An Act to Vest certain Lands situated near Alberton, in Saint Paul's Church, Port Adelaide, Incorporated, Freed and Discharged, as regards portion thereof, from certain Trusts, with power for the said Incorporated Church to sell the same. W [Assented to, November 26th, 1914.] HEREAS by Land Grant, dated the seventeenth day of November, eighteen hundred and forty-seven, registered No. 232, book 18, all that piece of land situate near Alberton, containing by admeasurement four acres, be the same more or less, being portion of section numbered 2300 in the Provincial Survey marked with the letter B and situate in the County of Adelaide and being of the length of six hundred and seventy links along the north-east and south-west sides thereof and of the depth of six hundred links along the north-west and south-east sides thereof and bounded on the north-east by a public road and on the north-west, south-west, and south-east by other parts of the same section, as the said parcel of land is delineated in the public maps deposited in the proper office in the City of Adelaide and in the plan drawn in the margin of the said Land Grant and therein colored green, with all the rights and appurtenances whatsoever thereto belonging, was granted to James Farrell, William John Woodcock, Robert Richard Torrens, Thomas Lipson, and John Newman, their heirs and assigns, upon trust that the same should be appropriated as a place for the interment of the dead in connection with the Episcopal Church called Saint Paul's Church, to be erected at Port Adelaide, and subject to the conditions in the said Land Grant mentioned: And whereas portion only of the said land has been appropriated or used Short title. Definition. Vesting of lands with power to sell. Saint Paul's Church, Port Adelaide, Sale of Lands Act.-1914. used as a place for the interment of the dead, but in lieu of the part not so used certain other land, being portion of section No. 2300A, situate in the Hundred of Yatala, the property of or held in trust for the said Church, was appropriated for and is still used as a cemetery for burial purposes: And whereas all of them, the said James Farrell, William John Woodcock, Robert Richard Torrens, Thomas Lipson, and John Newman, have long since been dead, and the said Saint Paul's Church has been duly incorporated under the Associations Incorporations Act, 1858: And whereas it is expedient to vest the said land comprised in the said Land Grant in Saint Paul's Church, Port Adelaide. Incorporated, and as regards so much thereof as has not been so appropriated or used as a place for the interment of the dead, freed from the trusts and conditions contained in such Land Grant, with power to sell the same-Be it therefore Enacted by the Governor of the State of South Australia, with the advice and consent of the Parliament thereof, as follows: 1. This Act may be cited for all purposes as the "Saint Paul's Church, Port Adelaide, Sale of Lands Act." 2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, "Church" means Saint Paul's Church, Port Adelaide, Incorporated. 3. The said part section 2300 in the Provincial Survey marked with the letter "B" comprised in the said Land Grant shall henceforth be vested in and be held by the said Church absolutely, and as regards so much thereof as has not been so appropriated or used as a place for the interment of the dead, freed and discharged from all the trusts and conditions contained in the said Land Grant, and it shall be lawful for the said Church to subdivide into such allotments, streets, or ways as the said Church shall consider most advantageous the said part section 2300, not so appropriated or used as aforesaid, and to sell and dispose of the same land without any such subdivision as aforesaid, or, if the same be subdivided, then in one or more lots, with rights-of-way over such streets or ways; and any such sale may be by public auction or private contract, for such price and generally on such terms and conditions as the said Church shall consider expedient, and upon every such sale to convey, transfer, or otherwise assure the lands, or any part or parts thereof so sold or expressed so to be, unto and to the use of the purchaser or purchasers thereof, his or their heirs and assigns, or as he or they shall direct, freed and discharged as aforesaid: Provided that the net proceeds arising from the sale of such land shall be held for the purposes of the said Church, but no purchaser shall be concerned to see to the application thereof. In the name and on behalf of His Majesty, I hereby assent to this Bill. H. L. GALWAY, Governor. Adelaide By authority, R. E. E. ROGERS, Government Printer, North Terrace. |