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JUL 1 1 1938


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An Ordinance for granting to the Lieutenant Governor certain Sums of Money required for defraying certain Expenses of the Public Service for the Financial Year ending the Thirty-first day of December, 1903, and for other purposes.

[Assented to April 25, 1903]


HEREAS it appears by Message from His Honour Preamble
Amedée Emmanuel Forget, the Lieutenant Governor of

the North-West Territories, and the estimates accompanying
the same, that the sums hereinafter mentioned in the schedule
to this Ordinance are required to defray certain expenses of
the Government and public service of the Territories not
otherwise provided for during the financial year ending the
thirty-first day of December one thousand nine hundred and
three, and for other purposes relating thereto May it there-
fore please Your Honour that it may be enacted and be it
enacted by the Lieutenant Governor by and with the advice
and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Territories às


1. From and out of the general revenue fund there shall and Provisional may be paid and applied a sum not exceeding in the whole for 13 one hundred and ten thousand dollars ($110,000.00) to defray the expenses of Legislation, Maintenance of Public Institutions, salaries of the officers of the Government and Public Service, and for all other services of the Government coming in course of payment from the first day of January in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and three up to and until the final passage of the estimates of expenditures for the financial year one thousand nine hundred and three, as set forth in schedule A to this Ordinance.

2. The due application of all moneys expended under this Accounts Ordinance shall be accounted for.


Sum granted to the Lieutenant Governor by this Ordinance for the year one thousand nine hundred and three, and the purposes for which it is granted:

To defray the expenses of legislation, maintenance of public institutions, salaries of the officials of the Government and public service, and for all other services of the Government coming in course of payment from the first of January, 1903, up to and until the final passage of the estimates of the expenditure for the financial year 1903...

To provide for payment of one half of the sessional indemnity, with all travelling expenses due to members of the Legislative Assembly for the present session, notwithstanding anything contained in the Ordinance respecting the Legisla lative Assembly....



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