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in order fradulently to procure any person to be admitted to be a pensioner as the widow of any officer of the royal navy, every such person so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be subject to be fined and imprisoned, and kept to hard labour, in the discretion of the court before which such offender shall be convicted. § 6.


CAP. 15. An Act to facilitate the public business in vertain cases in the Navy and Victualling departments. [14th May, 1829. Two Commissioners of the Navy, or two Commissioners for Victualling the Navy, may exercise all the powers hitherto exercised. by three of them and in all cases of assignments of quarterly bills for officers' pay, assignments of tickets of petty officers, seamen, and marines, and orders for payment of allotments of the wages of petty officers, seamen, and marines of his majesty's fleet, the signa ture of one Commissioner of the Navy only shall be sutficient. § 1.


In all contracts, conveyances, leases, and other deeds and instru ments whatsoever relating to the public service, which after the passing of this act shall be made or entered into by, to, or with the Commissioners for executing the office of Lord High Admiral, the Principal Officers and Commissioners of his Majesty's Navy for the time being, or the Commissioners for Victualling his Majesty's Navy, it shall be sufficient to describe the said several, commissioners by the respective styles or titles of The Commissioners for executing the office of Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, The Principal Officers and Commissioners of his Majesty's Navy, and The. Commissioners for Victualling his Majesty's Navy, without naming them or any of them; and all such contracts, &c. shall be as valid and effectual as if the commissioners by, to, or with whom the same may be made or entered into, or who may be the parties thereto, or any two or more of them respectively, had been particularly named and described therein, § 2.



CAP. 16. An Act to continue the operation of an act of the 7 Geo. IV. "for suspending the provisions of an act of his late majesty respecting the appointment of writers in the service of the East India Company;" and to amend the provisions of an act of the 47th year of his late majesty, so far as they relate to the period of residence at Hertford College as a qualification for certain offices. [14th May, 1829.

The provisions of the 7 Geo. IV. c. 56. so far as the same relate to the appointment of writers in the service of the East India Company, and to the establishment of proper rules and regulations respecting the qualifications of such writers, shall continue in force until the 10th day of April, 1834. § 1.

And whereas, by the 47 Geo. III. all such time as shall be boná fide spent in the college established in England by the East India Company for the education of their civil servants, by any persons after they shall have attained the age of seventeen years, is accounted, as to certain offices, and employments which such persous are entitled to hold in India, as so much time actually spent in India, provided such persons have spent two years at the least in the said college; and it is expedient that the privileges so granted should, under certain circumstances, be extended to young men who may have spent less time than two years at the said college; it is therefore enacted, That all such time, not exceeding two years, as shall have been or shall be bond fide spent in the said college, in the regular course of such education as aforesaid, by any persons after they shall respectively have attained the age of seventeen years, who shall have proceeded or shall hereafter proceed to India in the civil service of the said Company, shall be accounted, as to all offices, places, and employments to which such persons are entitled to be appointed and to hold, the salary, perquisites, and emoluments whereof shall not exceed the sum of 15007. per annum, as so much time actually spent in India. § 2.

ISLAND OF NEWFOUNDLAND, AND ITS FISHERIES. CAP. 17.-An Act to continue, until the 31st December, 1832, vertain acts relating to the island of Newfoundland, and the fisherics carried on upon the banks and shores thereof.

[14th May, 1829.

After reciting the 5 Geo. IV. c. 51. for the better conduct of the fisheries of Newfoundland; the 5 Gen. IV. c. 67. for the better administration of justice in Newfoundland; the 5 Geo. IV. c. 68.. to make further provision for the celebration of marriages in Newfoundland; and that the said acts will shortly expire, and that it is expedient that the same should be continued in force for a limited time, it is enacted, That the said recited acts shall be and are hereby continued, and shall remain in force, until the 31st of December, 1832, and no longer.

PRIVATE MADHOUSES REGULATION ACT AMENDMENT. CAP. 18.-An Act to explain, amend, and alter the 9 Geo. IV. c. 41. "for regulating the care and treatment of insane persons in England." [14th May, 1829.

Meetings of Commissioners. After reciting the 9 Geo. IV. c. 41. and that doubts have arisen as to some of its provisions, which require to be amended, it is enacted, That from and after the passing of this act it shall be lawful for any five or more of the commissioners appointed under the authority of the said act (two of whom at least shall not be physicians or surgeons) to assemble themselves when and as often as they shall think fit, for the purpose of executing the several matters and things by the said act and this

act entrusted to them, notice being given under their hands to require the clerk of the said commissioners to conveue such meeting; and the said clerk is required duly to summon the rest of the commissioners four days before such intended meeting. § 1.

Licences may be granted or renewed at such Meetings.-The commissiouers so met may, if they think fit, grant or renew, at any such meeting, or at any adjourned quarterly meeting, licences to keep houses for the reception of two or more insane persons; provided, that if at any such meetings any application for such licence shall be made for the first time, all such notices, plans, and statements shall be given and made by the applicant, as if such application had been made at any of the quarterly meetings of the said commissioners; and such notices, plans, and statements shall be given and made fourteen days before the said intended meeting: provided also, that any such licence, so granted, may be confirmed, altered, or amended at the next quarterly meeting of the said commissioners; provided also, such licence shall cease and determine and be of no effect at the expiration of fifteen days from and after the holding of such quarterly meeting, unless then confirmed by the said commissioners. § 2.

Reduction of Fee on Licence in certain cases.—In cases where, from the chauge of the person or the place to be licensed, or other casual circumstance happening before the expiration of the original licence, it shall be requisite to grant or renew a licence for a less period of time than thirteen calendar months, it shall be lawful for the said commissioners and justices, as the case may be, to reduce the payments to be made on such licences to not less than five pounds in the whole. § 3.

New Licence in case of Change of Occupier or of House.-If any person duly licensed under this or the recited act shall, by sickness or other infirmity, become incapable of keeping such house, or if any house so licensed shall be pulled down or occupied under the provisions of any act for public purposes, or shall, by fire, tempest, or other unavoidable calamity, be rendered unfit for the accommodation of insane persons, it shall be lawful for the said commissioners, or any five or more of them (two of whom shall not be physicians or surgeons), at any quarterly or other meeting convened as aforesaid, upon the payment of not less than one pound for each licence, to grant a new licence to such other person as they shall think fit; and also to grant to the person whose house has so been rendered unfit, a licence to keep such other house for the accommodation of two or more insane persons, as the said commissioners, or any five of them, shall think fit: provided, that notice of such intended change of persons be given to the clerk of the commissioners fourteen days before the meeting at which such licence shall be granted; and provided that all such plans and statements shall be given and made of such new house as are required when application is made for a licence for the first time, and shall be delivered to the clerk of the commissioners fourteen days before the meeting at which such licence shall be granted;

provided also, that the cause of such change of house shall be duly specified in writing to the said clerk three days after the happening thereof. § 4.

Detached Buildings.—If any place or building detached from any licensed house, but belonging to or in anywise appertaining to such house, shall be used for the reception of one or more insane persons, such place or building shall be considered part of such house for all the purposes of this and the said recited act. § 5.

Houses licensed to receive less than Eleven Patients may be visited only once in every four weeks.-When any house licensed for the reception of two or more insane persons shall be licensed to receive less than eleven insane persons, in such case it shall be lawful for any five or more of the said commissioners (two of whom shall not be physicians or surgeons), or any three of the said visitors, if they shall so think fit, to direct and permit, under their hands and seals, that such house shall be visited by the physician, surgeon, or apothecary once only in four weeks, instead of twice in every week, provided that fifteen days shall intervene between each of such visits. § 6.

General or Quarter Sessions.-Justices shall have full power and authority to do any acts at any general or quarter sessions of the peace, as they are by the said act authorized to do at the Michaelmas general or quarter sessions of the peace. § 7.

Expences in the execution of the Acts.-It shall be lawful for the commissioners of his majesty's treasury, or any three or more of them, on an application in writing, to cause to be issued and paid, out of the growing produce of the consolidated fund, to the clerk of the said commissioners, from time to time, such sums of money as they shall deem fit, to defray the expences incurred under the provisions of the said act and of this act; provided such application shall have been agreed upon at some quarterly or other meeting of the commissioners, and shall be signed by seven at the least of the said commissioners; provided also, it shall be shewn to the satisfaction of the commissioners of his majesty's treasury, that there is a balance due to the clerk of the said commissioners on account of expences so incurred as aforesaid. § 8.

Accounts to be laid before Parliament.—An account of all: money received for licences by the clerk of the commissioners, and of all money paid out of the consolidated fund under the provisions of this and the said act of the 9 Geo. IV. shall be made up to the 1st of August in each year; and such account shall specify the several heads of expenditure, and shall be laid before parliament on or before the 25th of March in each year, if parliament shalt be then sitting, or if parliament shall not be then sitting, within one month after the then next sitting of parliament. § 9.

Jurisdiction of Commissioners.-And whereas it is desirable to define the precise places to which the powers and authorities of the commissioners shall extend, it is therefore enacted, That the same shall extend to and include the cities of London and Westminster, and every part thereof, and the county of Middle

sex, the borough of Southwark, and the whole of the several parishes and places hereinafter enumerated; viz.

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And that the jurisdiction of the said commissioners shall be deemed to include any townships, liberty, tithing, vill, extra-parochial place, or any other place within the cities of London and Westminster, and within seven miles thereof, and within the county of Middlesex. § 10.


Witnesses. Any three of the said commissioners, one of whom shall not be a physician, shall have full power and authority, as they see occasion, to require any person to appear before them, to testify the truth touching any matters relating to the execution of the powers given by the recited act or this act. § 11.

Prosecution of Offences.-Where any person shall be charged, upon the oath of a credible witness, before one or more justices of the peace, for any offence against the provisions of this or the said act of the 9 Geo. IV. the justice or justices may summon the person charged to appear at a time and place to be named in such summons; and if he shall not appear, and upon proof of the due service of the summons (by delivering the same to him personally, or by leaving the same at his last or usual place of abode), the said justice may either proceed to hear and determine the case, or issue his warrant for apprehending such person, and bringing him before him or some other justice or justices of the peace; and the justice or justices before whom the person so charged shall appear or be brought shall proceed to hear and determine the case. § 12.

And the justice or justices before whom any person shall be convicted of any offence may cause the conviction to be drawn up in the following form of words, or in any other form to the same effect, as the case may require; and no conviction shall be void through want of form:

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najesty's justices of the peace for the said county; for that he the said A. B.

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