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WE, the major part of the arbitrators duly appointed by the

Society established at


hereby award and order, That A. B. [specifying by name the Party, or the Officer

of the Society] do, on the

the sum of

in the county of

day of

Dated this

[or we do hereby reinstate in or expel A. B. from

the said Society, as the case may be]. one thousand eight hundred and


KNOW all men by these presents, That we, A. B. of [or Trustee, &c.] of the in the county of

Society established at

, and C. D. of

, pay to C. D.

day of

E. F.


and G. H. of

(as Sureties on behalf of the said A.B.), are jointly and severally held and firmly bound to E. F., the present Clerk of the Peace [or Town Clerk] for the county [or county of a city, or county of a town, riding, division, or place, as the case may be] of in the sum of


year of our Lord

to be paid to the said E. F. as such Clerk of the Peace [or Town Clerk] or his successor, Clerk of the Peace [or Town Clerk] of the said county [or county of a city, &c.] for the time being, or his certain attorney; for which payment well and truly to be made we jointly and severally bind ourselves, and each of us by himself, our and each of our heirs, executors, and administrators, firmly by these presents, sealed with our seals. Dated the day in the Whereas the above-bounden A. B. hath been duly appointed Treasurer [or Trustee, &c.] of the Society established as aforesaid, and he, together with the above-bounden C. D. and G. H. as his sureties, have entered into the above-written bond, subject to the condition hereinafter contained; Now, therefore, the condition of the above-written Bond is such, that if the said A. B. shall and do justly and faithfully execute his office of Treasurer [or Trustee] of the said Society established as aforesaid, and shall and do render a just and true account of all moneys received and paid by him, and shall and do pay over all the moneys remaining in his hands, and assign and transfer or deliver all securities and effects, books, papers, and property of or belonging to the said Society in his hands or custody to such person or persons as the said Society shall appoint, according to the rules of the said Society, together with the proper or legal receipts or vouchers for such payments, and likewise shall and do in all respects well and truly and faithfully perform and fulfil his office of Treasurer [or Trustee, &c.] to the said Society, according to the Rules thereof, then the above-written Bond shall be void and of no effect, otherwise shall be and remain in full force and virtue.

COMMISSION FOR INQUIRING CONCERNING CHARITIES. CAP. 57.-An Act to continue until the 1st of July, 1830, the powers of the Commissioners for inquiring concerning Charities in England and Wales. [19th June, 1829.

This act recites that whereas the 58 Geo. III. c. 91. was passed, intituled An Act for appointing commissioners to inquire concerning charities in England for the education of the poor; and the 59 Geo. III. c. 81. intituled An Act to amend an act of the last session of parliament, for appointing commissioners to inquire concerning charities in England for the education of the poor, and to extend the powers thereof to other charities in England and Wales to continue in force until the 1st of August, 1823, and from thence until the end of the then next session of parliament;

which acts were further continued for four years, and from thence to the end of the then next session of parliament: and whereas the commissioners appointed under the said acts have pursued the inquiries thereby authorized and directed, and have made several reports of their proceedings; but further time is requisite for enabling them to complete those inquiries; it is therefore enacted, That the said acts shall be continued from the expiration thereof until the 1st of July, 1830.


CAP. 62.-An Act to exclude persons accepting offices in the East Indies from being members of the House of Commons.

[24th June, 1829,

This act recites that whereas by the 6 Ann. c. 7. intituled An Act for the security of her majesty's person and government, and ́of the succession to the crown of Great Britain in the Protestant line, it is amongst other things enacted, That no person who shall be a governor or deputy governor of any of the plantations should be capable of being elected or of sitting or voting as a member of the House of Commons: and whereas doubts have been entertained how far the provisions of the said act extend to persons holding the office of governor-general or of governor of any of the settlements or presidencies under the East India Company; it is therefore enacted, That no person who shall be hereafter appointed governor or deputy governor of any of the settlements, presidencies, territories, or plantations of the East India Company, shall be capable of being elected or of sitting or voting as a member of the House of Commons while he shall continue to hold such office.

And if any person hereby declared to be incapable to sit or vote as a member of the house of commons shall nevertheless be returned as a member, such return shall be void; and if any person declared by this act incapable of being elected shall sit or vote as a member of the House of Commons, such person shall forfeit 500l. to such person who shall sue for the same in any of his majesty's courts at Westminster; and the money so forfeited shall be recovered by the persons so suing, with full costs of suit, by action of debt, bill, plaint, or information, in which no essoign, privilege, protection, or wager of law, or more than one imparlance, shall be allowed.


CAP. 63.--An Act to render valid an act to amend the law relating to the employment of children in cotton mills and factories. [24th June, 1829.

By this act it is recited, That whereas a bill, intituled An Act to amend the law relating to the employment of children in cotton mills and factories, passed the Commons and was sent to the Lords on the 4th of this instant June, and was agreed to by the Lords, with an amendment: and whereas the said bill so amended was

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not returned to the Commons for their agreement to such amendment but was, by mistake included amongst the bills which received the royal assent on Friday the 19th of this instant June: and whereas since the said bill received the royal assent the said amendment has been approved of by the Commons; it is enacted, That the act intituled An Act to amend the law relating to the employment of children in cotton mills and factories, shall be as valid and effectual, to all intents and purposes, as if the amendment made by the Lords had been agreed to by the Commons before the said act received the royal assent.


CAP. 26.--An Act for transferring the management of Greenwich out-pensions, and certain duties in matters of prize, to the treasurer of the navy. [1st June, 1829.

The first section of this act repeals the following acts relating to Greenwich Hospital and to Grenwich Pensioners, viz. the 3 Geo. III. c. 16; the 43 Geo. III. c. 119; the 46 Geo. III. c. 100; the 46 Geo. III. c. 101; the 47 Geo. III. c. 52; the 51 Geọ. III. c. 105; the 54 Geo. III. c. 110; the 55 Geo. III. c. 1; the 55 Geo. III. c. 56; the 55 Geo. III. c. 133; so much of the 56 Geo. III. c. 101. § 5. as enacts that the payment of Greenwich pensioners, thentofore made by the clerks of the cheque, should thereafter be made by the clerks of the treasurer of the navy; the 57 Geo. III. c. lxxvi. so much of the 58 Geo. III. c.64. as enacts that bills drawn by or under the authority of the paymaster of pensions at Greenwich may be paid by any deputy of the treasurer of Greenwich Hospital, and that the certificates on bills drawn by the treasurer or deputy treasurer of Greenwich Hospital shall be attested by a deputy of the said royal hospital only; the 1 & 2 Geo. IV. c. 98; the 6 Geo. IV. c. 26; and the 7 Geo. IV. c. 35: provided, that all acts, matters, and things, doue previously to the passing of this act, in pursuance of any of the said acts hereby repealed, shall continue to be as good, valid, binding, and effectual as if the said acts still continued in full force; provided also, that all offences committed before the passing of this act against the provisions of any of the said acts, shall continue punishable under the said acts as if the same were in full force and effect; and provided also, that the repeal of all or any of the said herein before mentioned acts shall not revive or be construed to revive any acts or provisions of any acts by the said acts or any of them repealed, or restore or revive any rights, interests, powers, or authorities taken away or limited by any of the acts so repealed. § 1.

By section 2, after 1st of January, 1830, the naval sixpences shall cease to be payable to Greenwich Hospital.

And by section 3, the administration of Greenwich out-pensions shall be exercised by the treasurer of his majesty's navy. How Pensions are to be paid.The treasurer of the shall pay or cause to be paid all pensions, remunerations, or allowances


heretofore granted, or which may hereafter be granted, to such captains, commanders, and lieutenants of his majesty's navy as are old, infirm, wounded, or disabled, and who shall not be provided for in Greenwich Hospital, and also to petty officers, seamen, and marines, who, on account of their length of service and good and faithful conduct, shall be deemed deserving thereof, and also to petty officers, seamen, and marines who have been wounded or become disabled or worn out in his majesty's service; and such allowances to captains, commanders, and lieutenants shall be in addition to any half-pay; and which said captains, commanders, and lieutenants, warrant and petty officers, seamen, and marines, shall be entitled to their respective pensions from the date and according to the terms of any warrant appointing them thereto : provided, that no such allowance to be in future made to any captain, commander, or lieutenant shall in any case exceed a sum which, when added to the half-pay of such officer, and to any pension received by him from the crown, shall amount to the salary paid to officers of similar rank resident within the establihment of the Royal Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich in cases where no half-pay is received, or to the salary and half-pay together in cases where salary and half-pay are both received: provided also, that the treasurer of the navy shall, in paying such pensions, or discontinuing the same, be guided by such rules and regulations and by such scale and proportions as are already established by any order in council now in force, or as his majesty shall think fit by any future order in council to order, direct, and establish for that pupose. § 4.

Form of Out-pension Bills.-It shall be lawful for the treasurer of the navy to order and direct that the bills for the payment of Greenwich out-pensions shall be made out in such form as shall appear most convenient; and all such bills shall be signed by such person as the said treasurer of the navy shall think fit to authorize; and that until the said treasurer shall otherwise order, the said bills shall be in the form or to the effect following:

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30th June, 1829. Greenwich Out-Pensioner,


in the county of
upon producing the Duplicate hereof, together with a Certificate
under the hands of the persons hereafter expressed, that to the best
of their knowledge and belief he is the person named in such Bill,
the sum of
sterling, being on account of his Out-Pension, if the same shall be
demanded within six calendar months from the date hereof; other-
wise you are to return this Bill to the Treasurer of the Navy, at
Somerset House, London, with the words Greenwich Out- Pensioner
written thereon.

[blocks in formation]

In all cases the Certificate is to be signed as follows; viz. Out-Pensioners residing in England, Wales, or Ireland, by the Ministers and Churchwardens of their respective parishes; in Scotland, by the Minister and two Elders; if belonging to ships in commission, by the Captain and Senior Lieutenant; if serving in the ordinary, by the Captain and Senior Lieutenant of Division.

This Bill is payable to Party only, unless prevented or disabled from appearing personally by bodily infirmity, and such disability certified in writing by the persons above mentioned, or by the Physician, Surgeon, or Apothecary attending him; then and in such case payable to any other person whom the Pensioner shall, by writing under his hand (to be indorsed upon the Duplicate, and to be attested by the same persons), order to receive the same.

The personating or falsely assuming the name and character of any Greenwich Out-Pensioner, or his Executor or Administrator, in order to receive the pension due to such Out-Pensioner, his Executor or Administrator, or proeuring any other to do the same, is made felony by Act of Parliament.

WE, the undersigned, being the Minister and parish of

That we have examined

in the county of

of the

do hereby certify, Greenwich Out-Pensioner,

now residing in the aforesaid parish; and, to the best of our knowledge and belief, he is the person named in the Bill on the other side hereof. Dated the


[blocks in formation]

shillings and

Lor Clerk of the Treasurer of the Navy, at

the sum of



pence sterling,

being the amount of Pension Money remitted to me, as per Bill on the other side hereof.

Having examined the Duplicate hereof, and inquired into the truth of it on the oath of of I am satisfied he is the real person mentioned therein.

[blocks in formation]

Clerk of the Treasurer of his Majesty's
Navy at

N.B. Any Officer to whom an Out-Pension Bill is presented for payment, not then having in hand public money sufficient to answer the same, is by Act of Parliament required to immediately indorse on the back of the said Duplicate, the day of its being so tendered to him, and the cause of his refusal or delay to pay the same; and to appoint thereon, for the payment of such Bill, some future day, within the space of two months at the farthest from the day of its being first tendered. The Duplicate, with the Indorsement thereon, is to be delivered back to the Pensioner.

In case the Pensioner in whose favour this Bill is drawn should die before payment is demanded, no advance of money is to be made hereon to any relative or other person whatsoever; but the Bill is to be returned to the Treasurer of the Nury, Somerset House, with the words Greenwich OutPensioner written thereon; to whom applications for Arrears, with the like words Greenwich Out-Pensioner written thereon, are to be addressed.

How Bills are to be made out, and by whom to be paid.—And for every such out-pension two bills shall be made out, which said bills shall be made in duplicate, and shall be made payable to such out-pensioner by the collector of the customs or excise for any county, riding, or city, or by the clerk of the treasurer of the

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