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An Ordinance to incorporate The Moose Jaw General


[Assented to April 25, 1903.]


HE Lieutenant Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Territories enacts as follows:

Jaw General incorporated.

1. Richard Bogue, Arthur Hitchcock, Charles Unwin, Ed- The Moose ward N. Hopkins, John Bellamy, John T. Simpson, Samuel K. Hospital Rathwell, Thomas Miller, Fred W. Green, John H. Grayson, Alfred R. Turnbull, Samuel W. Radcliffe, James W. McCulloch, Frank J. Grobb, Joseph E. Battell, Frank Forge, William Watson, George Malcolm Annable, William C. Sanders, John D. Reid, John Gallagher, William Walsh, William Grayson and such other persons as may from time to time become members of the corporation to be incorporated shall be and are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate by and under the name of "The Moose Jaw General Hospital."


2. The said corporation by the name of "The Moose Jaw Power to hold General Hospital" shall have perpetual succession and a common seal; and by such name may from time to time and at all times, purchase, acquire, receive, accept, build, hold, possess and enjoy for them and all their successors any lands, tenements, hereditaments and real and movable property and estate within the Territories together with such grants, devises, gifts and bequests as may be made by and received from the government of the Dominion of Canada, the North-West Territories, the Town of Moose Jaw and any other corporation. person or persons whatsoever for the sole use and benefit of the said hospital, provided always that the actual value of such real estate so held as aforesaid does not at any one time exceed the sum of sixty thousand dollars.


3. The affairs of the said corporation shall be managed by Board of a board of directors consisting of twenty-three members of whom seven shall constitute a quorum; and the said Richard Bogue, Arthur Hitchcock, Charles Unwin, Edward N. Hopkins, John Bellamy, John T. Simpson, Samuel K. Rathwell, Thomas Miller, Fred W. Green, John H. Grayson, Alfred R. Turnbull, Samuel W. Radcliffe, James W. McCulloch, Frank J. Grobb, Joseph E. Battell, Frank Forge, William Watson, George Malcolm Annable, William C. Sanders, John D. Reid, John

Care of sick.




Subscribers to be members.




of directors.

Annual meeting.

Directors to hold office until annual

meeting held,

Gallagher, William Walsh and William Grayson shall constitute a first board of directors and shall hold office as such directors until their successors are appointed as is hereinafter provided.

4. The board of directors shall employ proper persons to attend the sick placed in the said public hospital and provide for the interment of the dead; and may appoint committees of one or more of their number to execute the orders of the said board.

5. The board of directors shall every year at their first meeting after election appoint from among themselves a chairman and also appoint a secretary and a treasurer or a secretary treasurer.

6. Said board of directors shall have power to meet from time to time for the transaction of the affairs of the said corporation; and in the absence of the chairman or secretary any director may be appointed to act for the time being as such chairman or secretary.

7. The said board of directors shall have power to make bylaws, rules and regulations not being contrary to law, and power to amend or repeal from time to time the same for all purposes relating to and bearing upon the well being and interest of the said corporation.

as may

8. All annual subscribers who have paid such sum be fixed by the bylaws of the said board of directors and whose names shall appear in the book kept for that purpose shall be members of the said corporation and shall have the right to take part in the annual meeting of the said corporation.

9. A donation at any time of fifty dollars or upwards shall entitle the donor to life membership.

10. All members who shall have paid their annual subscription as provided in section 8 and all life members and all subscribers of twenty-five dollars and upwards shall be eligible for election as directors.

11. There shall be a general annual meeting of the members of the said corporation on the third Monday in January in each year at an hour and place to be named by the directors; and notice thereof shall be given by the secretary by written. notice and shall be published in one or more of the newspapers published in the Town of Moose Jaw at least six days previous to the day of such meeting.

12. If from any cause the general meeting shall not be held on the said third Monday of January the directors


and officers of the said corporation then in office shall continue in office until such general annual meeting is held and their successors duly appointed as hereinafter provided.


13. If such general annual meeting shall from any cause Deferred not be held on the day herein before appointed for the same meeting. then it shall be lawful for the directors then in office to decide upon another day for the holding of a general annual meeting which day shall be within two months after the time when the same should have been held; and such meeting shall be called in the same manner as is provided by section 11 for the general annual meeting; and at such meeting all business may be transacted and all things done in the same manner as the same would have been transacted and done if such meeting had been held on the day provided by section 11 for holding the general annual meeting.

14. A full report shall be submitted by the directors to the said general meeting for its consideration and approval showing the condition of the affairs of the said corporation, including the treasurer's report; steward's report, receipts and disbursements and all other matters bearing on the interests of the said corporation, including the list of members.



term of office

15. At the annual meeting in 1904 the seven directors last Election and mentioned shall retire from office and seven directors shall be of directors. elected by ballot to succeed them; at the annual meeting in 1905 the second seven directors mentioned shall retire from office, and seven directors shall be elected by ballot to succeed them; at the annual meeting in 1906 the first nine directors mentioned shall retire from office and nine directors shall be elected by ballot to succeed them.

(2) All directors elected at an annual meeting pursuant to the provisions of this section shall hold office for three years from the time of their election and until their successors are elected.

16. The said general meeting shall elect an auditor Auditor for the ensuing year and the board of directors at the first meeting thereafter shall also appoint an auditor and it shall be the duty of such auditors to examine and report upon all accounts affecting the said corporation or relating to any matter under its control or within its jurisdiction for the year previous and shall prepare an abstract of the receipts, expenditure and liabilities of the said corporation and shall submit the same to the directors not less than three days before the said general annual meeting.


17. It shall be the duty of the said corporation on or Returns to before the fifteenth day of January in each year to transmit to Governor. the Lieutenant Governor for the information of the Legislative Assembly of the North-West Territories a return of the affairs



of such corporation showing in detail the assets and liabilities
and the number of sick persons received and attended to
specifying the nature of their sickness during the preceding
year in the said general hospital.

18. The directors of such corporation shall if they have
been requested so to do by the Lieutenant Governor in Council
and provided they are in receipt of public funds of the
Territories keep in such hospital at such time and for such
period as may be determined by the Lieutenant Governor in
Council an adequate supply of vaccine matter for the following
purposes namely:

(a) For the vaccination by a qualified person attached to
such hospital at the expense of the same, all poor
persons and (at their own expense) of all other
persons who may attend at such hospital for that
purpose on one day in each week of such period; the
fee to be charged for such vaccination not in any case
to exceed seventy-five cents; and the money derived
from such fees shall be used and applied for the
benefit of the hospital.

Non-denomin- 19. The said corporation shall in its management be always


Borrowing power.

Short title,

20. The directors of the said corporation shall have power to borrow money upon the security of the property of the said "The Moose Jaw General Hospital" either by mortgage debenture or otherwise as they may deem proper.

21. This Ordinance may be cited as the Moose Jaw General Hospital Ordinance."

[blocks in formation]

HEREAS James Muir, William Pearce, P. Turner Bone, Preamble Patrick Burns, F. W. G. Haultain, A. C. Rutherford, R. Secord, R. A. Wallace, J. A. Simpson, P. Talbot, A. S. Rosenroll, J. W. Shera, J. Woolf, W. T. Finlay, G. A. Anderson, Thomas Underwood, W. R. Hull, Murney Morris, John J. Young, R. J. Hutchings, Charles A. Stuart, C. F. P. Cony beare, Thomas Tweed, Malcolm McInnes, George A. Kennedy, A. T. Cushing, C. T. Jones, L. H. Doll, John A. Turner, H. Neilson, John A. Nolan, George Hope Johnston, D. W. Marsh, Thorburn Allan, J. S. Mackie, W. J. Binning, C. W. Rowley, W. H. Hogg, F. McBeth, N. D. Jackson, S. J: Clarke, C. F. Comer, J. C. McNeil, J. C. Linton, A. M. Grogan, H. A. Perley, W. B. Barwis, W. C. Armstrong, F. F. Higgs, C. W. Peterson, James Findlay, James Short, C. W. Fisher, R. B. Bennett, A. McTavish, J. C. Herdman, George Lane, W. M. Davidson, Carl Weiting, Wendell Maclean, and others by their petition in this behalf have represented that they are desirous of associating themselves together for the purpose of establishing, maintaining and conducting an institution of learning for the education of youths of both sexes and the said petitioners have prayed to be incorporated under the name of "Western Canada College" and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition:


HEREFORE the Lieutenant Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Territories enacts as follows ·

1. James Muir, William Pearce, P. Turner Bone, Patrick Incorporation Burns, F. W. G. Haultain, A. C. Rutherford, R. Secord, R. A. Wallace, J. A. Simpson, P. Talbot, A. S. Rosenroll, J. W. Shera, J. Woolf, W. T. Finlay, G. A. Anderson, Thomas Underwood, W. R. Hull, Murney Morris, John J. Young, R. J. Hutchings, Charles A. Stuart, C. F. P. Conybeare, Thomas Tweed, Malcolm McInnes, George A. Kennedy, A. T. Cushing, G. T. Jones, L. H. Doll, John A. Turner, H. Neilson, John A. Nolan, George Hope Johnston, D. W. Marsh, Thorburn Allan, J. S. Mackie, W. J. Binning, C. W. Rowley, W. H. Hogg, F. McBeth, N. D. Jackson, S. J. Clark, C. F. Comer, J. C. McNeil, J. C Linton, A. M. Grogan, H. A. Perley, W. B. Barwis, W. C. Armstrong, F. F. Higgs, C. W. Peterson, James Findlay, James Short, C. W. Fisher, R B. Bennett, A. McTavish, J. C. Herdman, George Lane, W. M.

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