, unto looked for redemption in Jerusa-that same day that he was taken up lem. And when they had perform-from us, must one be ordained to be ed all things according to the law a witness with us of his resurrection. of the Lord, they returned into And they appointed two, Joseph Galilee, to their own city Naza-called Barsabas, who was surnamed reth. And the child grew, and Justus, and Matthias. And they waxed strong in spirit, filled with prayed, and said, Thou, Lord,which wisdom; and the grace of God knowest the hearts of all men, show whether of these two thou hast chosen; that he may take part of this ministry and apostleship, from which Judas by transgression fell, ALMIGHTY God, who into that he might go to his own place. the place of the traitor Judas, And they gave forth their lots; and didst choose thy faithful servant the lot fell upon Matthias. And he Matthias, to be of the number of was numbered with the eleven the twelve Apostles; grant that thy Apostles. Church, being always preserved from false Apostles, may be orderT that time Jesus answered, ed and guided by faithful and true and said, I thank thee, O FaPastors, through Jesus Christ our ther, Lord of heaven and earth, beLord. Amen. cause thou hast hid these things For the Epistle. Acts i. 15. from the wise and prudent, and hast N those days Peter stood up in revealed them unto babes. Even the midst of the disciples, and so, Father, for so it seemed good in said, (the number of the names to- thy sight. All things are delivered gether were about an hundred and unto me of my Father; and no man twenty;) Men and brethren, this knoweth the Son, but the Father; Scripture must needs have been neither knoweth any man the Fafulfilled, which the Holy Ghost by ther, save the Son, and he to the mouth of David spake before whomsoever the Son will reveal concerning Judas, who was guide to him. Come unto me, all ye that lathem that took Jesus. For he was bour, and are heavy laden, and I numbered with us, and had obtain- will give you rest. Take my yoke ed part of this ministry. Now this upon you, and learn of me; for I man purchased a field with the re-lam meek and lowly in heart: and

Saint Matthias's Day.

The Collect.

The Gospel. St. Matt. xi. 25.

ye shall find rest unto your souls. behold thou shalt conceive in thy For my yoke is easy, and my bur-womb, and bring forth a son, and then is light.

The Annunciation of the blessed
Virgin Mary.

The Collect.

shalt call his name Jesus. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne. of his father David. And he shall E beseech thee, O Lord, pour reign over the house of Jacob for thy grace into our hearts; ever; and of his kingdom there shall that as we have known the incar- be no end. Then said Mary unto nation of thy Son Jesus Christ by the angel, How shall this be, seeing the message of an angel; so by I know not a man? And the angel his cross and passion we may be answered and said unto her, The brought unto the glory of his resur- Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, rection, through the same Jesus and the power of the Highest shall Christ our Lord. Amen. overshadow thee: therefore also

For the Epistle. Isa. vii. 10. that holy thing which shall be born [OREOVER, the Lord spake of thee, shall be called the Son of

again unto Ahaz, saying, Ask God. And behold, thy cousin Elithee a sign of the Lord thy God; sabeth, she hath also conceived a son ask it either in the depth, or in the in her old age; and this is the sixth height above. But Ahaz said, I month with her, who was called will not ask, neither will I tempt barren. For with God nothing shall the Lord. And he said, Hear ye be impossible. And Mary said, Benow, O house of David; Is it a hold the handmaid of the Lord; be small thing for you to weary men, it unto me according to thy word. but will ye weary my God also? And the angel departed from her. Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign: Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. Butter and honey shall he eat, that he


St. Mark's Day.

The Collect. ALMIGHTY God, who hast instructed thy holy Church


may know to refuse the evil, and with the heavenly doctrine of thy choose the good. Evangelist Saint Mark; give us The Gospel. St. Luke i. 26. grace, that being not like children ND in the sixth month, the carried away with every blast of angel Gabriel was sent from vain doctrine, we may be establishGod unto a city of Galilee, named ed in the truth of thy holy Gospel, Nazareth, to a Virgin espoused to through Jesus Christ our Lord. a man whose name was Joseph, of Amen. the house of David; and the Vir- The Epistle. Ephes. iv. 7. gin's name was Mary. And the NTO every one of us is given angel came in unto her, and said, grace, according to the meaHail, thou that art highly favoured, sure of the gift of Christ. Wherethe Lord is with thee; Blessed art fore he saith, When he ascended thou among women. And when up on high, he led captivity captive, she saw him, she was troubled at and gave gifts unto men. (Now his saying, and cast in her mind that he ascended, what is it but that what manner of salutation this he also descended first into the should be. And the angel said un- lower parts of the earth? He that to her, Fear not, Mary; for thou descended is the same also that ashast found favour with God. And cended up far above all heavens,

that he might fill all things.) And Father glorified, that ye bear much he gave some apostles, and some fruit; so shall ye be my disciples. prophets, and some evangelists, and As the Father hath loved me, so some pastors and teachers; for the have I loved you: continue ye in perfecting of the saints, for the work my love. If ye keep my commandof the ministry, for the edifying of ments, ye shall abide in my love; the body of Christ; till we all come even as I have kept my Father's in the unity of the faith, and of the commandments, and abide in his knowledge of the Son of God, unto love. These things have I spoken a perfect man, unto the measure of unto you, that my joy might rethe stature of the fulness of Christ: main in you, and that your joy that we henceforth be no more might be full.

children, tossed to and fro, and car

The Collect.
ALMIGHTY God, whom

ried about with every wind of doc- Saint Philip and Saint James's trine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; but speaking truly to know is everlasting life; the truth in love, may grow up into

him in all things, which is the head, grant us perfectly to know thy Son even Christ: From whom the Jesus Christ to be the way, the truth, whole body fitly joined together, and the life; that following the steps and compacted by that which every of thy holy Apostles, Saint Philip joint supplieth, according to the and Saint James, we may steadfasteffectual working in the measure ly walk in the way that leadeth to of every part, maketh increase of eternal life, through the same thy the body, unto the edifying of itself Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The Epistle. St. James i. 1.

in love.

The Gospel. St. John xv. 1.

AM the true vine, and my Fa-MES, a servant of God, and

of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the ther is the husbandman. Every twelve tribes which are scattered branch in me that beareth not fruit, abroad, greeting. My brethren, he taketh away; and every branch count it all joy, when ye fall into that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, divers temptations; knowing this, that it may bring forth more fruit. that the trying of your faith worketh Now ye are clean through the patience. But let patience have word which I have spoken unto her perfect work, that ye may be you. Abide in me, and I in you. perfect and entire, wanting nothing, As the branch cannot bear fruit of If any of you lack wisdom, let him itself, except it abide in the vine; ask of God, that giveth to all men no more can ye, except ye abide in liberally, and upbraideth not; and me. I am the vine, ye are the it shall be given him. But let him branches. He that abideth in me, ask in faith, nothing wavering: for and I in him, the same bringeth he that wavereth is like a wave of forth much fruit: for without me ye the sea, driven with the wind, and can do nothing. If a man abide not tossed. For let not that man think in me, he is cast forth as a branch, that he shall receive any thing of the and is withered; and men gather Lord. A double-minded man is unthem, and cast them into the fire, stable in all his ways. Let the broand they are burned. If ye abide in ther of low degree rejoice in that he me, and my words abide in you, ye is exalted, but the rich in that he is shall ask what ye will, and it shall made low; because as the flower of be done unto you. Herein is my the grass he shall pass away. For

the sun is no sooner risen with also; and greater works than these burning heat, but it withereth the shall he do; because I go unto my grass, and the flower thereof fall-Father. And whatsoever ye shall eth, and the grace of the fashion of ask in my name, that will I do, that it perisheth: so also shall the rich the Father may be glorified in the man fade away in his ways. Bless-Son. If ye shall ask any thing in ed is the man that endureth tempta- my name, I will do it. tion; for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.

The Gospel. St. John xiv. 1.

Saint Barnabas the Apostle.

The Collect.

LORD God Almighty, who didst endue thy holy Apostle

AND Jesus said unto his disci- Barnabas with singular gifts of the ples, Let not your heart be Holy Ghost; leave us not, we betroubled ye believe in God, be-seech thee, destitute of thy manifold lieve also in me. In gifts, nor yet of grace to use them Father's my house are many mansions; if it were alway to thy honour and glory, not so, I would have told you. I through Jesus Christ our Lord. go to prepare a place for you. And Amen.

For the Epistle. Acts xi. 22. unto the ears of the Church NIDINGS of these things came

if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. And whither I go, which was in Jerusalem: and they ye know, and the way ye know. sent forth Barnabas, that he should Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we go as far as Antioch: who, when know not whither thou goest, and he came, and had seen the grace of how can we know the way? Jesus God, was glad; and exhorted them saith unto him, I am the way, the all, that with purpose of heart they truth and the life: no man cometh would cleave unto the Lord. For unto the Father but by me. If ye he was a good man, and full of the had known me, ye should have Holy Ghost, and of faith: and much known my Father also: and from people was added unto the Lord. henceforth ye know him, and have Then departed Barnabas to Tarsus seen him. Philip saith unto him, for to seek Saul: And when he Lord, show us the Father, and it had found him, he brought him unto sufficeth us. Jesus saith unto him, Antioch. And it came to pass, that Have I been so long time with you, a whole year they assembled themand yet hast thou not known me, selves with the Church, and taught Philip? He that hath seen me, much people: and the disciples hath seen the Father; and how were called Christians first in Ansayest thou then, Show us the Fa- tioch. And in these days came ther? Believest thou not that I am prophets from Jerusalem unto Anin the Father, and the Father in me? tioch. And there stood up one of The words that I speak unto you, them, named Agabus, and signified I speak not of myself; but the Fa-by the Spirit, that there should be ther that dwelleth in me, he doeth great dearth throughout all the the works. Believe me, that I am world: which came to pass in the in the Father, and the Father in days of Claudius Cæsar. Then the me; or else believe me for the very disciples, every man according to works' sake. Verily, verily, I say his ability, determined to send reunto you, He that believeth on me, lief unto the brethren which dwelt the works that I do shall he do al- in Judea. Which also they did, and

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