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The Harbors Act.1913.


SECOND PART-continued.

Sections or Locality.

Port Wakefield.-The beds and shores to high-water mark of that portion of St. Vincent's Gulf situated to the northward of a line drawn from Sandy Point on the eastern shore to Mangrove Point on the western shore.

Port Rickaby. The beds and shores of all the waters, rivers, creeks, and inlets to high-water mark on the eastern coast of Spencer Gulf; bounded on the north by a line (true) west for one nautical league from a point on the sea coast three nautical miles north of the site of the Government jetty, situate westerly of the north-west corner of section 35N, hundred of Koolywurtie; on the south by a line (true) west for one nautical league from a point on coast three nautical miles south of said jetty; and on the west by a straight line connecting the western extremities of the aforesaid lines.

Port Caroline.-The beds and shores of all the waters, rivers, creeks, and inlets to high-water mark from a point on the coast line one mile to the northward of the jetty at Kingston, Lacepede Bay, to a point one mile to the southward of the said jetty at Kingston, and extending to one nautical league to seaward from low-water mark.

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Lake Wangary.. The beds and shores of the waters, rivers, creeks, and inlets to high-water mark of Coffin's Bay, Port Douglas, Mount Dutton Bay, and Killidie Bay, contained within an imaginary line drawn from Point Sir Isaac to the hill known as Frenchman," in the hundred of Warrow. Port Lincoln. The beds and shores of all the waters, creeks, and inlets of Port Lincoln to high-water mark, as embraced within a straight line drawn between Cape Donnington and Point Boston, and over one nautical league to seaward, measured from any point on the line.


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Port MacDonnell. -The beds and shores of the waters to high-
water mark on that portion of the coast from a point 3,000yds.
to the eastward of the lighthouse on Cape Northumberland to
another point 5,000yds. to the east of the said lighthouse, and
extending one nautical league to seaward from low-water
Port Edithburgh. The beds and shores of all the waters, rivers,
creeks, and inlets to high-water mark on the western coast of
Gulf St. Vincent, and within a straight line drawn northerly
from Hungry Point to Giles's Point, and over one nautical
league to seaward measured from any point on said line.
Port Kingscote.-The beds and shores of all the waters, creeks,
and inlets to high-water mark in Nepean Bay, Kangaroo Island,
and west of a straight line from Point Marsden to Point Mor-

Port Minlacowie.--The beds and shores of all the waters, rivers,
creeks, and inlets to high-water mark on the eastern coast of
Spencer's Gulf, bounded on the north by a line (true) west for
one nautical league from a point three nautical miles north of
the Government jetty, on the sea coast adjacent to section 25,
hundred of Minlacowie; on the south by a line (true) west for
one nautical league from a point on sea coast three nautical
miles south of said jetty; and on the west by a straight line
connecting the western extremities of the aforesaid lines.
Port Alfred. The beds and shores of all the waters, rivers,
creeks, and inlets to high-water mark on the western coast of
Gulf St. Vincent, for a distance of two nautical miles along
coast south-south-westerly from Black Point; thence (true)






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The Harbors Act.-1913.


SECOND PART―continued.

Sections or Locality.

east for one nautical league; thence (true) north for four and a half nautical miles; thence (true) west to high-water mark

on sea coast.

Port Broughton.-The beds and shores of all the waters, rivers,
creeks, and inlets to high-water mark on the eastern coast of
Spencer's Gulf, and within a straight line drawn from Wood's
Point to Webling Point, and over one nautical league to sea-
ward measured from any point on the said line.
Port Glenelg.-The beds and shores of all the waters, rivers,
creeks, and inlets to high-water mark on the eastern coast of
Gulf St. Vincent, and bounded on the north by a line (true)
west for one nautical league from low-water mark, being the
production westerly of the southern boundary of the hundred of
Port Adelaide; on the south by a line (true) west for one
nautical league from low-water mark at a point on the sea coast
three nautical miles south of the Government jetty, town of
Glenelg; and on the west by a straight line connecting the
western extremeties of the aforesaid lines.
Port Noarlunga.-The beds and shores of the waters to high-
water mark of that portion of the sea coast bounded on the
north by a line bearing west (true) for one nautical league from
a point on the coastline three miles north of the Government
jetty at Port Noarlunga; on the south by a line bearing west
(true) from a point three miles south of the said jetty; and on
the west by a straight line connecting the extremeties of the
aforesaid boundaries.

Port Turton. The beds and shores of all the waters, rivers, creeks,
and inlets to high-water mark on the southern shore of Hard-
wicke Bay, within the following boundaries:-Commencing at
Point Souttar; thence (true) east to high-water mark on the sea
coast; thence in south-westerly and north-westerly directions
following high-water mark to the point of commencement
Port Pirie. The beds and shores of all the waters, rivers, creeks,
and inlets to high-water mark in Germein Bay, Spencer Gulf,
within the following limits, viz. :-From the westerly extreme
of Ward's Point, on a line S.W. by W. W. to the black
beacon on the west end of Ward's Spit; thence on a S. E. line
to a point of land covered with mangroves, and adjacent to Port
Pirie; thence following the contour of the land and creeks to a
point of land bearing N. E. from the highest point of Mount
Ferguson, and about two miles distant; thence on a line W.
N. to the red beacon marking the north side of Cockle Spit;
thence on a line N. E. to the starting point of Ward's Point.
Bearings magnetic.

Port Adelaide .. Port Adelaide.-The beds and shores to high-water mark of all the waters, creeks, and inlets embraced within the hundred of Port Adelaide and over one nautical league to seaward, measured from low-water mark on any part of the shoals or sandbanks at the entrance to these creeks, waters, or inlets, always excepting such lands as have already been alienated from the Crown.


Port Vincent.-The beds and shores of all the waters, rivers. creeks, and inlets to high-water mark on the western coast of the Gulf St. Vincent, within the following boundaries :-Commencing at high-water mark, Surveyor's Point; thence (true) north-east for one nautical league; then (true) north-west by west to high-water mark on the sea coast; thence southerly along high-water mark to the point of commencement.


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The Harbors Act.-1913.


SECOND PART-continued.

Sections or Locality.

Port Beachport and Port Grey.-The beds and shores of all the waters, rivers, creeks, and inlets to high-water mark on sea coast, within one nautical league from any point on a straight line between Point Shag, Penguin Island, and Cape Buffon. Port Germein.-The beds and shores of all the waters in Germein Bay, Spencer's Gulf, together with the rivers and navigable creeks, to high-water mark, from the mangroves on Ward's Point, in a line N. § E. and S. † W., to the first red beacon north of the dry portion of Cockle Spit; thence in a line E. S. and W. N. to the mainland north of Mount Ferguson. Bearings magnetic.

Port Moonta. The beds and shores of all the waters, rivers, and inlets to high-water mark on the eastern coast of Spencer's Gulf, and within a straight line drawn about S.S.E. E. from Warburton or Long Point to the western extremity of the point north-west of the township of Port Hughes, and over one nautical league to seaward measured from any point on said line.

Port Wallaroo.-The beds and shores of all the waters, creeks, and inlets to high-water mark comprised within a line drawn from Riley Point South to Point Hughes.

Port Robe. The beds and shores of all the waters, rivers, creeks, and inlets to high-water mark of Guichen Bay, as embraced within straight lines drawn from Cape Dombey to the outward point of Godfrey Island, and from thence to Cape Thomas, and over one nautical league to seaward, measured from any point on these lines.

Port Victoria. -The beds and shores of all the waters, rivers creeks, and inlets to high-water mark on the eastern coast of Spencer's Gulf and eastern shore of Wardang or Wauraltee Island; north of a straight line from Port Gawler to the southern end of the island aforesaid; and south of a (true) east line from the north end of the said island to high-water mark on the sea coast.

Port Willunga. The beds and shores of all the waters, rivers, creeks, and inlets to high-water mark on the eastern side of Gulf St. Vincent; bounded on the north by a line bearing (true) west for one nautical league from Blanche Point; on the south by a line bearing (true) west for one nautical league from Carracalinga Head; and on the west by a line connecting the western extremities of the aforesaid boundaries.

Beard's Bay. The beds and shores of the waters of Beard's Bay
to high-water mark.

Venus Bay. The beds and shores of the waters of Venus Bay
to high-water mark, including the islands in the said bay.
Port Yankalilla. --The beds and shores of all the waters, rivers,
creeks, and inlets to high-water mark on the eastern side of the
Gulf of St. Vincent, bounded on the north by a line bearing
west (true) for one nautical league from Carracalinga Head;
on the south by a line bearing west (true) for one nautical
league from Rapid Head; and on the west by a line connecting
the western extremities of the aforesaid boundaries.

Adelaide By authority, R. E. E. ROGERS, Government Printer, North Terrace.

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An Act to apply, out of the General Revenue, the sum of
Six Hundred Thousand Pounds to the Public
Service of the Year ending the Thirtieth day of
June, nineteen hundred and fifteen.

[Assented to, July 30th, 1914.]

E it Enacted by the Governor of the State of South Australia. with the advice and consent of the Parliament thereof, as



1. Out of the General Revenue of South Australia there shall Issue and application of £600,000. be issued and applied, from time to time, for the Public Service of the said State of the year ending the thirtieth day of June, nineteen hundred and fifteen, any sums of money not exceeding in the whole the sum of Six Hundred Thousand Pounds.

exceed last year's Estimates.

2. No payments for any establishment or service shall be made Payments not to out of the said sum in excess of the rates voted for similar establishments or services on the Estimates for the year ended the thirtieth day of June, nineteen hundred and fourteen, except so far as such rates are affected by the "Civil Service Act, 1874," Exception. or by departmental regulations.

In the name and on behalf of His Majesty, I hereby assent to this Bill.

H. L. GALWAY, Governor.

Adelaide By authority, R. E. E. ROGERS, Government Printer, North Terrace.

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