VI. E. of D ORSET. ARTEMISIA. HO' Artemifia talks, by fits, TH Of councils, claffics, fathers, wits; Haughty and huge as High-Dutch bride, Are oddly join'd by fate: On her large squab you find her spread, That lies and stinks in ftate. She wears no colours (fign of grace) All white and black befide: Dauntless her look, her gesture proud, Her voice theatrically loud, And mafculine her ftride. 5 10 15 So have I feen, in black and white A prating thing, a Magpye hight, A fately, worthless animal, That plies the tongue, and wags the tail, 20 PHRY NE. HRYNE had talents for mankind, PHR Open she was, and unconfin'd, Like fome free port of trade: Merchants unloaded here their freight, And Agents from each foreign state, Here first their entry made. Her learning and good-breeding such, Obfcure by birth, renown'd by crimes, In di'monds, pearls, and rich brocades, And flutters in her pride. 5 ΙΟ 15 So have I known those Infects fair (Which curious Germans hold fo rare) Still vary shapes and dyes; Still gain new titles with new forms; First grubs obscene, then wriggling worms, 20 VII. DR. SWIFT. The Happy Life of a COUNTRY PARSON. Arfon, these things in thy poffeffing 5 Are better than the Bishop's bleffing. A Chryfoftom to smooth thy band in : 15 |