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she could obtain relief, or the husband be brought before the magistrate, and said the poorer orders required further legislation in a manner, to a certain extent, pointed out by Mr. Mathews. As regarded the richer classes, it was now the almost universal practice to insert a clause in the marriage settlement providing that any property afterwards acquired by the wife should be settled upon her, and he thought it a very wholesome provision.

Mr. Mathews, replying upon the discussion, said that although magistrates were empowered to grant protection orders, securing to a wife her earnings, those orders could only be granted in the case of desertion, and it was found almost impossible to get a wife to go into a police court and make the grievances between herself and her husband known to the public. A case in point was furnished in Birmingham. A servant of his own married unhappily, and after she had borne her husband three children he deserted her, and was now living with another woman. He was earning £3 or 4 per week, but no provision could be got for the wife unless she went to the parish. The result was he (the speaker) and some of his friends had to support her and her children.


Mr. E. F. Burton (London) read a paper on this Act, examining the measure in detail, and pointing out the several ways in which it would affect solicitors in their everyday practice. It was a great experiment. Whether it would turn out, for the next twenty years, until a new race of men shall be at the bar or at the bench, a blessing or a curse, would, in his belief, depend upon the temper in which the common law judges interpreted and adopted it. If adopted by the common law judges (for it was in the common law division that the real change was to be worked out) in a broad and liberal spirit, it would simplify litigation, and avoid much scandal. But if received in the same sort of captious spirit in which the composition deeds were dealt with under the old Bankruptcy Act, suitors for the next twenty years would have a rough time of it. In conclusion, he adverted to the many important improvements introduced into this Act upon the suggestion of the Incorporated Law Society and other societies whose honesty of purpose had never been more completely displayed. The manner in which their suggestions were received did honour to the great mind of the present Lord Chancellor.

A few words in commendation of the paper were made by the chairman, Mr. Sharpe, and


As several members had to leave by an early train, thanks were voted to the Birmingham Law Society for the munificent hospitality with which they had received and entertained the gentlemen who had attended from a distance; to Mr. Horton, the hon. sec.; to the local committee, for their great and successful exertions to promote the business of the meeting; to the Royal Society of Artists, for their kindness in giving permission for the conversazione to be held in their rooms that evening; to the authors of paper read; and to the president, for his valuable address and his able

conduct in the chair.

Mr. W. E. Shirley (Doncaster) afterwards read a paper "On the Education of Attorneys;" and the Hon. Sec. one by Mr. R. W. Griffith (of Cardiff), containing " Suggestions for the Revival of the Inns of Chancery."

The proceedings then terminated. The following members of the Profession were present: Mr. Pidcock, in the chair; Messrs. E.

Turner Payne, of Bath; A. Ryland, G. J. Johnson, T. Horton, C. T. Saunders, R. H. Milward, S. Balden, jun.; W. S. Allen, T. E. Spencer, J. Marigold, E. L. Tyndall, E. J. Hayes, J. H. Barclay, H. W. Tyndall, E. B. Rawlings, C. E. Mathews, C. H. Edwards, F. Sanders, Thos. Martineau, C. B. King, F. Price, L. P. Rowley, D. W. H. Pemberton, Jacob Rowlands, G. F. James, G. W. Hickman, J. R. Holliday, W. Sextus Harding, J. Chirm, V. Bower, W. Septimus Harding, J. G. Bradbury, J. S. Canning, H. D. Crompton, Geo. Page, Joseph Rowlands, E. F. Mason, C. Harding, W. Lowe, W. Evans, W. Morgan, E. T. Ratcliffe, H. L. Smith, E. M. Coleman, C. H. Owen, H. T. Edges, T. G. Lee, J. B. Clarke, B. Chesshire, W. Brown, J. Jelf, J. Stubbin, and J. L. Smith, of Birmingham; J. Miller and H. F. Lawes, of Bristol; R. Ellett, of Cirencester; J. Slater, of Darlaston; W. E. Shirley, of Doncaster; H. New, of Evesham; G. Whitcombe, of Gloucester; G. England, of Howden; T. Marshall, J. Rider, J. D. Kay and G. H. Nelson, of Leeds; J. H. E. Gill, W. Radcliffe, R. A. Payne, J. Atkinson, E. W. Bird, R. S. Cleaver and J. H. Kenion, of Liverpool; A. W. Sadgrove, J. H. Kays, J. S. Torr, E. F. Burton, F. R. Parker, W. Shaen, E. Bromley, T. Eiffe and Philip Rickman, of London; I Jepson, M. Bateson Wood, W. H. Guest and Percy Woolley, of Manchester; R. R. Dees, G. W. Hodge, T. G. Gibson and R. S. Watson, of New castle; B. T. Sharpe, of Norwich; T. Hawdon, of

Selby; Lindsay W. Winterbotham, of Stroud; S. Alcock, jun., of Sunderland; H. Addenbroke and T. S. Eddowes, of Sutton Coldfield; T. Southall, W. P. Hughes, and T. G. Hyde, of Worcester; T. Marlow and Lauris Winterbotham, of Walsall; J. Lewis, of Wrexham; and J. Holtby, of York.


ON Thursday evening, the 23rd ultimo, Professor Sheldon Amos, M.A., delivered a lecture at the University College, Gower-street, on “The Value of Lectures in the Study of the Law," to a large audience.

In the course of his remarks, the Professor said that about forty years ago saw the foundation of University College, the chief object of which was to encourage the faculties of law and medicine. Among those who had occupied the presidential chairs at this institution were the late Mr. Austin, as well as the lecturer's father, and many other eminent men. The college had since that time been distinguished in medicine, whereas the legal faculty had unfortunately fallen off to some extent; but, throughout the whole time he was of opinion that the college was not at fault, for it had always endeavoured, as far as possible, to encourage the scientific study of the law, and had always held out its arms to young men, not exclusively to barristers, but to all young men, to come and share in its teaching.

In speaking of the condition of law at the present day, he said that the present time was a critical moment in the history of legal education. We were now contemplating a very great change in the whole judicial institutions of this country. There were two great works to be done-the reconstruction of the form of the law, and the ensuring of a complete and efficient legal education, to bring all members of both branches of the Profes. sion in contact with the best teachers. There was no doubt but that this work would be done, as several schemes were contemplated by various bodies and associations, which schemes would, in a short time, converge, and there would be as good a system in England as in many other countries. The question of lectures would, he believed, become, very shortly, an important question; and the University College had already begun to avail itself in the use of them in the study of law. This college was the first that had offered public instruction to joint classes of men and women. But the point might arise in some minds whether there was in these days of abundant and easy access to every kind of literature anything for the lecturer to do. Notwithstanding the variety and number of books at the disposal of students, and in fact partly on that account, was it necessary for a student of law to have some one to guide him in his studies, by pointing out the course he should pursue, and also the course he should avoid; for oftentimes a student spends a great deal of time in wading through books which were of little or no use to him. It was also desirable when a par ticular branch of the law was to be studied that a person should be able to know the best authorities in the particular branch to which he directed himself. If a student desired to learn history, Henry Maine might be studied to advantage; or if he required to study law for practical purposes, and was endeavouring to ascertain what the law of England was at the present day, he might go to Blackstone. If for philosophical purposes, to know what was the meaning of law, and what place it held as a science, if it were a science, he would suggest the works of Austin. But in each of these methods of study the aid of the lecturer would be valuable. The law, as it concerned the

It affected everyone

relations of men to each other in society, and gave extended powers of freedom to some persons to restrain that power in others, was of great interest to all classes, although by the great controversy concerning terms it was far from being understood by them. directly or indirectly, by being associated with commerce, property, crime. &c., and formed part of the every-day life of all persons. But in all these relations, and in the difficult controversy respecting terms, it was the province of the lecturer to explain and suggest to his students the best books with which to become acquainted; and when a student met with vagueness or difficulty in a book, the lecturer was to do what the work would, could it but speak. And not merely by answering the questions of those whom he was teaching, but also by encouraging his class to get up short conversations, thereby inducing them when they met a small difficulty, they might to if it was a real difficulty, and then if it was they could refer it to their lecturer. In giving his advice with respect to the study of books, the lecturer said, that, speaking from experience, he could tell them what to avoid; but he should not endeavour to thrust upon them certain opinions, simply because he had pursued that particular course of study. Another valuable aid of the lecturer was to ex. plain to the student the great changes which were continually taking place in law, which

grew from generation to generation, and even from day to day. For instance, the laws of the present day had grown considerably since the times of the Romans; and the great question of to-day respecting international law, was consequent on the growth of law, great divergences of opinion existing upon this point, some persons holding that there was no such thing as international law; all these questions came within the province of the lecturer to elucidate for the benefit of his classes. Law, in its very materials, form, and conception, grew; it grew with all the changing incidents of society, and every new form of relation and commerce gave an impetus to it. It was, therefore, obvious that no books could keep pace with it, but it afforded to the lecturer an opportunity to display his usefulness by endeavouring to do what books were unable to do, and to keep his eye steadfast on the changes going on around him, to watch every moral change in society, and to say whether any real change was being introduced into the land. The lecturer then proceeded to speak of the advantages of both sexes studying together, and also of the categorical system of study-as tending to bring together a much greater divergence of opinion, and consequently an extended knowledge was obtained.

ARTICLED CLERKS' SOCIETY. A MEETING of this society was held at 1, Milfordlane, Strand, W.C., on Wednesday, Nov. 5, Mr. F. J. Baker in the chair. Mr. T. B. Girling opened Part III. of the "Judicature Bill" for discussion. Mr. Wingfield opened the subject for the evening's debate, viz.: "That the relationship existing between this country and her Colonies should be reorganised on the basis of a Federation." The motion was lost by a majority of one.

THE UNION SOCIETY OF LONDON. THE first meeting of this Society after the Long Vacation was held at 1, Adam-street, Adelphi, on Tuesday evening last, when the President moved "That this House would view with regret the establishment of a Monarchy in France by the present National Assembly." A majority of the House approved the motion.

SOLICITORS' BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION. 1HE usual monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of this Association was held at the Law Institution, London, on Wednesday last, Nov. 5, Mr. Park Nelson in the chair; the other directors present being-Messrs. Brook, Hedger, Rickman, Roscoe, Shaen, Smith, Styan and Torr (Mr. Eiffe, secretary). A sum of 110l. was distributed in donations to nine necessitous families of deceased mitted to the association, and other general busisolicitors; twenty-two new members were ad

ness transacted.

LAW STUDENTS' DEBATING SOCIETY THE first meeting after the long vacation took place on the 28th Oct., at the Law Institution, there being a large attendance of members. The following question was discussed: "Has a pecuniary legatee a right to call upon a residuary devisee to contribute to the payment of debts? and was decided in the negative. At the next meeting, held on 4th Nov., the question discussed was: "Is the Judicature Act a satisfactory measure?" and was decided in the affirmative by a moderate majority.


AT the usual monthly meeting of the directors held at the Hall of the Incorporated Law Society in Chancery-lane, on Thursday, the 6th Nov. inst., (chairman), Mr. Bennett, Mr. Burges, Mr. Carthe following being present, viz.: Mr. Steward penter, Mr. Collisson, Mr. Drew, Mr. Hedger, Mr. Nelson, Mr. Nisbet, Mr. Sawtell, Mr. Sidney Boodle (secretary), a grant of £50 was made to Smith, Mr. Styan, Mr. Williamson, and Mr. of £10 each were made to the widows of nonthe daughters of a deceased member, two grants members, three new members were elected, and other ordinary business was transacted.

HUDDERSFIELD LAW STUDENTS' DEBATING SOCIETY. On Friday evening, Oct. 24, E. Tindal Atkinson, Esq., barrister-at-law, delivered a lecture before this society on the first part of the Supreme Court of Judicature Act 1973. On Monday, Oct. 27, the usual fortnightly debate took place. The follow ing question was appointed for discussion: "15 there any implied condition in letting a furnished house that it shall be reasonably fit for habita. tion? (Smith v. Marrable, 11 M. & W. 5; Hart v. Winsor, 12 M. & W. 68; Sutton v. Temple, 12 M. & W. 52). Messrs. R. Welsh and A. Ainley conducted the affirmative, and Messrs. J. Yeoman and W. Brown the negative. question was decided in the affirmative by a majority of three.



NOTE. This department of the LAW TIMES, is contributed by EDWARD WALFORD, M.A., and late scholar of Balliol College, Oxford, and Fellow of the Genealogical and Historical Society of Great Britain; and, as it is desired to make it as perfect a record as possible, the families and friends of deceased members of the Profession will oblige by forwarding to the LAW TIMES Office any dates and materials required for a biographical notice.


THE late Right Hon. Sir William Bovill, Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, who died, after a comparatively short illness, on Saturday last, the 1st inst., at Combe House, near Kingston-on-Thames, the residence of J. C. Sim, Esq., in the fifty-ninth year of his age, was the second son of the late Benjamin Bovill, Esq., of Wimbledon, Surrey, who died in 1864. He was born in the year 1814, and having been privately educated, was articled to Messrs. Willis, Watson, Bower and Willis, of Tokenhouse-yard, Lothbury. Mr. Oxenford, articled with him, says :-" At an early age for he was about two years younger than myself-he was remarkable for the zeal with which he pursued his legal studies, a virtue which, in those days at least, was by no means universal among articles.' It was at the instance of Mr Bower, I believe, that he quitted the office for the Bar." He was first admitted a pleader under the Bar, and was called by the Honourable Society of the Middle Temple, in Hilary Term, 1841. He went the Home Circuit, and his course as a junior was marked by his rapid entrance into an extensive and lucrative practice, and he soon became one of the acknowledged leaders on the circuit he had chosen. The Surrey Standard says:-"There can be no doubt that his lordship's connection with a great East-end manufacturing firm contributed to his success at the Bar. defending their interests he gained great readiness in dealing with the technicalities of engineering, which are very puzzling to barristers; and thus we find him engaged in almost all those complicated patent cases which are so constantly before the courts. We need not say, however, that Mr. Bovill never sank into this speciality. In London, he was, perhaps, best known for his connection with the celebrated Tom Provis case, and on circuit his briefs embraced cases of every description. He was fortunate, indeed, in the time at which he joined the Home Circuit. Platt, with his solid law, and unfailing resource, had gone. Mr. Serjeant Shee, Mr. Serjeant Channell, Mr. Montagu Chambers, Baron Bramwell, Mr. Justice Lush, and Mr. Peacock were, so far as we remember, the leading counsel, when Mr. Bovill began to take an active part at Nisi Prius. In a very short time the greater part of these were from one cause or other removed, and Mr. Bovill speedily found himself engaged in almost every cause of import



displayed towards the Bar. And at Nisi Prius he very early committed the great blunder of unduly interfering with counsel, the result being that within a few weeks of his promotion he came into violent collision with his old and powerful antagonist, Mr. Edward James, the leader of the Northern Circuit. No doubt he acted as he felt conscientiously bound to act in the interests of justice, but it is now universally admitted that the best judges take as little part as possible in the conduct of a cause until the summing-up. On the whole, therefore, the honest opinion of lawyers concerning the lamented judge must be, that he was not great, or profoundly learned. But as a commercial lawyer, acute, possessing a great grasp of facts, and a capacity of expressing his views concisely and well, we recognise in him a man who would have been more useful as a puisne than as a chief.

Sir William Bovill married, in 1844, Maria, daughter of John Henry Bolton, Esq., of Lee Park, near Blackheath, Kent, by whom he has had a family of eight sons and four daughters. His eldest son, Mr. William Channell Bovill, is a barrister of the Middle Temple, and Clerk of Assize on the Western Circuit.

THE late Arthur Carr Walford, Esq., barrister-atA. C. WALFORD, ESQ. law, of Lyall-street, Belgrave-square, and of New. square, Lincoln's-inn, who died on the 24th ult., fortieth year of his age, belonged, we believe, to at Scarboro' Hall, Beverley, Yorkshire, in the he was the son of one of the Messrs. Walford, the Shropshire branch of the Walfords, and the well-known solicitors, of Bolton-street, perties of the Marquis of Exeter and Sir John Piccadilly, the agents for the London proborn in the year 1834, was educated at Trinity Sutton, Bart. The deceased gentleman, who was College, Cambridge, where he took his Bachelor's degree in 1855. Honourable Society of Lincoln's-inn in Easter He was called to the Bar by the Term, 1858, and practised as an equity draughtsman and conveyancer. member of an ancient and respectable family, who, Mr. A. C. Walford was a Gentry," if we may believe Sir Bernard Burke's "Landed Walford, near Ross, in Herefordshire, various were settled several centuries ago at branches of which have settled at different times in

Shropshire, and in Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex, where their descendants have remained down to the present generation.

[blocks in formation]

GAMBLE and COOKE, solicitors and attorneys, Derby. March 15.

(Edward Gamble and Frederick Duckering Cooke.) Debts by Cooke


Gazette, Oct. 31.

To surrender at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street.
Pet. Oct. 29.
Reg. Hazlitt. Sur. Nov. 12. Sol. Godfrey, South-square
Cornhill. Pet. Oct. 29. Reg. Hazlitt. Sur. Nov. 12. Sols.
Paterson, Snow and Co., Chancery-lane

COLLINS, MARK, hatter, Broad-st, Bloomsbury.
TAHOURDIN, EDWARD CAVENDISH, stock and share broker,

To surrender in the Country.
BAGSHAW, JOHN, furniture broker, Sheffield.
Wake. Sur. Nov. 12.

BRUNA, FELICE, ship broker, North Shields.

Mortimer. Sur. Nov. 11.
CROSSLEY, JOHN, jun., woolstapler, Halifax.
Rankin. Sur. Nov. 13.

Pet. Oct. 30. Reg. Pet. Oct. 27. Reg. Pet. Oct. 28. Reg.

His genial temperament undoubtedly conduced to his success both with judges and juries; and in the county towns-we can at least say it was so in Lewes and Guildford-he was a general favourite." In 1855 he obtained the honour of a silk gown, and was made a bencher of his Inn. In 1857 he entered Parliament in the Conservative interest, as one of the representatives of Guildford; and in 1866 he was appointed to the post of Solicitor-General, in the administration then formed by the late Earl of Derby. When Sir Fitzroy Kelly, who was Attorney-General, was removed to the Court of Exchequer as Lord Chief Baron, Sir William Bovill (then Solicitor-General) did not succeed to the post of First Law Officer of the Crown, Mr. Rolt having been appointed HURLEY, RICHARD, and DENTON, JAMES FLETCHER, WoolAttorney-General. It was understood that Sir William voluntarily offered to waive his claim to the promotion to which he was entitled, in order that the services of so distinguished a lawyer as Mr. Rolt should be available for the Government. Sir William Bovill's short term of office as Solicitor-General, gave him absolutely almost no opportunity of appearing before the House as a member of the administration. He was appointed in Nov. 1866, Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas. He was sworn a member of her Majesty's Privy Council in 1867; he was also for many years a magistrate for the county of Surrey, and he was likewise a Fellow of the Royal Society. In 1870 he was created an honorary D.C.L. by the HESSE, DAVID HERMAN, merchant, Fenchurch-st. April 15, 1871 University of Oxford.

The article in the Surrey Standard, from which we have quoted, is evidently written by some one who knew the deceased judge well, and speaking of his private character, the writer says that there never was a brighter, happier man than plain stuff "Mr. Bovill," and by his urbanity he captivated even political opponents.

It was as a judge, perhaps, that the deceased was least successful. He succeeded a great judge who for years had presided over a strong court. He must have felt the superiority of Willes in learning, and indeed of Mr. Justice Keating also, both of whom possessed the advantage of long judicial experience when Mr. Bovill was promoted from the Bar to be their chief. The diffidence

staplers, Halifax. Pet. Oct. 27. Reg. Rankin. Sur. Nov. 13. TRAGHEIM, NICOLAI, furniture dealer, West Hartlepool. Pet. Oct. 28. Reg. Elis. Sur. Nov. 12.

Gazette, Nov. 4.

To surrender at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-st. BUNGE, HUGO, merchant. Great Tower-st, and Clapham-rd. Pet. Nov. i. Reg. Roche. Sur. Nov. 26

To surrender in the Country.

CHOICE, JOSEPH, beerseller, Hinckley. Pet. Oct. 30. Reg. Ingram. Sur. Nov. 17

DRURY, CHARLES VINCER, licensed victualler, Rovelden. Pet. Oct. 29. Reg. Young. Sur. Nov. 15

ROCHE, PERCIVAL, Esq., Canterbury. Pet. Oct. 31. Reg. Callaway. Sur. Nov. 14

THERSBY, WILLIAM, tailor, Darlington. Pet. Oct. 31. Reg.
Crosby. Sur. Nov. 14

Gazette, Oct. 31.

KENDAL, ROBINSON, managing director of a company, Lancaster and Bootle. Oct. 1, 1873.

Liquidations by Arrangement.

Gazette, Oct. 31.

ALLWOOD, CHARLES, draper,: Southgate-pl. Colney-hatch. Pet.

Oct. 20. Nov. 11, at three, at the London Warehousemen's Association, 33, Gutter-la. Sol. Salaman

ASHEY, GEORGE, grocer. High-st, Hampstead.

Pet. Oct. 29. Nov. 22, at three, at the Masons' Hall tavern, Masons'-avenue, Basinghall-st. Sol. Downing, Basinghall-st ASHTON, PHILIP, victualler, Liverpool. Pet. Oct. 28. Nov. 13, at three, at Vine, accountant, Liverpool. Sol. Worship, Liverpool

BARBER, DAVID, contractor, Birstal. Pet. Oct. 28. Nov. 14, at BARNARD, BENJAMIN WILLIAM, baker, Leigh. Pet. Oct. 27.

three, at the Royal hotel. Dewsbury. Sol. Ibberson, Dewsbury


Nov. 13, at eleven, at office of Sol. Pullen, Harp-la, Great Tower. BELCHER, BEN, cook, Reading. Pet. Oct. 27. Nov. 12, at eleven, at 28, the Forbury, Reading. Sol. Rogers, Reading

which such a feeling produced is said to have been BELL, SARAH MARSHALL, Confectioner, Newcastle. Pet. Oct. 29.

the cause of the irritability of manner which he

Nov. 12, at two, at offices of Sols. Hoyie, Shipley, and Hoyle, Newcastle

BENJAMIN, BENJAMIN, importer of foreign goods, Blackman-st, Borough, and Gresham-st. Pet. Oct. 25. Nov. 12, at t vo. at 28, Blackman-st, Borough. Sol. Murray, Sackville-st, Piccadilly BRIDGMAN, JOHN, NUTHALL, GEORGE, and WEST, GEORGE BENJAMIN, builders, Guildford-st, Gray's-inn-rd. Pet. Oct. 15. Nov. 10, at twelve, at the Guildhall tavern, Gresham-st. Sols. Wild, Barber, and Browne, Ironmonger-la

BURTON, JOHNSON, grocer, Birmngham. Pet. Oct. 29. Nov. 15, a eleven, at office of Sol. Allen, Birmingham

BUSBY, WILLIAM, grocer, Leigh. Pet. Oct. 27. Nov. 13, at two, at Anderton's hotel, Fleet-st. Sol. Pullen, Harp-la, Great Tower-st

COOKSON, FREDERICK chemist's assistant, Rainhill. Pet. Oct. 27. Nov. 12, at two, at office of Sol. Tyrer, Prescot COPAS, JAMES, merchant, Newbury. Nov. 7, at eleven, at the White Hart hotel, Newbury. Sol. Cave, Newbury CRYER, JOSEPH, grocer, Blackfriars-rd, and Asylum-rd, Peckham. Pet. Oct. 29. Nov. 17, at three, at Izard and Betts, Eastcheap. Sols. Ingle, Cooper, and Holmes, Threadneedle-st CUMING, THOMAS MORRIS, confectioner, Truro. Pet. Oct. 27. Nov. 13, at eleven, at office of Sols. Carlyon and Paull, Truro DAINTITH, JOHN, blacksmith, Woolston-with-Martinscroft. Pet. Oct. 25. Nov. 11, at three, at office of Sol. Bretherton, Warrington DALBY, WILLIAM, shopkeeper, York. Pet. Oct. 28. Nov. 14, at twelve, at office of Sols. Messrs. Mann, York DEMPSTER, MARCUS BRUTUS, watchmaker, Richmond. Pet. Oct. Nov. 14, at one, at office of Sol. Robinson, Richmond DUPLOCK, JOHN, auctioneer, Eastbourne. Pet. Oct. 27. Nov. 13, at eleven, at the Gildridge hotel, Eastbourne. Sol. Cordwell, Serjeant's inn, Chancery-la

EVEREST, FRANK, grocer, High-st, Bow. Pet. Oct. 28. Nov. 24, at one, at office of Sol. Smith, Church-ct, Clement's-la FAULKNER, WILLIAM GIBSON, clerk, Navarino-gr, Dalston. Pet Oct. 13. Nov. 8, at three, at office of Sol. Jacob, Bedford-row FOWLER, ABRAHAM, corn dealer, Tadcaster. Pet. Oct. 28. Nov. 24, at two, at offices of Sol. Harle, Leeds

FOX, WALTER, butcher, Cardiff. Pet. Oct. 28. Nov. 18, at eleven, at offices of Sol. Blelloch, Cardiff

FRIGOUT, HENRY ALFRED, and ARTAUT, LOUIS, lamp manufacturers, Regent-st. Pet Oct. 28. Nov. 21, at three, at office of Sol. Alsop, Marlborough-st, Regent-st

GARDNER, GEORGE, bootmaker, Bristol. Pet. Oct. 29. Nov. 14, at twelve, at office of Sol. Miller, Bristol

GARRETT, THOMAS HORATIO WILLIAM, grocer, Ashton-underLyne. Pet. Oct. 29. Nov. 14, at three, at offices of Sol. Clegg, Oldham

GOODWIN, LORENZO, joiner, Leeds. Pet. Oct. 27. Nov. 12, at two, at office of Sols. Simpson and Burrell, Leeds GREAVES, FREDERIC JEREMIAH, painter, Lakennam. Pet. Oct. 27. Nov. 11, at twelve, at office of Sols. Emerson and Sparrow, Norwich

HALL, WILLIAM, apothecary, Brompton-rd, St. Mary Abbotts, Kensington, London, and Brighton. Pet. Oct. 28. Nov. 19, at two, at office of Sols. Tilley and Liggins, Finsbury-pl-south, London

HARPER, LEVI, miner, Sedgley. Pet. Oct. 25. Nov. 10, at eleven, at office of Sol. Lowe, Dudley HARVEY, GEORGE, grocer, Reading.

Pet. Oct. 28. Nov. 13, at eieven, at othice of Sol. Beale, Reading HAYWARD, CHARLES, hairdresser, Bridgewater. Pet. Oct. 23. Nov. 13, at eleven, at Smith and Boyle, solicitors, Bridgewater. Sol. Chapman, Bridgewater

HIRSCHMANN, JOSEPH, wine importer, Cannon-st. Pet. Oct 28. Nov. 27, at twelve, at Broad, Broad, and Paterson, 35, Wa.brook. Sol. Montagu. Bucklersbury

HODGSON, JOSEPH WILLIAM, fronmononger, Workington. Pet. Oct. 28. Nov. 18, at eleven, at office of Sol. Milburn, Workington


HOWARD, ROBERT, ironfounder, Rochdale. Pet. Oct. 29. Nov 15, at eleven, at at offices of Sol. Standring, Rochdale HUGHES, ELIAS, flour dealer, Llanbedrog. Pet. Oct. 29. Nov. 14, at two, at the Castle hotel, Bangor. Sol. Allanson, CarnarHUNT, WILLIAM DANIEL, butcher, Elstree. Pet. Oct. 27. Nov. 11, at four, at offices of Sol. Ablett, Cambridge-cer. Hydepark JACOBS, EDWARD, victualler, Bristol. Pet. Oct. 27. Nov. 12, at twelve, at offices of Sols. Benson and Thomas, Bristol JACOBS, LOUIS, jeweller, Liverpool. Pet. Oct. 29. Nov. 17, at two, at office of Sol. Etty, Liverpool

JONES, THOMAS, grocer, Dowlais, and Pants wain, near Dowlais. Pet. Oct. 28. Nov. 13, at half-past ten, at 48, Glebeland-st, Merthyr Tydfill. Sol. Lewis

KINGSLAND, MARK WILLIAM, miller, Hadlow. Pet. Oct. 24. Nov. 13, at half-past ten, st offices of Sol. Stenning, Tunbridge

KINSEY, WILLIAM BARNS, and MERRITT, WILLIAM DOWNES, architects, Great Suffolk-st, Borough. Pet. Oct. 29. Nov. 20, joint creditors, at twelve; sep. creditors of Kinsey, at one; sep. creditors of Merritt, at two, at offices of Sols. Elits and Crossfield, Mark-la

LANGAN, FRANCIS, shoemaker, Birmingham. Pet. Oct. 29. Nov. 12, at three, at offices of Sol. Duke, Birmingham

LYTHGOE, JAMES PARTINGTON, Cannon-st. Pet. Oct. 27. Nov. 14, at two, at Hetherington and Co. 118, Cannon-st. Sol. Smith, Old Jewry

MARTIN, WILLIAM HATCH, faimer, Clovelly. Pet. Oct. 23.
Nov. 12, at three, at office of Sols. Bridginan and Johnstone,

MORRALEE, JOHN ROBERT, farmer, near Littletown. Pet. Nov.
28. Nov. 13, at two, at offices of Sol. Folkard, Durham
NEWELL, JOHN HOLLAND, brewer, near Walsall. Pet. Oct. 29.
Nov. 14, at eleven, at J. Slater, solicitor, Butcroft, Darlaston.
Sol. Edwards, Darlaston

PARKER, WILLIAM, fruiterer, Nottingham. Pet. Oct. 28. Nov 18,
at eleven, at office of Sol. Brittle, Nottingham
PAYNE, WILLIAM, boot maker, North-end and George-st, Croy-
don, and High-st. Epsom. Nov. 18, at twelve, at the Grey-
hound hotel, High-st, Croydon. Sol. Parry

POATE, RICHARD, artist, Portsmouth. Pet. Oct. 24. Nov. 12, at three, at the Chamber of Commerce, Cheapside. Sol. Feltham, Portsea

POLLARD, MARY, grocer, Que n's-head-la, Islington. Pet. Oct. 27. Nov. 17, at three, at office of Sols. Messrs. Bastard, Brabant-ct, Philpot-la

RHODES, THOMAS, earthenware dealer, Hull. Pet. Oct. 24. Nov. 7, at twelve at office of Sols. Stead and Sibree, Hull RILEY, WALDEN EVELYN, wool extractor, Bradford, and Shipley. Pet. Oct. 27. Nov. 17, at three, at offices of Sol. Hutchinson Bradford SELLER, MICHAEL HENRY, trunk manufacturer, Buckinghamst, Strand, under firm of W. Steer and Co. Pet. Oct. 30. Nov. 21, at twelve, at the Guildhall coffee house, Gresham-st. Sol. Miller, King st, Cheapside

SNOWDEN, GEORGE JAMES, upholsterer, Mile-end-rd. Pet. Oct. 28. Nov. 11, at two, at offices of Sol. Briant, Winchester-house, Old Broad-st

SUNDERLAND, JAMES SMITH, warehouseman, Leeds. Pet. Oct. -
25. Nov. 22, at eleven, at office of Sol. Harle, Leeds
THOMPSON, JOHN, baker, Leigh. Pet. Oct. 27. Nov. 13, at four,
at Anderton's hotel, Fleet-st, London. Sol. Pullen, Harp-la,
Great Tower st, London
Nov. 12, at

TINSLEY, EDWARD, draper, Hull. Pet. Oct. 27.
twelve, at office of Sols. Messrs. Chatham, Hull
TIVERS, CHARLES GEORGE, painter, Weybridge. Pet. Oct. 25.
Nov. 18, at three, at office of Sol. Jenkins, Chertsey
TRIPP, ROBERT, painter, Weston-super-Mare.

Pet. Oct. 27.

Nov. 13, at twelve, at the St. Helen's Glass Co. 6, Nelson-st.
Bristol. Sol. Jones, Weston-super-Mare

TUCKER, JOSIAH, out of business, Sandringham-rd, Dalston.
Pet. Oct. 28. Nov. 14, at eleven, at office of Sols. May and
Sykes, Adelaide-pl, London-bridge

UNDERWOOD, WILLIAM, bootmaker, Luton. Pet. Oct. 20. Nov.
5, at twelve, at Good, Daniels, and Co., 7, Poultry. Sol. Snell
prietresses, Redcliffe-rd, and Seagrave-rd, West Brompton.
Pet. Oct. 24. Nov 8, at ten, at offices of Sol. Marshal, King-st-
west, Hammersmith

WAGNER, JOHN HENRY, baker, Virginia-row, Bethnal green.
Pet. Oct. 29. Nov. 14, at two, at at 145, Cheapside. Sol. Arnold,
Finsbury pavement

WHITEHOUSE, HENRY WRIGHT, grocer, Phonix-st, Somers-
town. Pet. Oct. 20. Nov. 12, at twelve, at office of Sol. Eves,
Old Corn Exchange, Mark-la

WILLIAMS, JOHN ROBERT, tailor, Exeter. Pet. Oct. 29. Nov. 15,
at eleven, at office of J. O. Harris, Wreford, and Co. account-
ants, Exeter. Sol. Huggins, Exeter

WOOD, JAMES, grocer, Congleton. Pet. Oct. 78. Nov. 19, at three
at the Lion and Swan hotel, Congleton. So. Vaudrey
WRIGHT, WILLIAM, wheelwright, Manchester. Pe. Oct. 25.
Nov. 20, at three, at office of Sol. Richardson, Manchester

Gazette, Nov. 4.

ALLEN, WILLIAM CHARLES, upholsterer, Tunstall, Pet. Oct. 27.
Nov. 12, at three, at office of Sol. Hollinshead, Tunstall
ARTHUR, ARTHUR DAVID, asphalter, Lincoln. Pet. Oct. 30.
Nov. 18, at eleven, at offices of Jay, public accountant, Lincoln.
Sol. Page, Lincoln

ASHBY, AARON DAVID, miller, Carshalton. Pet. Oct. 30. Nov.
18, at half past two, at the Guildhall tavern, Gresham-st. Sol.
Arnold, Park-la, Croydon
ASHMORE, JOHN, joiner, Manchester.

Pet. Oct. 31. Nov. 19, at three, at office of Sol. Burton, Manchester BELL, WILLIAM, boot seller, Brecon. Pet. Oct. 29. Nov. 21, at two, at office of Sol. Bishop, Brecon

BENNETT, EDWIN, potato salesman, Brushfield-st, Spitalfields. Pet. Oct. 28. Nov. 14, at three, at office of Sol. Webster, Basinghall-st


BROADBENT, GEORGE, shoe merchant, Stockton-on-Tees. Pet. Oct. 30. Nov. 19, at eleven, at office of Sol. Robinson, DarlingBROOKES, EDWIN, lapidary, Birmingham. Pet. Oct. 29. Nov. 14, at eleven, at office of Sol. Davies, Birmingham BROWN, ABRAHAM, grocer, Newcastle-under-Lyme. Pet. Oct. 31. Nov. 19, at eleven, at the County Court offices, Hanley. Sol. Hollinshead, Tunstall

CAIN, JAMES, fish dealer, Bolton. Pet. Oct. 31. Nov. 17, at three, at offices of Sol. Dutton, Bolton

CARDEN, RICHARD ARTHUR, doctor of medicine, Great Castlest, Oxford-st and clerk in holy orders, Augusta-ter, Grosvenorpk, Camberwell. Pet. Oct. 29. Nov. 18, at three, at offices of Sol. Debenham, Lincoln's-inn-fields

CHUBB, JOSEPH WILLIAM HODDINOTT BUGLER, hairdresser, Brighton. Pet. Oct. 29. Nov. 15, at eleven, at office of Clennell, Great James-st, Bedford-row. Sol. Goodman, Brighton CORDEN, JONATHAN, butcher, Etruria. Pet. Oct. 23. Nov. 11, at eleven, at offices of Sol. Stevenson, Hanley

COTTON, MARY, shopkeeper, Birstall. Pet. Nov. 1. Nov. 19, at half past three, at office of Sol. Scholefield, Batley CRUMP, ISAAC, baker, Pilley. Pet. Oct. 29. Nov. 21, at twelve, at office of Sol. Smith, Cheltenham

CULLEY, WILLIAM HENRY DUBINSON, baker, Cheltenham-pl, Acton. Pet. Oct. 23. Nov. 12, at two, at office of Sol. Vernede, Craven-st, Strand

CUTTING, SAMUEL, miller, Stanton. Pet. Nov. 3. Nov. 21, at
twelve, at the Council-chamber of the Guildhall, Bury St.
Edmunds. Sol. Messrs. Salmon, Bury St. Edmunds
DENISON, JOSEPH, draper, Bradford. Pet. Oct. 29. Nov. 14, at
eleven, at office of Sols. Watson and Dickons, Bradford
DILLON, ANDREW, licensed victualler, Bath. Pet. Oct. 27. Nov.
11, at eleven, at office of Sol. Bartrum, Bath
DODD, THOMAS, painter, Chester. Pet. Oct. 29. Nov. 18, at
twelve, at office of Sol. Churton, Chester

DORMAN, HENRY, butcher, Lower Edmonton. Pet. Oct. 31.
Nov. 19, at two, at the Guildhall coffee house, Gresham-st.
Sols. Treherne and Wolfertan, Ironmonger-la, Cheapside
FENNER, JOHN HOLMES, farmer, Canford. Pet. Oct. 28. Nov.
12, at eleven, at office of Sol. Whitehead, Wimborne Minster
FENTON, RICHARD, out of business, Dewsbury. Pet. Oct. 31.
Nov. 19, at three, at office of Sol. Shaw, Dewsbury
GREEN, GEORGE, cab proprietor, Oxford. Pet. Oct. 30. Nov. 24,
at two, at the London tavern, Oxford. Sol. Cooper, Oxford
GREEN, HENRY, and GREEN, THOMAS, stonemasons, Notting-
ham. Pet. Oct. 31. Nov. 17, at twelve, at offices of Sol. Heath,

HAMLEY, RICHARD, butcher, East Stonehouse. Pet. Oct. 31.
Nov. 19, at ten, at office of Sol. Square, Plymouth
HARVEY, GEORGE EDWARD, butcher, Palace-rd, New Town,
Bromley. Pet. Oct. 29. Nov. 18, at three, at Bowen's, 74,
Basinghall-st. Sol. Gregory, Widmore rd, Bromley

HEYS, RALPH HEATLEY, wine merchant, Southport. Pet. Oct. 30. Nov. 18, at twelve, at offices of Sols. Fowler and Carruthers. Liverpool

HOMES, SAMUEL, hatter, Tunbridge Wells. Pet. Oct. 30. Nov. 17, at eleven, at offices of Sol. Arnold, Tunbridge Wells HOPKINSON, TOM, woollen cloth manufacturer, Slaithwaite. Pet. Oct. 29. Nov. 19, at three, at the Ramsden's Arms inn, Huddersfield. Sol. Armitage

HOSKINS, EDWARD, baker, Eastry. Pet. Oct. 23. Nov. 21, at three, at offices of Sol. Minter, Folkestone

HUDSON, JAMES, ironfounder, Burnley. Pet. Oct. 29. Nov. 21, at eleven, at office of Gill, accountant, 12, Hargreaves-st, Burnley. Sol. Baldwin, Burnley

HUGGINS, SIMON, warehouse clerk, Upper Saltley, near Birmingham. Pet. Nov. 1. Nov. 17, at ten, at offices of Sol. Duke, Birmingham

JONAS, JOHN, jun., furniture broker, trading as Barber and Co.,
Manchester. Pet. Oct. 30. Nov. 14, at three, at the Royal
Hotel, Crewe. Sol. Salt, Tunstall

JOYCE, HENRY JOHN, licensed victualler, North Woolwich-rd.
Pet. Nov. 1. Nov. 19, at at three, at offices of Sols. Wood and
Hace, Basinghall-st, London, also Reigate and Croydon
KEMP, JOHN, builder, Lower Wandsworth rd, Battersea-pk,
Pet. Oct. 27. Nov. 22, at twelve, at office of Sol. Easton,

KENWORTHY, ROBERT JOHNSON. brickmaker, New Broad-st.
Pet. Nov. 1. Nov. 21, at two, at offices of Sols. Green, Allin, and
Greenhop, St. Peter's-alley, Cornhill

LUCAS, WILLIAM, painter, Bishop's Castle. Pet. Oct. 28. Nov. 18, at eleven, at office of Sol. Morris, Shrewsbury LYONS, CORNELIUS, builder, Queen's-ter, York-rd, Battersea. Pet. Oct. 31. Nov. 17, at two, at office of Sol. Walls, Walbrook MARTIN, JOHN, engraver, Sheffield. Pet. Oct. 31. Nov. 18, at twelve, at office of Sol. Wake, Sheffield

MCVEAGH, JOHN, tailor, Ripon. Pet. Oct. 31. Nov. 18, at halfpast eleven, at the White horse inn, Riron. Sol. Waistell, Northallerton

MIDDLETON, CHARLES THOMAS, wire drawer, Birchfields, and MIDDLETON, GEORGE HENRY, grocer, Birmingham. Pet. Oct. 29. Nov. 15, at eleven, at office of Sol. Blewitt, Birmingham MILES, HARRISON, joiner, Burnley. Pet. Oct. 27. Nov. 12, at eleven, at offices of Sols. Backhouse and Whittam, Burnley MOON, MICHAEL ALFRED, mining engineer, Chester. Pet. Oct. 30. Nov. 21, at eleven, at office of Sol. Jones, Manchester OSBORNE, WILLIAM, printer, Birkenhead. Pet. Oct. 29.

Nov. 17, at eleven, at offices of Roose and Price, accountants, Liverpool. Sols. Addleshaw and Warburton, Manchester PEATTIE, ISAAC HARPER, haberdasher, Eversholt st, Oakley-sq, Camden-town. Pet. Oct. 23. Nov. 7, at two, at offices of Coker and Keeler, public accountants, 32, Cheapside. Sol. Barrett, New-inn, Strand

PETCHELL, JOHN, sen., and PETCHELL, JOHN jun., shoe manufacturers, Northampton. Pet. Oct. 31. Nov. 17, at eleven, at office of Sol. Jeffery, Northampton

PRIOR, CHARLES, grocer, Halstead. Pet. Oct. 29. Nov. 14, at eleven, at office of Sol. Cardinall, Halstead

REW, ROBERT MAY, chemist, Regent-st. Pet. Oct. 30. Nov. 26, at eleven, at offices of Sols. Davies, Campbell, Reeves, and Hooper, Warwick-st, Regent-st

RHEIN, CARL, fancy portmanteau manufacturer, Foster-la, Cheapside, and St. Paul's-rd, Islington. Pet. Nov. 1. Nov. 18, at two, at offices of Minton, Boyes, and Child, 2, Carey-la, General Post Office, E.C., accountants. Sol. Buchanan, Basing. hall-st

RILEY, JAMES, fishmonger, Hanley. Pet. Oct. 27. Nov. 13, at eleven, at offices of Sol. Stevenson, Hanley

SUCH, RICHARD, chaser, Aston, near Birmingham. Pet. Oct. 31. Nov. 11, at three, at office of Sol. Kennedy, Birmingham TOWNLEY, CHARLES, baker, Somerton. Pet. Oct. 27. Nov. 19, at three, at office of Sols. Pain and Hawtin, Banbury WARNER, JOHN. beerseller, Hanley. Pet. Oct. 7. Nov. 6, at eleven, at 26, Cheapside, Hanley

Nov. 14, at

WEBB, WILLIAM, grocer, Sheffield. Pet. Oct. 30. twelve, at office of Appleby and Lawson, accountants, Queen-st, Sheffield. Sol. Roberts

WINNALL, JOHN, farmer, Berrow. Pet. Oct. 31. Nov. 19, at twelve, at the Crown hotel, Worcester. Sols. New, Prance, and Garrard, Evesham

WINSER, HENRY JAMES, jun.. gas lamp manufacturer, Graftonst, Soho. Pet. Oct. 29, Nov. 22, at eleven, at offices of Brett, Milford. Pattison, and Company, public accountants, 150, Leadenhall-st. Sol. Musgrave, Albert-bldgs, Queen Victoria


WYATT, PHILIP THOMAS, farmer, Shottesbrook. Pet. Oct. 31. Nov. 15, at eleven, at office of Sols. Barrett and Dean, Slough YEATES, HENRY, boot manufacturer, Monmouth. Pet. Oct. 31. Nov. 15, at eleven, at office of Sol. Gibbs, Newport

Orders of Discharge.

Gazette, Oct. 28.

CLARKE, WALTER, out of business, Worcester

CROSBY, WILLIAM HARRISON, out of business, Scarborough MORTLOCK, FREDERICK HENRY, boot maker, Jermyn-street St. James's, and Belmont-terrace, Wandsworth-road



The Official Assignees, &c., are given, to whom apply for the Dividends.

Hodge, A. seed crusher, first of 6s. At Carlill and Burkinshaw, 4, Parliament-st, Hull.-Lobley, R. S. tallow chandler, first of 10s. At Dean, Gordon, and Hinde, accountants, 23, Albion-st, Leeds.Marsh, G. farmer, second of 38. 2d. At Trust, J. R. Brown, George-st, Luton.-Schoales, A. gentleman, first and final of lid. At Sols. J. R. Adams, 15, Old Jewry-chambers.-Sherwin, M. H. W. music seller, second of 7d. At Trust, J. Elles, 38, Moorgatest.-Willard, E. E. tailor, first of 2s. At Trust. W. Cooper, 7 Gresham-st.-Williams, W, contractor, first and final of 4s. 1d. At Barnard, Thomas, Cawker, and Co., 10, Temple-st, Swansea. INSOLVENTS' ESTATES.

Halloran, A. L., master in Royal Navy, at St. George's-hall, East Stonehouse.-Wooton, A. J., superanuated muster baker, Plymouth, at St. George's-hall, East Stonehouse.



BAINES-On the 26th ult., at 9, Bevington-road, Oxford, the wife
of Henry Baines, solicitor, of a son.
BELL.-On the 24th ult., at Mapperley House, Lee, the wife of
Charles Bell, solicitor, of a daughter.

CHATTERTON.-On the 29th ult., at Florence Villa, Wood-green,
the wife of Horace W. Chatterton, solicitor, of a son.
DYNE.-On the 2nd inst.. at Coombe House, Hampstead-lane,
Highgate, the wife of John Bradley Dyne, Esq., of Lincoln's-inn,
barrister-at-law, of a daughter,

HICKLIN.-On the 30th ult., at 163, Clapham-road, the wife of J. W. Hicklin, Esq., solicitor, of a daughter,

KING. On the 31st ult., the wife of Thomas King, Esq., of
Brighton, solicitor, of a daughter.

ROSTRON.-On the 27th ult., at Beddington, Surrey, the wife of
Simpson Rostron, Esq., barrister-at-law, of a daughter.
SANDY.-On the 22nd ult., the wife of T. G. Sandy, solicitor,
Burnley, of a son.


CHALK-BEZZELL.-On the 30th ult., at St. Mary's, Lewisham,
Edmund Chalk, Moorgate-street, solicitor, to Mary Ann Bezzell,
Westcourt, Lewisham hill, youngest daughter of the late
Henry T. Bezzell, Deptford, Kent.

BRANSON.-On the 29th ult., at Broom-grove, Sheffield, aged 80
years, Mr. Thomas Branson, solicitor.
GOODE.-On the 2nd inst., at Belle Vue, Ryde, aged 80 years,
Henry Goode, Esq., barrister-at-law.


192, FLEET-STREET, AND 1 & 2, CHANCERY-LANE, LONDON, E.C. Carriage paid to the Country on Orders exceeding 208.

DRAFT PAPER, 58., 68. 6d., 7s. 6d., 7s. 9d., and 9s. 9d. per


BRIEF PAPER, 15s. 6d., 17s. 6d., and 238. 6. per ream.
FOOLSCAP PAPER, 10s. 6d., 12s. 6d., and 158. 6d. per ream.
CREAM LAID NOTE, 38., 48., and 5s. per ream.
LARGE CREAM LAID NOTE, 4s. 6d., 6s. 6d., and 88. per ream.
LARGE BLUE NOTE, 3s. 6d., 4s. 6d., and 68. 6d. per ream.
ENVELOPES, CREAM OR BLUE, 48. 6d., and 68. 6d., per 1000.
THE "TEMPLE" ENVELOPE, extra secure, 9s. 6d. per 1000.


"We should direct particular attention to their New Clubhouse Paper: in our opinion it is the very best paper we ever wrote upon."-London Mirror.

INDENTURE SKINS, Printed and Machine-ruled, to hold twenty or thirty folios, 2s. 3d. per skin, 26s. per dozen, 125s. per roll.

SECONDS OF FOLLOWERS, Ruled, 1s. 11d. each, 22s. per dozen, 105s. per roll.

RECORDS OF MEMORIALS, 7d. each, 6s. 6d. per dozen.

LEDGERS, DAY-BOOKS, CASH-BOOKS, LETTER OF MINUTE-BOOKS An immense stock in various bindings. ILLUSTRATED PRICE-LIST of Inkstands, Postage Scales Copying Presses, Writing Cases, Despatch Boxes, Oak and Walnut Stationery Cabinets, and other useful articles adapted to Library or Office, post free.

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hill. Pet. Nov. 3. Nov. 18, at two, at Langbourn-chmbs, 17, Fenchurch-st. Sol. Bradford

SHIRLEY, WILLIAM OAKLEY, saddler, Brighouse. Pet. Nov. 1. Nov. 19, three, at office of Sols. Learoyd and Learoyd, Huddersfield

SILMAN, JAMES, out of business, Birmingham. Pet. Oct. 30. Nov. 14, at three, at offices of Sols. Wright and Marshall, Birmingham

SMITH, PETER, bootmaker, Blackpool. Pet. Oct. 31. Nov. 17, at half-past two, at office of Sol. Edelston, Preston SMITH, WILLIAM, carpenter, White Hart-la, Barnes. Pet. Oct. 31. Nov. 22, at three, at offices of Sol. Howell, Cheapside SOLOMANS, MICHAEL, out of business, Holywell-la, par. St, Leonard, Shoreditch. Pet. Oct. 29. Nov. 27, at three, at office of Sol. Heathfield, Lincoln's-inn-fields

SPIVEY, FRANK, farmer, Eastwood. Pet. Oct. 29. Nov. 18, at two, at office of Sol. Blyth, Chelmsford

STEVENTON, ALFRED, accountant, Burslem. Pet. Oct. 28. Nov. 10, at two, at the Talbot inn, Stafford. Sol. Tomkinson, Burslem STEVENS, MATTHEW, baker, Cardiff. Pet. Oct. 31. Nov. 17, at twelve, at offices of Sol. Waldron, Cardiff

STODDART, MARTIN SMITH, printer, Sunderland. Pet. Oct. 31.


Save half the fuel, half the labour, and half the dirt.

Catalogues on application.


Nov. 20, at ten, at offices of Sols. Oliver and Botterell, Sunder: MURDOCH AND CO., 115, CANNON STREET.


STOREY, JAMES, painter, Sale. Pet. Oct. 30. Nov. 17, at three,

at office of Sol. Sampson, Manchester


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ON an interesting question of bankruptcy law, a correspondent

writes:-"In the LAW TIMES of the 25th ult., I observe No. IV.

of a series of articles you are publishing on the question of liqui-

dation and composition by arrangement. In that article you state

that the question whether a debtor who is sued by a creditor who

could prove his debt under the liquidation, should plead his order

of discharge as a bar, or apply for an injunction, is unsettled; but

I trust you will allow me to venture an opinion that the question

is settled to a certain extent in the County Courts, which have

primary jurisdiction in bankruptcy. Rule 289 may be taken as

the basis of the argument. This rule is supplemented by the case

of Satterfield v. Fox (LAW TIMES, vol. xlix., p. 114, Liverpool Court),

where an injunction was granted against action by creditor,

although debtor had pleaded, and was therefore estopped from

contending the debt was provable, and although the money was

paid into court, and, therefore, the proceedings were not against

the debtor or his property, and although by such payment plain-

tiffs become secured creditors. Also Ex parte Williams, re Teece

(LAW TIMES, Vol. 1., p. 243, Liverpool Court), where an injunction

was granted against execution upon after-acquired property on

judgment obtained after discharge, but for debt provable under

the petition. In the last case, Dr. COMINS, who appeared for the

creditor, contended that the debtor ought to have pleaded his

discharge, and that he was prevented from applying for an injunc-

tion, having slept over his rights. The learned Judge who pre-

sided on that occasion did not dwell upon the point raised, but

granted the injunction. These cases sufficiently establish the

point, that the debtor in such a case should apply for an injunc-

tion. I fully concur with you, that it is to be regretted that the

judgment of the Bacup Court was not appealed against, our County

Courts being inferior courts of record, and analogous to the

provincial courts in France under the Code Napoleon, where the

decision of one court is not binding on another. If the County

Courts were superior courts of law, the judgment of one court

would stand until reversed on appeal, and I consider it a pity

that County Court Judges should not be bound by previous


THE law as between husband and wife is not so abundantly

clear that another case on the subject will not be welcomed.

Jones and Wife v. Cuthbertson (26 L. T. Rep. N. S. 359; 28

L. T. Rep. N. S. 673; L. Rep. 7 Q.B. 218; 8 Q.B. 504), raised

a question whether under a particular state of circumstances

a joint action by husband and wife could be maintained. The

defendant was a solicitor, which may, or may not, give the

case additional interest. A married woman had freehold and

leasehold property devised to her separate use, and she being

desirous of building and repairing some cottages upon part of it,

and her husband wanting to pay off a debt, it was arranged under

the advice of the defendant, that a loan should be raised by the

mortgage of the wife's property and the deposit of two policies of

the husband, each on the life of the husband and wife respectively.

The mortgage was executed by husband and wife, and the husband

covenanted for the repayment of the loan. The money was

to be advanced by instalments, and a joint authority signed by

husband and wife was given to the defendant to receive the first

instalment from the mortgagees. He received it and paid the

husband's debt, but he claimed to retain a debt due to him from

the husband. An action was brought for the balance by the

husband and wife jointly, and the Court of Queen's Bench and the

Exchequer Chamber have held that the action was maintainable.

Mr. Justice BRETT very pertinently asked whether the money

advanced was not advanced partly on the security of the wife's

separate estate, and, if so, was she not partly the meritorious

cause? Bidgood v. Way (2 W. Bl. 123), was the case relied upon by the defendant, but, as pointed out by the LORD CHIEF BARON, that is a direct authority to this extent only, that an action at law for money had and received to the use of the husband and wife, simpliciter, is not maintainable. In Jones v. Cuthbertson, the declaration went on to allege what was not strictly in accordance with the facts, that the wife was entitled to receive the money for her sole and separate use. But that was held to be sufficiently supported by the fact that she was entitled to the money laid out upon her separate property. And it is to be further noticed that as against husband and wife, a chose in action cannot be taken to have been reduced into possession against the will of the husband. The defendant in Jones v. Cuthbertson was decided to be an agent for a particular purpose only. The money," said Mr. Justice BRETT, "was received alio intuitu with no intention by the husband to reduce it into possession. There was therefore no reduction into possession by the husband, and consequently the wife might be joined in action."


THE Commingling of Equity and Common Law Judges is one of the pet projects of law reformers, but from the judgments in the case of McLean v. McKay, decided before the Long Vacation by the Privy Council, it would appear that in Nova Scotia, the result of this process is not always satisfactory. The Privy Council reversed the decision of the High Court of Judicature at Halifax. That Court reversed the decree of the Judge in Equity in favour of the appellant, who was the plaintiff in the suit below. The Judges in the Supreme Court were divided in opinion. The Court consisted of five Judges, of whom the Judge in Equity was one. The four Judges who heard the cause for the first time were divided in opinion; but the learned Judge in Equity, having changed his own view of the case, created the majority of the Court, which reversed his own decree. The Judicial Committee regretted that the Judge in Equity should have changed his mind, his original judgment being in their opinion right in its reasoning and sound in its conclusions. This must be very mortifying to the "Judge in Equity;" to assist in reversing your own decree, and then to be reversed again to your original position, is about as uncomfortable a judicial experience as we can well imagine.

THE case of Vian v. Maynard, tried last week in the Court of Exchequer before Baron CLEASBY, illustrates in a very forcible manner the anomalous condition of the English law on the subject of seduction. In that case there had been a previous trial for breach of promise of marriage brought by the daughter of the plaintiff, but as there was not sufficient evidence of a promise by the defendant the action failed. On this the father, in accordance with suggestions made at the former trial, brought an action for seduction against the defendant. Thus owing to the rule of law that no action lies against the seducer at the suit of the party immediately interested, but that the only right of action is founded on the loss of the girl's services to her father, reducing the question to a case of master and servant, all the parties in this case were put to the trouble and cost of two trials, when the whole matter might have been very well settled on the first occasion but for the rule in question. If the woman who was seduced, and to whose father the jury awarded damages in the second action, could have brought an action for seduction in her own right, the two causes might have been joined, and all further trouble have been avoided. On what grounds such an anomaly is perpetuated it would be difficult to say, except that it has become venerable by age. It has been commented on over and over again, and nothing but the aversion of the Profession from all changes in what they have become accustomed to could have kept such a rale in force. The rule amounts to this, that the party really injured has suffered no injury sufficient for the law to notice, but that her father, or master, who has lost her services, can bring an action for such secondary and inferior loss. This loss of service may be of the most trifling description. In one case, indeed, tried by Chief Justice ABBOTT, his Lordship held that the loss by a father of his daughter's services in making tea was a sufficient loss to enable him to maintain this action. But when the loss of service has once been established, then damages are heaped up on other grounds, and this practice had become so inveterate in Lord ELLENBOROUGH's time, that he said it could not be shaken. So that the damages given frequently include an appraisement by the jury of the moral delinquency of the defendant, and the injury and dishonour sustained by the real plaintiff and her family. Is it not time that a rule of law, which places a father's inconvenience in having to make his own tea above the loss of his daughter's virtue, and the dishonour they both suffer, should be abrogated, and the seduction itself be made the ground of action, if any such actions are to be allowed? There are some who think, however, that such actions should not be maintainable, the consent of the woman taking away the right of action. Whichever opinion prevails, it is very desirable that the law should be placed on a reasonable footing, and that juries should not import into their verdicts damages for injuries quite distinct from the ostensible one on which the verdict is founded.

ACCEPTANCES AGAINST CONSIGNMENTS. AN interesting question of commercial law has been raised more than once lately, with reference to the rights and liabilities of consignees who accept bills against consignments, such bills being discounted by the drawer, and bills of lading of the goods consigned deposited as collateral security. What is the interest of the consignee in the goods? Has he an insurable interest in them, so as to entitle him to effect an insurance upon them in his own name? And if the drawer and acceptor both become insolvent, what are the bill holder's rights?


The question raised under a policy of marine insurance goes to the root of the matter, and the difficulty of dealing with it satisfactorily will appear upon a reference to the case of Ebsworth v. Alliance Marine Insurance Company (L. Rep. 8 C. P. 596.) The action was brought to recover for a total loss of goods on a policy entered into by the plaintiffs "as well in their own names as for and in the name or names of all and every person or persons to whom the same doth, may, or shall appertain in part or in all." The plaintiffs were cotton brokers and agents in London, and were in the habit of receiving consignments of cotton from correspondents abroad, for sale on behalf of such correspondents, and making advances thereon by acceptances as they were from time to time advised of the shipments. They kept open policies with the defendants, and a certain consignment was declared upon two of the policies. The plaintiffs accepted a bill for £3000, drawn by the consignors against the consignmentvalued at £5000-and paid it at maturity. The goods were lost, and in opposition to the right of the plaintiffs to reon the policies, it was contended that they had no insurable interest at all in the cotton, but a mere expectancy of profit resting on a contingency: that if they had any insurable interest at all, it could only be to the extent of their own beneficial interest therein, viz., £3000; that they could only insure in their own names and on their own behalf to the extent of that beneficial interest; and that the only persons who, without having a bene ficial interest in goods equal to the whole value, can insure in their own names to the full value, and recover the whole value, holding the surplus as trustees, are those who are in law owners and in equity trustees of the goods insured, which the plaintiffs were not. For those propositions an array of authorities was cited. The argument of the plaintiffs was that they had the whole legal interest in the goods when they accepted the draft for £3000, that all their duty to the consignors from that time was to account as trustees for them for the surplus proeeeds; and that, assuming that not to be so, they still had such an interest in the goods, and in every part of them, as gave them an insurable interest in the whole, so as to entitle them to insure them to their full value in their own

names, holding the surplus (if any) above their own actual beneficial interest in the goods as trustees for the consignors. The acceptance of the plaintiffs was hypothecated with the bill of lading by the consignors with the National Bank of India, and the bank, on presenting the shipping documents, were entitled to be paid the amount of the acceptance. As Chief Justice Bovill put it, "The bill of exchange being drawn by the shippers and accepted by the plaintiffs against the consignment, that consignment immediately became an equitable security to the plaintiffs for the amount of their acceptance, and they would have been entitled to have the cotton appropriated for their reimbursement." And his Lordship added, "The equitable interest of the plaintiffs, after coming under acceptance against the shipment, was not in any particular portion of the cotton, but in the whole and in every part of it; and no portion of it could have been withdrawn without diminishing their security." The court was equally divided in this case, and Mr. Justice Brett did not agree with the Lord Chief Justice and Mr. Justice Denman as to the ownership of the goods "This contract and position of affairs," said Mr. Justice Brett, "did not pass the legal property to the plaintiffs, for that was still in the National Bank of India. It did not give a present right of possession of the bill of lading, or even a right of possession of the cotton on arrival. . Until the acceptance should be met I should apprehend that the plaintiffs could not be held to be either legal or equitable owners of the cotton."

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It will be useful at this point to notice another case not having reference to marine insurance, namely, The Bank of Ireland v. Perry (L. Rep. 7 Ex. 14). There the question was whether acceptors of a bill of exchange drawn against a specific cargo were entitled to have the proceeds of the cargo in the hands of the bill holder applied to take up the acceptance. There was a double insolvency of the drawers and acceptors of the bill-and without going into the particular facts of the case, we would refer to the judgment of Baron Cleasby who expressed his view of the construction to be put upon the case of Ex parte Waring (19 Ves. 345), and the cases which have followed that decision. He said, "I may illustrate by an example what I conceive to be the effect of these authorities. Suppose A. and B. are drawer and acceptor of a bill discounted by a bank, and by the agreement between them of which the bank at the discount time is utterly ignorant, a certain sum of money or the proceeds of a certain cargo is to be applied in discharge of the bill, then, in the event of there being a forced realization of assets of those two estates, that sum of

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