Section 38 amended Section 39 amended Section 117 amended Section 117 further amended Section 117 further amended. owner in my own right of personal estate to the value of at least two thousand dollars over and above the amount of all incumbrances theron." Subscribed and sworn by the said (name of candidate) at .in the North-West Territories, this. day of. .190.., before me (A Commissioner, J.P., 4. Subsection nine of section 38 is hereby amended by striking out the words "five hundred" and inserting in lieu thereof the works," one thousand ". 5. Subsection seven of section 39 is hereby amended by striking out the words or whose taxes do not amount to two dollars shall be taxed two dollars yearly," and inserting in lieu thereof the words "shall be taxed three dollars yearly," and by inserting after the word "roft" in the 5th line thereof the words, "to the amount of $150 or more." 6. Subsection twenty-nine of section 117 of Ordinance No. 33 of 1893 is hereby amended by inserting after the word "closets" in the 14th line thereof the words "privies or privy vaults," and by inserting after the word "sewer" in the 15th line "and for removing said privies, privy vaults, or water closets and filling them up, or the city may connect the said privies, privy vaults and water closets with the sewer and charge the costs thereof against the lots on which the said privies, closets or privy vaults are situate, and in case the owner or his agent refuses to pay said cost after demand, the same may be added to the taxes on said lots and collected in any way in which other city taxes may be collected, including the sale of the lots as for arrears of taxes, and for all or any such purposes the city by its agents, servants or workmen shall have power to enter into and upon the land on which the said closets, privies, privy vaults are situate, or sewer connections are to be laid, and do the work necessary to be done, doing no unnecessary damage." 7. Clause two of subsection 56, of section 117, is hereby amended by adding thereto the following words: "And the city shall also have power to appoint a commissioner or commissioners for carrying on any department or subdepartment of the city's business, and may fix their salaries, and provide regulations for their guidance, and the said commissioners shall have the same rights and powers as herein before conferred on the commissioners first named herein." 8. Section 117, of Ordinance No. 33, of 1893, is amended by adding thereto as subsection 83 the following subsection: (83a) To permit areas or openings to be constructed in or under sidewalks and streets of the municipality, and may authorise the continuance of any such areas constructed prior to July 1st, 1902, and may make an annual charge for such privilege and for the use of the areas or openings theretofore constructed, of such sums as the council may think reasonable and may enforce the payment of the said sums in a like manner as city taxes, including the sale of the land adjacent to the said areas or openings in connection with which the same are used or are appurtenant. (b) Neither this section nor any permission or privilege in respect of such areas or openings granted by the corporation under this section shall interfere with any liability created or existing under the provisions of this Ordinance, nor with the remedies over provided by section 144 of this Ordinance, nor shall this section or such privilege create any vested right in any such area or opening or the space occupied thereby, and the city may also make bylaws regulating the use of such areas or openings and for the closing or discontinuing the use of the same and filling them in. c. 40 of 1901 9. Section 14 of chapter 40 of the Ordinances of 1901, is Section 14 hereby amended by adding to the first clause of said section amended. the following: "And any water rates in arrears may be added to the taxes assessed against the real property to which the water has been supplied and may be collected in any of the ways provided by this Ordinance for the collection of taxes including the sale of said property as for arrears of taxes." c. 26 of 1899 10. Subclauses 1 and 2 of section 1 of chapter 26 of the Section 1 Ordinances of 1899, are hereby repealed and section 6 of amended Ordinance No. 33, of 1893, altered to section 6a by chapter 26 of the Ordinances of 1899, is hereby numbered " 6." Bylaw No. 492 11. Bylaw No. 492, being a bylaw to authorise and em- ratified. power the mayor and clerk of the City of Calgary to execute an agreement with John S. Hall for the establishment of a stock market, &c., and the agreement referred to therein between the City of Calgary and the said John S. Hall are hereby ratified and confirmed and the city is hereby authorised and empowered to make all bylaws, rules and regulations, not contrary to law, or the terms and provisions of the said agreement, for carrying out and enforcing the said agreement, or necessary or expedient for the operation or control of the said stock market, stock yards, and the premises occupied therewith, and also to vary or otherwise change the said agreement from time to time as may be agreed between the parties thereto, and the lands mentioned and described in said agreement for the purpose of a stock market, &c., are hereby declared to be within the limits of the City of Calgary. 12. Section 117 of Ordinance No. 33 of 1893, is amended Section 117 by adding thereto the following subsections : "(84) For defining the class, nature, dimensions and quality of all buildings to be hereafter erected or placed on or along further amended. any of the streets, lanes, or public places, or parts of streets, lanes or public places within the city and the distance from the street boundary at which the front of such buildings may be erected. "(85) Purchasing stock in any incorporated company carrying on or formed for the purpose of carrying on swimming baths in the city." 1908 CHAPTER 28 An Ordinance to incorporate the City of Regina. WH [Assented to June 19, 1903.] HEREAS the Mayor and Council of the Corporation of Preamble the Municipality of the Town of Regina have by their petition prayed that the name of the said corporation be changed to "The City of Regina," and that municipal powers be granted to "The City of Regina," and, it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition : HEREFORE the Lieutenant Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Territories enacts as follows: 1. From and after the passing of this Ordinance, the inhabi- City of Regina tants of the City of Regina as hereinafter described and their incorporated successors shall be and are hereby declared to be a body corporate within the meaning of The Municipal Ordinance: Provided that the corporation of the municipality of the Town of Regina shall not be deemed to be dissolved by this Ordinance but the same shall always be deemed to be the same corporation as that known hereunder as "The City of Regina." And provided further that the said corporation of the City of Regina shall not by virtue of this Ordinance be relieved from any duty, obligation, liability or indebtedness heretofore or now owing, existing or due to any person, persons or corporations by reason of, or by virtue of any Act, Statute, Law or Ordinance, contract or proceeding heretofore passed, existing or in force; and providing also that the change of name of the said corporation shall not affect or cause the abatement of any action or proceeding to which the corporation of the municipality of the Town of Regina is a party, but the same shall be continued as if this Ordinance had not been passed, and any judgment, order or proceeding therein shall have the same effect in favour of or against the corporation by the name of "The City of Regina," as if such had heretofore been the name of the corporation, and the corporation had always been a party to such action, suit or proceeding by the name of "The City of Regina," and the said corporation under the name of "The City of Regina" shall be entitled to and is hereby vested with all the rights and privileges, real and personal property, and assets of all kinds and descriptions belonging to the corporation of the municipality of the Town of Regina with full power and authority to deal with same in all respects as though acquired under the name of "The City of Regina.” Area of city Application of Alderman Bylaws affecting highways New Part VI Municipal "Local improvement " 2. The City of Regina shall consist of the following land, namely: Section nineteen (19) and the south half (s.) of section thirty (30) in township seventeen (17) in range nineteen (19) west of the second meridian in the North-West Territories and section twenty-four (24) and the south half (s) of section twenty-five (25) in said township seventeen (17) in range twenty (20) west of the said second meridian in the said Territories. 3. The Municipal Ordinance and all amendments thereto or hereafter made shall, in so far as the same are applicable, be incorporated herewith and form part of this Ordinance as fully as though the said Ordinance and all amendments thereto had in the first instance been made applicable to cities, the word "town" for the purpose of this Ordinance being deemed to include the word "city." 4. From and after the passing of this Ordinance the councillors of the said City of Regina shall be known as "Aldermen," and shall continue their present term of office, and henceforth for the purposes of this Ordinance any reference to the members of a council shall be by way of the word Aldermen." 5. The council of the City of Regina may pass bylaws for closing and selling or leasing any public highway the fee whereof is not vested in the Crown, provided that no such bylaw shall be passed unless at least two weeks' notice of the intention of the council to pass the same be served upon the persons registered or assessed as the owners of the lands abutting upon the portion of the highway so proposed to be closed and sold or leased, and be published in at least two weekly is-ues of a newspaper published in the city previous to the passing of the bylaw; nor until any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected thereby and petitions to be heard has been afforded an opportunity to be heard by himself or his agent in relation to the proposed bylaw; and any such person so claiming, petitioning and appearing shall be compensated for all damage to his land which he shall sustain by the passing of the bylaw. 6. In so far as the same refers to the corporation of the City of Regina Part VI of The Municipal Ordinance is hereby repealed and the following substituted therefor: PART VI. LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS AND ASSESSMENTS, 231. The term "local improvement" shall be taken to mean: () The opening, widening, straightening, extending, grading, levelling, macadamising, paving or planking of any street or public land, alley, way or place ; |