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Slander befide her, like a Mag-pie, chatters, With Envy, (fpitting Cat) dread foe to peace; Like a curs'd Cur, Malice before her clatters,

And vexing ev'ry wight, tears clothes and all to




Her dugs were mark'd by ev'ry Collier's hand, Her mouth was black as bull-dogs at the stall: She scratched, bit, and spar'd ne lace ne band, And bitch and rogue her answer was to all; 40 Nay, e'en the parts of shame by name would call : Yea, when she paffed by or lane or nook, Would greet the man who turn'd him to the Wall, And by his hand obfcene the porter took, Nor ever did afkance like modest Virgin look.



Such place hath Deptford, navy-building town, Woolwich and Wapping, fmelling ftrong of pitch; Such Lambeth, envy of each band and gown, And Twick'nam fuch, which fairer scenes enrich, Grots, ftatues, urns, and Jo---n's Dog and Bitch,

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Vales, fpires, meandring streams, and Windfor's tow'ry pride.



Of a LADY finging to her LUTE.

AIR Charmer, cease, nor make your voice's



A heart refign'd the conquest of your eyes:
Well might, alas! that threatned veffel fail,
Which winds and lightning both at once affail.
We were too bleft with these inchanting lays, 5
Which must be heav'nly when an Angel plays :
But killing charms your lover's death contrive,
Left heav'nly mufic should be heard alive.
Orpheus could charm the trees, but thus a tree,
Taught by your hand, can charm no lefs than he:
A poet made the filent wood pursue,

This vocal wood had drawn the Poet too.


On a FAN of the Author's defign, in which was painted the ftory of CEPHALUS and PROCRIS, with the Motto, AURA VENI.

OME, gentle Air! th' Æolian shepherd faid,

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While Procris panted in the secret shade; Come, gentle Air, the fairer Delia cries, While at her feet her fwain expiring lies.


Lo the glad gales o'er all her beauties stray,
Breathe on her lips, and in her bofom play!
In Delia's hand this toy is fatal found,
Nor could that fabled dart more furely wound :
Both gifts destructive to the givers prove;
Alike both lovers fall by those they love.

Yet guiltless too this bright destroyer lives,


At random wounds, nor knows the wound the

gives :

She views the story with attentive eyes,

And pities Procris, while her lover dies.





AIN would my Muse the flow'ry Treasures

And humble glories of the youthful Spring;
Where op'ning Roses breathing sweets diffuse,
And foft Carnations fhow'r their balmy dews;
Where Lilies fmile in virgin robes of white,
The thin Undrefs of fuperficial Light,
And vary'd Tulips fhow fo dazzling gay,
Blushing in bright diverfities of day.
Each painted flowret in the lake below
Surveys its beauties, whence its beauties grow; 10
And pale Narciffus on the bank, in vain
Transformed, gazes on himself again.
Here aged trees Cathedral Walks compofe,'
And mount the Hill in venerable rows:

There the Infants in their beds are laid, 15 green

The Garden's Hope, and its expected shade.

Here Orange-trees with blooms and pendants


And vernal honours to their autumn join;


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