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The Advances to Settlers on Crown Lands Act.-1914.

to land while subject

28. (1) As between the Board and the settler of any holding with Conditions annexed respect to which an advance has been made, the following conditions to advances. shall be imposed so long as such holding is subject to any charge in 960, 1908, s. 24. favor of the Board, namely

(a) such holding shall not be sublet or let by such settler, nor
shall his lease or agreement be transferred without the
consent of the Board:

(b) every sublease, agreement, and transfer contrary to the
provisions of this section shall be void and of no effect:
(c) if such settler sublets or lets such holding or any part
thereof, or transfers his lease or agreement in contra-
vention of the provisions of this section, the Board may
cause the settler's estate and interest in the holding and
his lease or agreement to be sold:

(d) when the title to the lease or agreement is devested from
the settler under any law relating to insolvency, the
Board may cause the settler's estate and interest in the
holding and his lease or agreement to be sold.

(2) The provisions of section 26, as to sale and application of proceeds of sale, shall apply to every sale made under the provisions of this section.

29. In cases of hardship the Board may extend the time for Extension of time for making any payment required by this Act: Provided that the repayment. deferred payments shall bear interest at the same annual rate as that Ibid., s. 25. which is payable on the advance.

30. The Board from time to time shall obtain reports from the inspectors and valuers of the Board as to the manner in which advances and instalments of advances have been expended and used by the settlers, and as to the state and condition of the improvements for the purpose of which such advances and instalments have been paid to the settlers, and generally as to the state and condition of the holding in respect of which such advances and instalments have been paid.

31. The Board shall keep a register or list of all advances, with the names of the persons to whom the advances have been made, and also an alphabetical index of the names of such persons. Such register or list and index shall be open to public inspection on the payment of a fee of One Shilling.

1105, 1912, s. 4.

Board to obtain reports as to expen960, 1908, s. 26.

diture of advances.

Register of advances

to be kept for

Ibid., s. 27.


32. The Board shall keep accounts showing all operations on the Board to keep Fund, as well as all moneys paid to and received from each settler to whom any advance has been made, and such (if any) other accounts and records as are prescribed.

Ibid., s. 28.

33. (1) The accounts of the Board shall, once at least in every Audit. year, and also whenever so directed by the Governor, be audited by Ibid., s. 29. the Commissioner of Audit.

(2) The

241 of 1882.

Balance-sheet and

report to be laid

before Parliament.

Ibid., s. 30.


Ibid., s. 31.

Publication and effect of regulations.

Ibid., s. 32.

The Advances to Settlers on Crown Lands Act.-1914.

(2) The Commissioner of Audit shall, in respect of such accounts. have all the powers conferred on him by "The Audit Act, 1882," and any Act for the time being in force relating to the audit of public accounts.

34. In every year the Board shall furnish to the Commissioner a balance-sheet and a report upon the operation of this Act, and every such balance-sheet and report, together with the report of the Commissioner of Audit, shall be laid, as soon as possible, before both Houses of Parliament.

35. The Governor may from time to time make regulations for all or any of the following purposes, namely :

(a) Regulating the procedure at meetings of the Board:

(b) Prescribing the duties of the officers and servants of the Board:

(c) Prescribing the mode in which applications for advances are to be made:

(d) Regulating the consideration and granting of applications : (e) Prescribing what inquiries and valuations shall be made in relation to applications:

(f) Adding to or altering the list of improvements for the making of which advances may be made:

(g) Prescribing the mode in which the value of improvements shall be determined:

(h) Prescribing the forms of mortgages and securities to be taken by the Board, and providing for the registration of such mortgages and securities :

(i) Prescribing the records, books, and accounts to be kept by the Board:

(1) Providing for the receipt and payment of moneys under this Act, and the safe custody of securities :

(k) Prescribing the fees to be paid in respect of advances :

(1) Prescribing anything which by this Act is required to be or may be prescribed :

(m) Generally for carrying out the objects and provisions of this Act.

36. (1) All such regulations shall

(a) be published in the Government Gazette;

(b) take effect from the date of such publication or from a later date to be specified therein; and

(c) be

The Advances to Settlers on Crown Lands Act.-1914.

(c) be laid before both Houses of Parliament within fourteen days after publication if Parliament is then in Session,

and if not, then within fourteen days after the commencement of the next Session.

(2) Notwithstanding any publication thereof, no regulation shall continue to have any force or effect if the same is disapproved, either wholly or in part, by resolution of either House of Parliament within thirty days after such regulation has been laid before Parliament, if Parliament is so long in Session: Provided that if Parliament is not in Session for thirty days after such regulation has been laid before Parliament, then such regulation shall not continue to have any force or effect if disapproved by either House of Parliament within thirty days after the commencement of the next Session of Parliament.

In the name and on behalf of His Majesty, I hereby assent to this Bill. H. L. GALWAY, Governor.


[blocks in formation]


All those lands being the whole of sections 49, 53, 70, 71, 73N, 73s, and 74 Hundred of Walloway, County of Dalhousie.


The Advances to Settlers on Crown Lands Act.-1914.



Table showing how the Sections of Acts Consolidated have been dealt with.

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