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Folly, s. foolishness, weakness. Ill'ness, s. sickness.

Legislator, s. a lawgiver.

Republick, s. a commonwealth without a king.

Disrespect'ful, a. irreverent, uncivil.
Ac'ceptable, a. grateful, pleasing.
Profitable, a. gainful, useful.
Inevitably, ad. without possibilty of escape.
Forego', v. a. to give up.

Quarrel, v. a. to debate, to scuffle, to fight.
Am'ity, s. friendship.

Acco'st, v. a. to address, to salute.
Sol'ace, s. comfort, alleviation.
Enhance'ment,, s. augmentation of value.

Participa'tion, s. the act or state of partak-
ing or having part of something.
Enumerate, v. a. to number.
So'cial, a. familiar, fit for society.
Irreproach'able, a. free from blame.
Valuable, a. being of great price, worthy.
Ungov'ernable, a. not to be ruled, wild.
Fidelity, s, honesty, faithfulness.
Resentment, s. deep sense of injury.

Solicitous, a. anxious.

Reconcilia'tion, s. renewal of friendship.
Nec'essary, a. needful, not free.
Affability, s. civility.


Carve, v. a. to cut wood, meat, &c. Besprinkle, v. a. to sprinkle over.

Informa'tion, s. intelligence given." Until, ad. to the time that.

Presu'me, v. n. to suppose, to venture. Mortifica'tion, s. vexation, trouble. Prejudice, s. judgment formed beforehand without examination.

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Aston'ishment, s. confusion of mind.
Situation, s. position, state.
Rema'in, v. n. to continue.

Apprehen'sion, s. conception, fear.
Resu'me, v. a. to take or begin again.
Ex-tem'po-re, ad. without premeditation.
Subject, s. matter under consideration or

Cho'rus, s. verses of a song in which the
company join the singer.
Plain'tive, a. lamenting.

Literally, ad. in the letter or exact words. Ver'sify, v. a. to relate in verse, to make


Sad, a. sorrowful, bad, vexatious.


Land'lady, s. mistress of an inn.
Rec'ompense, s. equivalent, compensation.
Heir, s. a male that inherits by law.
Inca'pable, a. unable, unfit.

Mod'el, s. a copy to be imitated.
Perfection, s. state of being perfect.
Max'im, s. a general principle.


Pru'dence, s. wisdom applied to practice.

Gesture, s. aetion or posture expressive of Vivacity, s. liveliness, longevity.


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Celebrate, v. a, to praise.

Va'rious, a. different, changeable.

Contiguous, a. meeting so as to touch.
Inces'sant, a. continual.
Roy'al, a. belonging to a king.
Mag'nify, v. a. to make great.

Wretch, s, a miserable or worthless mortal.
Precipitately, ad. headlong, in blind hurry.
Insensibility, s. stupidity.
Charitable, a. kind, liberal.
Repa'y, v. a. to pay back in return.
Brand, v. a. to mark with a note of infamy.
Guest, s. one who is entertained.


Hos'pitable, a. kind to strangers. Association, s. union, confederacy.

Ac'cident, s. casualty, chance.
Searce, a. not plentiful, rare.

Wardrobe, s. clothes, a room where clothes are kept.

Wallet, s. a bag, knapsack.
Hid'eous, a. horrible, dreadful.

Discretion, s. prudence, knowledge to govern or direct one's self.

Sub'al-tern, a. inferiour, subordinate.
Instructer, s. a teacher.

Interview, s. sight of each other.
Superintend'ent, s. one who oversees.


Gov'er-ness, s. a tutoress, a directress
Solicita'tion, s. importunity.

Nup'tials, s. marriage or wedding.
Siege, s. act of besetting a fortified place.
Ob'stinacy, s. stubbornness.

Peas'ant, s. one whose business is rural labour.

Assault, s. attack, invasion, storm.
Assailant, s. he that attacks.
Carnage, s. slaughter, havock.
Resignation, s. a resigning, submission.

Hap'pen, v. n. to fall out by chance.
Serve, v. a. to supply with any thing, to

Pursu'ant, a. done in consequence.
Obscurity, s. unnoticed state, darkness.
Mean'ness, s. low rank, sordidness.
Pre-em'i-nence, s. superiority of excellence.
Reforma'tion, s. change from worse to bet-





Attain'able, a. that which may be obtained.
Lib'erally, ad bountifully.
Defrau'd, v. a. to rob by a trick.
Mor'sel, s. a small quantity.
Flat'terer, s. one who praises falsely.
Devou'rer, s. a consumer.

Embarrass, v. a. to perplex, to distres
Tease, y. a. to torment with importunity.
Clam'our, s. noise, outcry.

Thirst, s. want of drink, eagerness.
Yea, ad. yes.

Gran'deur, s. state, magnificence.

In'cident, s. an event, casualty.
Enco'mium, s. eulogy, praise.
Disci'ple, s. a scholar.

Fer'vent, a ardent, zealous."'

Rati'onal, a. wise, agreeable to reason

Ab'solute, a. complete, unconditional.

Infirmity, s. weakness, failing.
Compass, s. circle, space, due limits
Min'istry, s. ecclesiastical function.
Intemperance, s. excess.
Unadvi'sedly, ad. indiscreetly.
Compo'sure, s. calmness, form.
Meek'ness, s. gentleness, mildness.
Pa'tience, s. the power of suffering.

Ignomin'ious, a. mean, shameful.
Infe'riour, a. lower in place or value
Sublime, a. high in excellence.
Dig'nity, s. grandeur of mien.

Impressive, a. forcible, fixing deep.
Insidious, a. sly, circumventive.
Imperfect, a. not complete.
Comparison, s. estimate, simile.

Incipient, a. beginning, commencing.


Lincoln & Edmands, Boston, and Cushing & Jew ett, Baltimore, have recently published,

The PRONOUNCING TESTAMENT, in which the proper names, and numerous other words, are divided into syllables, and accented, agreeably to Walker's Dictionary and Key, and is happily adapted to the use of Schools.

This Testament is recommended by the Associated Instructers of the City of Bos ton, and by numerous instructers and other literary characters in different parts of the United States.

ALSO.........Published as above,

The PRONOUNSING ENGLISH READER, being Murray's Reader, accented, and divided into paragraphs, on a plan similar to this work. The Sequel will also soot be published with like improvements.

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