57 Assembly, Legislative, of the Territories, Ordinance respecting, amended. 13 ainended... . . Brand Ordinance amended.... Calgary, Ordinance to Incorporate the City of, amended.. 66 General Hospital Ordinance amended.. Civil Justice, Administration of, Ordinance respecting, amended. 66 Trust, 66 64 Winding Up Ordinance.......... Confirmation of Sales of Land for Taxes, Ordinance respecting, amended. Fire Insurance Policy Ordinance..... Fire, Prairie and Forest, Ordinance for the Prevention of, amended....... Galt Hospital, Ordinance to Incorporate, amended. Hail Insurance Ordinance.. Horse Breeders in the North-West Territories, Ordinance to Protect.. 87 162 66 163 165 161 Yorkton Queen Victoria Cottage, Ordinance to Incorporate, 164 Hail, Ordinance respecting.. Judicature Ordinance amended.. Inquiries concerning Public Matters, Ordinance respecting, amended. 66 Interpretation Ordinance amended Intoxicating Liquor, Sale of, Ordinance respecting, amended. Legislative Assembly of the Territories, Ordinance respecting, amended... 14 61 22 12 96 27 13 134 96 Moose Jaw, Ordinance respecting Public Works for the Town of. 66 Moosomin, Ordinance to Incorporate the Town of, amended. 145 165 Prairie Fire Ordinance amended.. Notaries Public, Ordinance respecting, amended Noxious Weeds Ordinance.... Public Matters, Inquiries concerning, Ordinance respecting, amended. 30 91 95 14 105 Victoria Hospital, Ordinance to Incorporate, amended. 161 to Incorporate. 183 Sales of Land for Taxes, Confirmation of, Ordinance respecting, amended. 29 84 Strathcona, Ordinance to Incorporate the Town of, amended.. 144 84 Taxes, Confirmation of Sales of Land for, Ordinance respecting, amended. 29 187 66 Stock Growers' Association, Ordinance to Incorporate, amended 186 34 143 66 Queen Victoria Cottage Hospital, Ordinance to Incorporate, 164 |