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Raamatud Books
" But he cometh to you with words set in delightful proportion, either accompanied with, or prepared for, the well-enchanting skill of music; and with a tale, forsooth, he cometh unto you, with a tale which holdeth children from play, and old men from the... "
Laconics; or, The best words of the best authors [ed. by J. Timbs]. 1st Amer. ed - Page 114
by Laconics - 1829
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The Works of the Honourable Sr. Philip Sidney, Kt. in Prose and Verse: I. A ...

Philip Sidney - 1724 - 270 lehte
...for the well-inchanting skill afmufak, and with a tale, forfootV;, C 3 he The Defenfe of Poefy. be cometh unto you with a tale, which holdeth children from play, and old men from the chimney-corner ; and> pretending no more, doth intend the winning of the mind from wickedneis to virtue...
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The Edinburgh Review: Or Critical Journal, 205. köide

1907 - 584 lehte
...gives us (to quote Sidney again) ' what' soever may make the too-loved earth more lovely.' . . . ' With ' a tale forsooth he cometh unto you, with a...holdeth ' children from play, and old men from the chimney-corner.' And that the tale so holds us is a fact that can never be explained. ABT. V.— COLONIAL...
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The Monthly Anthology, and Boston Review, 2. köide

Samuel Cooper Thacher, David Phineas Adams, William Emerson - 1805 - 694 lehte
...with or prepared for the well enchanting fkill of mufick : and with a tale, (forfooth) he cometh to you with a tale which holdeth children from play and old men from the chimney corner." EQUALITY. THÏ fimple word equality ha» performed wondrous miracles. ...It has always been a moft...
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Specimens of English Prose Writers: From the Earliest Times to the ..., 2. köide

George Burnett - 1807 - 970 lehte
...you may long to pass farther. He beginneth not with obscure definitions; which must blur the margent with interpretations, and load the memory with doubtfulness...proportion, either accompanied with, or prepared for, the well enchanting skill of music ; and with a tale, forsooth, he cometh unto you, with a tale which holdeth...
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Specimens of English Prose Writers: From the Earliest Times to the Close of ...

George Burnett - 1807 - 530 lehte
...you may long to pass farther. He beginneth not with obscure definitions; which must blur the margent with interpretations, and load the memory with doubtfulness; but he cometh to you with words set_ in delightful proportion, either accompanied with, or prepared for, . the well enchanting skill...
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Elegant Extracts, 1–2. köide

Vicesimus Knox - 1809 - 606 lehte
...not with obn scure definitions, but he cometh to you with words get in delightful pro-. " portion, , — he cometh unt* you with a tale, which holdcth " children from piny, and old men from the chimney...
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Specimens of English Prose Writers: From the Earliest Times to the Close of ...

George Burnett - 1813 - 524 lehte
...you ma^ long to pass farther. He beginneth not with obscure definitions; which must blur the margent with interpretations, and load the memory with doubtfulness...proportion, either accompanied with, or prepared for, the well enchanting skill of music ; and with a tal«, forsooth, he cometh unto you, with a tale which...
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Specimens of English Prose Writers: From the Earliest Times to the Close of ...

George Burnett - 1813 - 550 lehte
...you may long to pass farther. He beginneth not with obscure definition's; which must blur the margent with interpretations, and load the memory with doubtfulness...words set in delightful proportion, either accompanied \vith, or prepared for. the well enchanting skill of music ; and with a tale, forsooth, he cometh unto...
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The British Review, and London Critical Journal, 6. köide

1815 - 606 lehte
...Spenser and a Sydney. It might be said of it, in the language of the Arcadian, " Behold ! he coraeth to you with a tale which holdeth children from play, and old men from the chimney corner." Yet, after all, we cannot let Mr. Wordsworth escape from our hands without correction. His extreme...
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The Retrospective Review, 10. köide

1824 - 378 lehte
...you may long to pass further. He beginneth not with obscure definitions, which must blur the margent with interpretations, and load the memory with doubtfulness;...which holdeth children from play, and old men from the chimney-corner;* and pretending no more, doth intend the winning of the * We have here, undoubtedly,...
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