The public general acts of the 100 Geo. iv, by John Gifford1829 |
From inside the book
Page 3
... paid into Court 14. Naval Officers ' Widows Charity 15. Navy and Victualling Boards 16. East India Company's Writers 17. Island of Newfoundland , and its Fisheries Page 5 8 - 17 · 26 28 29 30 32 33 - 37 - 38 - 40 41 44 - 138 60 63 64 65 ...
... paid into Court 14. Naval Officers ' Widows Charity 15. Navy and Victualling Boards 16. East India Company's Writers 17. Island of Newfoundland , and its Fisheries Page 5 8 - 17 · 26 28 29 30 32 33 - 37 - 38 - 40 41 44 - 138 60 63 64 65 ...
Page 7
... paid , procured or solicited to be paid , against the true intent and meaning of this act , or the sum of ten pounds , at the election of his majesty's attorney - general for Ireland ; which said sum so forfeited shall be payable to and ...
... paid , procured or solicited to be paid , against the true intent and meaning of this act , or the sum of ten pounds , at the election of his majesty's attorney - general for Ireland ; which said sum so forfeited shall be payable to and ...
Page 8
Parliament acts Alexander Whellier. being treble the value of the sum so paid and contributed , or so compelled or procured or solicited by him to be paid or contributed , ( or , if the case be so , the sum of ten pounds , being the ...
Parliament acts Alexander Whellier. being treble the value of the sum so paid and contributed , or so compelled or procured or solicited by him to be paid or contributed , ( or , if the case be so , the sum of ten pounds , being the ...
Page 26
... paid to innkeepers and others on quartering soldiers . [ 13th April , 1829 . Allowance for Diet and Small Beer . - Every non - commissioned officer and private soldier who shall be furnished with diet and small beer , within those parts ...
... paid to innkeepers and others on quartering soldiers . [ 13th April , 1829 . Allowance for Diet and Small Beer . - Every non - commissioned officer and private soldier who shall be furnished with diet and small beer , within those parts ...
Page 27
... paid to the innholder on whom any of the horses belonging to his majesty's forces shall be quartered by virtue of the said act , for hay and straw , shall be ten - pence per diem for each horse . §3 . Soldiers on the March entitled to ...
... paid to the innholder on whom any of the horses belonging to his majesty's forces shall be quartered by virtue of the said act , for hay and straw , shall be ten - pence per diem for each horse . §3 . Soldiers on the March entitled to ...
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The Public General Acts of the 100 Geo. Iv, by John Gifford Parliament Acts No preview available - 2020 |
Common terms and phrases
affidavit aforesaid amount annual appointed arrested assistant barrister authorized Bank Annuities Bank of England bills calendar months cause certificate charges commissioners comptroller consolidated fund copy Court of Exchequer Court of Peculiars crown deemed defendant direct duly duties effects enacted entitled exceeding execution expedient expences fees freehold grant Greenwich Hospital hereby hereditaments hereinbefore intituled An Act Ireland justices land revenues lawful lease liable Long Annuities lord majesty majesty's treasury majesty's woods manner ment Metropolitan Police District national debt navy nominee oath offence officer paid Parish of St parliament parliament of Ireland party payable payment peace penalties pension person police pounds pounds Scots precinct purchase purpose receiver reduction regulations relating rent repealed respectively Roman Catholic rules Scotland session sheriff clerk sheriff court Silk sum of money summons therein thereof thereto transfer treasurer or trustee United Kingdom warrant whereas
Popular passages
Page 118 - for the time being, or his certain attorney; for which payment well and truly to be made we jointly and severally bind ourselves, and each of us by himself, our and each of our heirs, executors, and administrators, firmly by these presents, sealed with our seals. Dated the day
Page 76 - act shall be laid and tried in the county where the fact was committed, and shall be commenced within six calendar months after the fact committed ; and notice in writing of such action, and of the cause thereof, shall be given to the defendant one calendar mouth
Page 119 - be a governor or deputy governor of any of the plantations should be capable of being elected or of sitting or voting as a member of the House of Commons: and whereas doubts have been entertained how far the provisions of the said act extend to persons holding the office of
Page 133 - provided, that nothing in this act shall 'extend or be construed to extend to enable his majesty, his heirs or successors, to grant more than five acres in any one grant for any of the purposes aforesaid, or to grant any premises in any one instance which shall exceed in value the sum of one thousand p.ounds.
Page 68 - such justice, receiver, or person belonging to the police force shall offend therein, he shall forfeit the sum of one hundred pounds, to be recovered, by any perso,n who will sue for the same, by action of debt, to be commenced •within six calendar months after the commission of the offence; and one moiety of the sum
Page 76 - of the defendant; and if a verdict shall pass for the defendant, or the plaintiff shall become nonsuit, or discontinue any such action after issue joined, or if, upon demurrer or otherwise, judgment shall be given against the plaintiff, the defendant shall recover his full costs as between attorney and client; and though a verdict shall be given for the .plaintiff,
Page 116 - act shall be deemed a public act, and shall extend to Great Britain and Ireland and Berwick-upon-Tweed, and be judicially taken notice of as such by all judges, justices, and other persons whatsoever, without the same being
Page 147 - 12. An act to indemnify such persons, in the United Kingdom, as have omitted to qualify themselves for offices and employments, and for extending the time limited for those purposes respectively until the 25th March,
Page 75 - courts of record at Westminster; and no warrant of commitment shall be held void by reason of any defect therein, provided that it be therein alleged that the party has been convicted, and there be a good