T GIFFORD'S ACTS OF THE PRESENT REIGN. ACTS OF THE 1, 2, & 3 GEO. IV. (passed in 1820, 21, 22). The 4 GEO. IV. (1823). 3s. 6d. 5 GEO.IV. (1824). 4s. 6 GEO.IV. (1825). 5s. 7 GEO. IV. (1826). 4s. 6d. 7 & 8 GEO. IV. (1827). 9 GEO. IV. (1828). 5s. 10 GEO. IV. (1829). 4s. 6d. LANDLORD AND TENANT. Just published, price Six Shillings and Sixpence, boards, THE LAW OF LANDLORD AND TENANT; In which the whole of this useful subject is fully treated of, and the Statutes and BY JOHN WILLIAM PLOWDEN, Esq. BOOK I.-5 Chapters. CONTENTS: How a Tenancy is created, and of the Book II.-3 Chapters. How a Tenancy may be dissolved, and BOOK III-4 Chapters. The Liabilities and Obligations of Land. lord and Tenant. Book IV-6 Chapters. Of the Landlord's Remedies. BOOK V.-4 Chapters. To which is added an APPENDIX, containing the Modern Forms of Leases, Agree ments for Leases, Notices to Quit, Proceedings in Making a Distress, in Replevin, in Ejectment, &c. &c. London: Printed for A. WHELLIER, Mitre Court, Ely Place, Holborn. |