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of the subject is, that from 1495 to 1895 you find two great objects kept steadily in view, namely, the maintenance of public order, and the diminution of drunkenness; and from 1660 to 1896 you find a third great object, viz., the raising of a revenue from the traffic. It is a striking instance of the continuity of English legislation. So much for English legislation, past and present.

(To be continued.)


LAW STUDENTS' DEBATING SOCIETY.-The usual weekly meeting of the above society was held at the Law Institution, Chancery-lane, on Tuesday, the 24th inst.; chairman, Mr. Seager Berry. The subject for debate was, "That the enactments making vaccination compulsory ought to be repealed." Mr. C. Herbert Smith opened in the affirmative, and Mr. A. Hair in the negative. The following members also spoke: Messrs. A. H. Richardson, N. Tebbutt, H. E. Miller, A. E. Clarke, and A. W. Pells. The motion was lost by six votes.-The subject for debate at the next meeting of the society, on Tuesday, the 1st Dec., is "That the case of Cunnack v. Edwards (75 L. T. Rep. 122; (1896) 2 Ch. 679) was wrongly decided."

..BIRMINGHAM.-A meeting of this society took place on the 14th inst., in the Law Library, Bennett's Hill, presided over by Mr. David Cochrane. A debate was held on Moot Point No. 854: "A. deposits some valuable jewellery with Messrs. B. and Co., his bankers, for safe custody. A. is a customer of B. and Co., who make a practice of receiving deeds and jewels, and holding them for their customers. A receipt for the jewels is given by the bank, but no charge is made. The jewels are obtained from the bank by a thief by means of a forged letter purporting to come from A., requesting the bank to give the jewels to bearer. Can A. sue B. and Co. for the loss he has sustained ?" The speakers were For the affirmative Messrs. F. O. Hopson, V. G. Henderson, A. F. Lovatt, F. W. Green, F: H. Whitehouse, G. E. Edalji, and W. Somers. For the negative: Messrs. H. S. Clapham, C. E. Parish, T. H. Duffel, H. D'Egville, and H. Eaden. The Chairman having summed up, the question was put to the vote and decided in the negative by a majority of two votes.

BLACKBURN AND DISTRICT.-A meeting of the debating society was held on the 18th Nov. in the Law Library, Blackburn; Mr. A. Read presiding. There were present Messrs. T. Backhouse, A. Calvert, J. Campbell, E. Cooper, jun., J. Cooper, F. Eastwood, R. Ferguson, F. Hindle, G. Knowles, E. Marsden, E. Riley, J. Taylor, T. R. Thompson, W. Thompson, and T. Wolf. The Secretary (Mr. F. Hindle, jun.) read a letter from Mr. Malam Brothers consenting to act as judge in the essay competition, and selecting as the subject, "The Liability of a Husband and Wife respectively at Common Law and by Statute for Torts of Wife committed before or after Marriage." The subject for debate ran as follows: "A Chinese subject, accused of complicity in a conspiracy to murder the Emperor of China, is enticed into the Chinese Ambassador's house in London. He is tried by the Ambassador, and condemned to death and hanged, his body being buried in the backyard. Was the Ambassador acting legally according to international law?" Mr. R. Ferguson led for the affirmative, and Mr. J. Campbell for the negative; the following gentlemen also taking part in the discussion: Messrs. Backhouse, Calvert, J. Cooper, F. Hindle, E. Marsden, E. Riley, and T. R. Thompson. The Chairman then summed up, and the question was decided in favour of the negative by a majority of five.

BOURNEMOUTH AND DISTRICT.-The annual general meeting of this society was held at the Law Library, Bournemouth, on Tuesday, the 20th Oct. The annual report of the committee and the hon. treasurer's balance-sheet were approved, and the examiner's award in the Summer Essay Competition, by which the only prize awarded was given to Mr. E. Reginald Willett, was read. A letter was read from his Honour Judge Philbrick, Q.C., consenting to be nominated for the presidency of the society for the ensuing year, and his Honour was unanimously elected president. Mr. G. E. Haines was re-elected hon. secretary and treasurer, and Mr. W. A. B. Brennand was appointed hon. assistant secretary, with a seat on the committee. Messrs. E. H. Bone, A. H. Trevanion, W. R. Fisher, and R. S. Ely were elected to form the committee. Subsequently, on Mr. Bone vacating his place on the committee, Mr. R. S. Payne was elected to fill the vacancy. It was resolved that copies of the first prize essays of 1896 should be bound and placed among the students' books of the Bournemouth Law Library. An ordinary meeting was held on the 3rd Nov., when a debate took place on the motion, "That the present state of affairs in Turkey demands the immediate armed intervention of Great Britain, alone or otherwise." Mr. W. A. B. Brennand opened in the affirmative, and Mr. R. S. Payne in the negative, and Messrs. E. C. Hewett, H. J. Blackford, G. E. Haines, and R. S. Ely also took part in the debate. On the motion being put to the meeting it was lost by eight votes to one. -On the 17th Nov. the subject for debate was the motion, "That the publication of a poem by an illustrious poet as a trade advertisement by the person who has acquired the copyright therein is a good ground for an action of libel." Mr. G. E. Haines opened in the affirmative, and was opposed by Mr. W. R. Fisher, who was supported by Messrs. H. Tattersall, E. C. Hewett, and C. E. Dawson. The motion was lost by six votes to one. The syllabus prepared by the committee for the ensuing session includes nine debates, and three papers will be read. A prize speaking competition, under the same rules as last year's, has also been organised. BURNLEY AND DISTRICT.-The fourth meeting of the members of this society was held in Cronkshaw's hotel, on Thursday, the 19th inst. Amongst those present were Mr. W. Mossop (who presided), Messrs. R. Baldwin, T. B. Nowell, T. G. Sandy, jun. (solicitors), and Messrs. T.

Backhouse, J. Bracewell, H. Collinge, H. Ogden, J. K. Pickup (secretary), A. Riley, F. Roberts, T. Snowden, W. F. Sutcliffe, and Lawson Taylor (articled clerks). The subject for discussion was: "An auctioneer, in good faith, sells by auction a number of bottles of wine on licensed premises. B. purchases a bottle, and, in drinking it, is made seriously ill, and suffers damage. On analysis it is discovered that his bottle contained a deadly poison. Has he any right of action against the auctioneer?” Mr. Lawson Taylor argued for the affirmative, and was supported by Messrs. J. Bracewell, T. B. Nowell, R. Baldwin, and T. G. Sandy. Mr. W. F. Sutcliffe argued for the negative, and was supported by Messrs. H. Ogden, J. K. Pickup, and F. Roberts. The decision was in favour of the affirmative by a majority of two. A vote of thanks to Mr. Mossop terminated the meeting.

DEWSBURY, WAKEFIELD, AND DISTRICT.-An ordinary meeting was held at the Law Library, Wakefield, on the 18th inst.; Mr. W. Senior, barrister-at-law, in the chair. There were also present, Messrs. R. A. Shepherd, barrister-at-law, W. Ibberson, W. Gledhill, C. M. A. Broadbent, J. Marshall, C. E. Peace, N. N. Shaw, T. Catterall, F. C. Hodgson, S. A. R. Preston, T. H. Asquith, and H. Pickles, hon. secretary. The subject for the evening was a lecture (first of a series of three) by Mr. Shepherd on "Landlord and Tenant." He gave a very instructive lecture, and dealt with leases and agreement for leases, pointing out how they should be drawn, the difficulties in doing so, and the best methods of overcoming the latter.

LEEDS.-The ordinary weekly meeting of this society was held on Tuesday, the 24th inst. in the Law Institute, Albion-place, Leeds; Mr. Jas. Beaumont occupying the chair. Mr. F. G. Jackson moved a vote of congratulation to Messrs. C. H. Close, H. C. Hepton, J. H. Milner, R. H. Moon, W. M. Wade, B.A., LL. B., and G. Whittington upon their success in having passed their Final, and to Messrs. G. E. Foster and H. Stephenson upon their success in having passed their Intermediate Examination. He remarked that it was a unique event in the history of the society for six members to have gone in for their final examination at the same time, and for all of them to have passed. The motion was seconded by Mr. Wm. Bowling, and carried unanimously. Mr. G. Glover Alexander (barristerat-law) then delivered a lucid and exhaustive lecture on " The Law relating to Clubs." He pointed out the different kinds of clubs, and explained the law regulating the rights of the members among themselves, and in their dealings with other persons. At the close of the proceedings, votes

of thanks were accorded to the lecturer and chairman.

MANCHESTER.-The second ordinary meeting of this society was held on the 17th inst.; Mr. C. Tallent-Bateman in the chair. Thirty-six members were present, being well above the average of previous sessions. Messrs. E. M. Coward, A. Fynes-Clinton, L. Wise, and W. Paterson were elected ordinary members. A debate was opened on the following lines: "A. finds a £5 bank-note, and takes it into his possession without knowing who the owner is. Before he finds out who the owner is he loses the note, or suffers it to be destroyed through his negligence. Can the owner claim compensation from A.?" Mr. F. Preston, for the affirmative, submitted that from time immemorial an express duty was laid on the finder of goods to keep and restore them intact to the true owner (citing Lord Coke's dictum in Isack v. Clarke), and that the negligent destruction of the same by the finder would render him liable for damages (quoting from Pollock's book on Possession, which confirmed the dictum of Lord Coke and the older cases); he argued that the fact that the subject-matter in the present case was a bank-note and not an ordinary chattel made no difference (citing Brown v. Morris), and that the owner could therefore claim compensation from A. for the negligent destruction. Mr. F. H. Williamson, in reply, argued that the case of finding of a bank-note was specially distinguished by the courts from the finding of an ordinary chattel (citing Miller v. Race), that a banknote, like ordinary cash, was the absolute property of the holder (citing Grant v. Vaughan), and that, even if any liability did attach to the holding, such liability terminated with the possession, especially as in the present case the note was of small value and possession was got rid of without (even moral) dishonesty. The following gentlemen took part in the debate: Messrs. F. B. Cunningham, G. Buckley, L. Bottomley, F. G. Hindle, W. A. Wilkinson, T. M. Lord, F. W. Watson, S. Taylor, F. S. Oppenheim, A. Syer, G. Livesey, and J. Alcock. The Chairman, in summing up the debate, gave a sketch of the law on this subject. He pointed out that, as the bank-note was not converted to the finder's own use, and did not, on the other hand, remain in his hands or control, the modern proceeding corresponding to the old actions of trover and detinue would not lie. There might, however, he agreed, on the analogy of criminal law, be a ground of action if the finder negligently destroyed the bank-note, knowing who the owner was, or having reasonable grounds to believe he could be found. On a division being taken it was found that the votes were equally divided; the Chairman thereupon, after some hesitation, gave his casting vote in favour of the negative. The committee, in their annual report, state that the aggregate number of members is now 198, being the largest number yet recorded in the society's books. During the session fourteen meetings have been held, including the annual general meeting, ten ordinary meetings, the annual dinner, a joint debate, and the mock trial. The average attendance at the ordinary meetings was nearly thirty-two, being an increase of 30 per cent. over the corresponding figures of last session. The average number of speakers at the debates was between sixteen and seventeen, being an increase of 37 per cent. over the corresponding figures of last session. The record, both of attendance at the ordinary meetings and the number of speakers at the debates, has three times been lowered, and the average of attendance and of the number of speakers at the debates would have themselves almost proved a record any previous session. The committee notice with pleasure the names of

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Messrs. L. Bottomley and H. P. Mellor in the Honours List of the Solicitors' Final Examination, held in Nov. 1895 and Jan. 1896 respectively. They also congratulate Messrs. Cyril Atkinson and L. Bottomley on having gained the first and second places in the London LL.B. Final Examination, and Mr. Percy Hibbert on having been awarded the Vice-Chancellor's prize in Equity and the Dauntsey Legal Scholarship for 1895.

NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE.-The fourth general meeting of the society was held on Wednesday, the 18th inst., and was the occasion of the first joint debate with the Leeds Law Students' Society. Mr. Frank Marshall, vice-president of the Newcastle Society, was in the chair, and opened the proceedings by cordially welcoming the Leeds Society to Newcastle. The subject of debate was as follows: "A. travels on a railway with a copy of the current number of the Newcastle Weekly Times on him and is killed. In the paper there is an insurance coupon, the conditions of which are as follows: We promise to pay the sum of £1000 to such person as the editor of the Newcastle Weekly Times shall determine to be the next of kin of any person killed while actually travelling on the railway. Provided that it be proved that the deceased had on him a copy of the current issue of this paper at the time he met with the accident, and that death occurred within one month.' The £1000 is paid to A.'s widow. Can A.'s creditors recover the money as assets legal or equitable?" The Leeds Society took the affirmative side, and were represented by Messrs. W. R. Wilson, A. Hutley, F. G. Jackson, and A. E. Masser. The Newcastle Society, who took the negative, were represented by Messrs. E. C. Sanders, A. D. Minton Senhouse, J. H. Grant, and T. R. Ramsey. The debate was declared open for a short time, and Messrs. Heath and Lisle also spoke, after which the openers on both sides replied. The Chairman summed up and put the question to the meeting, when it was decided in the negative by a majority of seven votes. There were thirty-seven present at the meeting.-After the debate the Leeds representatives were entertained to dinner, Mr. Marshall taking the chair, and Mr. J. M. Baily the vice-chair. A very pleasant evening was spent, during which the toasts of the respective societies among others were very warmly received.

TEMPLE RESTAURANT.-This establishment, situate in Tudor-street, adjoining King's Bench Walk (four minutes from the High Courts of Justice), has been entirely rebuilt and enlarged. The Temple Restaurant is now replete with every convenience and comfort which experience and capital can command. Table d'Hôte daily, consisting of soups, entrées, joints, vegetables, &c., at 2s. each. No charge for attendance. Dinners la Carte quickly served. Choice wines, spirits, and malt liquors. Chops, steaks, tea, and coffee. The Legal Profession is respectfully informed that Breakfasts, Dinners, and Teas are supplied in chambers if desired. Menus and tariffs forwarded daily for selection upon application.-[ADVT.]


Mr. CHARLES CARNE LEWIS, the senior partner of the firm of Lewis and Quennell, solicitors, Brentwood and Billericay, died on Sunday the 15th inst., after a long and severe illness. The deceased gentleman, who was about sixty-five years of age, was a native of Brentwood, and received his early education at the Grammar School of that town, finishing it at King's College. He was admitted as a solicitor in 1854, and about the same year he became the partner with his father, Mr. Charles Lewis, who was in practice at Brentwood. His father died in 1882, and Mr. C. C. Lewis was soon afterwards appointed to several of the offices held by Mr. Lewis, sen. Among these posts was that of coroner for South Essex, an office held by the deceased gentleman until the day of his death. In addition, Mr. Lewis was clerk to the Billericay Guardians and Rural District Council, registrar to the Brentwood County Court, and clerk to the justices of Brentwood and Billericay, &c. When West Ham, which had been part of the administrative county of Essex, was incorporated, Mr. Lewis was elected to the post of coroner for that borough. In 1887 he took his nephew, Mr. J. L. Quennell, into partnership with him, the firm becoming Lewis and Quennell. Mr. Lewis was twice married. His first wife was a daughter of the late Mr. Wm. Prior-Johnson, of Brent House, Brentwood. She died in about 1878, and he subsequently married a daughter of the late Col. Wolmer. By the first marriage there are a son and a daughter, and by the second a daughter. The son, Mr. C. Edgar Lewis, since his father's illness has taken over as deputy many of his father's posts. The deceased gentleman was a Churchman. His duties were always ably discharged, and by all who came in contact with him he was greatly esteemed. He was amember of the Incorporated Law Society

and also the Solicitors' Benevolent Association.

Sir EDMUND GRIMANI HORNBY died on the 17th inst., at Rapallo, Italy. Born in 1825, and called to the Bar in 1848, he began his public career as private secretary to his uncle, Mr. Henry Southern, while the latter was British Minister at Lisbon and at Rio de Janeiro. He then laid the foundation of that extensive acquaintance with questions of diplomacy and international jurisprudence which distinguished him through life. His industry brought him early advancement, for in 1853 he was appointed one of the commissioners to settle outstanding claims between Great Britain and America. Two years later the Foreign Office sent him to Turkey as British Commissioner in relation to the Turkish loan. At this period Mr. Hornby also acted as judicial assessor at Constantinople, and arbitrator in all disputes respecting supplies to the Army in the East. The experience he gained in this way was turned to good account very soon, for, at the instance of Lord Clarendon, then Minister for Foreign affairs, he was selected to organise and administer the Consular Courts of

the Levant, and in 1857 given the appointment of Judge of the Supreme Court at Constantinople. So successful was he in his tenure of this post that some eight years later he went to China and Japan, to undertake the work of organising Consular Courts in those countries. He acted as Chief Judge of the Supreme Court of China and Japan, until his retirement in 1876. The building up of the Consular Conrt system in these conntries, as well as in the Levant, was, to a very large extent, Sir Edmund Hornby's work, and in many ways it continues to show evident traces of his influence and discretion. Sir Edmund Hornby was a lifelong friend of the late Lord Hannen, and accompanied him to Paris for the sittings of the Behring Sea Arbitration Court. The subject of arbitration was one that occupied much of his thoughts, and a few years ago he wrote a pamphlet for the Peace Preservation Society, advocating the establishment in Switzerland of a school or faculty of international law to be kept up jointly by the Powers. Sir Edmund Hornby, who was knighted in 1862, was three times married: first in 1850, to a daughter of Count Maceroni, aide-de-camp of General Murat; secondly, in 1868, to a daughter of Mr. Thomas Hudson, of Hull; and thirdly, in 1875, to a daughter of Captain Roberts, of New York. His first wife was prominent among the ladies who acted as hospital nurses during the Crimean war, and she published two books at the time-"In and out Stamboul" and "Letters from Constantinople." Lady Hornby is still living, and Sir Edmund leaves one son-Mr. F. V. Hornby, of the Home Office, and three daughters.

Mr. CHARLES BULMER, solicitor, of Leeds, died on the 18th inst. at his residence, Blenheim Lodge, Blackman-lane. He was born on the 17th Nov. 1823, and had thus just completed his seventy-third year. For several years his health had been declining. Mr. Bulmer was one of the oldest solicitors in Leeds. About 1841 he was articled to the late Mr. Wm. Middleton, and, being admitted in 1846, he commenced practice on his own account-fifty years ago. During the greater part of that period he played a responsible part in political life. A staunch Liberal, he was appointed early in his professional career secretary and legal agent of the Liberal Association of the West Riding when the Riding formed one electoral division. Part of his duties was to attend to the registration of voters in the interests of his party, and this he did for a number of years. When the Riding was divided for Parliamentary purposes into the Northern and Southern Divisions, Mr. Bulmer transferred his services to the former, and when it was once more divided into three constituencies, he became the Liberal agent of the Eastern Division. From this post he retired in 1879. In 1870 Mr. Bulmer was appointed Clerk of the Peace for Leeds, and this office he held until the early part of this year, when he felt compelled by declining vigour to retire. In 1870 the deceased took his son, Mr. Clifford Charles Bulmer, into partnership, but he died in 1879, and Mr. J. S. Lawson succeeded him as a member of the firm. Since then the practice has been carried on under the style of Bulmer and Lawson. Mr. Bulmer was one of the founders of the Leeds Provincial Building Society in 1849, and also of the Leeds Equitable Benefit Building Society in 1856, and he has acted as solicitor to both these institutions up till now. In 1846 he married Miss Susanna Emmott, who died in March 1895. Mr. Bulmer, who was a Unitarian, has left a daughter and two grandchildren. He was a member of the Incorporated Law Society. Mr. FRANCIS RAYNES, who was the oldest solicitor in England, died at Bawtry, near Doncaster, on Saturday night, the 21st inst., from congestion of the lungs. Mr. Raynes, who was in his ninety-seventh year, was a regular follower of Lord Galway's Hounds, and was well known in Nottinghamshire and South Yorkshire. He was admitted in 1822.


THE COUNTY COURT RULES-DECEMBER 1896. MEMORANDUM.-The annexed Rules are adapted from those recently passed for the High Court.

These Rules may be cited as "The County Court Rules, December 1896," or each rule may be cited as if it had been one of the County Court Rules 1889, and had been numbered therein by the number of the Order and Rule placed in the margin opposite each of these rules.

An Order and Rule referred to by number in these Rules, shall mean the Order and Rule so numbered in the County Court Rules 1889. These Rules shall be read and construed as if they were contained in the County Court Rules 1889.

Where any rule hereby annulled is referred to in any of the County Court Rules 1889, or in any subsequent County Court Rules, the reference to such rule shall be construed as referring to the rule hereby prescribed to be used in lieu thereof.

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1. All persons may be joined in one action as plaintiffs in whom any right to relief in respect of or arising out of the same transaction or series of transactions is alleged to exist, whether jointly, severally, or in the alternative, where if such persons brought separate actions any common question of law or fact would arise: Provided that if upon the application of any defendant it shall appear that such joinder may embarrass or delay the trial, the judge may order separate trials, or make such other order as may be expedient. And judgment may be given for such one or more of the plaintiff's as may be found to be entitled to relief, for such relief as he or they may be entitled to, without any amendment. But the defendant, though unsuccessful, shall be entitled to any extra costs occasioned by so

joining any person who shall not be found entitled to relief, unless the court, in disposing of the costs, shall otherwise direct.

Order XXVII., Interpleader.

2. Where the execution creditor gives notice in due time to the high bailiff, as directed by Rule 1 of this Order, that he admits the title of the claimant to the goods or chattels, the high bailiff may thereupon withdraw from possession, and may apply for an order protecting him from any action in respect of the seizure and possession of the said goods and chattels, and the judge may make any such order as may be just and reasonable in respect of the same. Any such application shall be made in writing and intituled in the matter of the execution, and three clear days' notice in writing thereof shall be given by the high bailiff to the claimant, who may, if he desires it, attend the hearing of the application, and if he attend the judge may, in and for the purposes of such application, make all such orders as to costs as may be just and reasonable.

3. The words "Rule 1 of this Order" shall be substituted for the words "the last preceding rule" in Order XXVII., Rule 2.

We, Alfred Martineau, Henry J. Stonor, Richard Harington, William L. Selfe, and William Cecil Smyly, being judges of County Courts, appointed to frame Rules and Orders for regulating the practice of the Courts and forms of proceedings therein, having, by virtue of the powers vested in us in this behalf, framed the foregoing Rules and Orders, do hereby certify the same under our hands and submit them to the Lord Chancellor accordingly.

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SUPPLEMENTAL LIST of UNDEFENDED MATRIMONIAL CAUSES to be heard without Juries at Michaelmas Sittings 1896. ABBREVIATIONS.-P. Probate-D. Dissolution of Marriage.-J.S. Judicial Separation. -N. Nullity.-I. Issue. - R.C.R. Restitution of Conjugal Rights. — A. Act on Petition. When preceded by "H." suit brought by Husband, and " W." suit brought by Wife. Before the Court itself.-Undefended Divorce.


69 W.D. Church and Co.-Little v. 84 H.D.-C. Rogers, Son, and RussellLittle

70 W.D.-Price and Sons-Fitzhugh . Fitzhugh

71 J. B. Purchase-Shaw r. Shaw

72 H D.-C. R. Enever-Box v. Box and Hibbes

53 W.D.-Smith and Eldridge-Clark v. Clark

74 W.D.-Osborn and Osborn-Mackenzie r. Mackenzie-T. E. Lewin, jun. 75 H.D.-W. Holroyd Sergeant-Pope r. Pope and Robinson

76 H.D.-Marshall and Marshall-Hall v. Hall and Curle

'77 W.D.-J. S. and H. Brandon-Cooper v. Cooper

78 H.D.-Walker M. Willcocks-Embleton r. Embleton and Catlin

79 H.D. Napoleon Argles and Co.Smart v. Smart and Melis

Howard v. Howard

85 W.D.-P. S. Costerton-Bartlett v. Bartlett

86 W.D.-Marshall and Pridham-Padgett v. Padgett

87 W.D.-Preston, Stow, and PrestonHyslop v. Hyslop

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80 HD.-Wetherfield, Sons, and Barnes 95 W D.-J. R. Pakeman - Green v. -Long v. Long and Billington


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Professional Partnerships Dissolved.

GAZETTE, Nov. 20.

MORAN, FREDERICK WILLIAM GRACE, and KNOWLES, FRANCIS GORDON, solicitors, Glossop and Hadfield. Nov. 10. Debts by F. G. Knowles.



GAZETTE, Nov. 20.

[blocks in formation]

CORNES, CONELIUS, and MARTIN, WILLIAM (trading as Messrs. Cornes, Martin, and
Co.), Laurence Pountney hill, Cannon-st, engineers. Pet. Nov. 13. Order,
Nov. 18.

CRISTEL, GEORGE, Fulham-rd, tailor. Pet. Oct. 29. Order, Nov. 17.
HARVEY, CHARLES, Victoria-st, Westminster, engineer. Pet Oct. 9. Order, Nov. 16.
NATHAN, JOHN, London-rd fine-art dealer. Pet Oct. 22. Order, Nov. 17.
PHILIPS, F. C., late Hogarth-rd, South Kensington, playwright. Pet. Oct. 6. Order,
Nov. 18.

ROTHENBERG, JACOB (trading as Tobias Jacob), Wentworth-st, Commercial-st, Spitalflelds, draper. Pet. Nov. 16. Order. Nov. 16.

SOLOMON, ALFRED MICHAEL HENRY, late Hillier-rd, Wandsworth Common, mercantile clerk. Pet. Nov. 17. Order, Nov. 17.

To surrender at their respective District Courts. BLAKEMORE, SAMUEL, New Brighton, builder. Ct. Birkenhead. Pet. Nov. 9. Order, Nov. 17. Pet. Nov. 14.

COLES. WILLIAM HENRY, Portsea, bookseller. Ct. Portsmouth.

Order, Nov. 14.

COOPER, ELEANOR, Harrogate, lodging-house keeper. Ct. York. Pet. Nov. 3. Order, Nov. 18.

DYSON. HENRY, Huddersfile'd, commission agent. Ct. Huddersfield. Pet. Nov. 6. Order, Nov. 16.

DENLEY, WILLIAM HENRY, late Great Houghton, brewer's clerk. Ct. Sheffield. Pet. Nov. 17. Order, Nov. 17.

FOUNTAINE, C. B., Newark-upon-Trent, hatter. Ct. Nottingham. Pet. Oct. 21. Order, Nov. 17.

GEORGE. CHARLES FREDERICK (trading as C. F. George and Co.), Midhurst, grocer. Ct. Brighton. Pet. Nov. 18. Order. Nov. 18.

ICETON, THOMAS, Darlington, blacksmith. Ct. Stockton-on-Tees and Middlesbrough.
Pet. Nov. 17. Order, Nov. 17.

INSKIP, HENRY, Longton late builder's manager. Ct. Stoke-upon-Trent and Longton.
Pet. Nov. 16. Order, Nov. 16.
Ct. Newport,

JONES, WILLIAM LLEWELLYN. Maesycwmmer, late jobbing tailor.
Mon. Pet. Nov. 18.

Order, Nov. 18.

MARTIN, STEPHEN HENRY, Birmingham, factor. Ct. Birmingham. Pet. Nov. 12.
Order, Nov. 16.
Ct. Cardiff.

PHILLIPS, AMELIA (late trading as the City Tailors), Cardiff, clothier.
Pet. Nov. 3. Order, Nov. 17.

PARRY, JAMES, late Abbeydore, farmer. Ct. Hereford. Pet. Nov. 16. Order, Nov. 16.
PURDY, SUSAN, Sheriff Hutton, draper. Ct. Scarborough. Pet. Nov. 16. Order,
Nov, 16.

REEDE, JOHN, Wem, shoemaker. Ct. Shrewsbury. Pet. Nov. 17. Order. Nov. 17. ROBERTS, GRIFFITH WILLIAM, Criccieth, saddler. Ct. Portmadoc and Blaenau Festiniog. Pet. Nov. 14. Order, Nov. 14.

RICHARDSON, JAMES, Leeds, late licensed victualler. Ct. Leeds. Pet. Nov. 17. Order, Nov. 17.

SPENCE, WILLIAM. late Cardiff, commission agent. Ct. Pontypridd, Pet. Nov. 16. Order, Nov. 16.

TAYLOR, HENRY, West Hartlepool, labourer. Ct. Sunderland. Pet. Nov. 17. Order, Nov. 17.

TOWLER, CHARLES EDWARD, Giggleswick, licensed victualler. Ct. Bradford, Yorks. Pet. Nov. 16. Order. Nov. 16.

TATTERSFIELD, EDWARD, Mirfield, soap manufacturer's assistant. Ct. Dewsbury. Pet. Nov. 16.

Order, Nov. 16.

TATTERSFIELD, ROBERT, Mirfield, soap manufacturer. Ct. Dewsbury. Pet. Nov. 16. Order, Nov. 16.

TIMEWELL, ERNEST, Halifax, tailor. Ct. Halifax Pet. Nov. 18. Order, Nov. 18. WILLLIAMS, JOHN, Llanddanielfab, farmer. Ct. Bangor. Pet. Nov. 17. Order,

Nov. 17.

GAZETTE, Nov. 24.

To surrender at the High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. DE LEEUW, MORRIS JACOB, Compton-rd, Highbury, agent. Pet. Nov. 19. Order,

Nov. 19.

ELBOROUGH, WILLIAM CHARRIERE (trading as Collins and Co.), Broad-st-house, Old
Broad-st, merchant Pet. Oct 15. Order, Nov. 20.
HARBOTTLE, JOHN, late Chester-ter, Eaton-sq, no occupation. Pet. Oct. 27. Order,
Nov. 20.

WEBSTER, GEORGE, and BINNIE, JOHN (trading as George
Cannon-st, warehousemen. Pet. Nov. 21. Order, Nov. 21.
To surrender at their respective District Courts.
ALLEN, CHARLES, Kemerton, baker. Ct. Cheltenham.
Nov. 19.

BOWLES, GEORGE, late Sittingbourne, builder. Nov. 19

Webster and Co),

Pet. Nov. 19. Order, Ct. Rochester. Pet. Oct. 21. Order, COATES, C. I., Bristol, late grocer. Ct. Bristol. Pet. Nov. 5. Order, Nov. 20. CRICK, HENRY ARTHUR, late Leominster, baker. Ct. Leominster. Pet. Nov. 16. Order Nov. 20.

CASEY, CORNELIUS, Altrincham, tobacconist. Ct. Manchester. Pet. Nov. 21. Order, Nov. 21.

DENNIS, MOSES, late Newhall, baker. Ct. Burton-on-Trent. Pet. Nov. 19. Order, Nov. 19.

DOBSON, LOUISA ANNE, Hastings, lodging-house proprietress. Ct. Hastings. Pet. Nov. 18. Order. Nov. 18.

DAWSON, ROBERT, Flixton, farmer. Ct. Scarborough. Pet. Nov. 20. Order, Nov. 20. DRAYTON, WILLIAM HENRY, Shrewsbury, picture-frame maker. Ct. Shrewsbury.

Pet. Nov. 20. Order. Nov. 20.

ENTWISTLE, WILLIAM, Hopkinstown, grocer. Ct. Pontypridd. Pet. Nov. 9 Order, Nov. 21.

EDWARDS, THOMAS PRICHARD, Portmadoc. reporter. Ct. Portmadoc and Blaenau Festiniog. Pet. Nov. 19. Order, Nov. 19.

GODDARD, JAMES, late Loughborough, innkeeper. Ct. Leicester. Pet. Nov. 20. Order. Nov. 20.

GUDGEON, RICHARD THOMAS. Towcester, grocer. Ct. Northampton. Pet. Nov. 19.
Order, Nov. 19.

HARRISON, GEORGE ALFRED, Newmillerdam, plumber. Ct. Wakefield.
Order, Nov. 16.

Pet. Nov. 16. JEWKES, SAMUEL, West Bromwich, milkseller. Ct. West Bromwich. Pet. Nov. 20. Order, Nov. 20.

JOYNSON, THOMAS, Nantyglo, wheelwright. Ct. Tredegar. Pet. Nov, 20. Order,
Nov. 20.

KEMSLEY, RICHARD, late Thurnham, farmer. Ct. Maidstone.
Nov. 19.

Pet. Nov. 19. Order,

[blocks in formation]

SMITH, WILLIAM COOPER, Harwood Dale, farm servant. Ct. Scarborough. Pet. Noe. 20. Order, Nov. 20.

THOMPSON, GEORGE ROBERT, Acomb, dairyman. Ct. York. Pet. Nov. 19. Order, Nov. 19.

TIMSON, W. JOHNSON (trading as W. Johnson Timson and Co.), late Birmingham, cycle-fittings manufacturer. Ct. Birmingham. Pet. Nov. 4. Order, Nov. 20. TOWNSHEND, FLORENCE STANDISH, and TOWNSHEND, LAURA HELENA, Folkestone, boarding-house keepers. Ct. Canterbury. Pet. Nov. 20. Order. Nov. 20. THOMPSON, ROBERT, jun., Gateshead, coal merchant. Ct. Newcastle-on-Tyne. Pet. Nov. 18. Order, Nov. 18.

THROUP, HENRY, late Leeds, butcher. Ct. Leeds. Pet. Nov. 18. Order, Nov. 18. VERTEGANS, JOHN JAMES, Manchester, agent. Ct. Manchester. Order, Nov. 19. WESTMORE, JAMES HENRY, Ventnor, watchmaker. Ct. Newport and Ryde. Pet. Nov. 20. Order, Nov. 20.

WILLIS, ALFRED ROBERT, Cambridge, tutor. Ct. Cambridge. Pet. Oct. 10. Order, Nov. 21.

WILLIAMS, JOHN VAUGHAN, Cardiff, shipowner. Ct. Cardiff. Pet. Nov. 21. Order, Nov. 21.

The following amended notice is substituted for that published in the Gazette of Nov. 10. ASHBY, ELIZABETH, Newport, widow. Ct. Newport and Ryde. Pet. Nov. 6. Order, Nov. 6.

[blocks in formation]

Ct. Nottingham. Meeting,

Nov. 27, at noon, at office of Off. Rec. Nottingham. Exam. Dec. 4, at 10, at County Court-house, Nottingham.

CLARK, GEORGE, late Suffolk-st, Southwark, corn dealer. Ct. High Court. Meeting, Nov. 30, at noon, at Bankruptcy-bldgs. Exam. Dec. 16, at noon, at Bankruptcybldgs.

COOK, GEORGE, Great Missenden, builder. Ct. Aylesbury. Meeting, Nov. 27, at 2, at Bankruptcy-bldgs. Exam. Dec. 7, at 10.30, at County-hall, Aylesbury. CROCOMBE, WILLIAM CRICK, Marwood, farmer. Ct. Barnstaple. Meeting, Nov. 27, at 2. at office of Sanders and Son, High-st, Barnstaple. Exam. Dec. 8, at 2, at Bridge-hall, Barnstaple.

COOPER, ELEANOR, Harrogate, lodging-house keeper, spinster. Ct. York. Meeting, Dec. 3, at 12.30, at office of Off. Rec. York. Exam. Dec. 4, at 11, at Courts of Justice, York.

DURRANT, JOHN CARMEL, Addlestone, builder. Ct. Kingston, Surrey. Meeting, Dec. 1, at 11.30, at 24, Railway-approach, London Bridge. Exam. Jan. 5, at 2.30, at Court-house, Kingston.

DAVIES, JOHN HENRY, Ynyshir, grocer. Ct. Pontypridd. Meeting, Nov. 27, at 3, at 65, High-st, Merthyr Tydfil. Exam. Dec. 22, at 11, at Court-house, Pontypridd. EADE, ALFRED (trading as Alfred Eade and Co.), late Borough High-st, Southwark, hop merchant. Ct. High Court. Meeting, Nov. 27, at 2.30, a Bankruptcy-bldgs. Exam. Jan 14, at 11.30, at Bankruptcy-bldgs. FALCONER, ARTHUR SISSON, Hampton Hill, gentleman. Ct. Kingston, Surrey. Meeting. Nov. 30, at 12.50, at 24, Railway-approach, London Bridge. Exam. Jan. 5, at 2.20, at Court-house, Kingston.

FRASER, JAMES C., late Harrington-rd, South Kensington. Ct. High Court. Meeting, Nov. 27, at 11, at Bankruptcy-bldgs. Exam. Jan. 14, at 11.30, at Bankruptcybldgs. GORTON, GEORGE THOMAS, Woking, baker. Ct. Guildford and Godalming. Meeting, Nov. 30, at noon, at 24, Railway-approach, London Bridge. Exam. Dec. 1, at 1, at Townhall, Guildford.

HUGHES, JOSEPH (trading as Joseph Hughes and Co.), St. Andrew's-hill, Doctors' Commons, publisher. Ct. High Court. Meeting, Dec. 1, at noon, at Bankruptcybldgs. Exam. Jan. 14, at 11.30, at Bankruptcy-bldgs.

HIBBERT. CHARLES ROBERT, Newton-le-Willows, late butcher. Ct. Warrington. Meeting, Dec. 11, at 10.50, at Court-house, Warrington. Exam. Dec. 11, at 11, at Court-house, Warrington.


JONES, REES, Dukestown, stocking and flannel dealer. Ct. Tredegar.
Nov. 30, at 3, at 65, High-st, Merthyr Tydfil. Exam. Dec. 11, at 10.30, at County
Court, Tredegar.


LUKE, THOMAS, late Prince Regent's-la, Custom House, grocer. Ct. High Court. Meeting, Nov. 30, at 1, at Bankruptcy-bldgs. Exam. Dec. 18, at 11, at Bankruptcybldgs. MORGAN, WILLIAM, Pontypridd, butcher. Ct. Pontypridd. Meeting. Nov. 27, at noon, at 65, High-st, Merthyr Tydfill. Exam. Dec. 8, at 11, at Court-house, Pontypridd. MOORE, HENRY, Minehead, market gardener. Ct. Taunton. Meeting, Nov. 28, at 12 30, at office of Off. Rec. Taunton. Exam. Dec. 16, at 2.80, at Guildhall, PIMBLETT, SAMUEL, Hyde, out of business. Ct. Ashton-under-Lyne and Stalybridge. Meeting, Dec. 10. at 12.30, at Townhall, Ashton-under-Lyne. Exam. Dec. 10, at 12.45, at Townhall, Ashton-under-Lyne. PRITCHARD, JAMES, Cardiff, grocer. Ct. Cardiff. Meeting, Nov. 30, at 11.30, at office of Off. Rec. Cardiff. Exam. Dec. 11, at 10, at Townhall, Cardiff. POUCHÉE, CHARLES, Tottenham, jeweller. Ot. Edmonton. Meeting, Nov. 27, at 3, at 95, Temple-chmbrs, Temple-av. Exam. Nov. 30, at 11.30, at Court-house, PILKINGTON, WILLIAM EDWARD BRISTOE, Middleton-one-Row, licensed victualler. Ct. Stockton-on-Tees and Middlesbrough. Meeting, Dec. 2, at 3, at office of Off. Rec. Middlesbrough. Exam. Dec. 2, at 10.30, at Court-house, Stockton-on-Tees. REEDE, JOHN, Wem, shoemaker. Ct. Shrewsbury. Meeting, Nov. 28, at 11.30, at office of Off, Rec. Shrewsbury. Exam. Dec. 8, at 10 30, at Shirehall, Shrewsbury. SEDDON, JOSEPH ALFRED, late Cardiff, marine surveyor. St. Cardiff. Meeting, Dec. 1, at 11.30, at office of Off. Rec. Cardiff. Exam. Dec. 11, at 10, at Townhall, Cardiff.


SHIMELD, ARTHUR WILLIAM (late trading with Sidney George Shimeld as Shimeld
Brothers), late Penarth, printer. Ct. Cardiff. Meeting, Dec. 1, at 11, at office of
Off. Rec. Cardiff. Exam. Dec. 11, at 10, at Townhall, Cardiff.
TURNER, ROBERT HARRY, Norbury, farmer. Ct. Croydon. Meeting, Nov. 27, at 11.30,
at 21, Railway-approach, London Bridge. Exam. Dec. 9, at 11, at Court-house,
TIMEWELL, ERNEST, Halifax, tailor. Ct. Halifax. Meeting, Dec. 3, at 11, at office of
Off. Rec. Halifax. Exam. Dec. 14, at 11, at County Court-house, Halifax.
WILBY, RICHARD (trading as Richard Wilby and Sons), Huddersfield, machine maker.
Ct. Huddersfield. Meeting, Nov. 27, at 11, at office of Off. Rec. Huddersfield.
Exam. Dec 7, at 2, at County Court, Huddersfield.

WAINWRIGHT, THOMAS HENRY, Liverpool, of no occupation. Ct. Liverpool. Meeting,
Dec. 2, at noon. at office of Off. Rec. Liverpool. Exam. Dec. 3, at 11, at Court-
house, Liverpool.
WRIGHT, JOHN HENRY, late Sheffield, journeyman joiner. Ct. Chesterfield. Meeting,
Nov. 27. at 2.30, at office of Off. Rec. Derby. Exam. Dec. 11, at 2, at Market-hall,

The following amended notice is substituted for that published in the Gazette of Nov. 17, in
which the date of public examination was omitted.
WILLMOTT, GEORGE, jun., Rushden, butcher. Ct. Northampton. Meeting, Nov. 25,
at 11.30, at County Court-bldgs, Northampton. Exam. Dec. 8, at noon, at
County-hall, Northampton.

GAZETTE, Nov. 24.

ALEXANDER, MAUD, late Victoria-st, Westminster, no occupation. Ct. High Court. Meeting, Dec. 1, at 2.30, at Bankruptcy-bldgs. Exam. Jan. 13, at noon, at Bankruptcy-bldgs. BEASLEY, GEORGE LINGFIELD, Sunderland-ter, Westbourne-sq, Bayswater, gentleman. Ct. High Court. Meeting, Dec. 3, at noon, at Bankruptcy-bldgs. Exam. Jan. 13, at noon, at Bankruptcy-bldgs.

BROOK, A. W., Holborn-viaduct. Ct. High Court. Meeting, Dec. 3, at 2.30, at Bankruptcy-bldgs. Exam. Jan. 13, at noon, at Bankruptcy-bldgs.

BROWN, THOMAS, Handsworth, dairyman. Ct. Birmingham. Meeting, Dec. 4, at 11, at 23, Colmore-row, Birmingham. Exam. Dec. 21, at 2, at County Court, Birmingham.

BLAKEY, SAM, Leeds, pork butcher. Ct. Leeds. Meeting, Dec. 4, at 11, at office of Off. Rec. Leeds. Exam. Dec. 8, at 11, at County Court-house, Leeds. BALL, THOMAS. Ibstock, boot dealer. Ct. Leicester. Meeting, Dec. 1, at 12.30, at office of Off. Rec. Leicester. Exam. Dec. 3, at 10, at the Castle, Leicester. CORNES, CORNELIUS, and MARTIN, WILLIAM (trading as Cornes, Martin, and Co.), Laurence Pountney-hill, Cannon-st, engineers. Ct. High Court Meeting, Dec. 1, at noon, at Bankruptcy-bldgs. Exam. Jan. 13, at noon, at Bankruptcy-blags. CRISTEL, GEORGE, Fulham-rd, tailor. Ct. High Court. Meeting. Dec. 3, at 11, at Bankruptcy-bldgs. _Exam. Jan 13, at noon, at Bankruptcy-bldgs. COLEMAN, BENJAMIN LONGDEN, and COLEMAN, FREDERICK FREUTEL (trading as Coleman and Son), Sandwich, farmers. Ct. Canterbury. Meeting. Dec. 2, at 3.30, at Cinque Port Arms inn, Sandwich. Exam. Dec. 11, at 10, at Guildhall, Canterbury. CHADWICK, ANN, Gainsborough, stonemason, widow._ Ct. Lincoln. Meeting, Dec. 8, at noon, at office of Off. Rec. Lincoln. Exam. Dec. 8, at 3, at Sessions-house, DRAYTON, WILLIAM HENRY, Shrewsbury, picture-frame maker. Ct. Shrewsbury. Meeting, Dec. 2, at 11.80, at office of Off. Rec. Shrewsbury. Exam. Dec. 8, at 10.30, at Shirehall, Shrewsbury.


DYSON, HENRY, Huddersfield, commission agent. Ct. Huddersfield. Meeting, Dec. 2, at 11, at office of Off. Rec. Huddersfield, Exam. Dec. 7, at 2, at County Court, Huddersfield.

EZARD. GEORGE, and HODKINSON. JOHN, Bradford, joiners.. Ct. Manchester. Meeting, Dec 1, at 2.30, at Ogden's-chmbrs, Bridge-st, Manchester. Exam. Dec. 14, at 11, at Court-house, Manchester.

EATON, GEORGE, Kettering, farmer. Ct. Northampton. Meeting, Dec. 2. at 12.30,
at County Court-bldgs, Northampton. Exam. Dec. 8, at noon, at County-hall,
GOSLING, ALFRED J., Westbourne-grdns, Bayswater. Ct. High Court. Meeting,
Dec. 1, at 11, at Bankruptcy-bldgs. Exam. Jan. 14, at 11.30, at Bankruptcy-bldgs.
HARVEY, CHARLES, Victoria-st, Westminster, engineer. Ct. High Court. Meeting,

Dec. 2, at noon, at Bankruptcy-bldgs. Exam. Jan. 14, at 11.30, at Bankruptcy-
HOLROYD, JOHN WILLIAM, Ashton-under-Lyne, licensed victualler. Ct. Ashton-under-
Lyne and Stalybridge. Meeting. Dec. 1, at 3.30, at Ogden's-chmbrs, Bridge-st,.
Manchester. Exam. Dec. 10, at 12.45, at Townhall, Ashton-under-Lyne.
HARBISON, GEORGE ALFRED, Newmillerdam, plumber. Ct. Wakefield. Meeting,
Dec. 1, at 11, at office of Off. Rec. Wakefield. Exam. Dec. 3, at 11, at Court-house,

KEMSLEY, RICHARD, late Thurnham, farmer. Ct. Maidstone. Meeting, Dec. 2, at 11, at office of Off. Rec. Maidstone. Exam. Dec. 2, at noon, at Sessions-house, Maidstone.

[blocks in formation]

LOMAS, THOMAS HENRY, Burnley, confectioner. Ct. Burnley. Meeting, Dec. 3. at 2, at Exchange hotel, Nicholas-st, Burnley. Exam. Dec. 3, at 11, at Courthouse, Burnley.

Sons), Chester, builders. Ct. Chester. Meeting, Dec. 2, at 2.30, at Crypt-chmbrs,
Eastgate-row, Chester. Exam. Dec. 1, at 11, at the Castle, Chester.

MARTIN, STEPHEN HENRY, late Birmingham, factor. Ct. Birmingham. Meeting,
Dec. 3, at 11, at 23, Colmore-row, Birmingham. Exam. Dec. 18, at 2, at County
Court, Birmingham.
MCCRAITH, FRANCIS ALBERT, late Ynysybwl, out of business. Ct. Pontypridd.
Meeting, Dec. 1, at noon, at 65, High-st, Merthyr Tydfil. Exam. Dec. 22, at 11,
at Court-house, Pontypridd.
NATHAN, JOHN, London-rd, fine art dealer. Ct. High Court. Meeting, Dec. 2, at 1,
at Bankruptcy-bldgs. Exam. Dec. 18, at 11.30, at Bankruptcy-bldgs.
NEWSOME, HERBERT, Leeds, joiner. Ct. Leeds. Meeting, Dec. 2, at 11, at office of

Off. Rec. Leeds. Exam. Dec. 8, a 11, at County Court-house, Leeds.

PORTER, GEORGE BASSETT, late Glaston, farmer. Ct. Leicester. Meeting, Dec. 1, at 3, at office of Off. Rec. Leicester. Exam. Dec. 3, at 10, at the Castle, Leicester.

PHILIPS, F. C., late Hogarth-rd, South Kensington, playwright. Ct. High Court. Meeting, Dec. 2, at noon, at Bankruptcy-bldgs. Exam. Dec. 18, at 11.30, at Bankruptcy-bldgs.

ROTHENBERG, JACOB (trading as Tobias Jacobs), Wentworth-st, Commercial-st, Spitalfields, draper. Ct. High Court. Meeting. Dec. 3, at 2.30, at Bankruptcybldgs. Exam. Dec. 15, at 11.30, at Bankruptcy-bldgs.

SOLOMON, ALFRED MICHAEL HENRY, late Hillier-rd, Wandsworth Common, mercantile clerk. Ct. High Court. Meeting, Dec. 3, at noon, at Bankruptcy-bldgs. Exam. Dec. 15, at 11.30, at Bankruptcy-bldgs.

SMITH, HENRY FREDERICK, Hertford, tailor. Ct. Hertford. Meeting, Dec. 2, at 3, at 95, Temple chmbrs, Temple-av. Exam. Dec. 4, at noon, at Shirehall, Hertford.

THOMPSON, GEORGE ROBERT, York, dairyman. Ct. York. Meeting, Dec. 2, at 12.30, at office of Off. Rec. York. Exam. Dec. 4, at 11, at Courts of Justice, York. TOWLER, CHARLES EDWARD, Giggleswick, licensed victualler. Ct. Bradford, Yorks. Meeting, Dec. 2, at 11, at office of Off. Rec. Bradford. Exam. Dec. 4, at 10, at County Court, Bradford.

WALMSLEY, ALBAN, Manchester, solicitor. Ct. Manchester. Meeting, Dec. 1, at 3, at Ogden's-chmbrs, Bridge-st, Manchester. Exam. Dec. 14, at 11, at Court-house,


WEIR, DAVID (trading as David Weir and Co.), Duke-st, London Bridge, provision agent. Ct. High Court. Meeting. Dec. 2, at 11, at Bankruptcy-bldgs. Exam. Jan. 12, at 11.50, at Bankruptcy-bldgs.

WATSON, OLIVER GWYNNE, Birmingham, grocer. Ct. Birmingham. Meeting, Dec. 4, at noon, at 23, Colmore-row, Birmingham. Exam Dec. 18, at 2, at County Court, Birmingham.


ALEXANDER, MAUD, late Victoria-st, Westminster, spinster, no occupation. Ct. High Court. Order, Nov. 17.

BROWN, THOMAS, Handsworth, dairyman. Ct. Birmingham. Order, Nov. 12. DURRANT, JOHN CARMEL, Addlestone, builder. Ct. Kingston, Surrey. Order,

Nov. 17.

DENLEY, WILLIAM HENRY, late Great Houghton, general dealer. Ct. Sheffield. Order, Nov. 17.

EADE, ALFRED (trading as Alfred Eade and Co.), Borough High-st, Southwark, hop merchant. Ct. High Court. Order, Nov. 17.

FERREIRA, JOSEPH CHARLES MARDELL, Hendon, secretary of Law Courts Chambers Company. Ct. Barnet. Order, Nov. 18.

FOUNTAINE CHARLES BROOKE, Newark-upon-Trent, hatter. Ct. Nottingham. Order, Nov. 18.

FALCONER, ARTHUR SISSION, Hampton Hill, gentleman. Ct. Kingston, Surrey. Order, Nov. 17.

ICETON, THOMAS, Darlington, blacksmith. Ct. Stockton-on-Tees and Middlesbrough. Order, Nov. 17.

INSKIP, HENRY, Longton, late builder's manager. Ct. Stoke-upon-Trent and Longton.
Order. Nov. 16.

JOBLING, FREDERICK, West Hartlepool, boot dealer. Ct. Sunderland.
JONES, WILLIAM LLEWELLYN, Maesycwmmer, late jobbing tailor.
Mon. Order, Nov. 18.

Order. Nov. 17. Ct. Newport, Order. Nov. 16.

MARTIN, STEPHEN HENRY, Birmingham, factor. Ct. Birmingham.
MORGAN, RICHARD, late Bury St. Edmunds, clothier. Ct. Bury St. Edmunds. Order,
Nov. 18.

MEYER, MONTAGUE (in receiving order described Montagu Meyer), Tottenham, furrier.
Ct. Edmonton. Order, Nov. 16.

PIMBLETT, SAMUEL, Hyde, out of business. Ct. Ashton-under-Lyne and Stalybridge.
Order, Nov. 18.

POUCHÉE, CHARLES, Tottenham, jeweller. Ct. Edmonton. Order. Nov. 14.
PARRY, JAMES, Abbeydore, farmer. Ct. Hereford. Order, Nov. 16.

PURDY, SUSAN, Sheriff Hutton, draper. Ct. Scarborough. Order, Nov. 16.
REEDE, JOHN, Wem, shoemaker. Ct. Shrewsbury. Order, Nov. 17.

ROBERTS, GRIFFITHS WILLIAM, Criccieth, saddler. Ct. Portmadoc and Blaenau
Festiniog. Order, Nov. 14.

RICHARDSON, JAMES, Leeds, late licensed victualier. Ct. Leeds. Order, Nov. 17. SPENCE, WILLIAM, late Cardiff, commission agent. Ct. Pontypridd. Order, Nov. 16. SOLOMON, ALFRED MICHAEL HENRY, late Hillier-rd, Wandsworth Common, mercantile clerk. Ct. High Court. Order. Nov. 17.

SHIMELD, ARTHUR WILLIAM (late trading as Shimeld Brothers), Penarth, printer. Ct.
Cardiff. Order, Nov. 17.

SMITH, HENRY FREDERICK, Hertford, tailor. Ct. Hertford. Order, Nov. 14.
TAYLOR, HENRY, West Hartlepool, labourer. Ct. Sunderland. Order, Nov. 17.
TOWLER, CHARLES EDWARD, Giggleswick, licensed victualler. Ct. Bradford, Yorks.

Order, Nov. 16.

TATTERSFIELD, EDWARD, Mirfield, soap manufacturer's assistant. Order, Nov. 16.

Ct. Dewsbury.


TATTERSFIELD, ROBERT, Mirfield, soap manufacturer. Ct. Dewsbury.

[blocks in formation]

DE LEEUW, MORRIS JACOB, Compton-rd, Highbury, agent. Ct. High Court. Order, Nov. 19.

DAGNALL, JESSIE, Crawley. Ct. Brighton. Order, Nov. 19.

DENNIS, MOSES, late Newhall, baker. Ct. Burton-on-Trent. Order, Nov. 19. DEIGHTON, ISAAC, Kingston-upon-Hull, draper. Ct. Kingston-upon-Hull. Order, Nov. 14.

DAWSON. ROBERT, Flixton, farmer. Ct. Scarborough. Order, Nov. 20.

DRAYTON, WILLIAM HENRY, Shrewsbury, picture-frame maker. Ct. Shrewsbury. Order, Nov. 21.

EDWARDE, THOMAS PRITCHARD, Portmadoc, reporter. Ct. Portmadoc and Blaenau Festiniog. Order, Nov. 19.

GODDARD, JAMES, late Loughborough, innkeeper. Ct. Leicester. Order, Nov. 20. HARRISON, GEORGE ALFRED, Newmillerdam, plumber. Ct. Wakefield. Order, Nov. 16.

HARVEY, CHARLES, Victoria-st, Westminster, engineer. Ct. High Court. Order, Nov. 20.

HEALEY, BRIERLEY DENHAM, Queen Victoria-st, civil engineer. Ct. High Court. Order, Nov. 18.

HODGES, E. GEORGE B., late Winchester-st, King's Cross. Ct. High Court. Order, Nov. 20.

HUMPHREY, JOHN PRIOR, Manor Park-rd, Harlesden, builder. Ct. High Court. Order,
Nov. 18.

JOYNON, THOMAS, Nantyglo, wheelwright. Ct, Tredegar. Order. Nov. 20.
JEWKES, SAMUEL, West Bromwich, milkseller. Ct. West Bromwich. Order, Nov. 20.
KELLY, RICHARD HENRY, Holborn-viaduct, diamond merchant. Ct. High Court.
Order, Nov. 18.

KEMSLEY, RICHARD, Sittingbourne farmer. Ct. Maidstone. Order, Nov. 19.
LEWIS, THOMAS, Eglwyscummin, labourer. Ct. Pembroke Dock. Order Nov, 21.
LIVINGSTONE, SIMON, Birmingham, tailor. Ct. Birmingham. Order, Nov. 18.
LAW, JOSEPH WILLIAM (trading as Law and Co. and as the Cycle Tool Company),
Accrington, cycle maker. Ct. Blackburn. Order, Nov. 21.

MITTELL, HENRY EDWARD, Horsham, tailor. Ct. Brighton. Order, Nov. 20.
MORGAN, THOMAS, Gellygaer, farmer. Ct. Merthyr Tydfil. Order, Sept. 7.
NICHOLSON, EDWARD, Scarborough, gentleman. Ct. Scarborough. Order, Nov. 20.
PERRING, WALTER, Rickling, baker. Ct. Cambridge. Order, Nov. 20.
PARKINSON, MARGARET, Sale, widow. Ct. Manchester. Order, Nov. 20.
PARRY, HENRY, Pontypridd, plasterer. Ct. Pontypridd. Order April 8.
RICKETTS, JAMES, late Kingsland, farmer. Ct. Leominster. Order, Nov. 20.
RENNIE, GEORGE STEPHENSON (trading as Rennie and Co.), Brighton, draper. Ct.
Brighton. Order, Nov. 20.

STOTTER, THOMAS WILLIAM, Walthamstow, brickmaker. Ct. High Court. Order,
Nov. 20.
SINYARD, ANNIE ELIZABETH, and SILVESTER, TOM (trading as Sinyard and Son),
Kingston-upon-Hull, painters. Ct. Kingston-upon-Hull. Order, Nov. 18.
SMITH, WILLIAM COOPER, Harwood Dale, farm servant. Ct. Scarborough, Order,
Nov. 20.

THOMPSON, GEORGE ROBERT, York, dairyman. Ct. York. Order. Nov. 19.
boarding-house keepers, spinsters. Ct. Canterbury. Order, Nov. 20.
THROUP. HENRY, late Leeds, butcher. Ct. Leeds. Order, Nov. 18.

THOMPSON, ROBERT, jun., Gateshead, coal merchant. Ct. Newcastle-on-Tyne. Order,
Nov. 20.
WESTMORE, JAMES HENRY, Ventnor, watchmaker. Ct. Newport and Ryde. Order,
Nov. 20.

WINDHURST, CHARLES, Tooting. Ct. Wandsworth. Order, Nov. 19,

The following amended notice is substituted for that published in the Gazette of Nor. 10. ASHBY, ELIZABETH, Newport, I of W., widow. Ct. Newport and Ryde. Order, Nov. 6. ADJUDICATION ANNULLED.

GAZETTE, Nov. 20.

FAGGE, FREDERIC WILLIAM, late Watling-st, stock dealer. Ct. High Court. Adjudication, Sept. 2, 1890. Annulment, Nov. 13, 1896.

Winding-up of Companies.


GAZETTE, Nov. 20.

EDGAR DOW LIMITED, Liverpool. Ct. Liverpool. Order, Nov. 13. Pet. Nov. 13.

GAZETTE, Nov. 24. NARBOROUGH AND ENDERBY GRANITE QUARRIES COMPANY LIMITED, Duke-st, Adelphi. Ct. High Court. Order, Nov. 11. Pet. Oct. 9.


BRITISH FANCIER LIMITED, Temple House, Temple-av. Ct. High Court. Meeting, creditors, Nov. 27, at 2.15; contributories, at 3, at 33, Carey-st. EDGAR DOW LIMITED, Liverpool. Ct. Liverpool. Meeting, creditors, Nov. 30, at noon; contributories, at 12.15, at office of Off. Rec. Liverpool.

[blocks in formation]

per pound, 1s. 10d. First and final. Payable, Nov. 30, or any subsequent day (except Saturday), between 11 and 2, at 33, Carey-st. Amount per


pound, 2s. 6d. First and final. Payable, Nov. 30, or any subsequent day (except Saturday), between 11 and 2, at 33, Carey-st.

ST. JAMES' SYNDICATE LIMITED, Marlborough-mansions, Victoria-st. Westminster. Ct. High Court. Amount per pound, 9s. 1d. Second and final. Payable, Dec. 2, or any subsequent day (except Saturday), between 11 and 2, at 33, Carey-st. MILFORD HAVEN SHIPPING COMPANY LIMITED, Milford Haven. Ct. Pembroke Dock (by transfer from the High Court). Amount per pound, 1s. 24d. First and final. Payable, Dec. 5, at office of Off. Rec. Carmarthen.

GAZETTE, Nov. 24.

LANCASTER AND COUNTY PERMANENT BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY, Lancaster. Ct. Chancery of County Palatine of Lancaster (Preston District). Amount per pound, 5s. First. Payable, Dec. 3, at Castle Hill House, Lancaster.



ASTLEY. On the 18th inst., at Hungerford, Berks, the wife of H. D'o. W. Astley, Solicitor, of a son.

GOTTLIEB.-On the 28th ult., at Penang, Straits Settlements, the wife of George S. H. Gottlieb, Barrister-at-law, of a daughter.

SMITH On the 17th inst., at Honiton Lodge, Salisbury, the wife of S. Buchanan Smith, Solicitor, of a son.

WEBB WARE. On the 9th ult., at 32. Murphy-st, South Yarra, Melbourne, the wife of Charles Webb Ware, Barrister-at-law, of a son.

MARRIAGES. CLARK-GIBBS.-On the 21st ult., at Marylebone Parish Church, Fredericus Maria Stewart, eldest son of the late Frederick Clark, D.L., of 42A, Great Cumberland-pl, to Mabel Selena Caroline, granddaughter of Walter Gibbs, R.A., of Borough Hall, Norfolk. TURNER-HUGHES LE FLEMING.-On the 17th inst., at Rydal Church, Westmoreland. William Barrow Turner, of Ponsonby Hall, Cumberland, J.P., D.L., to Mildred Jane Frederica Hughes le Fleming, youngest daughter of the late Major-General Hughes le Fleming, of Rydal Hall, Westmoreland.


BULMER. On the 18tn inst., at Blenheim Lodge, Leeds, Charles Bulmer, Solicitor, aged 73.

BURRELL-On the 19th inst., at his residence, 30, Clarence-sq, Gosport, Hants, William Fitchett Burrell, Solicitor, aged 78 years.

COTTER. On the 19th inst., at 24, Heathfield-rd, Croydon, Caroline Cotter, widow of the late P. A. Cotter, Barrister-at-law, aged 78. FOULKES.-On the 20th inst., at Asgill Lodge, Richmond, Arthur Glyndur Foulkes, of the Firm of Edmund and Foulkes, Solicitors, aged 33 years.

GEARE. On the 18th inst., Edward Arundel Geare, of 17, Durham-ter, Hyde Park, and Lincoln's-inn, Barrister-at-law.

HORNBY. On the 17th inst., at Rapallo, Italy, Sir Edmund Hornby, late Chief Judge of H.B.M. Supreme Court of China and Japan, aged 71.

HOWARD. On the 19th inst., Augusta Frances Howard (nee Briggs), aged 71, widow
of Thomas Howard, formerly of Dudley and London, Solicitor.
MASTERMAN.-On the 20th inst., at 16, Cambridge-ter, Hyde Park, John Masterman.
D.L., aged 81.

TUCK. On the 17th inst., at St. Ippolyts, Hitchin, Lucy Tuck, widow of the Rev. John
Johnson Tuck. and daughter of the late Barry Girling, D.L., J.P., East Dereham,
Norfolk, aged 77.

WELMAN. On the 22nd inst., Harriot Welman (formerly Harriot Bean), the beloved wife of Joseph Welman, of Normandy, 12, Madeley-rd, Ealing, and Westbournegrove, Solicitor.

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