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3. The corporation may from time to time and at all times Corporation may acquire hereafter acquire as purchasers or donees by gift or testamen- lands, etc. tary bequest or devise or from any lawful source for the benefit of the corporation any lands, tenements or hereditaments and personal property in the North-West Territories or any part of the Dominion of Canada and the same or any part thereof from time to time may sell or exchange, mortgage, lease, let or other- and dispose wise dispose of and with the proceeds arising therefrom from time to time acquire other lands, tenements and hereditaments and other property, real and personal for the use and purposes of the corporation.

of same


4. The revenues, issues and profits of all property real and Application of personal held by the corporation shall be appropriated and applied solely to the maintenance of the members of the corporation and of the institutions carried on by the corporation and the construction and repair of buildings and the acquisition of property, real and personal requisite for the purposes of the corporation and for the advancement of charity and benevolence.

5. It shall be lawful for the corporation to make bylaws, Bylaws, etc. rules, orders and regulations not contrary to the laws of the Territories for the government and proper administration of the affairs and property of the corporation and to repeal and amend the same from time to time.

6. The head office of the corporation shall be at St. Peter's Head office Monastery or such other place in the North-West Territories

as may from time to time be determined by the bylaws of the corporation.

7. The said corporation is hereby authorised to establish a May establish college in the North-West Territories.

a college


8. The said corporation shall be governed by a president, officers and secretary and procurator which officers shall constitute a board of trustees and the same officers shall also always act as trustees of said college.

9. The superior of The Order of St. Benedict in the North- President West Territories shall ex officio be president of the board of trustees and the secretary and procurator shall be appointed

by the said president.

10. A vicepresident of the college may be nominated by Vicepresident the president to act in his stead and to perform the duties of the president in his absence.


11. The said order shall have power and authority by Endowment of statute or bylaw to constitute and establish a college cr college and colleges and to provide for the endowment of the same and of professors, the appointment of professors, tutors and officers in connection therewith.


Changes in constitution

Members, etc.


individually liable for debts of corporation

Rights of the
Crown and
of other
not affected

12. The said order shall have power and authority from time to time by statute or bylaw to make such changes, alterations and amendments as may be deemed proper in the constitution of the said college or colleges so constituted and established.

13. Nothing herein shall have the effect or be construed to have the effect of rendering all or any of the several persons herein before mentioned or all or any of the said members of the corporation or any other person whatsoever individually liable or accountable for or by reason of any debt or obligation incurred or entered into for or on account of the corporation or for or on account or in respect of any matter or thing whatsoever relating to the corporation.

14. Nothing herein contained shall affect or be construed to affect the rights of His Majesty, his heirs or successors or any other person or persons or of any body politic or corporate.



An Ordinance to incorporate The Range Stock
Growers Association of Medicine Hat.

[Assented to October 8, 1904.]

HEREAS since the early stock associations were formed Preamble the business of stock growing has materially increased and a large number of stock growers has been added to those engaged heretofore in the business and particularly in the district surrounding and tributary to the Medicine Hat District; and

Whereas owing to the rapidly increasing numbers of stock growers who are settling in this district and of the inability of the present stock association which is a local unincorporated body to fully protect the interests of all the ranchers over the great space of country in which the stock industry is now carried on it has become necessary and expedient to incorporate a further body with powers and facilities for protecting, regulating and advancing the interests of the stock industry; and

Whereas at a meeting of the stock growers held at the town. of Medicine Hat on the thirtieth day of April, A. D. 1904, an association of stock growers was formed under the name of The Range Stock Growers' Association of Medicine Hat for the purposes aforesaid; and

Whereas a board of management consisting of a president, two vice presidents and an executive committee or board of directors of nine members was elected at the said meeting and the members of the said board were authorised to apply for an Ordinance to incorporate the said association; and

Whereas a petition has been presented praying for an Ordinance to incorporate the said association;

Therefore the Lieutenant Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Territories enacts as follows:

of association

1. William T. Finlay of Medicine Hat, John K. Drinnan of Incorporation Medicine Hat, Abner T. Wilson of Medicine Hat, Richard C. Becker of Medicine Hat. Charles F. Grant of Medicine Hat, Francis O. Sissons of Medicine Hat, Frederick L. Crawford of Medicine Hat, James Mitchell of Medicine Hat, John C. Hargrave of Medicine Hat, Frederick G. Forster of Medicine Hat,


General powers

Board of management

First general meeting

John Ellis of Stair, Reginald E. Margesson of Medicine Hat and Ernest G. Benwell of Irvine and such other persons as have heretofore and shall hereinafter become members of The Range Stock Growers' Association of Medicine Hat shall be and are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate by and under the name of The Range Stock Growers' Association of Medicine Hat.

2. The objects of this association and the purposes for which it is incorporated are to foster, protect and advance the interests of its members as stock growers by aiding them in the recovering of impounded, lost, strayed or stolen animals; and in the prosecuting persons wilfully or negligently misappropriating live stock; in protecting the rights of its members


owners of registered brands; in verifying pedigrees of animals offered for sale or service in any of the stock districts hereinafter defined; in prosecuting persons publishing fraudulent pedigrees of animals offered by them for sale or service: in importing, exporting, buying, selling or exchanging stock; in inspecting live stock shipped or driven from or into any of the said districts; in co-operating with stock growers associa tions in other parts of the Territories; and in using to these ends such lawful means as may be expedient.

3. The said corporation by the name of The Range Stock Growers' Association of Medicine Hat shall have perpetual succession and a common seal; and shall have power from time to time and at all times hereafter to purchase, acquire, hold, possess and enjoy and have, take and receive to themselves and their successors to and for the actual use and occupation of the said association any lands, tenements, hereditaments and real and immovable property and the same to sell and alienate, exchange and otherwise dispose of whenever the said corporation deems it advisable to do so and shall and may by the same name sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, answer and be answered unto in any manner what


4. The business of the said corporation shall be managed by a board of management consisting of a president, two vicepresidents and not more than nine directors all of whom shall be members of the association which board shall consist of the persons mentioned in the first section of this Ordinance until their successors are elected as hereinafter provided.

5. The first general meeting of this association shall be held at the town of Medicine Hat within two months of the date of the passing of this Ordinance and notice of the time and place of holding such meeting shall be published in the town of Medicine Hat in each issue of every weekly newspaper published at least three weeks before the date of the meeting, and at such meeting the board of managment shall be elected to hold office until the next general annual meeting and at all general meetings nine members shall be a quorum.


6. There shall be an annual general meeting of the members Annual of the association on the first Tuesday of May in each year at meeting such time and place as the board of management determines and the secretary shall mail notice of such meeting to each member of the association at least three weeks prior to the date of the meeting but if from any cause such general annual meeting be not so held the board of management shall continue in office until their successors are elected and shall within thirty days after the date fixed for the annual meeting call a special general meeting of the members for the purpose of transacting such business as should have been transacted at such general annual meeting and similar notice of such special general meeting shall be mailed to each member.


7. Officers and directors of the association shall be elected Election of by the association the majority of the votes cast being necessary to an election and shall hold office for one year or their successors shall be elected and installed; provided that the members of the board of directors shall be nominated by the president and confirmed by a vote of the association and that no one shall be elected president or vicepresident for more than two successive terms and that no less than four of the board of directors shall be retired each year. The president and vice presidents shall be ex officio members of the board of directors; and the president shall be ex officio chairman of such board; and that votes for the election of officers and directors may be given in person or by proxy but no member whose right to vote is protested shall be entitled to vote either in person or by proxy who at the time of voting is indebted to the association; provided also that no appointment of any proxy to vote at any general meeting of the association shall be valid unless made in writing within two months next preceeding the date of such meeting.


8. Any person engaged in the business of stock growing in Qualification the North-West Territories may subject to the provisions of membership any bylaw of the association in that behalf not inconsistent herewith become a member thereof by paying to the secretary the sum of five dollars and filing with him application for membership in the form in the schedule to this Ordinance and at said meeting a majority vote shall determine the place for the next annual meeting.


9. Every member of the association shall as such be liable Annual to an annual assessment at a rate not exceeding four cents per head for every head of horses or cattle registered by him the amount of such rate in any year and the date of its levy and collection being determined by the board of manage


10. The amount due by each member under such assess- May be ment may be recovered as a debt due the association.

recovered as debt

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