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Section 41.


Section 31.

905, 1905, Second Schedule.

The Vermin Act.-1914.

reserve or a certain breakwind reserve and a certain road (or certain roads) adjoining the same][or a certain part (or parts) of a certain breakwind reserve (or of a certain break wind reserve and a certain road (or certain roads) adjoining the same)] did not during the simultaneous vermin destruction months of January, February, March, and April, in the year 19 destroy all vermin upon such reserve [or such reserve and road (or roads)][or such part (or parts) of the said reserve (or the said reserve and road) (or roads)] contrary to the form of the Statute in such case made and provided.

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in the State of South Australia, in the Commonwealth of Australia
, in the said State, an authorised person within the meaning of Part II.
of "The Vermin Act, 1914," came before me,
Esquire, one
of His Majesty's Justices of the I eace in and for the said State, and gave me to
understand and be informed that

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in the said State, being the owner (or occupier as the case may be) of certain land, to wit [here sufficiently describe the land], and being, as such owner (or occupier), bound by section 39 of the said Act to destroy the vermin upon a certain break wind reserve [or a certain breakwind reserve and a certain road (or certain roads) adjoining the same] [or a certain part (or parts) of a certain break wind reserve (or of a certain break wind reserve and a certain road (or certain roads) adjoining the same)] did not, within the time prescribed by the Commissioner of Crown Lands under section 23 of "The Vermin Act, 1914," after the service upon him of a notice under section 22 of the said Act, destroy all vermin upon such reserve [or such reserve and road) (or roads)] [or such part (or parts) of the said reserve (or the said reserve and road) (or roads)] contrary to the form of the Statute in such case made and provided. Taken before me at

the day and year first above written.

, J.P.


"The Vermin Act, 1914."

NOTICES OF MONEYS PAYABLE FOR DESTRUCTION OF VERMIN. Notice is hereby given that there is now due and payable in respect of the cost and expense of the destruction of vermin upon the land (or lands, as the case may be) mentioned in the Schedule hereto, the sum set opposite to the description of such land (or lands), and the owner or owners of such land (or lands) are required to take notice that unless the amount (or amounts) so due, together with the cost of and attending this notice, are paid to the [set out name of District Council, Associated Board, or Vermin Board, or Commissioner of Crown Lands, as the case may require] on or before the day of 19 [one month from the third publication of this notice], the said [District Council, Board, or Commissioner, as the case may be will let such of the said land (or lands) in respect of which any money shall be then unpaid, from year to year, in manner provided by "The Vermin Act, 1914," or apply

The Vermin Act.-1914.

apply to the Supreme Court for an order for the sale of such land (or lands or so much thereof as may be necessary to produce the amount or amounts remaining unpaid, and also the costs of and attending such application and sale.

Dated this

day of

Description of Land.


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Signature of Chairman of District Council, Associated Board, or Vermin Board, or Commissioner (as the case may be).



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Nominations will be received at the Vermin Board Office for the District of

, up to 12 o'clock noon on members of the Board, and for required number be nominated, either for further proceedings will be adjourned until when an election will take place by ballot. Dated the

day of

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the auditors. members of the the


By order,

day of

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Should more than the
Board or for auditors,
day of


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Section 76.

905, 1905, Sixth Schedule.

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We, the undersigned, ratepayers of the Vermin-Fenced District of hereby nominate [here state names of candidate in full, with address and occupation] as a candidate for the office of a member of the Vermin Board of such District at the election to be held on the day of

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being a ratepayer of the Vermin-Fenced in respect of [here state lana] and entitled to votes for the election of members of the Board (and auditors) for the said District, hereby appoint


as my proxy to vote for me and on my behalf at the election of members of the said Board (and auditors) to

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The Vermin Act.-1914.

FORM No. 4.


I, the undersigned, being entitled to votes for the election of members of the Vermin Board (or auditors) of the District of


(or auditors) for the said District.

› of

Dated this


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, hereby vote for as members of the Board



Number of Votes.

*If the vote is given by proxy, the signature should be "A.B. (person entitled to vote) by his duly authorised proxy."

Section 166.

905, 1905,

Seventh Schedule.




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do hereby solemnly and sincerely declare that all the signatures [or, if the case so require, such and such signatures (describing them as initialled or otherwise marked by the declarant)] affixed to the above petition are the genuine signatures of the persons whose signatures they purport to be, and that such persons are occupiers of land in the area therein referred to. Declared at

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hereby makes application to His Excellency the Governor, pursuant to section 169 of The Vermin Act, 1914," for a loan of £ in accordance with the petition which accompanies this application; and the said District Council hereby undertakes to repay the amount of such loan in accordance with the provisions of the said Act.

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The Vermin Act.-1914.


“The Vermin Act, 1914."


Notice is hereby given that there is now due and payable in respect of wire netting furnished in respect of (or furnished and erected on) the land (or lands, as the case may be) mentioned in the Schedule hereto the sum (or sums) set opposite to the description of such land (or lands); and the occupier (or occupiers) of such land (or lands) is (or are) required to take notice that unless the amount (or amounts) so due, together with the cost of and attending this notice, is (or are) paid to the [set out name of Vermin Board] on or before the day of 19 [one month from the third publication of the notice], the said Board will let such of the said land (or lands) in respect of which any money is then unpaid, from year to year, in manner provided by "The Vermin Act, 1914," or will apply to the Supreme Court for an order for the sale of such land (or lands), or so much thereof as may be necessary to produce the amount (or amounts) remaining unpaid, and also the costs of and attending such application and sale. Dated this

day of



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Chairman of [name of Board].

Section 192.

1066, 1911, Schedule.

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