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Power to lease

Short title

8. Notwithstanding anything herein before contained the said corporation shall have power to lease any portions of the real estate held by the said corporation upon such terms and for such period as may be agreed upon.

9. This Ordinance may be cited as "The English Club Ordinance."



An Ordinance to amend Chapter 42 of the Ordinances of 1903 (First Session), intituled "An Ordinance to incorporate the Bishop of the Russo-Greek Catholic Orthodox Church and the Parishes and Missions of the said Church."

[Assented to October 8, 1904.]

HE Lieutenant Governor by and with the advice and

enacts as follows:

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1. Section 6 of chapter 42 of the Ordinances of 1903 (first Section 6 session) is hereby amended by inserting after the word "church" amended where it occurs in the fourth line thereof the words and their successors in office" and by striking out the words "and they and their successors" where they occur in the fifth line thereof.






An Ordinance to incorporate the Sisters of Mercy of
The North West Territories.

[Assented to October 8, 1904.]

HEREAS there has existed for some time in the Territories an association of religious ladies under the name of "The Sisters of Mercy of the North-West Territories," whose objects are to keep hospitals for maternity cases and as refuges, homes for orphans, aged persons and indigent poor and persons suffering from incurable diseases and other like objects;

And whereas the said ladies have already one such hospital at Edmonton in the Territories;

And whereas the said ladies have by their petition prayed that their association be incorporated;

And whereas in consideration of the advantages to be derived from said institution it is expedient to grant their prayer;

Therefore the Lieutenant Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Territories enacts as follows:

1. The Reverend Sisters St. Francis of Assissium (née M. Palmyre Normandin), St Rose of Lima (née Marie Celanire Lussier) and St. Francis of Sales (née Mary Catherine Haddecaks) and such other persons as may hereafter become associated with them as members of the said institution according to their regulations shall be and are hereby declared to be a body politic and corporate in fact and in name under the name of The Sisters of Mercy of the North-West Territories; and under such name shall have perpetual succession and a corporate seal and may from time to time modify, renew or change at pleasure such corporate seal; and may under the same name possess, have or receive for themselves and their successors all lands, tenements and hereditaments and all real or immoveable estate lying and being in the Territories and to sell, alienate, build upon and dispose of the same and acquire others in their stead for the same purposes; and under the said power they shall have full power to sue and be sued in all courts of justice and other places whatsoever.

2. The purposes of the said corporation shall be the keeping and maintaining of one or more hospitals for maternity cases and refuges, homes for orphans, aged and indigent persons suffering from incurable diseases and other like purposes.

3. The affairs of such corporation shall be managed by the Managen directors or trustees thereof for the time being appointed as by any bylaw of such corporation provided they shall not be less than three nor more than nine and who or a majority of whom shall have full power to exercise all the powers of the corporation and to act on its name and on its behalf and to use its seal subject always to any provisions limiting the exercise of such powers or in any bylaw of the corporation; and such directors or trustees or a majority of them shall have power to make bylaws binding on the members and officers thereof and such others as shall agree to be bound by them for all purposes relative to the affairs and business of the corporation.

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4. The members of such corporation at their annual meet- Annual ing to be held on such day as may be provided by any bylaw meeting a of the said corporation may choose from amongst themselves a officers president, a secretary and treasurer who may also be directors and such other officers and servants of the corporation as they may think necessary; and also a board of directors or trustees of such corporation who shall hold office for one year and until their successors shall have been appointed.


5. The failure to elect officers and directors or trustees on Failure to any day appointed for that purpose by the declaration aforesaid or by any bylaw shall not cause the dissolution of the corporation but the board and officers then in office shall remain in office until their successors are elected which they may be if no other provision be made therefor by the bylaws. at any general meeting of the members of the corporation or at any meeting at which a majority of such members shall be present in whatsoever way such meeting may be called.


6. The shares, rights and interests of the members or any Transfer o class of members in the property of the corporation shall be transferable in such way and subject to such conditions as shall be mentioned in bylaws of the corporation.

7. All shares in the corporation shall be personal property Forfeiture and by bylaws provisions may be made for the forfeiture of such shares in certain cases or for preventing the transfer thereof to other than members of the corporation.



8. No member shall be liable in her person or separate Personal estate for the liabilities of the corporation beyond the unpaid shares which she may hold or any balance unpaid therefor.




An Ordinance to incorporate The Order of St.



[Assented to October 8, 1904.]

HEREAS Alfred Mayer, Mathias Sterger, Benedict Steigenberger, John Balfrey, Peter Windschiegl, Rudolf Palm, Dominic Hofmann, Meinrad Seifermann and Chrysostom Hofmann on behalf of the association of ecclesiastics known as The Order of St. Benedict have by the petition represented that the said association of which they are members has existed since and before the beginning of this year of our Lord, 1903, in the North-West Territories having for its object the establishing and carrying on of missions, the erection and conduct of schools, colleges, seminaries and churches and that the said association now has in operation in the said NorthWest Territories several missions and has already laid plans. for and will start immediately the establishing of certain schools, missions, colleges, seminaries, churches and a monastery and proposes to establish and carry on others;

Whereas the members of the said association have by the said petition presented in their name prayed that their said association may be vested with corporate powers and it is expedient to grant their prayer;

Therefore the Lieutenant Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Territories enacts as follows:

-poration 1. The said Alfred Mayer, Mathias Sterger, Benedict Steigenberger, John Balfrey, Peter Windschiegl, Rudolf Palm, Dominic Hofmann, Meinrad Seifermann and Chrysostom Hoffmann and such other persons as now are members of the said association of ecclesiastics in the North-West Territories or shall hereafter become members thereof shall be and they are hereby constituted and declared to be a body politic and corporate by the style and title of The Order of St. Benedict hereinafter called "The Corporation."

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2. All lands, tenements and hereditaments and property real and personal and all schools, missions, colleges, seminaries, churches and a monastery belonging to and used, held, occupied and possessed or enjoyed now and at the time of the passing of this Ordinance by the said association shall be and the same. are hereby declared to be vested in the corporation for the purposes hereof.


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