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to come between us and gain for us what we dare not ask for ourselves. No fallen creature can exercise such sympathy with us as Jesus exercises in our nature. Selfishness interferes with sympathy, but in Jesus there was no selfishness, no sin of any kind-he had the tenderest sympathies of human nature without the slightest mixture of the callousness occasioned by human sin. He is nearer, Oh! how much nearer, to our souls than his mother, than our own mother, or sister, or brother; and yet Popery instructs her votaries thus to pray:

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"Immaculate Mother of my Lord Jesus Christ! thrice powerful advocate of sinners! sweet consolatrix of the afflicted! I turn towards thee; I invoke thy Sacred Heart, and beseech thee to intercede with thy dear Son, in favour of poor sinners, and of the holy souls in purgatory. O compassionate Virgin! present to Jesus that Heart of thinethat Heart full of grace and mercy, and of the most incomprehensible love for us. Show him that Heart pierced in his passion, transfixed with a sword of anguish on Calvary, to the end, that, touched with compassion, he may convert us, and that, moved by thy solicitude for those that suffer in purgatory,

he may console and solace them, and deliver them from their pains, to introduce them into his glory. Appease his anger, so often provoked by my sins-draw upon me his divine mercy. Obtain of him the grace which I now ask with all the ardour of my soul-my own salvation and that of all mankind. Thou art all-powerful O holy Virgin! for nothing will be refused to thy prayers. Thy Divine Son will grant thee whatever thou demandest."*

Oh! the barbarities of this atrocious system! Truly this boasting Mother Church is a starving step-mother to her unfortunate children. Truly while she embraces a Christ carved in ivory, or wood, or stone, or bread, she denies that Christ is come in our flesh!

Thus the completeness of pardon, the assurance of faith, and the near and dear enjoyment of filial communion with God, are all excluded by this antichristian system. These are the very elements of sanctification. It is by pardon believed that commu

*So that the Jesuites doe thinke meete to salvation to mingle the mother's milke with the sone's blood: and they do appeale from the seate of God's justice, to the seate of Mary's mercy, whom they call the goddess and queen of heaven. So that Poperie is no more to be called Christianisme but Marianisme.-THE POPE'S LOOKING GLASS, p. 26.

nion is first enjoyed; and it is by communion enjoyed, that character, true Christian character, is progressively formed. This is the divine agency put forth in the gospel of Christ, for the subjugation of human passion, the control of human conduct, the elevation of human motives, the best happiness of the human heart; and what, then, can be expected, wherever the Papal system mars this lovely process, denying its very elements? O! what but unsubdued passions, uncontrolled conduct, baseness, and degradation, a woeful blank in the happiness of our race, a dismal eclipse of the soft radiance of Christianity, in the lurid, blood-stained horrors of Antichrist?

Here then, we have a remarkable coincidence, baffling the power of ingenuity, and so establishing the truth of our conclusion.

1. We have the predicted rise and progress of the antichristian apostasy verified in the HISTORY of the rise and progress of the Papacy.

2. And further, we have the predicted characteristics of that apostasy clearly delineated, line by line, in the FEATURES of the Papacy.

And thus, without risking a hasty conclu

sion, or asserting without sufficient proof, we declare our deliberate conviction that the Papal power in its history, its geography, and its characteristics, of false doctrine artfully cloaked, and immoral practice inevitably consequent, stands identified with the predicted Antichrist, that man of sin, the son of perdition: whom the Lord is consuming with the spirit of his mouth, and will destroy with the brightness of his coming.

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My brethren, let us unite our efforts, with fervent affection and untiring zeal, to spread far and wide the spirit of the Lord's mouth, the word of the Lord's truth, the gospel of the Lord's salvation. And to our Christian labours, let us unite our prayers, that by the merciful power of the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven, the word of the Lord may be rendered effectual, and the slaves of the great Antichristian tyrant emancipated by thousands, and graciously qualified to enjoy moral and spiritual liberty.

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