SYDNEY BERESFORD. A Tale of the Day. BY THE AUTHOR OF THE BANDIT'S BRIDE, &c. He that would be a master must draw by the life, as well as copy from originals, COLLIER. IN THREE VOLUME S. VOL. I. LONDON: SHERWOOD, GILBERT, AND PIPER, PATERNOSTER-ROW. PREFACE. د EXCITEMENT is the piquancy of human flife; and truth, even in this age of illu sion, often awakens excitement; because, under the head of truth, men look for what may happen to themselves, not calculating, that the wildest romance, is often less wild, than the romance every day working in domestic life. The tale of SYDNEY BERESFORD, which we humbly dedicate to the notice and amusement of the public, we pronounce founded on the stubborn basis of TRUTH; for the main-spring of the story-the peculations, and nefarious arts, to grasp and hold hereditary 4-2-28 Sauxay. Travers Jus (RECAP) 3941 389 631615 |