Weeds on cropped lands Notice to destroy weeds Notice to destroy weeds Railway lands Lands of Penalty for neglecting to shall be guilty of an offence, and on prosecution therefor by an overseer of the local improvement district or by an inspector or other officer under this Ordinance, shall on summary conviction thereof be liable to a penalty not exceeding $100 and costs. 1899, c. 22, s. 4. (2) For the purpose of this Ordinance the owner or occupant of any land adjoining a public road shall be deemed to be the owner or occupant of that portion of such road which lies between the centre line thereof and the adjoining land of which he is the owner or occupant. DESTRUCTION OF WEEDS. 5. Any inspector finding noxious weeds growing in any grain crop may notify the owner (a) To cut and burn or plough under such crop or any part thereof within a stated time, or (b) To fence or burn the straw and screenings from such crop within ten days after it is threshed. 1899, c. 22, s. 9; 1900, c. 31, s. 3. 6. Any inspector finding noxious weeds growing on occupied lands shall notify the occupant thereof to destroy such weeds within five days from the date of such notification. 1899, c. 22, s. 5 (1). 7. Any inspector finding noxious weeds growing on unoccupied lands shall notify the owner by registered letter addressed to his last known address, if any, to destroy such weeds within five days from the date of such notice. c. 22, s. 5 (1). 1899, 8. Any inspector finding noxious weeds growing on railway right of way or any unoccupied lands owned by or forming part of the land grant of any railway company shall notify any section foreman or station agent of the railway company by registered letter to destroy such weeds within five days from the date of such notice. 1899, c. 22, s. 5 (2). 9. Any inspector finding noxious weeds growing in or upon any ditch or right of way of any irrigation company shall notify the manager, superintendent or ditch rider of such company by registered letter to destroy such weeds within five. days from the date of such notice. 10. Any person to whom notice has been duly given under destroy weeds any of the preceding sections who neglects to carry out the directions contained therein shall be guilty of an offence and on summary conviction thereof shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding $100 and costs. 1899, c. 22, s. 6. where notice cannot be 11. In case noxious weeds are not cut down or other- Procedure wise destroyed on any land pursuant to any notice given by disregarded or an inspector under this Ordinance or in case the name given or address of the owner of such land is unknown, the said inspector or any person or persons directed by him, may forthwith enter upon the land with the necessary teams and implements and destroy such weeds in such manner as the inspector may see fit. 1899, c. 22, s. 7. destruction 12. The amounts expended in the work performed under Recovery of the next preceding section may be recovered from the owner costs of or the occupant of the land by action in the name of the Attorney General or the inspector or by distress by the inspector or his agent of any chattels on the land. c. 22, s. 8 (2). 1899, unpaid to be assessment 13. Any such amount which has not been satisfied on or Amounts before the 1st day of January next following its expenditure added to local shall be added to and form part of the local improvement improvement assessment of such lands in all respects as if it were an original tax and it shall have the same effect on the land and may be recovered in any of the modes available for the recovery of such taxes and the amount so recovered shall be transmitted to the Territorial Treasurer and form part of the general revenue fund of the Territories. 1899, c. 22, s. 8 (2); 1900, c. 31, s. 2. enter amount against land 14. Upon the overseer of a local improvement district Overseer to receiving notice from the commissioner of any amount to be charged under the next preceding section against any parcel of land in his district he shall enter the said amount against the said land and until it is paid enter it in all returns to be made by him in the same manner as unpaid local improvement assessments. to be prima 15. A certificate purporting to be signed by the commis- Certificate of sioner to the effect that an amount named therein has been commissioner expended during any year for the destruction of noxious weeds facie evidence upon any area of land described shall be prima facie evidence that the amount named has been so expended. SALE OR DISPOSAL OF GRAIN, ETC., CONTAINING WEED SEED. seed 16. No person shall sell or dispose of, or offer for sale or Sale, etc., of disposal any grain, grass, clover or other seeds intended for the containing purpose of seed in which there is seed of any noxious weed. 1899, c. 22, s. 10. weed seed etc., of 17. No person shall purchase or sell, barter or otherwise Sale, purchase dispose of or remove from any premises any bran, shorts, cleanings, chopped or crushed grain or cleanings containing seeds of containing noxious weeds without first destroying the germinating qualities of such seeds: weed seed Mills, elevators, etc. Threshing machines Neglect of duty by inspector Violation of Repeal Provided that matter containing seeds of noxious weeds may be removed from any grain elevator or warehouse for the purpose of sheep feeding or for such other purposes as will insure the complete destruction of the said seeds, under the authority of and subject to such regulations as may be prescribed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council from time to time which regulations shall be published in the official gazette. 1899, c. 22, s. 11; 1900, c. 31, s. 4. 18. No person shall place outside any mill, elevator or grain warehouse, except in a securely constructed building, shed or covered bin, any matter containing the seeds of noxious weeds without having first destroyed the germinating qualities of such seeds. 1899, c. 22, s. 12. THRESHING MACHINES TO BE CLEANED BEFORE REMOVAL. 19. Every person in possession or charge of any threshing machine shall thoroughly clean out such machine immediately after threshing at each place and before removing such machine or any part thereof to another place,and shall display in a prominent place upon his machine a card containing this provision, which will be furnished free upon application to the department. 1899, c. 22, s. 13. PENALTIES. 20. Every inspector or other officer who neglects to perform any duty placed upon him by this Ordinance shall in respect of each instance of neglect be guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction thereof to a penalty not exceeding $25 and costs. 1899, c. 22, s. 14. 21. Violation of any provision of this Ordinance for which no penalty is provided shall be an offence and the offender shall on summary conviction be liable to a penalty not exceeding $50 and costs. 1899, c. 22, s 15. 22. Chapter 22 of the Ordinances of 1899 and chapter 31 of the Ordinances of 1900 are hereby repealed. 1903 CHAPTER 25 An Ordinance to amend Chapter 87 of The Consolidated Ordinances 1898 intituled, "An Ordinance for the Prevention of Prairie and Forest Fires." 1. Section 2 of The Prairie Fires Ordinance is hereby Section amended by adding thereto the following subsection : "(2) If a fire shall be caused by the escape of sparks or any other matter from any engine or other thing it shall be deemed to have been kindled by the person in charge or who should be in charge of such engine or other thing but such person or his employer shall not be liable to the penalties imposed by this section if in the case of stationary engines the precautions required by section 12 have been complied with and there has been no negligence in any other respect or in the case of railway or other locomotive engines such engine is equipped with a suitable smoke stack netting and ash pan netting in good repair and kept closed and in proper place and in the case of railway engines where the line. of railway passes through prairie country there is maintained for a distance of at least three miles continuously in each direction from the point at which the fire starts on each side of such line of railway and not less than two hundred nor more than four hundred feet therefrom a good and sufficient fireguard of ploughed land not less than sixteen feet in width kept free from weeds and other inflammable matter and the space between such fireguard and such line of railway is kept burned or otherwise freed from the danger of spreading fire and there has been no negligence in any other respect." amended 1903 CHAPTER 26 An Ordinance further to amend Chapter 89 of The THE [Assented to June 19, 1903.] HE Lieutenant Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Territories enacts as follows: 1. Section 13 of The Liquor Licence Ordinance is hereby amended by adding thereto the following subsections: (3) Each member of a licensed partnership shall be liable to the penalties imposed against licensees for breach of the provisions of this Ordinance. (4) For the purposes of the consequences of any conviction. under this Ordinance a conviction against any person who is a member of a licensed partnership whether made while he is a member of such partnership or prior thereto shall have the same effect as if such conviction had been against each member of the said partnership. (5) No licence shall be granted in the name of one member only of a partnership and any licence so granted shall be void. 2. Section 15 of The Liquor Licence Ordinance is hereby repealed. 3. Section 23 of the said Ordinance is hereby repealed and the following substituted therefor: "23. No licence shall be granted to any married woman who is not a licensee at the time of the coming into force of this Ordinance." 4. Section 24 of the said Ordinance is hereby repealed and the following substituted therefor : 24. Every licensed hotel shall contain in addition to what is required for the use of the licensee, his family and servants the number of bedrooms following, that is to say: "(a) In cities and towns at least twenty; "(b) In villages at least ten ; and in every case a suitable complement of bedding and furniture. |