AW.-WANTED immediately, a CLERK, Office Books, and assist in general business; a Shorthand writer preferred.-Address, stating age, salary, and references, to Mr. FORREST, Solicitor, Fenwick-chambers, Liverpool. AW.-WANTED, in an office of extensive CLERK, capable of investigating titles, and conducting Conveyancing business without - Address "A. B.." Messrs. HINE and Co., Law stationers, 39, Princessstreet, Manchester. AW. CLERK WANTED, immediately. trate's Clerk's office, and competent to draw ordinary Deeds and Abstracts. He will also be required to Engross, -Apply, stating age and salary expected, with references. to FAWCETT, GABRUTT and FAWCETT, Solicitors, Stocktonon-Tees. experienced MANAGING CLERK, not under 30 years of age; must be well up in Conveyancing and the general business of a country office, and able to act without supervision if required. Apply stating age whether inarried or single, references and salary required to "D. P.," (No. 1620), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. LAW WANTED, in a Solicitor's office in ECONOMISED; BEING A COMPENDIUM OF THE LAWS OF ENGLAND TO THE PRESENT TIME. AND LAW STUDENT'S MAGAZINE. Edited by H. N. MOZLEY, Esq., Barrister at Law. No 19 for Easter Term, 1874. Contents:-I. Leading Cases (continued). II. Digest of Cases. III. Intermediate Examination, Hilary V. Term, 1874: Questions and Answers. IV. Final Examination, Easter Term, 1874: Questions and Answers. Review. Seventh Edition of Stephen's Blackstone's Commentaries. VI. Correspondence and Notices. London: BUTTERWORTHS, 7, Fleet-street, Her Majesty's Law Publishers. THE WEST INDIAN INCUMBERED ESTATE ACTS. SUPPLEMENT to Mtaining reports of cases decided UPPLEMENT to Mr CUST'S TREATISE by the court to the end of 1873. Price 38. cloth. WILLIAM AMER, Law Bookseller, Lincoln's-inn-gate, Carey-street. NEW PARLIAMENT. Now Ready. PARLIAMENTARY COMPANION, containing the NEW PARLIAMENT and the NEW MINISTRY. Royal 32mo, morocco gilt. WHITTAKER and Co., Ave-Maria-lane, and all Booksellers in Town or Country. Just published, price 10s. 6d., cloth. ways Act 1873, with the Law applicable thereto and the Just published. price 12s.. cloth. BAT GUIDE. Fifth Edition. The Auctioneer's Guide; containing a Practical Treatise on the Law of Auctions, with a complete series of Conditions of Sales, Rules for Valuing Property. The Law of Distress, and numerous Ferms, Tables, and Precedents. By JOSEPH BATEMAN, Esq., LL.D., Barrister-at-Law, late Assistant Solicitor of Inland Revenue. Fifth Edition. By ROLLA ROUSE, Esq., Barrister-at-law. London: W. MAXWELL and SON, 29, Fleet-street. AW.-WANTED, in a Solicitor's office in Actuarial Tables for valuing Advowsons, Next Presentations. Manorial and Corporation Rights, Church and Copyhold Enfranchisements. Renewal Fines, Heriots, &c. cipally Conveyancing, a MANAGING CLERK, well up in Conlarang ina and the general business of a Country office. COPIES of the 4th Edition (1859), price -Address stating age, previous employments, and salary required, "B." (No. 1620), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. AW.-WANTED, in a Solicitor's Office, a the books, to make out Bills of Costs, and to make himself generally useful, one who can write shorthand preferred. Applications, with references, and stating salary required, to be sent to Messrs, R. W. and A. ASCROFT, Solicitors, 4, Cannon-street, Preston. 6d., of the above entitled Manual on COPYHOLD and CHURCH PROPERTY, by ARTHUR SCRATCHLEY, M.A. (Author of the "Treatise on Benefit Building Societies ") may be obtained of Messrs. LAYTON, 150, Fleet-street, London. GUY'S HOSPITAL REPORTS. Tricod. Contains the following Medico-legal QUESTIONS of the FINAL EXAMINATION of EASTER TERM. 1874, with the Answers. Edited by EDWARD HENSLOWE BEDFORD, author of "The Intermediate Examination Guide,' The Final Examination Guide to Bankruptcy," &c. London: STEVENS and SONS, 119, Chancery-lane. TION of EASTER TERM 1871, with the answers. Edited London: STEVENS and SONS, 119, Chancery-lane. HE COMPANIES' ACTS 1862 and 1867, TH Fourth Edition, now ready, price 2s. 6d., in cloth, A HANDY BOOK, by RICHARD JORDAN, containing all the necessary infor nation for the Formation and Management of Public Companies, Instructions as to the Preparation of the Memorandum and Articles of Association, Special Resolutions. Annual Returns, Books to be kept. Liability of Members Voluntary Winding-up, Notices for 'Gazette," Table of Fees, Stamp Duties, &c. London: STEVENS and SONS, 119, Chancery-lane, Fleetstreet. Medico Legal Observations on Tattoo Marks as Evidence Toxicological Cases. By Thomas Stevenson, M.D. J. and A, CHURCHILL, New Burlington-street. LOCAL GOVERNMENT, AND URBAN AND RURAL SANITARY AUTHORITIES, Including the Law as to the Removal of Nuisances Inju rious to Health, and the Prevention of Diseases, with STATUTES AND CASES. BY W. CUNNINGHAM GLEN, Barrister-at-Law, and ALEXANDER GLEN, B.A., LL.B., Barrister-at-Law. The very extensive changes in the Sanitary Laws which were effected by the Public Health Act 1872 necessitated the entire revision of the work, but the arrangement of the work has been preservel; and the branches of it applicable respectively to urban and rural sanitary authorities have been clearly indicated. The work is in Six Parts: the First Part treats of the division of England into sanitary districts, the powers and duties of the authorities of these districts, and other matters under the Act of 1872, and of the formation and constitution of local boards; the Second Part treats of the powers of urban sanitary authorities; the Third Part, of rating, raising money on mortgage of the rates, purchase of lands, audit of accounts, contracts, arbitration, legal proceedings, bye-laws, and other miscellaneous subjects; the Fourth Part, of the removal of nuisances; the Fifth Part of sewage utilisation; and the Sixth Part, of the law relat ing to the prevention of diseases. The plan of the work places before the reader the whole of the law upon each particular subject embraced in it, and it is practically a consolidation of the Statute Law as expounded by the courts. Not only during the interval of each edition of this work have additions been made by the Legislature to the Sanitary Laws, but very numerous decisions have been pronounced by the courts of law. The whole of the decisions will be found incorporated with the text. Those which bear upon the pollution of rivers by sewage are of peculiar importance, as the subject demands the serious attention of all sanitary authorities. A distinguishing feature of the present edition is that it contains a series of model bye-laws, framed upon bye-laws which have received the sanction of the Local Government Board. The orders of the Board have been included in the A SAMPHLET, by will be ready next Month, entitled SOLICITORS, AND OLICITOR'S CASH BOOK.—A Cash Book payments on cash account, bank account, business account, and private account. Price, with explanation, in sheets, 3s. 6d. per quire, or bound in extra forril, of the following thickness: one quire, 10s.; two quires, 188. 6d.; three quires, 178.; four quires, £1 1s.; five quires, £1 58.; six quires, £1 98. The author says: "It is very simple, and with a little attention it will be found to work well; I have long proved it to do so." May be obtained direct, or through any book. seller by order. London: H. Cox, 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. Solicitors' Benevolent Association. INSTITUTED 1858. For the Relief of Poor and Necessitous Attorneys, Solicitors, and Proctors, in England and Wales and their Wives, Widows, and Families. THE THIRTY-SECOND HALF-YEARLY GENERAL MEETING of the Members of this Association will be held in the HALL of the INCORPORATED LAW SOCIETY, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON, on WEDNESDAY next, the 22nd inst., at ONE o'clock, p.m.: To receive from the Board of Directors their Half-yearly Report and Statement of Accounts, and to transact other General Business. The Meeting will be open to the Profession generally. ENTERED AT STATIONERS HALL CARSON'S PATRONIZED BY PAINT. THE QUEEN, SPECIAL NOTICE. WEBB ALFRED MILES, of 12, Brook-street, Hanover-square, London, with whom originated the world-famed 16s. TROUSERS, has the pleasure to inform many thousand customers that his Establishment is replete with the BEST and NEWEST DESIGNS for GENTLEMEN'S DRESS, Elastic Saxony Twills for Morning, Frock and Light Overcoats, Scotch, Angola, and West of England Tweeds for Riding Trousers Elastic Twills for Ladies' Riding Habits, the Utile Dulci Vicunas, Angolas, and Mosstrooper Tweeds for the Loch, Moor, and Mountain Suits at 3 guineas, illustrative of Scotland's beauteous heathers; also the R. Y. S. Indigo Blue Yarn Dyed Cheviots, for Yachting, impervious to wind and weather. THE GUINEA TWEED WATERPROOF OVERCOATS, all sizes and colours, ready for immediate use. ALFRED WEBB MILES. Only address, 12, Brook-street, Hanover-square, London, W. Established 1841. MANEY and CONNOR, FASHIONABLE TAILORS, SCIENTIFIC TROUSERS MAKERS. A LARGE VARIETY OF NEW GOODS for COATS and TROUSERS FOR THE SEASON. 315, HIGH HOLBORN LONDON. (Four Doors East of Chancery-lane.) LEFT-OFF CLOTHES. - Mr. and Mrs. PHILLIPS, 31, THAYER-STREET, MANCHESTER-SQUARE, LONDON, W., are the Best BUYERS of all kinds of LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S ATTIRE, Silk, Satin, Velvet, Brocades, Dresses, Court Trains, Antique Lace, old English and Foreign China, Household Furniture, Jewels, Plate, in fact every kind of Property for ready cash. Ladies or Gentlemen waited on at any time or distance. All letters receive prompt attention. Money orders to any amount for Parcels from Town or Country. Estab lished 1820. Ready money only. Thousands of testimonials. The subjoined are copies :"Gloucester, April 2. Mrs. A. N. writes:-"I have received your P.0.0. with thanks for your liberality and attention. I shall recommend all my friends. I have had business with others, but none have given me so much satisfaction as you have." "Brighton, May 4. Lady S. T. writes:-"I received the registered letter con. taining the notes. I quite agree with Mrs. R. C. that you are very straightforward in conducting your business. I shall have great pleasure in recommending any friends who may wish to dispose of their cast-off clothes that are too good to give away." "Edinburgh, May 18. "I send you a large box of clothes. I am quite satisfied that you give the full value, as I sent the last you had of me to some other person first, and your price was much above their valuation. I leave it to you to send me what you consider the value of the present articles. I have recommended you to my sister, Mrs. M. Y., of Reading." We are every day receiving the same kind of testimonials which show that we do give the full value of all articles offered to us. If this is not sufficient to satisfy the most sceptical we challenge all dealers. We not only buy of ladies and gentlemen, but our demand is so great that we purchase of the trade. Ladies and gentlemen, by disposing of their property to us, get the best price, thereby saving a second profit. Our only address in England is 81, THAYER-STREET, MANCHESTER-SQUARE, LONDON. CANADA: ST. PAUL-STREET, MONTREAL. TORIA: and AUSTRALIA: MYER'S-STREET, SANDHURST, VIC- COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, RONCHITIS, and NEURALGIA, DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE, a few doses quite effectual.-Caution.-The render it of vital importance that the public should obtain extraordinary medical reports on the efficacy of Chlorodyne the genuine, which is protected by a Government stamp, bearing the words "Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne. See decision of Vice-Chancellor Sir W. Page Wood, the Times, July 16th, 1864. Numerous testimonials from eminent Physicians accompany each bottle. From W. C. Wilkinson, Esq., F.R.C.S., Spalding, "I consider it invaluable in phthisis and spasmodic cough: the benefit is very marked indeed." Dr. M'Millman of New Galloway, Scotland. "Iconsider it the most valuable medicine known." Sold in bottles, ls. lid., 28. 9d., and 4s. 6d. by all chemists. Sole manufacturer, J. T. DAVENPORT, 33,reat Russellstreet, London, W.C. THE BRITISH, INDIAN, AND COLONIAL GOVERNMENTS, AND 7000 OF THE NOBILITY HAHolborn, London, ALEX. ROSS'S CURLING AND GENTRY. For every Description of OUT-DOOR WORK, AS IRON, WOOD, STONE, BRICK, AND COMPO, Lasting quite as long as the best common paints in exposed situations, being manufactured expressly for external purposes. ANY PERSON CAN LAY IT ON. 2 cwt. and upwards CARRIAGE FREE TO ALL STATIONS. OILS AND VARNISHES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. PRICES, PATTERNS, with TESTIMONIALS, on application. WALTER CARSON AND SONS, AIR CURLING FLUID, 248, High FLUID curls Ladies' or Gentlemen's Hair immediately it is applied. Sold at 3s. 6d.; sent free for 54 stamps. REY HAIR, 248, High Holborn, London.colour immediately it is used. Price 3s. 6d.; sent by post or 54 stamps. GREY HAIR DYE Produces a perfect OINTMENT AND PILLS. -Diseases of Advanced Years.-When man has passed to the borders of old age, the digestion becomes impaired, the nervous system grows feeble, and the physical power shows increasing weakness. Hence arise congestion of the liver, lungs, or head, followed by dropsy, asthma, or apoplexy, which too frequently afflict the aged. The liver usually first becomes torpid, but its activity may speedily be revived by rubbing Holloway's Ointment thoroughly over the pit of the stomach, and right side, at least twice a day. and taking the Pills at the same time. This treatment also cures all other congested organs, by varying the parts LA BELLE SAUVAGE-YARD, LUDGATE-HILL, LONDON, E.C., and 21, BACHELOR'S-WALK, DUBLIN. rubbed according to the situation of the congestion. LUNCHEONS. DINNERS. FISH DINNERS. DINNERS A LA CARTE. PRIVATE DINNERS FROM 59. DAILY FROM 1 TILL 8. THE FAMOUS "LONDON DINNER" OF 5 COURSES AT 3s. LADIES' FROM 4 TILL 8 DAILY. DINING SALOONS AND LAVATORIES. Handsome Smoking and Billiard Saloons. Open on Sundays from Six p.m. "THE LONDON " LONDON" LUNCHEON BAR, ENTRANCE IN BASEMENT, CHANCERY-LANE. Sales by Auction. MARSH'S REGISTER of LANDED MR. MARES, Town and Country Residences, and property of every description, is published monthly, and may be obtained at the offices of Mr. A. M. YETTS (late Mr. Marsh), Anctioneer, Land, and Estate Agent, 54, Cannon-street, E.C., or will be forwarded by post on appli cation. Surrey.-A valuable Freehold Residential Property, eligibly situate in a favourite and select locality, possessing every facility for railway communication, being within half an hour's ride by rail, and a distance of twelve miles by road, from the metropo is. The situation of the property is extremely picturesque, and the neighbourhood in which it is placed is surrounded by the best society. It comprises a superior residence of handsome elevation, erected within the last ten years at considerable expense for the occupa tion of the owner, and contains eleven bed chambers, dressing rooms, three reception rooms, billiard room, conservatory, and well-arranged domestic offices. grounds are laid out with great taste, and embrace an area of 18 acres. The property is adapted for the residence of a nobleman, banker, merchant, or private gentleman. The MR. MARSH AUCTION, at the Guildhall Coffee R. MARSH is favoured with instructions house. Gresham-street, at Twelve for One o'clock, on THURSDAY. MAY 21, the above desirable RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY, situate and known as River-hill, Worcester-park, near Ewell and Kingston, and within easy reach of Epsom. Particulars and plans may shortly be obtained of Mr. A. M. YETTS (late Mr. Marsh), No. 54. Cannon-street. E.C. Freehold Estate. 284 acres, at Ilford, Essex, producing £$70 per annum.-To be Sold in one Lot, pursuant to an order of the Court of Chancery, entitled Hill v. Hibbett. MR. R. EILOART will SELL by AUCTION, Twelve o'clock, the MANOR FARM, at Little Ilford, Essex, seven miles from London, and within half a mile of two railway stations. It comprises a capital residence and homestead, with nearly 250 acres, of first-rate early producing market-garden ground and marsh lands, in a high state of cultivation, let on lease, of which about fifteen years are unexpired, at £740 per annum; also the Cottage and Gardens adjoining the homestead, let to an annual tenant at £30 per annum, and nearly 83 acres of marsh land and ozier beds adjoining, and let to an annual tenant at £100 per annum, the whole forming a compact property of rapidlyincreasing value, and presenting a most secure investment for trustees and capitalists. May be viewed by permission of the tenants, and conditions of sale had of Мерста GEDGE. KIRBY, and MILLET, 1, Old Messrs. SYDNEY SMITH and SON, 1, Furnival's-inn; at the Mart; and of the AUCTIONEER, 40, Chancery-lane, W.C. East Leigh Farm, Warblington, near Havant. MESSES. WYATT and SON will SELL by ESSRS. WYATT and SON will SELL by WEDNESDAY. the 18th MAY 1874, at Two for Three o'clock the very valuable and attractive FREEHOLD ESTATE, known as East Leigh Farm, comprising a suitab e farm house, with parklike meadow in front, convenient farm buildings, cottage residence, and 143a. Or. 7p., statute measure, of very rich Arable and Pasture Land, in a ring fence, in the highest state of cultivation, and surrounded by good roads. Also a field. called Little Denvills, or Clapgate, and containing 2a. 1r. 38p., statute measure. The estate is situate in the parish of Warblington, Hants, and is about eight miles from Chichester, ten from Portsmouth, and about one mile from each of the Emsworth and Havant Railway Stations. May be viewed by application to Mr. Scammel. the bailiff of the farm. Particulars and conditions of sale, with plans, may be had fourteen days prior to the day of sale, of EDWARD ARNOLD, Esq., Solicitor, Chichester; Messrs. PARKER, WATNEY, and CLARKE, St. Michael's Alley, Cornhill. London; Messrs. WYATT and SON, Estate Agents, &c., Chichester: at the Exchange Auction Mart, London: and of the bailiff at the farm. Kensington.-10 Trustees, Capitalists, and Others.-Valuable Freehold Ground-rents, producing £1320 per annum and Three Freehold Shops, producing £250 per annum formerly part of Lady Holland's Estate. MESSRS. HORNE, EVERSFIELD and Co., have received instructions from the Trustees of the late Henry John Bartley, Esn., to SELL by AUCTION, at the AUCTION MART, Tokenhouse-yard, London, at the latter end of MAY next, the above valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTY, situate in Holland - road, Russell-road. Elsham-road, Russell-gardens, Russell-mews, and Hansard mews, Kensington. Further particulars will shortly appear. Applications may, in the meantime, be addressed to Messrs. BARTLEY, SAXTON, and MORGAN. Solicitors, 30, Somerset-street, Portman-square, W.; and to HORNE, EVERSFIELD, and Co., 17, Great Georgestreet, S.W., and 80, Fore-street, E.C. MESSRS, DEBENHAM, TEWSON, and FARMER'S LIST of ESTATES and HOUSES to be SOLD or LET, including Landed Estates, Town and Country Residences, Hunting and Shooting Quarters, Farms, Ground Rents, Rentcharges, House Property, and Investments generally, is PUBLISHED on the first day of each month, and may be obtained, free of charge, at their Offices, 80, Cheapside, E. C., or will be sent by post in return for two stamps. Particulars for insertion should be received not later than four days previous to the end of the preceding month. Wilkinson, deceased.-By order of the Trustees.-Freehold Ground rents, with reversions to the rack rentals in about forty-six years, and Copy hold Premises. ME ESSRS. EDWIN FOX and BOUSFIELD are instructed to SELL by AUCTION, at the MART, Bank of England, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, at Two o'clock precisely, in Lots, FREEHOLD GROUND-RENTS. amounting to £96 128. 10d., being nominal amounts when compared with the rack rentals and future development of the property. of five superior Dwelling-houses with extensive grounds in the rear, situate in St. Ann's-hill; also 2 acres of land, upon which fifteen cottages now stand, fronting All Farthing-lane, Wandsworth; also a Copyhold House, Premises, and Land, in High-street, Wandsworth, let at £50 per annum, and a Copyhold Residence, being No 1, Percy-street, Tottenham-court-road. let at £70 per annum. Particulars may be had at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, Bank of England; of Me srs. ILIFFE, RUSSELL, and ILIFFE, No. 2, Bedford-row; and of Messrs. EDWIN Fox and BOUSFIELD, 24, Greshamstreet, Bank, E.C. On the Portland Estate.-Harley-street, Cavendish-square. -Eligible Leasehold Property for Investment. ESSRS. EDWIN FOX and BOUSFIELD at the MART, Tokenhouse-yard, Bank of England, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22nd. 1874, at Two o'clock precisely, a capital LEASEHOLD FAMILY RESI DENCE, being No. 11, Harley-street, Cavendish-square, containing seven bed rooms, two dressing rooms, two spacious and elegant drawing rooms, 22ft. by 16ft., and 20ft. by 14ft., noble dining room 20ft. by 16ft., library and extra room, housekeeper's room. butler's pantry, and the usual domestic offices; small garden in the rear. Held for an unexpired term of seventeen years from Lady-day next, at a ground-rent of £75 per annum. Let on lease for a term of sixteen years from Lady-day 1874, at £280 per AW EXAMINATIONS.-A Solicitor, a for their Preliminary, Intermediate, and Final EXAMI NATIONS.-Address "M. A.," Messrs. Fletcher and Co., 11. Staple-inn, London, W.C. AW EXAMINATIONS.-A GENTLEMAN at the BAR (Bachelor of Laws in Honours) PREPARES, in Chambers or through the post, for the INCORPORATED LAW SOCIETY, the BAR, and LONDON LL.B. References to former and present upils will be given.-Address "LL.B.," care of Messrs. Reever and Turner Law Booksellers, 100, Chancery-lane, W.C. T. DE LEGACY EDUCATION to Mr. Four Inn Court, and late Reader in Roman Law at University College, has FORMED CLASSES for the Study of the subjects required for the Examination (1874) of the Inns of Court, the Incorporated Law Society, and the London University. Private Pupils received for the systematic Study of every branch of English Law, of Roman Law, and General Jurisprudence. For particulars, apply at 3, New-square, Lin coln's inn. JUSTICES CLERKS' SOCIETY. The next GENERAL ANNUAL MEETING of the above Society is appointed to be held at the LAW INSTITU TION, Chancery-lane. London, on FRIDAY, the 24th of APRIL inst., at Two o'clock in the afternoon precisely, to choose the Committee and Officers for the current year, and transaction of general business. By Order, Barnet, Herts, STANLEY HARRIS, April 1874. Secretary, LAT AW PUPILS.-A BARRISTER, who has with almost uniform success, prepared nearly one thousand Students for Examination prior to Admission as Attorneys, many of whom obtained a Prize or Certificate of Merit, including two Clifford's-inn Prizemen, RECEIVES PUPILS for Intermediate or Final Examinations, to whom he devotes five hours daily. Fee moderate.-For particulars or an interview, address "Mr. J.." Messrs. Stevens and W.C. Sons, Law Booksellers, 119, Chancery-lane. N.B. A Class is forming, limited in number, for the ensuing Trinity and Michaelmas Terms. WANCE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the next IGAN BOROUGH SESSIONS.General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the Borough of Wigan, in the County of Lancaster, will be held before JOSEPH CATTERALL, Esq., Recorder of the said Borough. at the Borough Court within the said Borough, on WEDNESDAY, the 29th day of APRIL 1874, at Halfpast Nine o'clock in the Forenoon, at which time and place all Jurors, Prosecutors. Witnesses, Persons bound by Recognizances, and others having business at the said Sessions are required to attend. THOMAS HEALD, Clerk of the Peace for the said Borough. Dated the 18th day of April 1874. LONDON GAZETTE (published by authority) and LONDON and COUNTRY ADVERTISEMENT OFFICE No. 117. CHANCERY-LANE, FLEET-STREET. ENRY GREEN, Advertisement Agent, begs to direct the attention of the Legal Profession to the advantages of his long experience of upwards of twenty. five years, in the special insertion of all pro formá notices, &c., and hereby solicits their continned support.-N.B. One copy of advertisement only required, and the strictest care and promptitude assured. Officially stamped forms for advertisements and file of London Gazette kept. By appoint. ment LAW ANNUITIES AND REVERSIONS. 68, CHANCERY-LANE, LONDON. CHAIRMAN. Alfred H. Shadwell, Esq. DEPUTY-CHAIRMAN-H. Cecil Raikes, Esq., M.P. Reversions and Life Interests purchased. Immediate and Deferred Annuities granted in exchange for Reversionary and Contingent Interests. Loans may also be obtained on the security of Reversions. Annuities, Immediate, Deferred, and Contingent, and alsc Endowments, granted on favourable terms. Prospectuses and Forms of Proposal, and all further information, may be had at the office. C. B. CLABON, Secretary. LAW AND LIFE FIRE Chief Office.-126, CHANCERY-LANE LONDON, W.C. The Company ADVANCES Money on Mortgage of Life Interests and Reversions, whether absolute or contingent. Prospectuses, copies of the Directors' Report, and Annual Balance Sheet, and every information sent post free on application to FRANK M'GEDY, Actuary and Secretary. Printed and published by HORACE Cox, at 10, Wellingto street, Strand, London, W.C., in the County of Middlesex -Saturday, April 18, 1874. THE JOURNAL OF THE LAW AND THE LAWYERS. VOL. LVI.-No. 1621. THE Money, Wanted and to Jend. IMPROVEMENT of LANDED ESTATES.-The LAND, LOAN, and ENFRAN ISEMENT COMPANY (incorporated by special Act of Parliament) ADVANCES MONEY 1st.-To the Owners of Settled and other Estates, for the Erection of FARM BUILDINGS and COTTAGES, and for the DRAINAGE, IRRIGATION, ENCLOSING, CLEARING, and general Improvement of LANDED Property in any part of the United Kingdom: 2nd.-To the Owners of Settled Estates in England, for the ERECTION or COMPLETION of MANSIONS, STABLES, and OUTBUILDINGS: Srd.-To Landowners generally, to enable them to subscribe for Shares in Companies for the CONSTRUCTION of RAILWAYS and NAVIGABLE CANALS, which will beneficially affect their Estates: 4th.-To INCUMBENTS, for the Improvement of their GLEBE LANDS, by Drainage, and the Erection of FARM BUILDINGS and COTTAGES: 5th.-To COPYHOLDERS for the ENFRANCHISEMENT of COPYHOLD LANDS. The amount borrowed with the expenses would be charged on the estate benefited, and repaid by a rentcharge, terminating in twenty-five years. NO INVESTIGATION OF THE LANDOWNER'S Forms of application, and all further particulars, may be obtained of Messrs Rawlence and Squarey, 22, Great Georgestreet, Westminster, S.W., and Salisbury; of Messrs Ashurst, Morris, and Co., Solicitors, 6, Old Jewry, London, [REGISTERED as a Newspaper.] SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1874. Partnerships, Wanted and Vacant. AW PARTNERSHIP.-A City Solicitor AW PARTNERSHIP.-A Solicitor, well Practices, Wanted and for Sale. General CLERKSHIP, with or without a view to a Partnership on the usual terms. Bristol, Bath, or London preferred.-Address "M. M." (No. 1619), 10, Wellingtonstreet, Strand, W.C. AW.-Town or Country.-The Advertiser AW. TO SOLICITORS ABOUT TO LAW one to present ENGAGEMENT as ConveyLAW TO SOLICITORS ABOUT TO ten years. and has a good taff of Clerks, is DESIROUS Situations, Wanted and Vacant. street, Edinburgh, agents for the Company in Scotland; T. PAIN, Managing Director. WANTED to BORROW, on the security of Freehold Lands of ample value, in the West of England, the SUM of £50,000. None but principals or their solicitors will be treated terms of loan and interest required, to JAMES CROWDY, Esq., Solicitor, 17, Serjeant's-inn, Fleet-street, E.C. ONEY.-£50,000 to LEND on MORTMONEY-£50,000 to LED onrity. to Mr W. D. King, Solicitor, Camelford. ONEY.-LOANS, at 5 per Cent. on Per granted by the West of England Fire and Life Office (A.D. 1807), Exeter.-London, 20, New Bridge-street, E.C. M LAWA Gentleman (admitted last Easter AW-A Gentleman (admitted last Easter SHIP, under supervision. Conveyancing, and Common Las passed, and is about to be admitted. & SITUA LAWENA GERNE n (admitted), SEEKS AW.-A Gentleman (admitted) SEEKS CLERK, under supervision. Is accustomed to Magisterial and general business.-Address "R. B.." 10, Belle Vueterrace, Southampton. ONEY.-£14,000 to £15,000 ready for The Ace Practice and a rapid Shorthand Writer HE Advertiser (aged 24), well up in REQUIRES a SITUATION. In present situation eight years; highest references given.-" B. C." (1621), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. immediate ADVANCE on FREEHOLD LAND, in one or more sums, at 4 per Cent.-Apply to Messrs. GODFREY and Son, Solicitors, Abingdon. M TONEY READY to be ADVANCED upon qualified), DESIRES & CLERKSHIP in an office of freehold, copyhold, and leasehold securities, repayable either in one sum or by instalments.-Apply to Mr. TRESIDDER, Secretary of the Perpetual Investment and Building Society, 16, New Bridge-street, Blackfriars. M ONEY on MORTGAGE.-Trustees desire to INVEST nearly £300,000 on APPROVED SECURITIES in sums of £3000 and upwards. Only Principals or their Solicitors need apply to-A. S. MAPLES, Esq., 87, Queen-street, Cheapside. ONEY.-£150,000 TRUST MONEY to be HOLD SECURITIES Interest £4 per Cent, per annum on sums of not less than £1000.-Apply to Messrs. ROWLANDS and BAGNALL, Solicitors, 25, Colmore-row, Birmingham. MUTUAL LOAN FUND ASSOCIATION (Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1850), 14, Rus. sell-street, Covent-garden, London, and 38, Ship-street. Brighton, ADVANCES MONEY upon Personal Security, Bills of Sale, Deeds, &c., repayable by instalments. promptly discounted. Forms free on receipt of stamped envelope. C. R. WRIGHT, Secretary. Bills ONEY ADVANCED at a Day's Notice the London District upon MORTGAGE of their FURNITURE without removal, repayable by easy instalments. No charge of any kind unless money advanced. As this does not emanate from an agent, applicants must apply personally to Mr. BAUGHAN, 31, Southampton-buildings, Chancery-lane. The public are cautioned against paying preliminary fees to pretenders. varied practice, in a healthy neighbourhood, experience ing CLERKSHIP. Has had eight years' practical experience in a country office, principally Conveyancing. Probate, and Bankruptcy; accustomed to manage and to advise, under supervision. Where there would be a prospect of purchasing a working Partnership preferred. Excellent testimonials as to character and ability.-Address "Spes," care of Mr. J. Bithrey, Tennis-court, High Holborn. AW.-A SOLICITOR (aged 29, admitted like habits, DESIRES & RE-ENGAGEMENT as managing CLERK in a respect ble office in the country, accustomed to advocacy. Highest references.-Address "W.," care of Messrs. Taylor and Ward, 27, Great James-street, W.C. London. AW.-A Gentleman (age 26, admitted LAW Rome Rowledge of accounts.-Address "O." LAY AW. LAW.WANTeral CLERKSHIP in the Country: EGAL and GENERAL ALIQUIDATOR, and LAW ENGAGEMENT at Conveyancing or General in City Practice is willing to enter into arrangements to CONDUCT SUITS or other business requiring capital. -Apply to" Lex," care of F. R. Clements, 47, Carey-street, Lincoln's Inn. AW COSTS.-J. HARCOURT SMITH, twenty years' varied experience, DRAFTS and SETTLES COSIS in all Courts, and matters in Town and Country. References to eminent London and provincial firms.Offices: 5, King-street, Cheapside, E.C. LA Costs Draftsman and Accountant, having had TO SOLICITORS and OTHERS.-First Class CHAMBERS to be LET in a leading thoroughfare in the W.C. district.-Apply to Messrs. FAREBROTHER, LYE and Co., Surveyors, 8, Lancaster-place, Strani, LAWWANTED CLERK, thoughly compe tent to manage Costs and Accounts.-Address, stating age, salary, &c.," H. C.," Post-office, Harrogate. LAW. WANTED, in a Solicitor's office in South Wales, an Engrossing and General CLERK, with a knowledge of accounts.-Apply to "A. B.." Box 45, Post-office, Swansea. AW.-WANTED, a Conveyancing CLERK references are indispensable. A non admitted gentleman preferr-d. Apply stating age, salary, &c., to Messrs. BADGERS and RHODES, Rotherham, Yorks. AW-WANTED immediately, by a firm post the Books, draw Residuary and other Accounts, and to assist in the General Work of the office.-Apply by letter, stating salary required and past experience. to Mesers. J. G. and E. STRICKLAND, Solicitors, 2, All Saints-court, Bristol. AW.-WANTED, in a Solicitor's Office, a AW. WANTED, immediately, a young MR. E. H. BEDFORD, Author of the "In stating age, salary required, and references. "C.," Mr. Meacham's, Stationer, Lichfield. L AW.-To PARENTS and GUARDIANS. -WANTED, in a City Office of good practice, an ARTICLED PUPIL. Premium required. - Address "A. B.," Messrs Field and Tuer, 50, Leadenhall-street, E.C. AW.-WANTED, at once, by a Solicitor a be well up in conveyancing, able to keep Solicitor's Accounts and Books, and have a general knowledge of the different branches of the Profession. Salary £100.-Apply "M.." care of Mr. HAMMETT, Bookseller, Taunton. LA WANTED, an experienced MANAGING CLERK, not under 30 years of age; must be well up in Conveyancing and the general business of a country office, and able to act without supervision if required. Apply stating age whether inarried or single, references and salary required to D. P.," (No. 1620), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, w.c. LAW-WANTED, a competent CLERK able to undertake the management and preparation of cases without supervision, in a Common law, Magisterial, and County Court practice, where one of the principals undertakes Advocacy. Good references indispen-able.-Apply stating age, salary, &c., to Messrs. BADGER and RHODES, Rotherham, Yorks. termediate Examination Guide," "The Intermediate Examination Guide to Bookkeeping," and Editor of "The Preliminary," "Intermediate," and" Final," has CLASSES daily reading at his Chambers, 9, King's Bench-walk, Temple, for each of the Examinations. TO SOLICITORS.-Office for PATENTS, 5, SERLE STREET, LINCOLN'S-INN, W.C. HENRY GREEN, Advertisement Agent and Contractor, begs to direct the N.B.-One copy of Advertisement only required, and the LAW WANTED, a very efficient Bill qualified to manage the Books and Accounts of a Firm of large Practice, and who can also take the Management of a Department of the Business. Only those having occupied a similar position and accustomed to a large Practice may apply. The best references indispensable. Write to W. R.," Post-office, Bradford. LAW. WANTED, a Managing CLERK to undertake Common Law without supervision, and have a knowledge of Bankruptcy Practice. Must have a knowledge of all kinds of Costs. A liberal salary to a competent person. Good references required.-Apply to CHARLES J. GARBUTT, Solicitor. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. AW.-A Managing CLERK WANTED, He must be experienced in Conveyancing and general practice; capable of se-ing business through, and advising without supervision; if unadmitted (age about 40) preferred.-Apply, stating age, salary and references, to "N. B." (No. 1621), 10, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C. GRANDE ME ESSRS. E. J. GARDERE and CO., 86, Great Tower-street, E.C., London, Direct Importers and Wholesale Brandy Merchants, have now decided to offer for an exceptional competition direct to consumers, and principally to connoisseurs, this cream of Cognac Brandies; age, quality, and strength of which are GUARANTEED TO BE AS IMPORTED, and as bottled from the original casks old landed in London Docks. Messrs. E. J. G. and Co. hold 5000 gallons of this very curious old vintage, and will sell AS SAMPLES the first AW.-WANTED shortly, by the Head of 2000 gallons at 364. per gallon (in jars of one gallon each, LAW ARTICLES. WANTED, in an jar included), after w.ich the price will be 48s. N.B. Delivered free of charge to any railway station in England on receipt of nett cash or P.0.0. payable at R. J. Wood, Esq. S. C. Hall, Esq., F.S.A. } Presiden's. Wm. Forsyth. Esq., M.P. C. D. Walker, Esq. C. E. H. Chadwyck Healey, Gentlemen who will kindly act as Honorary Stewards please address Mr. G. L. Riche, the Engineer, Strand: Mr. Newstead, the Field, Strani; Mr. Charles Butcher, Law TIMES, Welling on-street, Strand, W.C.; Mr. David Jones, Saturday Review, Southampton-street, Strand, W.C.; or the Secretary, Walter W. Jones, 9, Laurence Pountney-hill, Cannon-street, E.C. OOKS BOUGHT to any amount; the certainty, and expense of auction, by a second-hand book. seller, thirty years of Newgate-street, 20,000 volumes, Catalogues gratis.-T. MILLARD, 79, St. Paul's Church yard. OOKS BOUGHT, however many or few. delay and expense in realisation. Books exchanged. Libraries catalogued and valued.-W. SKEPFINGTON, 16, Piccadilly, W. Established over thirty years. INAHAN'S LL WHISKY. any quantity No reduction or allowance can be made for PORTMANTEAUS, BAGS, TRUNKS, and SPECIAL NOTICE. ALF, Brook-street, Hanover-square, London, LFRED WEB B MILES, with whom originated the world-famed 168. TROUSERS, aging Geueral CLERK. The advertiser, who suffers from AW Legal Notices. EXAMINATIONS.-A Solicitor, a for their Preliminary Intermediate, and Final EXAMINATIONS.-Address "M. A.." Messrs. Fletcher and Co., 11. Staple-inn, London, W.C. AW EXAMINATIONS.-A GENTLEMAN PREPARES, in Chambers or through the post, for the INCORPORATED LAW SOCIETY, the BAR, and LONDON LL.B. References to former and present pupils will be given.-Address "LL.B.," care of Messrs. Reeves and Turner, Law Booksellers, 100, Chancery-lane, W.C. AMUEL HOLMES (Deceased).-Pursuant An Act to further Amend the Law of Property and to Relieve Trustees," NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN, that all creditors or persons having and claim or demand upon or against the ESTATE of SAMUEL HOLMES, formerly of No. 3, Great Knightrider-street, Doctors'-commons, in the city of London, and of No. 23, Stonefield-street, Cloudesleysquare, Islington, in the county of Middlesex, but late of No. 7, Staple-inn, in the said city, and of No. 17, Thornhillsquare, Islington aforesaid, Solicitor, deceased (who died on the 31st day of December 1878, and whose will was proved on the 19th day of January 1874, in the Principal Registry of Her Majesty's Court of Probate, by Rachel Holmes, the sole executrix therein named, now al-o deceased, and whose present personal representative is John Archer, of Garling, near Margate, in the county of Kent, Esq.), are hereby required to send the particulars of their debts. claims, or demands to the said John Archer, at the office of his solic tor, Mr. George William Hussey, No. 5, Knightrider-street, Doctors'-commons, aforesaid, on or before the 26th day of May, 1874, after which day the said John Archer will proceed to distribute the assets of the said testator among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims and demands of which he shall then have had notice; and the sad John Archer will not be liable for the assets, or any part thereof, so distributed to any person of whose debt, claim, or demand he shall not then have had notice. Dated this 7th day of April, 1874. GEORGE WILLIAM HUSSEY. Solicitor to the said John Archer, THE GUINEA TWEED WATERPROOF OVERCOATS' Established 1841. LEFT-OFF CLOTHES. Mr. and Mrs. PHILLIPS, 31, THAYER-STREET, MANCHES- Thousands of testimonials. The subjoined are copies :- Mrs. A. N. writes:-"I have received your P.0.0. with "Brighton, May 4. Lady S. T. writes:-"I received the registered letter con. taining the notes. I quite agree with Mrs. R. C. that you are very straightforward in conducting your business. I shall have great pleasure in recommending any friends who may wish to dispose of their cast-off clothes that are too good to give away." "Edinburgh, May 13. "I send you a large box of clothes. I am quite satisfied that you give the full value, as I sent the last you had of me to some other person first, and your price was much above their valuation. I leave it to you to send me what you con sider the value of the present articles. I have recommended you to my sister, Mrs. M. Y., of Reading." We are every day receiving the same kind of testimonials which show that we do give the full value of all articles offered to us. If this is not sufficient to satisfy the most sceptical we challenge all dealers. We not only buy of ladies and gentlemen, but our demand is so great that we purchase of the trade. Ladies and gentlemen, by disposing of their property to us, get the best price, thereby saving a second profit. Our only address in England is 31, THAYER-STREET, MANCHESTER-SQUare. LONDON. CANADA: ST. PAUL-STREET, MONTREAL. 31, THAYER-STREET, MANCHESTER SQUARE |