Acts Relating to the North-West Territories Being Statutes of CanadaTerritorial Printer, 1903 |
From inside the book
Page 23
... person whose interest in such crop is insured to be given shall forthwith notify the minister by registered letter and shall also notify such person as may have been designated by the minister for that purpose . ( 2 ) Such notification ...
... person whose interest in such crop is insured to be given shall forthwith notify the minister by registered letter and shall also notify such person as may have been designated by the minister for that purpose . ( 2 ) Such notification ...
Page 32
... person and no other shall be registered and such registration shall be made upon production of a certificate under the hand of the Registrar of the said Medical Council for Canada certi- fying that such person is duly registered in the ...
... person and no other shall be registered and such registration shall be made upon production of a certificate under the hand of the Registrar of the said Medical Council for Canada certi- fying that such person is duly registered in the ...
Page 34
... person liable to contribute to the assets of a company under this Ordinance in the event of the same being wound up , and in all proceedings prior to the final determination of such persons any person alleged to be a contributory , and ...
... person liable to contribute to the assets of a company under this Ordinance in the event of the same being wound up , and in all proceedings prior to the final determination of such persons any person alleged to be a contributory , and ...
Page 41
... person included in the list , and stating in what character and for what number of shares , or interest , such person is included in the list ; and in case any variation in or addition to the list is at any time made by the liquidators ...
... person included in the list , and stating in what character and for what number of shares , or interest , such person is included in the list ; and in case any variation in or addition to the list is at any time made by the liquidators ...
Page 45
... person whom he represents , to the company , exclusive of moneys which he or the estate of the person whom he represents may be liable to contribute by virtue of any call made or to be made by the Court in pursuance of this Ordinance ...
... person whom he represents , to the company , exclusive of moneys which he or the estate of the person whom he represents may be liable to contribute by virtue of any call made or to be made by the Court in pursuance of this Ordinance ...
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Common terms and phrases
00 Clerk advice and consent aforesaid amend Chapter amount apply appointed Assented authorised ballot paper borrowing bylaw Calgary charge commissioner or commissioners construction corporation sole cost court debentures debt deemed deputy returning officer directors district duty Edmonton election enacts as follows expenses Governor in Council heat or power hereby amended improvement interest intituled An Ordinance issued June 19 Legislative Assembly liable lien Lieutenant Governor Medicine Hat ment Moose Jaw mortgage Municipal Ordinance North-West Territories notice November 21 noxious weeds Ordinance is hereby Ordinance respecting Ordinance to amend Ordinance to incorporate otherwise owner paid parcel of land payable payment person petition poll clerk purchase purpose regulations secretary secretary-treasurer securities service pipes shareholders sinking fund special assessment special frontage assessment special local benefit special rate supply taxes Territories enacts therein thereof town trustee vote waterworks
Popular passages
Page 45 - The Court may, after it has made an order for winding up the Company, summon before it any officer of the Company or person known or suspected to have in his possession any of the estate or effects of the Company...
Page 69 - ... intimidation upon or against any person in order to induce or compel such person to vote or refrain from voting, or on account of such person having voted or refrained from voting, at any election, or who shall, by abduction, duress, or any fraudulent...
Page 41 - Member, and of the costs, charges, and expenses of winding up the same, and for the adjustment of the rights of the contributories amongst themselves...
Page 40 - Act, but has acted honestly and reasonably, and ought fairly to be excused for the breach of trust and for omitting to obtain the directions of the court in the matter in which he committed such breach, then the court may relieve him either wholly or partly from personal liability for the same.
Page 45 - ... set apart a sufficient fund to answer any future claim that may be made in respect of any fixed and ascertained sum covenanted or agreed by the lessee to be laid out on the property demised, or...
Page 46 - In any action or other proceeding against a trustee or any person claiming through him, except where the claim is founded upon any fraud or fraudulent breach of trust to which the trustee was party or privy, or is to recover trust property, or the proceeds thereof still retained by the trustee, or previously received by the trustee and converted to his use...
Page 36 - ... any alteration in the status of the members of the company, after the commencement of the winding up, shall be void, but the corporate...
Page 35 - ... either subject to prior charges, or not, and either together or in lots, by public auction or by private contract, subject to such conditions respecting title, or evidence of title, or other matter, as he (the mortgagee) thinks fit...
Page 227 - Society ;" and for the purposes aforesaid, and by the name aforesaid, shall have perpetual succession and a Common Seal, with full power and authority to alter, vary break, and renew the same at their discretion, and by the same name, to sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, answer and be -answered unto...
Page 39 - ... compromise all calls and liabilities to calls, debts, and liabilities capable of resulting in debts, and all claims, whether present or future, certain or contingent, ascertained or sounding only...