CONTENTS. 18. Private Madhouses Regulation Act Amendment 19. Registration of Seisins and Reversions of Tenements within 35. Arrests upon Mesne Process (Ireland) 36. Insolvent Debtors (Ireland) 38. Attempts to Murder (Scotland) 40. Roads and Bridges (Ireland) 44. New Metropolitan Police Establishment ABSTRACT OF THE PRINCIPAL PUBLIC GENERAL ACTS OF THE 10 GEO. IV. (1829). UNLAWFUL ASSOCIATIONS (Ireland), CAP. 1.-An Act for the suppression of dangerous associations or assemblies in Ireland. [5th March, 1829. Catholic Association suppressed. WHEREAS an association hath for some time past existed in Ireland, called The Catholic Association, the proceedings of which are dangerous to the public tranquillity, and inconsistent with the exercise of regular government; it is therefore enacted, That from and after the commencement of this act the said association shall be and is hereby utterly suppressed and prohibited; and every assembly or meeting thereof, or of any of the members thereof, as such members, is declared to be an unlawful assembly, and the persons present at the same shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. § 1. Lord Lieutenant empowered to suppress Associations.—It shall be lawful for the lord lieutenant of Ireland, by proclamation or order, to prohibit or suppress the meeting of any association, assembly, or body of persons in Ireland, which he shall deem to be dangerous to the public peace or safety, or inconsistent with the due administration of the law, or any adjourned, renewed, or otherwise continued meeting of the same, or of any part thereof, under any name, pretext, or device whatsoever. § 2. Justices, how to proceed thereon.-The justices of the peace to whom such proclamation or order shall be transmitted from the lord lieutenant for the purpose of being enforced, or any number of them (not less than two), shall proceed, with such assistance as shall be necessary, to the place where such association, assembly, or meeting is held, and demand admission into any house, room, or place where they shall have good reason to believe, upon information on oath, that such unlawful assembly is held, and, in case they be refused admission, shall enter therein by force; aud one of the said justices, or some other person by his order, shall then and B there read or repeat aloud to the persons so assembled a command or notice to disperse, in the words or to the effect following: OUR Sovereign Lord the King chargeth and commandeth all persons being assembled immediately to disperse themselves, and peaceably to depart, upon the pains contained in the act made in the tenth year of the reign of King GEORGE the Fourth, for the suppression of dangerous associations or assemblies in Ireland.' Persons refusing to disperse after Notice, Punishment of.-And in case any one or more of the persons so assembled shall not disperse and depart within the space of one quarter of an hour from the time of such notice being given, it shall be lawful for the same or any two of the same justices then present to cause them to be apprehended and brought before them; or in case they cannot then be apprehended, such persons may be afterwards apprehended by a warrant by any two justices within whose jurisdiction such unlawful assembly shall have been held, or such offenders shall be found; and such offenders shall thereupon be proceeded against in a summary way for such offence before any two justices of the peace before whom they may be brought; and every person being convicted, either on the view of one of the justices, or on his own confession, or on the oath of one or more credible witnesses, shall be committed to any common gaol or prison in Ireland for three calendar months, and for a second or any subsequent offence against this act, for the term of one whole year. §4. Every justice to whom any proclamation or order in pursuance of this act shall be transmitted for the purpose of being enforced, shall, for all the purposes of this act, as well of conviction as otherwise, be empowered to act as a justice within every county, city, town, or place throughout Ireland. § 5. Owner of Premises suffering Meetings to be held, Penalty on.If any person shall knowingly permit or suffer any meeting of any association, assembly, or body of persons, the meeting whereof has been or shall have been prohibited or suppressed under or by virtue of this act, to be held in any house, building, close, or other place belonging to him, or under his controul, such person for every such offence shall forfeit to his majesty the sum of one hundred pounds, to be recovered, with costs of suit, by information in the name of the attorney-general in the court of Exchequer in Ireland. § 6. Contributing, or soliciting Contributions, to Associations.-In case any person shall, after the commencement of this act, pay or contribute, or compel, procure, or solicit any other person to pay or contribute, any sum of money, or other valuable thing, to the association herein before suppressed, or to any association or assembly which shall be hereafter prohibited or suppressed by virtue of this act, after such suppression, or to any person whomsoever by the order or appointment or to the use of any such associations respectively, or acting for such, or of any committee or members thereof as such, or towards any purpose, object, or design of any such associations or assemblies respectively, or of any committee |