Section 1 chapter 18 of (a) The amount of the debt which such bylaw is intended to create and the object in general terms for which it is to be created. (b) The total amount required to be raised annually for paying the debt and interest under this bylaw and whether the whole or if not, what portion thereof is payable by way of special assessment and the system of special assessment applicable. (c) The total value of the land charged with the special assessment and, if any portion of the debt created by such bylaw is to be borne by the municipality at large, the value of the whole ratable property of the municipality according to the last revised assessment roll. (d) That the debt is contracted on the credit and security of the municipality at large but, as to so much as is not to be paid by the municipality at large, the municipality is to collect the same only by way of special assessment as aforesaid. 3. Section 1 of chapter 18 of the Ordinances of 1902 is 1902 amended. hereby amended by striking out the words "under a lease" where they occur therein. section 3 amended. Subsection (a) (2) Subsection (a) of section 3 of the said Ordinance is hereby amended by striking out "$400.00" where it occurs therein and substituting therefor " $200.00." Special waterworks tax. 4. In addition to any other taxes which the town may lawfully impose, it shall have the right to levy a special waterworks tax annually against every lot fronting or abutting on any street, lane or public highway, which is traversed by the waterworks system, of an amount not exceeding five cents per lineal foot, which shall be known as a waterworks charge, but any bylaw providing for exceptional assessment which the council may pass for the purpose of local improvements shall regulate and control the extent of the frontage on which such charge shall be imposed. 1908 CHAPTER 31 An Ordinance to amend Chapter 41 of the Ordinances of 1900, intituled "An Ordinance to incorporate the Town of Yorkton." THE [Assented to April 25, 1903.] HE Lieutenant Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Territories enacts as follows: amended 1. Subsection 4 of section 3 of An Ordinance to incorporate Section 3 the Town of Yorkton is hereby amended by striking out clause (d). New section Area of Town 1903 CHAPTER 32 An Ordinance to amend Chapter 28 of the Ordinances of 1899, intituled "An Ordinance to incorporate the Town of Strathcona." [Assented to June 19, 1903.] HE Lieutenant Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Territories enacts as follows: 1. Section 1 of An Ordinance to incorporate the Town of Strathcona is hereby repealed and the following substituted therefor: "1. From and after the coming into force of this Ordinance of Strathcona river lots seven, nine, eleven, thirteen, fifteen, fifteen "a," seventeen and the most northerly sixty-eight acres of river lot nineteen, of the Edmonton settlement; also those portions of section twenty-nine and the north half of section twenty in township fifty two in range twenty-four west of the fourth meridian lying to the east of the Calgary and Edmonton trail; also the fractional north-west quarter of section twenty-one, and the fractional west half of section twenty-eight, in township fifty-two, in range twenty-four, west of the fourth meridian, all of which lands are in the Provisional District of Alberta, shall be a town municipality under the name of the Town of Strathcona." No assessment for 1902 in 2. No assessment shall be made by the said municipality added portion during the year 1903 upon property not heretofore included within the said Town of Strathcona. 1903 CHAPTER 33 An Ordinance respecting certain kinds of contemplated Municipal Public Works for the Town of Moose Jaw. [Assented to June 19, 1903.] THE HE Lieutenant Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Territories enacts as follows: 1. This Ordinance may be cited as "The Moose Jaw Muni- Short title cipal Public Works Ordinance." WATERWORKS, SEWERS AND ELECTRIC LIGHT. 2. The corporation of the Town of Moose Jaw hereinafter Corporation called the corporation shall have power to construct, build, may construct purchase, improve, extend, hold, maintain, manage and conduct waterworks, sewers and electric lights and all buildings, materials, machinery and appurtenances thereto belonging in the municipality and in the neighbourhood thereof as hereinafter provided, and either in connection with waterworks or not a system of storm sewers or sanitary sewers or both. 3. The corporation shall have power to employ such en- Powers gineers, surveyors and other persons, and to rent-with such conditions, covenants and stipulations as the corporation shall deem requisite or necessary, or purchase at the option of the corporation, such lands and buildings, waters and privileges as, in their opinion, may, during the construction or at any future time, be necessary or expedient to enable them properly to carry out the purposes of this Ordinance. acquire lands 4. The corporation, their engineers, servants and workmen Power to enter from time to time, and at such times as the municipality shall upon and see fit, may enter into and upon, take or use the land of any person, bodies politic or corporate in the municipality or within ten miles thereof, and may survey, set out and ascertain such parts thereof as are required for the purposes of the waterworks or sewers and may contract with the owner or occupier of the said lands, and any person having a right or interest in any water, for the purchase or renting thereof, or of any part thereof, or of any privilege that may be required for the purpose of the waterworks or sewers at the option of the corporation. Construction of necessary works 5. The corporation may construct, erect and maintain in and upon any lands acquired under the provisions of this Ordinance all reservoirs, waterworks and machinery requisite for the undertaking, and for conveying the water thereto and therefrom in, upon and through any lands lying intermediate between said reservoirs and waterworks, and the rivers, ponds, springs, streams .or waters from which the same are procured, and the municipality by one or more lines of pipes as may from time to time be found necessary or expedient. Power to enter 6. The corporation and their servants under their intermediate authority, may for the said purposes, enter and pass upon and upon ands Power to lay pipes Property vested in corporation Service pipes over the said lands intermediate as aforesaid, and the same may cut and dig up if necessary, and may lay down the said pipes through the same and in, upon, through, and under the highways, streets, lanes, roads or other passages intermediate as aforesaid and may for the purpose of sewerage enter and pass upon and over such lands as the corporation may deem expedient and the same may cut and dig up if necessary and may lay sewers through the same and in, through, over and under highways, streets, lanes, roads or other passage. (2) All lands not being the property of the municipality, and all highways, roads, streets, lanes or other passages so dug up or interfered with, shall be restored to their original condition without unnecessary delay. (3) The corporation may enter upon, set out, ascertain, purchase, use and occupy such parts of the said lands as the said corporation may think necessary and proper for the making and maintaining of the said works or for the opening of new streets required for the same, and for the purchasing of said lands required for the protection of the said works, or for preserving the purity of the water supply or for taking up, removing, altering or repairing the same, and for distributing water to the inhabitants of the community or for the uses of the corporation, or for the proprietors or occupiers of the land through or near which the same may pass. 7. For the purpose of distributing water or for the purpose of sewerage as aforesaid the said corporation may sink and lay down pipes, tanks, reservoirs and other conveniences, and may from time to time alter all or any of the said works as well in the position as in the construction thereof, as they may deem advisable. 8. All works, pipes, erections and machinery requisite for the undertaking shall be vested in and be the property of the corporation of the municipality constructing the said works. 9. Service pipes or sewers which may be required shall be constructed and laid down up to the outer line of the street by the corporation, and the corporation shall be solely responsible for keeping the same in repair. |