lay body corporate, to give any vote at, or in any manner to join in the election, presentation, or appointment of any person to any ecclesiastical benefice whatsoever, or any office or place belonging to or connected with the United Church of England and Ireland, or the Church of Scotland, being in the gift, patronage, or disposal of such lay corporate body. § 15. Further Restrictions on Roman Catholics.—And nothing in this act shall enable any persons, otherwise than as they are now by law enabled, to hold, enjoy, or exercise any office, place, or dignity of, in, or belonging to the United Church of England and Ireland, or the church of Scotland, or of, in, or belonging to any of the ecclesiastical courts of judicature of England and Ireland, or any court of appeal from or review of the sentences of such courts, or of, in, or belonging to the commissary court of Edinburgh, or of, in, or belonging to any cathedral or collegiate or ecclesiastical establishment or foundation; or any office or place whatever of, in, or belonging to any of the universities of this realm; or any office or place whatever, and by whatever name the same may be called, of, in, or belonging to any of the colleges or balls of the said universities, or the colleges of Eton, Westminster, or Winchester, or any college or school within this realm; or to repeal or in any manner to interfere with any local statute, ordinance, or rule, which is or shall be established by competent authority within any university, college, hall, or school, by which Roman Catholics shall be prevented from being admitted thereto, or from residing or taking degrees therein. And nothing herein contained shall extend to enable any person, otherwise than as he is now by law enabled, to exercise any right of presentation to any ecclesiastical benefice whatsoever; or to repeal, vary, or alter in any manner the laws now in force in respect to the right of presentation to any ecclesiastical benefice. § 16. And where any right of presentation to any ecclesiastical benefice shall belong to any office in the gift or appointment of his majesty, his heirs or successors, and such office shall be held by a Roman Catholic, the right of presentation shall devolve upon and be exercised by the archbishop of Canterbury. § 17. And it shall not be lawful for any Roman Catholic, directly or indirectly, to advise his majesty, his heirs or successors, or any person holding or exercising the office of Guardians of the United Kingdom, or of Regent of the United Kingdom, under whatever title such office may be constituted, or the Lord Lieutenant or Lord Deputy, or other chief governor of Ireland, concerning the appointment to or disposal of any office or preferment in the United Church of England and Ireland, or in the Church of Scotland; and if any such person shall offend in the premises, he shall, being thereof convicted by due course of law, be deemed guilty of a high misdemeanor, and disabled for ever from holding any office, civil or military, under the crown. § 18. Time and Manner of taking Oath.-Every Roman Catholic who shall be elected to the office of mayor, provost, alderman, recorder, bailiff, town clerk, magistrate, councillor, or common councilman, or to any office of magistracy or place of trust or employment relating to the government of any city, corporation, borough, burgh, or district within the United Kingdom, shall, within one calendar month next before his admission, take and subscribe the oath hereinbefore appointed, in the presence of such persons as by the charters or usages of the said respective cities &c. ought to administer the oath for due execution of the said offices; and in default of such, in the presence of two justices of the peace, councillors, or magistrates of the said cities &c. if such there be; or otherwise, in the presence of two justices of the peace of the respective counties, ridings, divisions, or franchises wherein the said cities &c. are; which said oath shall either be entered in a book, roll, or other record to be kept for that purpose, or shall be filed amongst the records of the city, corporation, burgh, borough, or district. § 19. And every person professing the Roman Catholic religion, who shall be appointed to any office or place of trust or profit under his majesty, shall within three calendar months next before such appointment, or before he presumes to exercise or in any manner to act in such office or place, take and subscribe the oath hereinbefore appointed, either in the high court of Chancery, or in the courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas, or Exchequer, at Westminster or Dublin; or before any judge of assize, or in any court of general or quarter sessions of the peace in Great Britain or Ireland, for the county or place where he shall reside; or in any of his majesty's courts of session, justiciary, exchequer, or jury court, or in any sheriff or stewart court, or in any burgh court, or before the magistrates and councillors of any royal burgh in Scotland, between the hours of nine in the morning and four in the afternoon; and the proper officer of the court shall cause the same to be preserved amongst the records of the court, and shall make, sign, and deliver a certificate of such oath having been duly taken and subscribed, as often as the same shall be demanded of him, upon payment of 2s. 6d. ; and such certificate shall be sufficient evidence of the person thereiu named having duly taken and subscribed such oath. § 20. Acting in Office without taking Oath, Penalty on.-And if any Roman Catholic shall enter upon the exercise of any office or place of trust or profit under his majesty, or of any other office or franchise, not having in the manner and at the times aforesaid taken and subscribed the oath herein before appointed, then and in every such case such person shall forfeit to his majesty the sum of two hundred pounds, and the appointment of such person shall become altogether void, § 21. Military and Naval Officers.-But, notwithstanding any thing in this act, the oath herein before appointed and set forth shall be taken by the officers in his majesty's land and sea service professing the Roman Catholic religion, at the times and in the manner as the oaths and declarations now required are directed to be taken, and not otherwise. § 22. No other Oath necessary for the Enjoyment of Property.-And from and after the passing of this act no oath shall be required to be taken by his majesty's Roman Catholic subjects for enabling them to hold or enjoy any real or personal property, other than such as may by law be required to be taken by his majesty's other subjects; and the oath berein appointed and set forth, being taken and subscribed in any of the courts, or before any of the persons above mentioned, shall be of the same force and effect as, and shall stand in the place of, all oaths and declarations required or prescribed by any law now in force for the relief of his majesty's Roman Catholic subjects from any disabilities, incapacities, or penalties; and the proper officer of any of the courts above mentioned, in which any Roman Catholic shall demand to take and subscribe the oath herein appointed is hereby authorized and required to administer the said oath to such person, and shall make, sign, and deliver a certificate thereof as often as the same shall be demanded of him, upon payment of one shilling; and such certificate shall be sufficient evidence of the same. § 23. Assuming Titles of Ecclesiastical Dignities.-And whereas the Protestant Episcopal Church of England and Ireland, and the Protestant Presbyterian Church of Scotland, are by the Acts of Union of England and Scotland, and of Great Britain and Ireland, established permanently and inviolably: and whereas the right and title of archbishops to their respective provinces, of bishops to their sees, and of deans to their deaneries, as well in England as in Ireland, have been settled and established by law; it is therefore enacted, That if any person, after the commencement of this act, other than the person thereunto authorized by law, shall assume or use the name, style, or title of archbishop of any province, bishop of any bishopric, or dean of any deanery, in England or Ireland, he shall for every such offence forfeit and pay the sum of one hundred pounds. § 24. Bearing Insignia of Office at places of worship other than those of the Established Church. And if any person holding any judicial or civil office, or any mayor, provost, jurat, bailiff, or other corporate officer, shall resort to or be present at any place or public meeting for religious worship in England or in Ireland, other than that of the United Church of England and Ireland, or in Scotland, other than that of the Church of Scotland, as by law established, in the robe, gown, or other peculiar habit of his office, or attend with the ensign or insignia, or any part thereof, of or belonging to such his office, such person shall, being thereof convicted by due course of law, forfeit such office, and pay for every such offence the sum of one hundred pounds. § 25. Performing Religious Rites, &c. except in places of worship or private houses.--If any Roman Catholic ecclesiastic, or any member of any of the orders, communities, or societies hereinafter mentioned, shall exercise any of the rites or ceremonies of the Roman Catholic religion, or wear the habits of his order, save within the usual places of worship of the Roman Catholic religion, or in private houses, he shall, being thereof convicted by due course of law, forfeit for every such offence the sum of fifty pounds. § 26. But nothing in this act shall in any manner repeal or affect any provision of the 5 Geo. IV. c. 25. relating to the burial in Ireland of persons dissenting from the established church. § 27. For the gradual Suppression of Jesuits, &c.-Whereas Jesuits, and members of other religious orders of the church of Rome, are resident within the United Kingdom, and it is expedient to make provision for their gradual suppression and final prohibition; it is enacted, That every Jesuit, and every member of any other religious order, community, or society of the church of Rome, bound by monastic or religious vows, who at the commencement of this act shall be within the United Kingdom, shall, within six calendar months hereafter, deliver to the clerk of the peace of the county or place where he shall reside, or to his deputy, a notice or statement, in the form set forth in the schedule*; which notice or statement such clerk of the peace, or his deputy, shall preserve and register amongst the records of such county or place, without any fee, and shall forthwith transmit a copy thereof to the chief secretary of the lord lieutenant, if in Ireland, or if in Great Britain, to one of his majesty's principal secretaries of state; and in case any person shall offend in the premises, he shall forfeit and pay to his majesty, for every calendar month during which he shall remain in the United Kingdom without having delivered such notice or statement, the sum of fifty pounds. § 28. And if any Jesuit, or member of any such religious order, &c. as aforesaid, shall, after the commencement of this act, come into this realm, he shall be deemed and taken to be guilty of a misdemeanor, and being thereof lawfully convicted, shall be sentenced to be banished from the United Kingdom for the term of his natural life. § 29. But in case any natural-born subject of this realm, being at the time of the commencement of this act a Jesuit, or other member of any such religious order &c. shall, at the time of the commencement of this act, be out of the realm, it shall be lawful for such person to return or to come into this realm; and he is hereby required within six calendar mouths after his first returning or coming into the United Kingdom, to deliver such notice or statement as herein before directed; and in case any such person shall neglect so to do, he shall for every such offence forfeit and pay to his majesty, for every calendar month during which he shall remain in the United Kingdom without having delivered such notice or statement, the sum of fifty pounds. §39. But it shall be lawful for any one of his majesty's secretaries of state, being a Protestant, by a licence in writing signed by him, to grant permission to any Jesuit, or member of any such religious order The particulars required by the schedule are, Date of the registry-name of the party his age, and place of birth-name of the order, community, or society whereof he is a member-name and usual residence of the next immediate superior of the order, community, or society-usual place of residence of the party. &c. to come into the United Kingdom, and to remain therein for such period as the said secretary shall think proper, not exceeding in any case the space of six calendar months; and it shall also be lawful for any of his majesty's principal secretaries of state to revoke any licence so granted before the expiration of the time mentioned therein, if he shall so think fit; and if any such person to whom such licence shall have been granted shall not depart from the United Kingdom within twenty days after the expiration of the time mentioned in such licence, or after notice of such revocation shall have been given to him, every person so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and being thereof lawfully convicted shall be sentenced and ordered to be banished from the United Kingdom for the term of his natural life. §31. An account of all such licences granted within the twelve months preceding shall annually be laid before both houses of parliament. § 32. In case any Jesuit, or member of any such religious order &c. shall, after the commencement of this act, within any part of the United Kingdom, admit any person to become a regular ecclesiastic or brother or member of any such religious order, &c. or be aiding or consenting thereto, or shall administer or cause to be adminis tered, or be aiding or assisting in the administering or taking, any oath, vow, or engagement purporting or intended to bind the person taking the same to the rules, ordinances, or ceremonies of such religious order, community, or society, every person offending in the premises in England or Ireland shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and in Scotland shall be punished by fine and imprisonment. § 33. And any person who shall, after the commencement of this act, within any part of the United Kingdom, be admitted or become a Jesuit, or brother or member of any other such religious order &c. shall be deemed to be guilty of a misdemeanor, and being thereof lawfully convicted shall be sentenced and ordered to be banished from the United Kingdom for the term of his natural life. § 34. And in case any person sentenced to be banished under the provisions of this act shall not depart from the United Kingdom' within thirty days after the pronouncing of such sentence and order, it shall be lawful for his majesty to cause such person to be conveyed to such place out of the United Kingdom as his majesty shall direct. § 35. And if any offender, who shall be so sentenced to be banished in manner aforesaid, shall, after the end of three calendar months, be at large within any part of the United Kingdom, without some lawful cause, every such offender, on being thereof lawfully convicted, shall be transported to such place as shall be appointed by his majesty, for the term of his natural life. § 36. Exception as to Female Societies.-But nothing herein contained shall extend or be construed to extend in any manner to affect any religious order, community, or establishment, consisting of females bound by religious or monastic vows. § 37. |