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ness of her heart appears in all her movements. Her name is Health: she is the daughter of Exercise and Temperance. Their sons inhabit the môûn'tains and the plain. They are brave, active, and lively, and partake of all the beauties and vir'tues of their sister.

2. Vigour strings their nerves, strength dwells in their bones, and labour is their delight all the day long. The employments of their father excite their appetites; and the rēpăsts' of their mother refresh them. To combat the passions is their delight; to conquer evil habits, their glory. Their pleasures àre moderate, and there'fore they endure: their repose is short, but sound and undisturbed. Their blood is pure; their minds are serene; and the physician does not find the way to their habitations.

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1. HAPPY is the man who has sown in his breast the seeds of charity and love! From the fôûn'tain of his heart rise rivers of goodness; and the streams overflow for the benefit of mankind. He assists the poor in their trouble; he rejoices in promoting the welfare of all men. He does not harshly censure his neighbour; he believes not the tales of envy and malevolence, nor repeats their slanders.

2. He forgives the injuries of men; he wipes them from his remembrance; revenge and malice have no place in his heart. For evil he returns not evil; he hates not even his enemies; but requites their injustice with friendly admonition. The griefs and anxieties of men excite his compassion; he endeavours to alleviate the weight of their misfortunes; and the pleasure of success rewards his labour.

3. He calms the fury, he heals the quarrels of angry men; and prevents the mis'chiefs of strife and animosity. He promotes in his neighbourhood peace and good will; and his name is repeated with praise and benedictions.




1. As the branches of a tree return their sap to the root, from whence it ărōşe; as a river pours its streams to the



sea, whence its spring was supplied; so the heart of grateful man delights in returning a benefit received. E acknowledges his obligation with cheerfulness; he looks his benefactor with love and esteem'. And if to return a f vour be not in his power, he cherishes the remembrance it through life.

2. The hand of the generous man is like the clouds heaven, which drop upon the earth, fruits, herbage,* a flowers: but the heart of the ungrateful is like a deşert sand, which swallows with greediness the showers that fa buries them in its bo'şóm, and produces nóthing.

3. The grateful mind envies not its benefactor, nor striv to conceal the bencit he has conferred. Though to oblige better than to be obliged; though the act of generos commands' admiration; yet the humility of gratitude tou es the heart, and is amiable in the sight of both God a

1. CHILD of mortality, whence comest thou? why is countenance sad, and why àre thine eyes red with weepin I have seen the rose in its beauty; it spread its leaves the morning sun. I returned: it was dying upon its stâ the grace of the form of it was gone: its loveliness was v ished away its leaves were scattered on the ground, and one gathered them again'.

2. A stately tree grew on the plain; its branches w covered with verdure ;† its boughs spread wide, and mad goodly shadow; the trunk was like a strong pillar: the r were like crooked fangs. I returned: the verduret was by the east wind; the branches were lopt away by the a the worm had made its way into the trunk, and the h thereof was decayed; it mouldered away, and fell to ground.

3. I have seen the insects sporting in the sunshine, darting along the streams; their wings glittered with and purple; their bodies shone like the green emer they were more numerous than I could count: their tions were quicker than my eye could glance. I return they were brushed into the pool; they were perishing

pike had seized them; there were none found of so great a multitude.

4. I have seen man in the pride of his strength: his cheeks glowed with beauty; his limbs were full of activity; he leaped; he walked; he ran; he rejoiced in that he was more excellent than those. I returned: he lay stiff and cold on the bare ground; his feet could no longer move, nor his hands stretch themselves out; his life was departed from him; and the breath out of his nostrils. There'fore do I because DEATH is in the world; the spoiler is among the works of God; all that is made must be destroy'ed; all that is born must die: let me ălōne, for I will weep yet longer.





1. I HAVE seen the flower withering on the stâlk, and its bright leaves spread on the ground. I looked again':-it sprung forth ǎfresh'; its stem was crowned with new buds, and its sweetness filled the air.

2. I have seen the sun set in the west, and the shades of night shut in the wide hō-rī'zon: there was no colour, nor shape, nor beauty, nor musick; gloom and darkness brooded ǎround'. I looked: the sun broke forth again' from the east, and gilded the môûn'tain tops; the lark rose. to meet him from her low nest, and the shades of darkness fled ǎway.

3. I have seen the insect, being come to its full size, languish, and refuse to eat it spun itself a tomb, and was shrouded in the silken cone: it lay without feet, or shape, or power to move.-I looked ǎăgain'; it had burst its tomb; it was full of life, and sailed on coloured wings through the soft air; it rejoiced in its new being.

4. This shall it be with thee, O man! and so shall thy life be renewed. Beauty shall spring up out of ashes, and life out of the dust. A little while shalt thou lie in the ground, as the seed lies in the bo'şóm of the earth: but thou shalt be raised ǎgain'; and thou shalt never die any more.

5. Who is he that comes, to burst open the prison doors of the tomb; to bid the dead ǎwake; and to gather his redeemed from the four winds of heaven? He descends on a fiery cloud; the sound of a trumpet goes before him; thousands of angels àre on his right hand.-It is Jesus, the Son of God;


the saviour of men; the friend of the good. He comes in t glory of his Father; he has received power from on hig 6. Mourn not, there'fore, child of immortality! for the spo er, the cruel spoiler, that laid waste the works of God, subdued. Jesus has conquered death:-child of immorta ty! mourn no longer.

1. THE rose is sweet, but it is surrounded with thorn the lily of the valley is fra'grant, but it springs up amón the brambles. The spring is pleasant, but it is soon pă the summer is bright, but the winter destroys' its beauty. The rainbow is very glorious, but it soon vanishes awa life is good, but it is quickly swallowed up in death.

2. There is a land, where the roses àre without thorn where the flowers are not mixed with brambles. In th land, there is e-ter'nal spring, and light without any clo The tree of life grows in the midst thereof; rivers of plea ure àre there, and flowers, that never fade. Myriads happy spirits are there, and surround the throne of God w a perpetual* hymn.

3. The angels with their golden harps sing praises c tinually, and the cherubim fly on wings of fire!This co try is heaven: it is the country of those that are good; a nóth'ing that is wicked must inhabit there. The toad m not spit its venom ămóngst turtle-doves; nor the poison henbane grow ǎmóngst sweet flowers. Neither must one that does ill, enter into that good land.

4. This earth is pleasant, for it is God's earth; and it filled with many delightful things. But that country is better: there we shall not grieve any more, nor be sick a more, nor do wrong any more; there the cold of win shall not wither us, nor the heats of summer scorch us. that country there are no wârs nor quârrels, but all dea love one another.

5. When our parents and friends die, and àre laid in cold ground, we see them here no more; but there we sh embrace them again', and live with them, and be separa no more. There we shall meet all good men, whom we re of in holy books. There we shall see Ã'bra-hăm, the cal

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