during any portion of the time above prescribed, every such offender shall for every such offence forfeit any sum, not exceeding five pounds, as the said justices shall think meet. § 19. Provided always, that any rate for defraying the expences of the night watch or night police in any parish, township, precinct, or place, made previous to the day on which the police force shall undertake the charge thereof, shall be levied and collected in the same manner as if this act had not been passed: provided also, that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to affect or alter any powers or authorities for assessing and levying any rate in any such parish, township, precinct, or place, so far as such rate may relate to paving, lighting, cleansing, or any other object, except the night watch, night police, or any expences incident thereto. § 20. Provided also, that all moneys borrowed, and debts contracted for expences incurred relating to the night watch and night police in any parish, township, precinct, or place, of which the police to be appointed under this act shall undertake the charge, shall, notwithstanding any thing hereinbefore contained, be chargeable upon the rates out of which such moneys or debts have been heretofore in part paid, or would have been payable if this act had not been passed; and such rates shall be from time to time assessed and levied for the payment of such moneys and debts until the same shall be entirely discharged and satisfied. § 21. Watchboxes. The justices appointed under this act, subject to the approbation of one of his majesty's principal secretaries of state, may order such a number of watchboxes as they shall think fit to be placed or fixed in such parts of the highways in any of the parishes, townships, precincts, and places within the Metropolitan Police District, as they shall deem most convenient. § 22. Overseers of Poor to pay Police Rate.-As soon as the police to be appointed under this act shall take charge of any parish, township, precinct, or place (whether parochial or extra-parochial), it shall be lawful for the justices forthwith, and so from time to time, subject to the approbation of one of his majesty's principal secretaries of state, to issue a warrant under their hands to the overseers of the poor of every such parish, township, precinct, or place; by which warrant they shall command the said overseers, out of the money collected for the relief of the poor, to pay the amount mentioned in the warrant, or to levy such amount as a part of the rate for the relief of the poor, and that the overseers shall pay over the amount mentioned in the warrant to the receiver under this act, within forty days from the delivery of such warrant; provided always, that the sum to be paid shall not exceed in the whole in any one year the rate of eight-pence in the pound on the full and fair annual value of all property rateable for the relief of the poor within such parish, township, precinct, or place, such full and fair annual value to be computed according to the last valuation for the time being acted upon in assessing the county rate. § 23. Where any persons other than the overseers of the poor shall, by virtue of any office or appointment, be authorized and required to make and collect the rate for relief of the poor in any parish township, precinct, or place, such persons, by whatsoever title they may be called, shall be deemed to be overseers of the poor within the meaning of this act. § 24. Money to be paid out of the Poor's Rates.-And the overseers of the poor of every parish, township, precinct, or place, to whom any such warrant shall be issued, shall pay the amount mentioned in the warrant out of any money in their hands collected for the relief of the poor; and if there be no such money, or an insufficient sum, they shall levy the amount required as a part of the rate for the relief of the poor, and shall for that purpose proceed in the same manner, and have the same powers, remedies, and privileges as for levying money for the relief of the poor; and such overseers shall pay to the receiver the amount mentioned in the warrant within the time specified for that purpose, and at the time of making any payment shall deliver to him a note in writing signed by them, specifying the amount so paid, which note shall be kept by the receiver as a voucher for his receipt of that particular amount; and the receipt of the receiver, specifying the amount paid to him. by the overseers, shall be a sufficient discharge to the overseers for such amount, and shall be allowed as such in passing their accounts with their respective parishes, townships, precincts, or places. § 25. Overseers not paying Police Rate to be distrained upon.--In case the amount ordered by such warrant shall not be paid to the receiver within the time specified for that purpose, the justices under this act may issue their warrant for levying the amount, or so much thereof as may be in arrear, by distress and sale of the goods of all or any of the said overseers; and in case the goods shall not be sufficient to pay the same, the arrears thereof shall be added to the amount of the next levy which shall be directed to be made in such parish, township, precinct, or place, and shall be collected by the like methods. And the said justices, in case of any default or neglect of any overseer, or in any other case in which one of his majesty's principal secretaries of state shall so direct, may appoint two or more persons to act as overseers of the poor within any parish, township, precinct, or place, for levying the money for the purposes of the police under this act; and the persons so appointed shall proceed in the same manner, and shall have the same powers, remedies, and privileges, and shall be subject to the same regulations and penalties, with reference to the levying of such money, as if they had been appointed overseers of the poor by virtue of any law or laws now in force. § 26. Property occupied by Ambassadors. -Where any messuages, lands, tenements, or hereditaments shall be occupied by any ambassador, agent, or other publio minister of any foreign prince or state, or by the servant of any such ambassador, agent, or minister, or by any other person not liable to the payment of the poor's rate, all such money shall in such case be paid by and recoverable from the landlord or owner thereof, who shall for this purpose be deemed the occupier thereof, and shall be liable to all such proceedings for nonpayment of such money as any person is by law liable to for nonpayment of poor rate. §27. Justices &c. may inspect County Rates.-Any justice appointed under this act, or any person having an order under the hand of any such justice, may inspect any county rate made or to be made for any county, any part of which shall be situate within the Metropolitan Police District, and may also inspect any returns concerning any of the parishes, townships, precincts, and places (whether parochial or extra-parochial) in the said district, delivered or to be delivered in pursuance of any of the acts relating to county rates, and may take copies or extracts from any such rates or returns without payment of any fee or reward; and if any person having the custody of any such rate or return shall wilfully neglect or refuse to permit any such justice or other person to inspect the same, or to take copies or extracts from the same, within two days after such order shall have been produced and shewn to him, or a copy thereof left at his usual place of abode, he shall forfeit for every such offence such sum, not exceeding ten pounds, as the justices shall think meet. § 28. Accounts of moneys received and expended are to be annually laid before parliament. §.29. Levy of Police Rate where there is no Poor's Rate.-The respective inhabitants and occupiers of all messuages, lands, tenements, and hereditaments in any precinct or place (whether parochial or extra-parochial) in the metropolitan police district, although such messuages, lands, tenements, and hereditaments may not be rated to the relief of the poor, or may be deemed not to be rateable thereto, shall nevertheless be liable to contribute to the expences of the police under this act; and the justices may, by warrant under their hands, appoint a proper person to be an assessor, for the purpose of assessing the full and fair annual value of such property provided, that the sum to be levied as a police rate shall not exceed in the whole in any one year the rate of eight-pence in the pound on the full and fair annual value of such property. And such assessor shall, within forty days after the delivery of the warrant of his appointment, make, sign, and return to the said justices an assessment for the precinct or place named in such warrant; and the assessment shall be fairly written in a book, and shall specify, in different columus, the names of the respective inhabitants or occupiers, the full and fair annual value of the same, and the amount of police rate charged on the inhabitants or occupiers thereof, and when the premises shall be unoccupied, the full and fair annual value thereof to be let; and every such assessor shall be allowed for his trouble and expences such remuneration as one of his majesty's principal secretaries of state shall direct, and the same shall be paid out of the amount of the police rate which shall be collected after such assessment. § 30. When such assessment shall have been allowed by the justices, public notice of such assessment, and of the place where the same may be inspected, shall be given, by fixing such notice on the door of the church or chapel, or some other conspicuous part of the precinct or place to which such assessment shall relate, upon the Sunday next or next but one after the same shall have been so allowed. And any person in whose custody such assessment may be shall permit every inhabitant or occupier included in such assessment to inspect the same, and to make any extracts therefrom, without fee or reward; and if such person shall wilfully neglect or refuse to permit any such inhabitant or occupier to inspect such assessment, or to make any extract therefrom, he shall forfeit for every such offence such sum, not exceeding five pounds, as the justices shall think meet. § 31. Appointment of Assessor. The justices under this act shall nominate one or more person or persons for levying the amount of police rate charged in every such assessment, who shall proceed in the same manner, and shall have the same powers, remedies, and privileges, and shall be subject to the same regulations and penalties, with reference to the levying of such police rate, as if he or they were an overseer or overseers of the poor in a precinct or place rated to the relief of the poor, and shall pay over the amount of such police rate to the receiver, or in default thereof shall be proceeded against in the same manner as overseers are by this act to be proceeded against for nonpayment. § 32. Appeal against Assessment.-If any person, who shall have paid the amount of police rate, shall think himself aggrieved by such assessment, on the ground that such assessment includes any property for which he is not rateable, or that it assesses his rateable property beyond its full and fair annual value, or that any person is omitted out of such assessment, or that the property of any person is assessed below its full and fair annual value, the person so aggrieved may appeal to the next court of general or quarter sessions, not less than twenty-one days after public notice of such assessment shall have been given: provided, that the person so intending to appeal shall give to the receiver a notice in writing of such appeal, and of the cause and matter thereof, ten clear days before such sessions; and shall also, within three days after his notice of appeal, enter into a recognizance, with two sufficient sureties, conditioned to try such appeal, and to abide the order of the court thereupon, and to pay such costs as shall be awarded; and in case such person shall appeal on the ground that any person is omitted out of the assessment, or that the property of any person is assessed below its full and fair annual value, the party so appealing shall not only give such notice of appeal to the receiver, and enter into such recognizance as aforesaid, but shall also give a like notice to the person so interested in the event of such appeal, and shall enter into a like recognizance within the times hereinbefore respectively mentioned; and the person so interested shall (if he shall desire it) be heard upon the appeal. And the justices at such sessions, upon due proof of notice having been given, and of the recognizance having been entered into, shall hear and determine the matter of the appeal in a summary manner, and shall make such order therein, with or without costs, as they shall think proper; and in case the said justices shall think the appellant entitled to relief, they shall order the assessment to be amended in such manner as may be necessary for giving him relief, and shall also order any money paid by him which he was not liable to pay to be returned; and in case he shall have appealed on the ground that any person is omitted out of the assessment, the said justices may order the name of such person to be inserted in the assessment, and to be therein rated at such amount as they shall deem just; and in case the appellant shall have appealed on the ground that the property of any person is assessed below its full and fair annual value, the justices may order the amount at which such person is rated in the assessment to be altered in such manner as they shall deem just; and the determination of the justices at any such sessions or adjournment shall be final and conclusive. § 34. Other Places may be added to the Metropolitan Police District. -It shall be lawful for his majesty, by the advice of his privy council, to order that any parishes, townships, precincts, and places, whether parochial or extra-parochial, in the counties of Middlesex, Surrey, Hertford, Essex, and Kent, of which any part shall be situate within twelve miles of Charing Cross in the city of Westminster, shall be added to and form part of the Metropolitan Police District. § 34. Misnomers in describing any Place.-No misnomer or inaccurate description of any parish, township, precinct, or place mentioned in the schedule to this act, or in any order in council to be made as aforesaid, shall prevent or affect the execution of this act, but that this act and every part thereof shall apply and be enforced in every such parish, township, precinct, and place, as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes as if the same had been correctly named and described in such schedule or order in council, provided that the same be designated therein to common intent and understanding; and united parishes shall for all the purposes of this act be deemed to be included under and denoted by the word parish. §35. Offences punishable by Summary Conviction.-Where any person shall be charged, on the oath of a credible witness, with any offence punishable by summary conviction before any justice of the peace, the justice may summon the person charged to appear before any two justices of the peace, at a time and place to be named; and if the person shall not appear accordingly, then (upon proof of the due service of the summons, by delivering a copy thereof to such person, or by delivering a copy to the wife or servant or some inmate of the family of such person, at his usual place of abode) the justices may either proceed to hear and determine the case ex parte, or may issue their warrant for apprehending such person, and bringing him before them: provided, that the prosecution for any offence punishable upon summary conviction by |