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(c) Or the curbing, sodding or planking of any street or
public lane, alley, square or other public place;
(d) Or the making, deepening, enlarging or prolonging of
any common ditch, drain or sewer or the reconstruct-
ing but not the mere repair and maintenance of any
of the said works.


(2) The term "special frontage assessment" shall be taken Special to mean a special assessment of the several lands abutting on assessment" the street or place whereon or wherein the improvement is to be made according to the number of lineal feet measured along the front or other abutting portion of the said several lands of the total charge to be provided by special frontage assessment the rate per foot being a uniform and equal rate computed by dividing the total charge to be provided by special frontage assessment on said lands by the number of lineal feet of such lands abutting on the street or place whereon or wherein the local improvement is to be made.

(a) Provided that where the local improvement abuts on

several parcels of land some of which appear to call
for a smaller or larger proportionate assessment on
account of being corner lots or being of different size
or shape from the other parcels of land abutting on
the local improvement; such exceptional parcels of
lands may be assessed as having a smaller or larger
number of feet abutting thereon than they actually
have so that each parcel of land abutting on the local
improvement bear a fair, just and equitable propor-
tion of the cost of the improvement; and

(b) Provided that in case the said system of special frontage
assessment is adopted in respect of a sewer or a system
of sewers and that for the purpose of affording an out-
let therefor a sewer is carried along a street or place
whereon or wherein it appears that owing to the
peculiar position or condition of any lot or parcel fr
parcels of land fronting or abutting thereon or to the
absence of buildings thereon such sewer would not have
been carried along such street or place except as a means
of affording an outlet as aforesaid; such lot or lots,
parcel or parcels of land shall be exempted from the
payment of any special frontage assessment in respect
of such sewer either for the whole or a part of the
term of the special frontage assessment or from the
payment of the whole or a part of the proportionate
cost thereof as shall appear just under the circum-



(3) The term "special local benefit assessment" shall be "Special taken to mean a special assessment of each such parcel of land local benefit in the vicinity of a local improvement whether or not such land abuts on the street or place whereon or wherein such local improvement is made or is increased or is likely to be increased in market value or is otherwise benefited by reason of the



or sewer extensions

Special frontage assessment and special local benefit assessment


local improvement being made to the amount of such share of the total charge to be provided by special local benefit assessment as bears a fair just and equitable proportion having regard to all other parcels of land benefited by the local improvement to such total charge.

(4) The term "cost" in relation to a local improvement shall include not merely the cost of the actual work of making the local improvement but also any expenses of engineering, surveying, advertising, issuing debentures and other expenses incidental to the entering on, carrying out and completing of the work and raising moneys to pay the cost thereof including discounts and interests.

(5) Where a system of waterworks or sewers has been established by the corporation the cost of extensions thereof from time to time shall be borne by the corporation at large and by the lots or parcels of land fronting or abutting on the street or place whereon or wherein the extension runs in the same proportions as nearly as the circumstances will admit as obtained in the case of the original establishment of the system.

232. The amount assessed against any parcel of land either by way of special frontage assessment or special local benefit assessment shall be the total sum representing the proportion property chargeable against such land of the total amount charged in respect of the local improvement against all the lands affected and the several amounts so assessed against the several lands shall with interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent. per annum be spread over the term of the probable lifetime of the local improvement so that the same shall be repayable in consecutive annual instalments in such manner that the aggregate amount payable for principal and interest in any year shall be equal as nearly as may be to what is payable for principal and interest during each of the other years of such period; and each such annual instalment shall be entered upon the tax roll for the year in which the same is payable and shall be payable in the same manner and collectable in the same methods and shall be subject to the same penalties in case of default of payment as if they formed part of the general municipal taxes; provided that the owner of any land so specially assessed may at any time commute the amount or balance remaining unpaid in respect thereof by paying the amount of the original assessment charged against such land together with interest and penalties chargeable in respect thereof less any amounts previously paid on account thereof.

233. The council of the town of Strathcona may pass bylaws-

(a) For providing the means of ascertaining and finally determining what portion of the cost of a local improvement shall be raised by special frontage assessment or by special local benefit assessment and what portion if any shall be borne by the corporation at

large and in the case of special frontage assessment what lands shall be assessed in an exceptional mode as herein before provided and the mode to be adopted and in the case of special local benefit assessment in what proportions the assessment is to be borne by the several lands affected; and of assessing a cost or a portion of the cost as the case may be either by way of special frontage assessment or by way of special local benefit assessment.

And it is hereby declared that a bylaw or bylaws of general application for the said purposes shall be sufficient and it shall not be necessary to pass a special bylaw in each particular instance.

(b) For borrowing by the issue of debentures upon the

credit of the corporation at large the moneys required to meet the whole or any part of the cost of any local improvement: Provided (1) that bylaws for the purpose of raising moneys in respect of local improvement may be passed comprising either the whole or any part of the amount of the entire cost thereof although a portion thereof is to be borne by the corporation at large and a portion is to be payable by special assessment or comprising the whole or a part of any portion of that part of the cost which is to be borne by the corporation at large or of that part of the cost which is to be payable by special assessment; (2) that such debentures shall mature within the probable lifetime of the local improvement; (3) that it shall not be necessary to obtain the assent of ratepayers to the passing of any bylaw for raising such portion of the cost of a local improvement as is or is to be levied by special assessment nor of any bylaw for raising such portion of the costs as is to be borne by the corporation at large of an extension of a municipal system of sewerage originally constructed as a local improvement or of any other local improvement unless in the case of such other local improvement the share of the cost to be borne by the corporation at large shall be greater than can be properly paid out of the current revenue of the corporation for the current year; and (4) that nothing herein contained shall be construed as authorising an extension of the general debt of the corporation beyond the limits thereof fixed by this Ordinance.

(c) For borrowing by way of temporary loans within the restrictions aforesaid on the credit of the corporation at large the whole or any part of the cost of a local improvement

And it is hereby declared that loans made for the purpose of local improvements to the extent to which the sums are secured by special assessments therefor form no part of the general debt of the corporation within the meaning of this Ordinance;

Petition or notice required

and it shall not be necessary to recite the amount of the local improvement debt so secured by special assessment in any bylaw for borrowing money on the credit of the corporation as aforesaid; but it shall be sufficient to state in any such bylaw that the amount of the general debt of the corporation as therein set forth is exclusive of local improvement debts secured by special


234. No local improvement to be paid for in whole or in part by special frontage assessment or special local benefit assessment shall be undertaken except pursuant to petition or notice as hereinafter provided.


1. (a) Upon receipt of a petition praying for any local improvement signed by at least two-thirds in number of the persons registered or assessed as owners of land abutting on the street or place whereon or wherein the improvement is made or of lands to be benefited by the local improvement as the case may be and representing at least one-half in value of such lands excluding improvements thereon as the same valued upon the last revised assessment roll the council may take all proper and necessary proceedings for undertaking and completing the local improvement on the special frontage assessment system or special local benefit assessment system as the case may be and after the council shall have finally determined to undertake the improvement no name shall be removed from such petition..

(b) The request of the petition may be acceded to by the council of the current or next succeeding year either in respect of the whole or of a part; provided that part only of the local improvement asked for shall not be made unless the petition is sufficiently signed having regard only to the lands abutting on or benefited by as the case may be the part of the local improvement which is made.

2. (a) Any local improvement may also be undertaken and the assessment of the cost thereof may be made on either of the systems aforesaid unless the majority of the owners of the lands to be affected representing at least one-half in value thereof as aforesaid petition the council against the same within two weeks after the last publication of notice of the intention of the council to undertake the local improvement such notice to be inserted once in each week for two weeks in at least one newspaper published in the corpor


(b) In the event of any sufficiently signed petition as aforesaid against the proposed local improvement being presented to the council no second notice for the same shall be given by the council within the then current calendar year.

(c) When notice of a proposed local improvement to be
paid for by special assessment as a local improvement
has been given by the corporation and no petition
sufficiently signed as aforesaid has within the time
limited in that behalf been presented to the council
against such local improvement or assessment it shall
be lawful for the council of the same or the next
succeeding year to undertake the proposed local

235. Any local improvement may in the discretion of the May be undertaken council be undertaken either before or after the cost thereof before cost ascertained shall have been ascertained and finally determined as aforesaid unless the petition or notice in respect thereof specially provides that the cost shall be first ascertained.

Insufficient or


236. If in any case the first assessment for any local improvement proves insufficient or invalid, an additional or assessment new assessment or assessments may be made until sufficient moneys have been realised to pay therefor; and if too large a sum has at any time been raised the excess shall be refunded ratably to those by whom it was paid.


237. There shall be a right of appeal against every assess- Appeal from ment made under the authority of any bylaw passed under this part of this Ordinance to a court of revision to be composed of the mayor and council of the corporation; and from such court of revision to a judge in the same manner and by the same procedure as nearly as may be as in the case of an appeal from an ordinary assessment.


238. Notice of every proposed special assessment shall be Notice of given by the assessor to each person registered or assessed as owner of any parcel of land to be charged thereby either personally or by registered letter addressed to the last post office address of the owner and the notice shall set forth

(a) A description in general terms of the local improve


(b) The probable lifetime of the local improvement as
being the period over which the cost will be spread :
(c) The probable or actual cost of local improvement;
(d) The portion if any of the cost to be borne by the
corporation at large;

(e) The portion of the cost to be provided by special
assessment; and the system of special assessment
under which the special assessment is proposed to be


(f) The time fixed for the sittings of the court of revision
for the hearing of appeals in respect of the special
assessment; such sittings not to be earlier than
fifteen days from the date of the delivery or mailing
of the notices.

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