Crown Lease (Perpetual No. I the Honorable ) under "The Irrigation and Reclaimed Lands Act 1914." Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation [or as the case may be] of the State of South Australia being the Minister of the Crown to whom the administration of "The Irrigation and Reclaimed Lands Act 1914" is committed by His Excellency the Governor of the said State in Executive Council (hereinafter called "the Minister") in exercise of the powers conferred upon me by the above-mentioned Act (hereinafter called "the said Act") do hereby lease to [name of lessee] of [address and occupation] his executors administrators and assigns (all of whom are hereinafter included in the term "lessee ") all that land containing thereabouts and being Block No. in the County of acres or in The Irrigation Area as the same is delineated in the plan of the said irrigation area deposited in the office of the Surveyor-General in the City of Adelaide to be held in perpetuity at the following rental namely:-For the first year the sum of for the second year the sum of for the third year the sum of to be paid on the day of and for the fourth and every such sums to be paid in advance in each year and the first of such sums day of one thousand nine hundred and at a further rent of five pounds per centum per annum on any rent in arrear subject to the reservations covenants and conditions shortly stated below and some of which are more fully set out in The Crown Lands Act 1903." 66 Reservations. 1. There are reserved to the Crown all gold silver copper tin and other metals ores minerals and other substances containing metals and all gems and precious stones coal and mineral oil with incidental powers of search and mining. 2. There is reserved to the Minister and to the Board constituted or to be constituted for the said irrigation area (hereinafter called "the Board") the right at all times by himself or themselves or by his or their officers or agents to enter into and upon the land hereby leased and therein to construct alter divert cleanse The Irrigation and Reclaimed Lands Act-1914. repair and inspect water channels drains embankments and all other reclamation irrigation and sanitary works and to conserve water for the public use where required and to exercise all powers conferred upon him or them respectively by the said Act without any payment to the lessee by way of compensation. 3. The lessee must Covenants. 1. Pay the rent at the times and in manner aforesaid : 11. Pay all rates and charges imposed upon or payable in respect of the IV. Enclose the land with cattle-proof fence before the end of the fifth year v. During the first two years of the lease plant or bring under cultivation to the satisfaction of the Minister at least two-fifths of the reclaimed and of the irrigable land included in this lease and an additional one-fifth of such lands in each of the following three years until the whole of such lands are under such cultivation or planting: VI. Keep in good repair all Crown improvements (if any) on the land and all improvements made by the Minister or the Board and all buildings orchards vineyards gardens fences and other improvements thereon and keep all fruit and other trees and plants thereon free as far as possible from insects pests and diseases: VII. Commence forthwith to destroy and during the lease keep the land free from all vermin and noxious weeds to the satisfaction of the Minister: VIII. Insure and keep insured in the full insurable value thereof all buildings the property of the Crown or of the Board upon the land in the joint names of the Minister and the lessee in some insurance office to be approved by the Minister and forthwith lodge the policy of every such insurance in the office of the Minister and forward to the Minister the receipts for the premiums payable in respect of such policy within seven days after the same shall become due. The Minister may insure on default by the lessee and recover all amounts paid for such insurance in like manner as the rent is recoverable : IX. Permit the Crown the Minister the Land Board the Board and the owner of any mining claim situated on the land or the holder of any mining lease of the whole or any portion of the land under any law for the time being relating to mining by itself himself or themselves or its his or their officers or agents full and free liberty of access ingress egress and regress into upon and from the land: And the lessee must not 1. Transfer encumber or mortgage without the written consent of the Minister first had in each case: II. Erect brush fence or suffer or permit the same to be erected or to remain on the land. Conditions. 4. The lease shall be liable to forfeiture in the following cases and no others :-1. If default be made in payment of any rent in arrear for six months after written notice requiring its payment or if 11. Default be made in the performance of any covenant for three months after notice of its non-performance requiring its performance or if III. The land shall be transferred sublet or mortgaged without the written consent of the Minister first had in such cases or if IV. The The Irrigation and Reclaimed Lands Act.-1914. IV. The lessee shall refuse to permit the Minister or the Board by himself or themselves or by his or their officers to enter upon the land hereby leased to construct alter divert cleanse repair or inspect any water channel drain embankment or other reclamation irrigation or sanitary work or to conserve water for public use or otherwise to exercise any power conferred upon him or them by the said Act. 5. The land may be resumed by the Crown for mining or for any public work or purpose full compensation being made to the lessee for loss except where the land shall be resumed for the construction alteration or diversion of water channels drains embankments or other reclamation irrigation or sanitary works or for the conservation of water for the public use in which cases no compensation whatever shall be made to the lessee. In witness whereof the hands and seals of the Minister and the lessee are hereunto set the day of 19 Signed sealed and delivered by the Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation [or as the case may be] in the presence of Signed sealed and delivered by the above-named lessee in the presence of Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation [or as the case may be]. THE |