(2) In case where vacant space intervenes between the outer line of the street and the wall of the building or other place into which the water is to be taken or with which the sewer is to be connected the corporation may, with the consent of the owner, lay the service pipes or sewers across such vacant space and charge the cost thereof to the owner of the premises or the owner may himself lay service pipes or sewers provided the same is done to the satisfaction of the corporation or person appointed by them in that behalf. (3) The expense incidental to the laying and repairing, as hereinafter provided, of the service pipes or sewers if laid or repaired by the corporation (except the repairing of the service pipes or sewers from the main pipe to the outer limit of the street as aforesaid which shall be borne solely by the corporation) or of superintending the laying or repairing of the same, if laid or repaired by any other person, shall be payable by the owner on demand to the corporation, or if not paid, may be collected forthwith in the same manner as water rates; provided that in no case shall the expense of superintending the laying or repairing of such service if laid or repaired by any other person aforesaid exceed $2.00. to be under 10. The service pipes or sewers from the line of street to Service pipes the interior face of the outer walls of the building supplied, control of together with all branches, couplings, stopcocks and apparatus corporation placed therein by the corporation, shall be under their control, and if any damage is done to this portion of the service pipe or sewer or its fittings either by neglect, or otherwise, the occupant. or owner of the lands shall forth with repair the same to the satisfaction of the corporation; and in default of his so doing, whether notified or not, the corporation may enter upon the lands where the service pipes are, and by their officers, agents or servants repair the same, and charge the same to the owner of the premises as herein before provided. (2) The stopcock placed by the corporation inside the wall of the building shall not be used by the water tenant except in cases of accident, or for the protection of the building, or the pipes, and to prevent the flooding of the premises. (3) Parties supplied with water by the corporation may be required to place only such taps for drawing and shutting off the water as are approved of by the corporation. premises 11. Any person authorised by the corporation for that pur- Inspection of pose shall have free access at proper hours of the day and upon reasonable notice given, and request made or in case of the written authority of a commissioner given in respect of the special case, without notice, to all parts of every building or other premises in which water is delivered and consumed, or which is served by a sewer, for the purpose of inspecting or repairing as aforesaid, or for placing meters upon any service Regulation of use of water and of rates Power to make and enforce bylaws for maintenance and of works and collection of rates pipe or connection within or without any house or building as they may deem expedient, and for this purpose, or for the purpose of protecting or of regulating the use of such meter may set or alter the position of the same, or of any pipe, connection or tap, and may fix the price to be paid for the use of such meter, and the times when and the manner in which the same shall be payable and may also charge for and recover the expenses of such alterations; and such price and expense of such alterations may be collected in the same manner as water rates. 12. The corporation shall regulate the distribution and use of the water in all places and for all purposes where the same may be required, and from time to time may fix the prices for the use thereof and the times of payments; and they may erect such number of public hydrants and in such places as they shall see fit, and direct in what manner and for what purposes the same shall be used, all which they may change at their discretion, and may fix the rate or rent to be paid for the use of water by hydrants or fire plugs and public buildings. (2) The sum payable by the owner or occupant of any house, tenement, lot or part of a lot for the water supplied to him there, or for the use thereof, and all rates, costs and charges by this Ordinance to be collected in the same manner as water rates, shall be a preferential lien and charge on the house, tenement, lot or part of a lot, and may be levied and collected in like manner as municipal rates and taxes are by law recoverable. 13. The corporation may from time to time make and enforce bylaws, rules and regulations for the general maintenance or the management or conduct of the waterworks and of management the officers and others employed in connection with them, not inconsistent with this Ordinance, and for the collection of the water rates and for fixing the time and times when, and the places where the same shall be payable; and also for allowing a discount for prepayment and in case of default in payment may enforce payment by shutting off the water, or by action in any court of competent jurisdiction, or by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the owner or occupant, or of any goods and chattels in his possession, wherever the same may be found, within ten miles of the property in respect of which the water rate is payable, or of any goods and chattels found on the premises, the property of or in the possession of other occupant of the premises; but where the arrears exceed three months no distress shall be made of any goods and chattels which are not the property of the person liable for the water rate. (2) The distress and sale may be conducted in the same manner as distress sales are conducted for arrears of taxes, and the costs chargeable shall be those payable under An Ordinance respecting Distress for Rent and Extra-judicial Seizure. employ 14. The corporation shall have power to employ the ordi- Power to nary collectors and assessors and such other persons as in their collectors and opinion may be necessary to carry out the objects of this Ordi- others nance, and to specify their duties and to fix their compensation. and all such persons shall hold their offices at the pleasure of the corporation, or as the corporation shall determine by bylaw in that behalf, and shall give security as the corporation shall from time to time require, and such assessors and collectors shall have full power in the performance and enforcement of the matters to them committed as the assessors and collectors of the municipality may by law possess and enjoy in respect of municipal taxes for breakage or 15. The corporation of the municipality shall not be liable Nonliability for damages caused by the breaking of any service pipes or stoppage attachment in the absence of negligence, or for any shutting off of any water to repair mains; provided that reasonable notice of the intention to shut off the water shall be given whenever the same is intended to be shut off for more than six hours at any one time. supply water 16. The said corporation shall have power and authority Power to to supply with water, upon special terms, any person or cor- outside poration outside the municipality, and may exercise all other municipality power necessary to the carrying out of their agreement with such corporation or person, as well within the suburbs as within the municipality, and they may also, from time to time, make and carry out any agreement which they may deem expedient for the supply of water to any railway company or manufactory, provided that where such water is to be supplied in another municipality which itself possesses waterworks, no pipes for this purpose shall be carried in, upon, through, over or under any highway, or public street, lane, road or passage within such other municipality without the consent of the council of such municipality; in such case the agreement may be for a term of years or otherwise as may be agreed upon. bylaws wrongful use supply 17. The corporation may make such bylaws as to the Power to make council may seem requisite for prohibiting, by fine not exceed- prohibiting ing $20 and costs, or by imprisonment in the first instance, for of water and any term not exceeding one month, any person being tenant, regulating occupant or inmate of any house, building or other place supplied with water from the waterworks, from lending, selling, or disposing of the water thereof, from giving it away, or permitting it to be taken or carried away, or from using or applying it to the use or benefit of others, or to any other than his, her or their own use and benefit or from increasing the supply of water agreed for with the corporation, or from wrongfully neglecting or improperly wasting the water. (2) And may also make bylaws regulating the time, manner, extent and nature of the supply by the works, to the tenement, Regulation of use of water and of rates Power to make and enforce bylaws for maintenance and of works and collection of rates pipe or connection within or without any house or building as they may deem expedient, and for this purpose, or for the purpose of protecting or of regulating the use of such meter may set or alter the position of the same, or of any pipe, connection or tap, and may fix the price to be paid for the use of such meter, and the times when and the manner in which the same shall be payable and may also charge for and recover the expenses of such alterations; and such price and expense of such alterations may be collected in the same manner as water rates. 12. The corporation shall regulate the distribution and use of the water in all places and for all purposes where the same may be required, and from time to time may fix the prices for the use thereof and the times of payments; and they may erect such number of public hydrants and in such places as they shall see fit, and direct in what manner and for what purposes the same shall be used, all which they may change at their discretion, and may fix the rate or rent to be paid for the use of water by hydrants or fire plugs and public buildings. (2) The sum payable by the owner or occupant of any house, tenement, lot or part of a lot for the water supplied to him there, or for the use thereof, and all rates, costs and charges by this Ordinance to be collected in the same manner as water rates, shall be a preferential lien and charge on the house, tenement, lot or part of a lot, and may be levied and collected in like manner as municipal rates and taxes are by law recoverable. 13. The corporation may from time to time make and enforce bylaws, rules and regulations for the general maintenance or the management or conduct of the waterworks and of management the officers and others employed in connection with them, not inconsistent with this Ordinance, and for the collection of the water rates and for fixing the time and times when, and the places where the same shall be payable; and also for allowing a discount for prepayment and in case of default in payment may enforce payment by shutting off the water, or by action in any court of competent jurisdiction, or by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the owner or occupant, or of any goods and chattels in his possession, wherever the same may be found, within ten miles of the property in respect of which the water rate is payable, or of any goods and chattels found on the premises, the property of or in the possession of other occupant of the premises; but where the arrears exceed three months no distress shall be made of any goods and chattels which are not the property of the person liable for the water rate. (2) The distress and sale may be conducted in the same manner as distress sales are conducted for arrears of taxes, and the costs chargeable shall be those payable under An Ordinance respecting Distress for Rent and Extra-judicial Seizure. employ 14. The corporation shall have power to employ the ordi- Power to nary collectors and assessors and such other persons as in their collectors and opinion may be necessary to carry out the objects of this Ordi- others nance, and to specify their duties and to fix their compensation and all such persons shall hold their offices at the pleasure of the corporation, or as the corporation shall determine by bylaw in that behalf, and shall give security as the corporation shall from time to time require, and such assessors and collectors shall have full power in the performance and enforcement of the matters to them committed as the assessors and collectors of the municipality may by law possess and enjoy in respect of municipal taxes for breakage or 15. The corporation of the municipality shall not be liable Nonliability for damages caused by the breaking of any service pipes or stoppage attachment in the absence of negligence, or for any shutting off of any water to repair mains; provided that reasonable notice of the intention to shut off the water shall be given whenever the same is intended to be shut off for more than six hours at any one time. supply water 16. The said corporation shall have power and authority Power to to supply with water, upon special terms, any person or cor- outside poration outside the municipality, and may exercise all other municipality power necessary to the carrying out of their agreement with such corporation or person, as well within the suburbs as within the municipality, and they may also, from time to time, make and carry out any agreement which they may deem expedient for the supply of water to any railway company or manufactory, provided that where such water is to be supplied in another municipality which itself possesses waterworks, no pipes for this purpose shall be carried in, upon, through, over or under any highway, or public street, lane, road or passage within such other municipality without the consent of the council of such municipality; in such case the agreement may be for a term of years or otherwise as may be agreed upon. bylaws wrongful use of water and supply 17. The corporation may make such bylaws as to the Power to make council may seem requisite for prohibiting, by fine not exceed prohibiting ing $20 and costs, or by imprisonment in the first instance, for any term not exceeding one month, any person being tenant, regulating occupant or inmate of any house, building or other place supplied with water from the waterworks, from lending, selling, or disposing of the water thereof, from giving it away, or permitting it to be taken or carried away, or from using or applying it to the use or benefit of others, or to any other than his, her or their own use and benefit or from increasing the supply of water agreed for with the corporation, or from wrongfully neglecting or improperly wasting the water. (2) And may also make bylaws regulating the time, manner, extent and nature of the supply by the works, to the tenement, |