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[To be on the same paper with a Copy of the foregoing Warrant.]

K. L. [design him], Take Notice, that, by virtue of the Warrant whereof the above is a Copy, the Arrestment on the dependence of the action abovementioned, used in your hands at the instance of the foresaid C. D. against the foresaid E. F. is loosed and taken off,

This Notice served on the

by me,

day of

J. T. Sheriff Officer.


day of

eighteen hundred and

[To be on the same paper with the original Warrant for loosing the Arrestment. UPON the I duly intimated the above Warrant to K. L. [design him], Arrestee. This I did by leaving a full Copy thereof, and Intimation thereon, subscribed by me, for him [in his hands personally, or as the case may be].


J. T. Sheriff Officer.


A.B. Sheriff of the Shire of


Officers of Court, jointly and severally.

WHEREAS it is humbly complained to me by C. D. upon and against K. L. Arrestee, and E. F. Common Debtor, that the said Common Debtor is owing the Complainer the sum of contained in [describe shortly the Decreet, or Bill, or Bond, &c. by which the debt is constituted]; and that the Complainer, on the

day of dated the

day of

years, in virtue of a arrested in

Warrant by the hands of the said Arrestee [here insert the terms of the Arrestment used], which the said Arrestee now refuses or delays to make forthcoming: Therefore the said Arrestee, and the said Common Debtor for his interest, ought to be decerned and ordained to make forthcoming, pay, and deliver to the Complainer the money, goods, and effects arrested as aforesaid, or so much thereof as will satisfy and pay the said sum of owing to the Complainer as aforesaid: Herefore it is my will, that on sight hereof ye lawfully summon the said Arrestee, and the said Common Debtor for his interest, to compear before me or my Substitute in the Court House at upon the day of of the clock, to answer at the Complainer's instance in the said matter, with certification, in case of failure, of being held as confessed; and that ye cite Witnessers and Havers for both parties to compear at the said place and date, to give evidence in the said matter. Given under the hand of the Clerk of Court, at



years, at

day of


J. P. Sheriff Clerk.

[The Citations, and Executions, and Decree for the Defender with Expences, may be the same as in Schedule (A).]



day of
the Sheriff for the shire of

one thousand eight

Defender, to make

hundred and decerns and ordains the within-designed forthcoming, pay, and deliver to the also within-designed [if the Arrestee has money arrested in his hands, the rest of the Judgment will be the same as in ordinary cases; if there are goods and effects to be made forthcoming, the rest of the Judgment will be as follows] the arrested goods and effects following; videlicet,

sum of

and grants Warrant to sell the same, or as much thereof as will satisfy the and of Expences of Process, and the Expence of Sale; and failing the said Defender making forthcoming and delivering the said goods and effects within then to make

payment to the said Pursuer of the said sum of

for recovery of which sums, the said period being elapsed without forthcoming and delivery of the said goods and effects, ordains instant Execution by Arrestment, and also Execution to pass hereon by Poinding and Sale and Imprisonment, after free days. J. P. Sheriff Clerk.



REPORT of the Poinding and Sale at the instance of C. D. [design him], against E. F. [design him].

[blocks in formation]

between the hours of


Sheriff of

on the

by virtue of a Decree of the given under the hand of the Clerk of Court at day of at the instance of C. D. above designed,

against E. F. above designed, for payment of the sums of

designed to

I passed with the Witnesses and Appraisers after named and


and then and there, after demanding payment of the sums contained in said Decree past due, and payment not being made, I poinded the effects above enumerated belonging to the said Debtor; and, after making an Inventory or List thereof, and getting the same duly appraised on oath, at the several values respectively above specified in the first column, and amounting in all to here insert the amount in words], and leaving a Copy of such Inventory or List and Appraisement with the said Debtor personally [or as the case may be], I carried the said effects to the of and there, betwixt the hours of and after public notice of at least hours, I sold the said effects by public roup, to the highest bidder, at the prices above specified in the second column for each Lot respectively, and amounting in all to [here insert the amount in words]. These things were so done before and with O. P. and Q. R. [design them], Witnesses and Appraisers, in the premises hereto with me subscribing.


[blocks in formation]

*If the Effects are not sold, the tenor of the Report must be altered according to the state of the fact; for instance, ["I exposed the said Goods and Effects to public Sale; but no person "having offered the appraised value, therefore I declared the same to belong to the said C. D. "at the said respective appraised values, in payment to that amount of the sums in said "Decree." In case the Goods poinded, or part of them, shall sell for more than the Sums in the Decree, and Expences of Poinding and Sale, say, [" I sold part of the said Effects, viz. "Lots 1, 2, and 3, by public Roup to the highest Bidder, at the prices above specified in the "second column for each of said Lots respectively, and amounting in all to [here insert the "amount in words], and I returned to the said Debtor the sum of being the "overplus of the price, after payment of the sums decerned for past due, and the sum "of being the expences of Poinding and sale, conform to the Act of Parlia"ment; and I also returned to the said Debtor the Effects spécified in the other Lots above 06 enumerated."]


[To be on the same paper with a Copy of the foregoin K.L. [design him], Take Notice, that, by virtue of the above is a Copy, the Arrestment on the dependen mentioned, used in your hands at the instance of the foresaid E. F. is loosed and taken off, This Notice served on the

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cited. By what tors and Officer. Decrees.


A.B. Sheriff of th

WHEREAS it is Arrestee, and E. the Complainer Decreet, or B Complainer, Warrant by the hands which th

fore th be de plai



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Pursuer and Defender, let the letter P. or A. be added, in

A was present or absent when the Cause was called. Let the head of " Interlocutors."


to consolidate and amend the laws relating to



[19th June, 1829.

former Acts.-By the first section of this act, the


[blocks in formation]

c. 54. intituled An Act for the encouragement and relief of Friendly III. c. 111. intituled An Act for the more effectually carrying into tion an act made in the thirty-third year of the reign of his present Societies, and for extending so much of the powers thereof as relates to the



"intituled An Act for the encouragement and relief of Friendly

rules and regulations for the better management of the funds of such

Societies, and the appointment of treasurers to other institutions of a charitable nature, so far as relates to Friendly Societies;

[blocks in formation]

36 Geo. III. of the parliament of Ireland, intituled An Act for the encourage

43 Geo.

III. c. 111. intituled An Act for enabling Friendly Societies intended to be established under an act passed in the thirty-third year of the reign of his present majesty, to rectify mistakes made in the registry of their rules; Geo. III. c. 58. to explain und render more effectual the said act of the 36 Geo. III. of the parliament of Ireland;

49 Geo. III. c. 125. intituled An Act to amend an act made in the thirty-third year of his present majesty, for the encouragement and relief of Friendly Societies;

59 Geo. III. c. 128. intituled An Act for the further protection and encouragement of Friendly Societies, and for preventing frauds and abuses therein; 6 Geo. IV. c. 74. intituled An Act for consolidating and amending the laws relating to conveyances and transfers of estates and funds vested in trustees who are infants, idiots, lunatics, or trustees of unsound mind, or who cannot be compelled, or refuse to act, and the laws relating to stocks and securities belonging to infants, idiots, lunatics, and persons of unsound mind, so far as relates to Friendly Societies, for the better security, or for the application, receipt, payment, or transfer of any of the funds thereof;



Sheriff Courts, Scotland).


t so far as any of the said acts repeal the whole or any any other acts, and except as hereinafter is excepted: that such repeal shall not invalidate or affect any thing en done before the passing of this act in pursuance said acts. § 1.

Societies may be formed.-It shall be lawful for persons in Great Britain and Ireland to form and to establish a society for the purpose of raisto time, by subscriptions of the several members ch society, or by voluntary contributions, or by donatock or fund for the mutual relief and maintenance of members thereof, their wives or children, or other relain sickness, infancy, advanced age, widowhood, or any other ral state or contingency whereof the occurrence is susceptible calculation by way of average; and for the several members of each society to assemble together, and to make, ordain, and constitute such proper and wholesome rules for the better government and guidance of the same as to the major part of the members so assembled shall seem meet, so as such rules shall not be repugnant to the laws of this realm, nor any of the express provisions or regulations of this act; and to impose and inflict such reasonable fines and forfeitures upon the several members of any such society who shall offend against such rules as shall be just and necessary for duly enforcing the same, to be respectively paid to such uses, for the benefit of such society and also from time to time to alter and amend such rules as occasion shall require, or to annul and repeal the same, and to make new rules in lieu thereof. § 2.

Object of Societies. And every such society so to be established, before any of the rules thereof shall be confirmed by the justices, shall, in or by one or more of the rules, declare the intents and purposes for which such society is intended to be established, and shall also in and by such rules direct the uses and purposes to which the money which shall be subscribed, paid, or given to or for the use or benefit of such society, or which shall arise therefrom, or in anywise shall belong to such society, shall be appropriated and applied, and in what shares and proportions and under what circumstances any member or other person shall or may become entitled to the same or any part thereof: provided, that the application thereof shall not in anywise be repugnant to the uses, intents, and purposes of such society, or any of them. And all such rules, during the continuance of the same, shall be complied with and enforced; and the moneys so subscribed, paid, or given, or so arising, to or for the use or benefit of such society, or belonging thereto, shall not be diverted or misapplied, either by the treasurer, trustee, or any other officer or member of such society entrusted therewith, under such penalty or forfeiture as such society shall by any rule impose and inflict for such offence. § 3.

Rules to be submitted to a Barrister.-A transcript, fairly writ

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Dates of Pursuers. No. Complaints

Defenders. Sums How due. How cited. By what tors and
Officer. Decrees.

N.B.-After the name of each Pursuer and Defender, let the letter P. or A. be added, in order to mark whether the party was present or absent when the Cause was called. Let Expences be also entered under the head of "Interlocutors."


CAP. 56. An Act to consolidate and amend the laws relating to Friendly Societies. [19th June, 1829.

Repeal of former Acts.-By the first section of this act, the following acts and parts of acts are repealed; viz.

33 Geo. III. c. 54. intituled An Act for the encouragement and relief of Friendly Societies; 35 Geo. III. c. 111. intituled An Act for the more effectually carrying into execution an act made in the thirty-third year of the reign of his present majesty, intituled An Act for the encouragement and relief of Friendly Societies,' and for extending so much of the powers thereof as relates to the framing rules and regulations for the better management of the funds of such Societies, and the appointment of treasurers to other institutions of a charitable nature, so far as relates to Friendly Societies;

36 Geo. III. of the parliament of Ireland, intituled An Act for the encouragement and relief of Friendly Societies;

43 Geo. III. c. 111. intituled An Act for enabling Friendly Societies intended to be established under an act passed in the thirty-third year of the reign of his present majesty, to rectify mistakes made in the registry of their rules; 49 Geo. III. c. 58. to explain und render more effectual the said act of the 36 Geo. III. of the parliament of Ireland;

49 Geo. III. c. 125. intituled An Act to amend an act made in the thirty-third year of his present majesty, for the encouragement and relief of Friendly Societies;

59 Geo. III. c. 128. intituled An Act for the further protection and encouragement of Friendly Societies, and for preventing frauds and abuses therein; 6 Geo. IV. c. 74. intituled An Act for consolidating and amending the laws relating to conveyances and transfers of estates and funds vested in trustees who are infants, idiots, lunatics, or trustees of unsound mind, or who cannot be compelled, or refuse to act, and the laws relating to stocks and securities belonging to infants, idiots, lunatics, and persons of unsound mind, so far as relates to Friendly Societies, for the better security, or for the application, receipt, payment, or transfer of any of the funds thereof;

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