said acts or in any former act contained, nor any charter heretofore granted, nor any law, custom, or usage now or heretofore in force, shall extend to oblige any persons, or any body politic or corporate, to subject any empty cask or casks for packing of butter to be weighed and branded, in the manner therein mentioned, within any city or liberties thereof, town corporate, sea-port, place of export, or market town in Ireland; or to oblige any persons, or any body politic or corporate, to have any cask of butter brought to any of the weigh-houses aforesaid to be tasted, weighed, and proved by such weighmaster or weighmasters, taster or tasters, before the same are sold or exposed to sale in or exported from any such city or liberties, town corporate, sea-port, or place of export, or market towu; or to render any butter, not being merchantable, liable on that account to any forfeiture; or to subject any land-waiter or other revenue officer to any forfeiture or penalty for permitting any casks of butter to be laden on board of any ship, boat, or vessel, in order to be exported as merchandize, without having been previously weighed, brauded, and marked; or to oblige any persons selling or exposing to sale casks for packing of butter, or making up or packing any butter in any such casks, to observe the regulations in the said acts or any of them contained, respecting the materials of which or the manner in which such casks shall be made; or to oblige any persons buying or selling or exposing for sale any empty casks, or any butter in casks, to observe or comply with the regulations hereinbefore mentioned or referred to, or any of them. § 1. But nothing herein contained shall extend to abolish the office of any weighmaster or taster or deputy weighmaster or taster of butter, or to prevent any person offering any butter in casks, or any empty casks for the packing of butter, for sale in Ireland, or about 10 export any such butter or casks, from requiring any such weighmaster or taster to weigh, taste, and prove, inspect, mark, and brand, any cask of butter, or any empty cask for the packing of butter, in the manner by the said acts prescribed, and subject and according to and in pursuance of all and every the provisions, rules, and regulations in and by the said acts in that behalf contained and made. § 2. Compensation to Weighmasters.-And it shall be lawful for the commissioners of his majesty's treasury, or any three of them, from time to time to order and direct that an annual compensation may be made and paid, out of the consolidated fund, to weighmasters who may sustain any loss in the amount of their legal fees in consequence of the provisions of this act: provided, that no such compensation shall be made or paid to any person who shall have been appointed to be a weighmaster at any time after the 1st June, 1828, nor to any person being a weighmaster appointed before the said 1st June, 1828, except such person shall have been appointed to such office under the authority of some letters patent in force before the act of the fifty-second year of his late majesty's reign, or by virtue of some charter of a city or town corporate in which a weighmaster was in discharge of the duties of the office of weighmaster on the 1st January, 1812. § 3. Account of Fees. And every such account shall state the rate of each of the several fees received by such weighmaster, and for what purpose and under what authority such fees have been received, and any other matter and thing which the commissioners of the treasury may require to be informed of; and if the said commissioners shall be dissatisfied with any such account, or any article therein, or any deficiency in any such statement, or if any such information be withheld when required, it shall be lawful for the said commissioners to refuse to pay such compensation, until they shall be fully satisfied with respect to any such account, and every matter and thing therein contained. § 4. Compensation, how to be ascertained.-Every person who shall apply for such compensation shall lay before the commissioners of his majesty's treasury, within one month after the 1st January in each year after the passing of this act in which such compensation shall be claimed, an account of all legal fees actually received for the performance of the several duties appertaining to the said office. of weighmaster during the year ending on the 31st December then next preceding, verified on the oath of such person, or his deputy, made before any justice of the peace, or before any magistrate of the town or place in which such person shall have executed such office; and if in any such account the gross amount of such fees for such year shall appear to be less, in consequence of the provisions of this act, than the annual amount of legal fees received by such weighmaster on the average of three years preceding the 1st January, 1829, it shall be lawful for the commissioners of the treasury to order and direct that a sum equal to the amount of the deficiency below such average shall be paid to such weighmaster out of the consolidated fund. §5. An account of all compensations made under this act shall be laid before parliament by the commissioners of the treasury within fourteen days after the 25th March in each year, if parliament shall be then sitting; or otherwise, within fourteen days after the first meeting of parliament in every year after such 25th March. § 6. CHARITABLE LOAN SOCIETIES (Ireland). CAP. 42.-An Act to amend the 4 Geo. IV. c. 32. for the amendment of the laws respecting Charitable Loan Societies in Ireland. [19th June, 1829. This act recites that whereas by the 4 Geo. IV. c. 32. intituled An Act for the amendment of the laws respecting Charitable Loan Societies in Ireland, certain powers and authorities were given to treasurers, clerks, and officers of such societies; and it is expedient to amend the said act in such particulars; it therefore enacts, That in all cases of the death, resignation, or removal of any treasurer, clerk, or officer of any such society, any time before or after the passing of this act, who shall have been or shall be appointed under c. 41-43.] Charitable Loan Societies (Ireland). 75 the said recited act, all cash, funds, and securities belonging to any such society, which at the time of such death, resignation, or removal, shall have been or shall be in the hands, power, custody, or possession, or under the controul or command of any such treasurer, clerk, or officer so dying, resigning, or being removed, shall be vested, and shall be deemed to have actually vested, for the use of such society, in the person who shall have been or shall be placed in the room or appointed to the office of such treasurer, clerk, ör other officer; and that every treasurer, clerk, or other officer of any such society, from time to time, for the time being, shall have the same powers of suing for and recovering every sum of money, and of enforcing every security which were due or owing, or which were given to his predecessor, or to any person having previously held such office, as under the said recited act could be exercised or executed by the treasurer, clerk, or officer resigning, dying, or being removed, or to whom such money was due or owing, or such securities were given. § 1. And every treasurer, clerk, or officer of any such society, to whom any power of suing for or recovering any sum of money for the use of any such society is given by the said recited act or this act, shall cause every such sum of money so recovered to be levied and paid in like manner as any other sum of money recovered by any person may be levied and paid according to law. § 2. CUSTOMS. CAP. 43. An Act to amend the laws relating to the Customs. [19th June, 1829. Commencement of Act.-Whereas several acts were passed in the sixth year of his present majesty's reign, for consolidating the laws of the customs, and it is necessary to make certain alterations therein; it is therefore enacted, That from and after the 21st of June, 1829, the several enactments hereinafter contained shall come into full force and operation, for all the purposes mentioned therein. §.1. Customs' Management.—And whereas by the 6 Geo. IV. c. 106. intituled An Act for the management of the customs, it is enacted, that the district comprehending the city, suburbs, and liberties of Dublin and the port of Dublin, and the several creeks and members thereof, and all parishes, parts, and places of the city and county. of the city of Dublin and county of Dublin, and all the baronies, parts, and places of the same, shall be subject to the commissioners and assistant commissioners of customs in Ireland, in all matters relating to the collecting, managing, and levying all revenues of customs within the same; and that all complaints and informations for the recovery of any fine, penalty, or forfeiture, for any offence against any act in force in Ireland relating to the revenues, matters, and things under the management of the said commissioners and assistant commissioners, which shall be committed within the said district, shall be heard and determined by the said commissioners and assistant commissioners in Ireland, or any two or more of them: and whereas it is further enacted, that it shall be lawful for the said commissioners and assistant commissioners in Ireland, or any two or more of them, from time to time to appoint subordinate commissioners or sub-commissioners, in every district in Ireland (except in the district of Dublin), as they shall from time to time find necessary, to be approved of by the lord lieutenant, for the purpose of hearing and determining all complaints and informations for the recovery of any fine, penalty, or forfeiture imposed by any act in force in Ireland relating to the customs: and whereas by the 6 Geo. IV. c. 108. intituled An Act for the prevention of smuggling, it is provided, that all the powers vested in any justices of the peace by virtue of that act shall be vested in the commissioners or assistant commissioners of his majesty's customs in and for Ireland, or any two of them, and the subcommissioners lawfully appointed in Ireland to hear and determine complaints and informations for the recovery of any fine, penalty, or forfeiture, imposed by that or any other act relative to the revenue of customs, or any three or more of such sub-commissioners as far as regards any offences committed in Ireland against that or any other act relating to the revenue of customs: and whereas it is expedient to make other provisions for the recovery of such fines, penalties, and forfeitures; it is therefore enacted, That so much of the said two last-mentioned acts as is hereinbefore recited, and also much of the 6 Geo. IV. c. 117. intituled An Act to repeal the excise duties and drawbacks on flint glass in Great Britain, and to impose other duties and other drawbacks in lieu thereof, throughout the United Kingdom; and to continue the jurisdiction and powers for recovering penalties under customs and excise laws in Ireland, until further provision can be made, as relates to the jurisdiction and powers for recovering penalties under the customs laws in Ireland, shall be repealed, except as to any proceedings which at any time before the commencement of this act may have been instituted under the authority of the said acts. § 2. And all fines, penalties, or forfeitures, imposed by any act relating to the revenue of customs, or for the prevention of smuggling, now in force or hereafter to be made, for any offence which at any time after the commencement of this act shall be committed in Ireland, shall be sued for, prosecuted, and recovered, in the name of his majesty's attorney general for Ireland, or in the name of some officer of his majesty's customs, by action of debt, bill, plaint, or information, in the Court of Exchequer in Dublin, or by information before any two or more of his majesty's justices of the peace in Ireland; and all powers and provisions in the said recited acts or any of them, or in any other act relating to the recovery and application of any such fines, penalties, or forfeitures shall exteud, and shall be deemed, taken, and construed to extend, to the recovery of any fines, penalties, and forfeitures in the said Court of Exchequer, or before any justice of the peace, in pursuance of this act, and to the application thereof. § 3. Customs' Regulation.-And whereas by the 6 Geo. IV. c. 107. intituled An Act for the general regulation of the customs, it is enacted, that it shall be lawful to re-import into the United Kingdom, from any place, in a ship of any country, any goods (except as therein excepted) which shall have been legally exported, and to enter the same by bill of store'; and it is expedient to limit the time for entering such goods by bill of store; it is therefore enacted, That no entry by bill of store shall be received, unless the goods for which such entry is required shall be re-imported within six years from the date of their exportation; but such goods shall be deemed to be foreign goods, whether originally such or not, and shall also be deemed to be imported for the first time into the United Kingdom. §4. And so much of the said act as prohibits the importation of spirits in bottles into the United Kingdom, except in eases containing not less than three dozen reputed quart bottles, shall not extend or be deemed to extend to prohibit the importation of spirits in square-rigged vessels, provided such spirits are contained in glass bottles. § 5. And whereas by the laws now in force certain articles subject to an inland duty of excise are required to be stamped, to denote the payment of such duty; and, to prevent fraud in the evasion of such duty, it is expedient that foreign articles of a similar description, when imported, should be stamped with such mark or stamp as the commissioners of his majesty's customs may deem necessary, in order to distinguish the foreign from the British article; it is therefore enacted, That it shall be lawful for the commissioners of his majesty's customs, after any goods have been entered at the Custom House, and before the same shall be discharged by the officers, and delivered into the custody of the importer or his agent, to mark or stamp such goods in such manner and form as they may deem fit and proper for the security of the revenue, and by such officer as they shall direct and appoint for that purpose. § 6. Every order made by the said commissioners, in respect of marking or stamping any goods, shall be published in the London Gazette and Dublin Gazette. § 7. And if any person shall forge or counterfeit any mark or stamp which shall be provided and used for the purposes of this act, or shall forge or counterfeit the impression of any such mark or stamp, or shall sell or expose to sale, or have in his custody or possession, any goods with a counterfeit mark or stamp, knowing the same to be counterfeit, or shall use or affix any such mark or stamp to any other goods required to be stamped as aforesaid, other than that to which the same was originally affixed, every such offender, his aiders, abettors, and assistants, shall for every such offence forfeit the sum of 2007. § 8. So much of the 9 Geo. II. c. 37. intituled An Act for further encouraging and regulating the manufacture of British sail cloth, and for the more effectual securing the duties now payable on foreign |