The Prices Regulation Act.-1914. Evidence. 35. A copy of the Government Gazette purporting to contain Gazette to be conclusive evidence of appointments, (a) a notice of the appointment of any Commissioner or Presi- declarations, &c. dent or Deputy President, or of any inspector or other officer or person under this Act, or (b) a copy of any declaration, certificate, or other act made, given, or done by the Commission under this Act, shall, for all purposes and on all occasions, be conclusive evidence of the fact, tenor, and validity of such appointment, declaration, certificate, or act, and of the facts stated, recited, or assumed therein; and no such appointment, declaration, certificate, or act shall be invalid. by reason of any thing required as preliminary or incidental thereto not having been duly done. 36. (1) All proceedings in respect of offences against this Act, Summary proceedings not being indictable offences, shall be by information heard and for offences. determined in a summary way by a Special Magistrate, and shall be regulated by the Ordinance No. 6 of 1850, and any amendments thereof, or any other Act or Acts regulating summary proceedings before Justices of the Peace. (2) All convictions and orders made by such Magistrate may be enforced as provided by the said Ordinance or any other such Act as aforesaid. 37. (1) There shall be an appeal from— (a) any conviction by any Special Magistrate; (b) any order of a Special Magistrate dismissing any infor- (c) any other order made by a Special Magistrate under this Act. (2) Such appeal shall be to the Local Court of Adelaide in its Full Jurisdiction. (3) The proceedings on such appeal shall be regulated by the Ordinance No. 6 of 1850, and any amendments thereof, or any other Act regulating appeals to Local Courts: Provided that the Local Court may make such order as to costs as it thinks fit, although such costs exceed Ten Pounds. Appeal. 38. (1) The Local Court upon the hearing of any such appeal Special case. may state a special case or cases for the opinion of the Supreme Court. (2) The Supreme Court shall hear and decide any such special case according to the practice of the Supreme Court on special cases, and may make such order therein, including any order as to costs, as to the said Court appears just. (3) The Moneys for purposes of this Act. How long Act to operate. The Prices Regulation Act.-1914. (3) The Supreme Court may send the special case back for amendment, or may itself amend the same. (4) The Magistrate, or the Local Court, shall make an order in respect to the matters referred to the Supreme Court in conformity with the certificate of the Supreme Court, or of any Judge thereof. (5) Such order of the Magistrate, or Local Court, may be enforced in manner provided by section 36 or otherwise by law. 39. Any moneys required for the purposes of this Act shall be paid out of moneys provided by Parliament for such purposes. 40. This Act shall cease to operate at the close of the period of six months next after the notification by the Governor in the Government Gazette of the signing, on behalf of the United Kingdom, of a treaty of peace terminating the war now existing in Europe. In the name and on behalf of His Majesty, I hereby assent to this Bill. H. L. GALWAY, Governor. THE The Prices Regulation Act.-1914. THE SCHEDULES. THE FIRST SCHEDULE. FORM OF WARRANT. The Prices Regulation Act, 1914. To the Commissioner of Police and all Members of the Police Force of South Sec. 25. Australia, and to the Keeper of the Gaol at These are to command you the Commissioner of Police and all members of the Police Force of South Australia to apprehend A.B. and to convey him to the abovementioned gaol, and to deliver him to the keeper thereof, together with this warrant; and you the said keeper are hereby required to receive the said A. B. into your custody in the said gaol, and him there safely to keep for the term of (unless the sum of is sooner paid) I, the undersigned, President (or Deputy-President) of the Prices Regulation Commission, having adjudged the said A.B. to be imprisoned (or to pay a penalty of and having further adjudged him to be imprisoned on the ground that he has made default in the immediate payment thereof), for the said term, for that he the said A.B. [here s'ate the offence to the following effect, as the case may require]. That A.B. having been duly served with a summons to attend before the said Commission and having had his expenses paid or tendered, neglected to attend before the said Commission (or that A.B. wilfully insulted the said Commission, or C.D., one of the members of the said Commission, or that A.B. misbehaved himself before the said Commission, or that A. B. interrupted the proceedings of the said Commission, or that A.B., having been called or being examined as a witness in a certain inquiry or matter pending before the said Commission, refused to be sworn or affirm or declare or to produce a certain document mentioned in the summons served on him, or was guilty of prevarications in his evidence or refused to answer a certain lawful question). in the year [Signature] President (or Deputy President) of the Prices Regulation Commission. THE SECOND SCHEDULE. FORM OF WARRANT. The Prices Regulation Act, 1914. To the Commissioner of Police and all Members of the Police Force of South of Whereas, pursuant to the provisions of the above-mentioned Act, it has this day been proved to me that has been duly served with a summons to attend and give evidence before the Prices Regulation Commission, pursuant to the said Act, but has failed to attend in obedience to such summons: This is to require you forthwith to apprehend the said and to detain him in custody and bring him before the said Commission to give evidence. Given under my hand at Lord nineteen hundred and this day of in the year of our [Signature] President (or Deputy President) of the Prices Regulation Commission. Adelaide By authority, R. E. E. ROGERS, Government Printer, North Terrace. Sec. 25. An Act to apply, out of the General Revenue, the sum of [Assented to, September 24th, 1914.] E it Enacted by the Governor of the State of South Australia, BE follows: 1. Out of the General Revenue of South Australia there shall Issue and application of £600,000. be issued and applied, from time to time, for the Public Service of the said State of the year ending the thirtieth day of June, nineteen hundred and fifteen, any sums of money not exceeding in the whole the sum of Six Hundred Thousand Pounds. 2. No payments for any establishment or service shall be made Payments not to exceed last year's out of the said sum in excess of the rates voted for similar Estimates. establishments or services on the Estimates for the year ended the thirtieth day of June, nineteen hundred and fourteen, except so far as such rates are affected by the "Civil Service Act, 1874," Exception. or by departmental regulations. In the name and on behalf of His Majesty, I hereby assent to this Bill. H. L. GALWAY, Governor. Adelaide By authority, R. E. E. ROGERS, Government Printer, North Terrace. |