The prosecution for every offence (except such as are committed within the jurisdiction of the commissioners nominated under the recited act, or such as are punishable by summary conviction) shall be by indictment preferred to a grand jury at the assizes for the county wherein the offence shall have been committed. § 14. Definition of the words "Insane Persons."—And for remedying doubts as to the true meaning of the words insane persons, it is enacted, That they shall be deemed to extend to all persons whatsoever who are lunatic, idiot, or of unsound miud. 15. REGISTRATION OF SEISINS AND REVERSIONS OF TENEMENTS WITHIN BURGH. CAP. 19.-An Act to explain and amend an act of the parliament of Scotland, intituled" An Act concerning the registration of seisins and reversions of tenements within burgh. [14th May, 1829. Abbreviations in Docquets not to invalidate Instruments heretofore made. After reciting an act of the parliament of Scotland passed in the year 1681, intituled An Act concerning the registration of seisins and reversions of tenements within burgh; and that in the registration of instruments of seisin of tenements within burghs royal, or liberties or freedoms thereof, holden in burgage, as required by the said act, some diversities of practice have prevailed in the mode of recording the notorial docquets subjoined to such instruments, as to which no rule was prescribed by the said act; and that doubts have arisen regarding the effects of such practice, which it is expedient to remove; it is enacted, That with regard to any instruments of seisin of tenements within burgh, recorded prior to the passing of this act, in which the docquets thereto subjoined may have been inserted in such registers in an abbreviated or incomplete form, or altogether omitted, as heretofore in various instances practised, such practice shall not be held to affect the sufficiency of such instruments, or be the ground of any challenge. in law or exception to the validity of the rights of parties depending on such seisins. § 1. Docquets to be engrossed at length.--In all time coming after the passing of this act, the keepers of the registers of seisins within burgh in Scotland shall engross in their registers at length the notorial docquets subjoined to all instruments of seisin of tenements within burgh respectively, otherwise such seisins shall make no faith in judgment, by way of action or exception, in prejudice of a third party who hath acquired a perfect and lawful right to such tenements; but without prejudice to the using of such instruments against the parties, makers thereof, their heirs or successors. § 2. Actions now pending.-But nothing herein contained shall affect any action or process now depending, in relation to such practice as aforesaid, or the effect thereof. 3. F t BRITISH AND SPANISH CLAIMS. CAP. 20.-An Act to carry into execution the stipulations of a convention between his Majesty and his Catholic Majesty, for the settlement of certain British claims upon Spain, and of certain Spanish claims upon the United Kingdom. [14th May, 1829. Sum of 900,000l. to be a full satisfaction for all British Claims.-. The sum of 900,0007. stipulated to be paid in the mode and at the times mentioned by the treaty of the 28th of October, 1828, to his majesty, as a compromise of the claims of British subjects registered by the mixed commission acting under the convention of the 12th of March, 1823, shall be considered and taken to be a full satisfaction for all such claims as aforesaid; and that the said stipulation, as in this act recited and contained, may be pleaded in bar, or given in evidence upon the general issue, and shall be and be deemed and adjudged in every court whatever to be good and complete bar in any and every action, suit, or proceeding brought or instituted for restitution of any loss, or payment of any debt, or for any damage or injury for which compensation hath been sought by any claim or claims upon his Catholic majesty preferred to and registered by the mixed commission acting as aforesaid. § 1. Said Sum to be paid into the Bank.-The said sum of 900,0001. paid and to be paid in the mode and at the times before mentioned, shall be placed in the Bank of England, in the names of four commissioners, forming a board of deposit and liquidation, by whom, or by a majority of whom, all orders for payment of claims awarded shall be signed. § 2. 200,000l. to be a full satisfaction for all Claims of Spanish Subjects. And the sum of 200,000l. stipulated to be paid by the said treaty, in the mode and at the time mentioned, to his Catholic majesty, as a compromise of the claims of Spanish subjects registered by the mixed commission acting under the convention of the 12th of March, 1823, shall be considered and taken to be a full compensation for all such claims; and that the said stipulation, as in this act recited and contained, may be pleaded in bar, or given. in evidence upon the general issue, and shall be deemed and adjudged in every court whatever to be good and complete bar in any action, suit, or proceeding brought or instituted for restitution of any loss, or payment of any debt, or for any damage or injury for which compensation hath been sought by any claim or claims. upon his majesty preferred to and registered by the mixed commission. § 3. Appointment of Commissioners.-It shall be lawful for his majesty, by any warrant under his royal sign manual, countersigned by one of his majesty's principal secretaries of state for the time being, to appoint competent persons as Commissioners of Deposit and Liquidation, and for carrying into effect the stipulations of the said convention; and such commissioners are authorized and empowered to examine and decide all cases of claims upon the govern ment of Spain duly registered by the mixed commission acting under the convention signed at Madrid on the 12th March, 1823, save and except the claims comprised in class (C), and to award and apportion such sums for the satisfaction of the same to the parties interested therein, according to such directions as shall be prescribed by his majesty's principal secretary of state as to the classes of claims, as they the said commissioners may think fit; provided that such sum do not exceed the rate of apportionment assigned to the class to which such claims respectively belong, being just and legitimate, and not within the exceptions herein before recited. § 4. Powers of Commissioners.—It shall be lawful for the said commissioners, or any two of them, to examine upon oath (which oath the said commissioners, or any two of them, are hereby authorized to administer, all persons, whether parties or witnesses, whom the said commissioners, or any two of them, shall think fit to examine, touching all such matters and things as shall appear to them to be necessary; and all such persons are hereby directed and required punctually to attend the said commissioners at such time and place as they or any two of them shall appoint. § 5. False Swearing.-In case any person or persons, upon examination upon oath before the said commissioners, or any two of them, shall wilfully and corruptly give false evidence, every such person so offending, and being thereof duly convicted, shall be declared to be subject and liable to such pains and penalties as by any law now in force in Great Britain persons convicted of wilful and corrupt perjury are subject and liable to. § 6. Books, Writings, &c. to be produced.-It shall be lawful for the said commissioners, and they or any two of them are authorized, to send their precept, under their hands and seals, for any person or persons whatsoever, and for such books, papers, writings, or records as they shall judge necessary for their information in the execution of the powers vested in the said commissioners by their said commission or by this act. § 7. Claims, how to be paid.-When and so soon as the said commissioners, or any two of them, shall at any time after the passing of this act adjudge or approve of the claim of any person or persons upon the government of Spain, whose claim has been registered as aforesaid to be good and valid in the whole or in part, and shall have ascertained the sum to which any such person is entitled, and shall have signed and sealed an award of the same, then the said commissioners shall present such award, so signed and sealed, to the board of Commissioners of Deposit and Liquidation, by whom, or by a majority of whom, an order for payment of such sum or sums so awarded shall be signed; and the said commissioners shall cause the same, with the award so signed and sealed, to be delivered to the person or persons respectively entitled thereto. § 8. Salaries of Officers, &c.-His majesty's principal secretary of state for foreign affairs shall assign such compensation to the said commissioners, and such salaries to the clerks and others engaged in the office of the said commissioners, as in his discretion he shall think fit; and such compensation and salaries, and all other expences attending the said office, and also the repayment of all sums advanced by the lords commissioners of his majesty's treasury in and for the payment of the salaries and expences of the commissioners appointed under the convention signed at Madrid on the 12th March, 1823, shall be liquidated by a per-centage upon the sums allotted to the four classes into which the said claims are divided, in such proportion and to such amount as his majesty's principal secretary of state for foreign affairs may or shall determine. § 9. 2 Case of Equality of Voles among Commissioners.—Should any difference of opinion arise between the said commissioners in the examination and adjudication of the claims, which difference, by reason of equality of votes, cannot be decided, then the case upon which such difference of opinion may arise shall be referred to the judgment and decision of some competent person, to be named and appointed by his majesty's principal secretary of state for foreign affairs; and the judgment and decision of such referee shall be final. § 10. ASSESSED TAXES COMPOSITIONS. CAP. 21.-An Act to continue compositions for the Assessed Taxes for a further term of one year. [14th May, 1829. The several duties now payable under all and every contract of composition for the duties of assessed taxes, by virtue of any acts in force at the time of passing this act, and all and every such contract and composition respectively (except in the cases hereinafter provided) are hereby continued to the same annual amounts as are now payable under such contracts and compositions, for the further period of one year from the 5th April, 1830; and all persons paying the said several duties of composition for the said further term of one year, by two equal half-yearly payments, on or before the 10th October, 1830, and on or before the 5th April 1831, respectively, shall have the full benefit of their respective contracts and compositions, to all intents as if the same had been originally made or entered into under the said acts. § 1. But this act shall not extend to any person who shall be desirous of determining his or her contract of composition on the 5th April, 1830, and who shall, on or before the 10th October, 1829, give notice in writing of such his desire to the assessor or collector of the parish or place, or to the surveyor acting for the district in which such composition shall be payable. § 2. All and every the powers and provisions contained in the 7 Geo. IV. c. 22. or any acts therein mentioned, shall be observed and executed by the several commissioners, surveyors, inspectors, collecters, and other officers acting in execution of the said acts, for charging, collecting, levying, enforcing payment, and paying and accounting for the said duties hereby made payable for the further term of one year. § 3. WESTERN AUSTRALIA, OR SWAN RIVER SETTLEMENT. CAP. 22.-An Act to provide, until the 31st December, 1834, for the government of his majesty's settlements in Western Australia, on the western coast of New Holland. [14th May, 1829. Whereas divers of his majesty's subjects have, by the licence of his majesty, effected a settlement upon certain wild and unoccupied lands on the western coast of New Holland and the islands adjacent, which settlements are known by the name of Western Australia; and it is necessary to make some temporary provision for the civil government of the said settlement, until the said undertaking shall be further matured, and the number of colonists increased; it is therefore enacted, That it shall be lawful for his majesty, with the advice of his privy council, to make, ordain, and (subject to such conditions and restrictions as shall seem meet) to authorize and empower any three or more persons resident and being within the said settlements to make, ordain, and establish all such laws, institutions, and ordinances, and to constitute such courts and officers, as may be necessary for the peace, order, and good government of his majesty's subjects and others within the said settlements; provided, that all such orders in council, and all laws and ordinances so to be made as aforesaid, shall be laid before both bouses of parliament as soon as conveniently may be after the making thereof respectively. But no part of the colonies of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land, as at present established, shall be comprised within the said new colony or settlements of Western Australia. § 1. This act shall continue in force until the 31st December, 1834, and thenceforward until the end of the then next session of parliament. § 2. SILK DUTIES. CAP. 23.-An Act to impose duties on the importation of silk and silk goods, and to allow drawbacks on the exportation thereof. [22d May, 1829. New Duties imposed. After the 5th of July next, all duties payable upon the importation of silk and silk goods under any acts now in force shall be repealed; and from and after the said 5th of July the several duties of customs set forth in the Table marked (A), shall be raised, levied, collected, and paid, iu like manner as if such duties had been imposed by the 6 Geo. IV. intituled An Act for granting duties of customs. § 1. Restrictions on Importation of Silk Manufactures.-It shall not be lawful to import into the United Kingdom any manufactures of silk in any ship or vessel which is not of the burthen of seventy tons or upwards, except as hereinafter provided; nor to import any such manufactures, being the manufactures of Europe, into any port, except into the port of London or into the port of Dublin direct from Bourdeaux, or into the port of Dover direct from Calais : and this restriction shall be enforced in like manner as if the same |